blob: 41d55f08de188e54389ab48ec2c50563e9367158 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/python3 -i
# Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Valve Corporation
# Copyright (c) 2015-2023 LunarG, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os,re,sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from generator import *
from collections import namedtuple
from common_codegen import *
funcptr_source_preamble = '''
#include "lvt_function_pointers.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#ifdef _WIN32
// Dynamic Loading:
typedef HMODULE dl_handle;
static dl_handle open_library(const char *lib_path) {
// Try loading the library the original way first.
dl_handle lib_handle = LoadLibrary(lib_path);
if (lib_handle == NULL && GetLastError() == ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND) {
// If that failed, then try loading it with broader search folders.
return lib_handle;
static char *open_library_error(const char *libPath) {
static char errorMsg[164];
(void)snprintf(errorMsg, 163, "Failed to open dynamic library \\\"%s\\\" with error %lu", libPath, GetLastError());
return errorMsg;
static void *get_proc_address(dl_handle library, const char *name) {
return (void *)GetProcAddress(library, name);
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
#include <dlfcn.h>
typedef void *dl_handle;
static inline dl_handle open_library(const char *libPath) {
// When loading the library, we use RTLD_LAZY so that not all symbols have to be
// resolved at this time (which improves performance). Note that if not all symbols
// can be resolved, this could cause crashes later. Use the LD_BIND_NOW environment
// variable to force all symbols to be resolved here.
return dlopen(libPath, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
static inline const char *open_library_error(const char *libPath) { return dlerror(); }
static inline void *get_proc_address(dl_handle library, const char *name) {
return dlsym(library, name);
#error Dynamic library functions must be defined for this OS.
namespace vk {
funcptr_header_preamble = '''
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
/* Windows-specific common code: */
// WinBase.h defines CreateSemaphore and synchapi.h defines CreateEvent
// undefine them to avoid conflicts with VkLayerDispatchTable struct members.
#ifdef CreateSemaphore
#undef CreateSemaphore
#ifdef CreateEvent
#undef CreateEvent
namespace vk {
# LvtFileOutputGeneratorOptions - subclass of GeneratorOptions.
class LvtFileOutputGeneratorOptions(GeneratorOptions):
def __init__(self,
conventions = None,
filename = None,
directory = '.',
genpath = None,
apiname = 'vulkan',
profile = None,
versions = '.*',
emitversions = '.*',
defaultExtensions = 'vulkan',
addExtensions = None,
removeExtensions = None,
emitExtensions = None,
emitSpirv = None,
sortProcedure = regSortFeatures,
genFuncPointers = True,
apicall = 'VKAPI_ATTR ',
apientry = 'VKAPI_CALL ',
apientryp = 'VKAPI_PTR *',
alignFuncParam = 48,
expandEnumerants = False,
lvt_file_type = ''):
conventions = conventions,
filename = filename,
directory = directory,
genpath = genpath,
apiname = apiname,
profile = profile,
versions = versions,
emitversions = emitversions,
defaultExtensions = defaultExtensions,
addExtensions = addExtensions,
removeExtensions = removeExtensions,
emitExtensions = emitExtensions,
emitSpirv = emitSpirv,
sortProcedure = sortProcedure)
