blob: 190b8538a54cdbf29d2c1d88ee78903874038376 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2019-2021 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2019-2021 LunarG, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* John Zulauf <>
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "range_vector.h"
#include "subresource_adapter.h"
#include "vulkan/vulkan.h"
#include "vk_layer_logging.h"
// Forward declarations...
namespace image_layout_map {
const static VkImageLayout kInvalidLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_MAX_ENUM;
// Common types for this namespace
using IndexType = subresource_adapter::IndexType;
using IndexRange = sparse_container::range<IndexType>;
using Encoder = subresource_adapter::RangeEncoder;
using NoSplit = sparse_container::insert_range_no_split_bounds;
using RangeGenerator = subresource_adapter::RangeGenerator;
using SubresourceGenerator = subresource_adapter::SubresourceGenerator;
using WritePolicy = subresource_adapter::WritePolicy;
struct InitialLayoutState {
VkImageView image_view; // For relaxed matching rule evaluation, else VK_NULL_HANDLE
VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask; // For relaxed matching rules... else 0
LoggingLabel label;
InitialLayoutState(const CMD_BUFFER_STATE& cb_state_, const IMAGE_VIEW_STATE* view_state_);
InitialLayoutState() : image_view(VK_NULL_HANDLE), aspect_mask(0), label() {}
class ImageSubresourceLayoutMap {
typedef std::function<bool(const VkImageSubresource&, VkImageLayout, VkImageLayout)> Callback;
struct SubresourceLayout {
VkImageSubresource subresource;
VkImageLayout current_layout;
VkImageLayout initial_layout;
bool operator==(const SubresourceLayout& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const SubresourceLayout& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
SubresourceLayout(const VkImageSubresource& subresource_, VkImageLayout current_layout_, VkImageLayout initial_layout_)
: subresource(subresource_), current_layout(current_layout_), initial_layout(initial_layout_) {}
SubresourceLayout() = default;
struct LayoutEntry {
VkImageLayout initial_layout;
VkImageLayout current_layout;
InitialLayoutState* state;
LayoutEntry(VkImageLayout initial_ = kInvalidLayout, VkImageLayout current_ = kInvalidLayout,
InitialLayoutState* s = nullptr)
: initial_layout(initial_), current_layout(current_), state(s) {}
bool operator!=(const LayoutEntry& rhs) const {
return initial_layout != rhs.initial_layout || current_layout != rhs.current_layout || state != rhs.state;
bool CurrentWillChange(VkImageLayout new_layout) const {
return new_layout != kInvalidLayout && current_layout != new_layout;
bool Update(const LayoutEntry& src) {
bool updated_current = false;
// current_layout can be updated repeatedly.
if (CurrentWillChange(src.current_layout)) {
current_layout = src.current_layout;
updated_current = true;
// initial_layout and state cannot be updated once they have a valid value.
if (initial_layout == kInvalidLayout) {
initial_layout = src.initial_layout;
if (state == nullptr) {
state = src.state;
return updated_current;
// updater for splice()
struct Updater {
bool update(LayoutEntry& dst, const LayoutEntry& src) const { return dst.Update(src); }
layer_data::optional<LayoutEntry> insert(const LayoutEntry& src) const { return layer_data::optional<LayoutEntry>(layer_data::in_place, src); }
using RangeMap = subresource_adapter::BothRangeMap<LayoutEntry, 16>;
using LayoutMap = RangeMap;
using InitialLayoutStates = small_vector<InitialLayoutState, 2, uint32_t>;
class ConstIterator {
ConstIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
void IncrementInterval();
const SubresourceLayout* operator->() const { return &pos_; }
const SubresourceLayout& operator*() const { return pos_; }
ConstIterator() : range_gen_(), layouts_(nullptr), iter_(), skip_invalid_(false), always_get_initial_(false), pos_() {}
bool AtEnd() const { return pos_.subresource.aspectMask == 0; }
// Only for comparisons to end()
// Note: if a fully function == is needed, the AtEnd needs to be maintained, as end_iterator is a static.
bool operator==(const ConstIterator& other) const { return AtEnd() && other.AtEnd(); };
bool operator!=(const ConstIterator& other) const { return AtEnd() != other.AtEnd(); };
void Increment();
friend ImageSubresourceLayoutMap;
ConstIterator(const RangeMap& layouts, const Encoder& encoder, const VkImageSubresourceRange& subres, bool skip_invalid,
bool always_get_initial);
void UpdateRangeAndValue();
void ForceEndCondition() { pos_.subresource.aspectMask = 0; }
RangeGenerator range_gen_;
const RangeMap* layouts_;
RangeMap::const_iterator iter_;
bool skip_invalid_;
bool always_get_initial_;
SubresourceLayout pos_;
IndexType current_index_ = 0;
IndexType constant_value_bound_ = 0;
ConstIterator Find(const VkImageSubresourceRange& subres_range, bool skip_invalid = true,
bool always_get_initial = false) const {
if (InRange(subres_range)) {
return ConstIterator(layouts_, encoder_, subres_range, skip_invalid, always_get_initial);
return End();
// Begin is a find of the full range with the default skip/ always get parameters
ConstIterator Begin(bool always_get_initial = true) const;
inline ConstIterator begin() const { return Begin(); } // STL style, for range based loops and familiarity
const ConstIterator& End() const { return end_iterator; }
const ConstIterator& end() const { return End(); } // STL style, for range based loops and familiarity.
bool SetSubresourceRangeLayout(const CMD_BUFFER_STATE& cb_state, const VkImageSubresourceRange& range, VkImageLayout layout,
VkImageLayout expected_layout = kInvalidLayout);
void SetSubresourceRangeInitialLayout(const CMD_BUFFER_STATE& cb_state, const VkImageSubresourceRange& range,
VkImageLayout layout);
void SetSubresourceRangeInitialLayout(const CMD_BUFFER_STATE& cb_state, VkImageLayout layout,
const IMAGE_VIEW_STATE& view_state);
const LayoutEntry* GetSubresourceLayouts(const VkImageSubresource& subresource) const;
const InitialLayoutState* GetSubresourceInitialLayoutState(const IndexType index) const;
const InitialLayoutState* GetSubresourceInitialLayoutState(const VkImageSubresource& subresource) const;
bool UpdateFrom(const ImageSubresourceLayoutMap& from);
uintptr_t CompatibilityKey() const;
const LayoutMap& GetLayoutMap() const { return layouts_; }
ImageSubresourceLayoutMap(const IMAGE_STATE& image_state);
~ImageSubresourceLayoutMap() {}
const IMAGE_STATE* GetImageView() const { return &image_state_; };
// This looks a bit ponderous but kAspectCount is a compile time constant
VkImageSubresource Decode(IndexType index) const {
const auto subres = encoder_.Decode(index);
return encoder_.MakeVkSubresource(subres);
inline uint32_t LevelLimit(uint32_t level) const { return