self.genFuncPointers = genFuncPointers
self.apicall = apicall
self.apientry = apientry
self.apientryp = apientryp
self.alignFuncParam = alignFuncParam
self.lvt_file_type = lvt_file_type
# LvtFileOutputGenerator - subclass of OutputGenerator.
# Generates files needed by the layer validation tests
class LvtFileOutputGenerator(OutputGenerator):
"""Generate LVT support files based on XML element attributes"""
def __init__(self,
errFile = sys.stderr,
warnFile = sys.stderr,
diagFile = sys.stdout):
OutputGenerator.__init__(self, errFile, warnFile, diagFile)
# Internal state - accumulators for different inner block text
self.dispatch_list = [] # List of entries for dispatch list
# Called once at the beginning of each run
def beginFile(self, genOpts):
OutputGenerator.beginFile(self, genOpts)
# Initialize members that require the tree
self.handle_types = GetHandleTypes(self.registry.tree)
self.lvt_file_type = genOpts.lvt_file_type
if genOpts.lvt_file_type == 'function_pointer_header':
write("#pragma once", file=self.outFile)
# File Comment
file_comment = '// *** THIS FILE IS GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT ***\n'
file_comment += '// See for modifications\n'
write(file_comment, file=self.outFile)
# Copyright Notice
copyright = '/*\n'
copyright += ' * Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.\n'
copyright += ' * Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Valve Corporation\n'
copyright += ' * Copyright (c) 2015-2023 LunarG, Inc.\n'
copyright += ' *\n'
copyright += ' * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\n'
copyright += ' * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n'
copyright += ' * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n'
copyright += ' *\n'
copyright += ' *\n'
copyright += ' *\n'
copyright += ' * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n'
copyright += ' * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\n'
copyright += ' * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n'
copyright += ' * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n'
copyright += ' * limitations under the License.\n'
copyright += ' */\n'
write(copyright, file=self.outFile)
# Write completed source code to output file
def endFile(self):
dest_file = ''
dest_file += self.OutputDestFile()
# Remove blank lines at EOF
if dest_file.endswith('\n'):
dest_file = dest_file[:-1]
write(dest_file, file=self.outFile);
# Finish processing in superclass
# Processing at beginning of each feature or extension
def beginFeature(self, interface, emit):
OutputGenerator.beginFeature(self, interface, emit)
self.featureExtraProtect = GetFeatureProtect(interface)
# Process commands, adding to dispatch list
def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias):
OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias)
# Get first param type
params = cmdinfo.elem.findall('param')
info = self.getTypeNameTuple(params[0])
self.AddCommandToDispatchList(name, info[0], self.featureExtraProtect, cmdinfo)
# Determine if this API should be ignored or added to the funcptr list
def AddCommandToDispatchList(self, name, handle_type, protect, cmdinfo):
WSI_mandatory_extensions = [
if 'VK_VERSION' in self.featureName or self.featureName in WSI_mandatory_extensions:
self.dispatch_list.append((name, self.featureExtraProtect))
# Retrieve the type and name for a parameter
def getTypeNameTuple(self, param):
type = ''
name = ''
for elem in param:
if elem.tag == 'type':
type = noneStr(elem.text)
elif elem.tag == 'name':
name = noneStr(elem.text)
return (type, name)
# Create the test function pointer source and return it as a string
def GenerateFunctionPointerSource(self):
entries = []
table = funcptr_source_preamble
entries = self.dispatch_list
for item in entries:
# Remove 'vk' from proto name
base_name = item[0][2:]
if item[1] is not None:
table += '#ifdef %s\n' % item[1]
table += 'PFN_%s %s;\n' % (item[0], base_name)
if item[1] is not None:
table += '#endif // %s\n' % item[1]
table += '''
void InitDispatchTable() {
const char filename[] = "vulkan-1.dll";
auto lib_handle = open_library(filename);
const char filename[] = "libvulkan.dylib";
auto lib_handle = open_library(filename);
const char *filename = "";
auto lib_handle = open_library(filename);
if (!lib_handle) {
filename = "";
lib_handle = open_library(filename);
if (lib_handle == nullptr) {
printf("%s\\n", open_library_error(filename));
for item in entries:
# Remove 'vk' from proto name
base_name = item[0][2:]
if item[1] is not None:
table += '#ifdef %s\n' % item[1]
table += ' %s = reinterpret_cast<PFN_%s>(get_proc_address(lib_handle, "%s"));\n' % (base_name, item[0], item[0])
if item[1] is not None:
table += '#endif // %s\n' % item[1]
table += '}\n\n'
table += '} // namespace vk'
return table
# Create the test function pointer source and return it as a string
def GenerateFunctionPointerHeader(self):
entries = []
table = funcptr_header_preamble
entries = self.dispatch_list
for item in entries:
# Remove 'vk' from proto name
base_name = item[0][2:]
if item[1] is not None:
table += '#ifdef %s\n' % item[1]
table += 'extern PFN_%s %s;\n' % (item[0], base_name)
if item[1] is not None:
table += '#endif // %s\n' % item[1]
table += '\n'
table += 'void InitDispatchTable();\n\n'
table += '} // namespace vk'
return table
# Create a helper file and return it as a string
def OutputDestFile(self):
if self.lvt_file_type == 'function_pointer_header':
return self.GenerateFunctionPointerHeader()
elif self.lvt_file_type == 'function_pointer_source':
return self.GenerateFunctionPointerSource()
return 'Bad LVT File Generator Option %s' % self.lvt_file_type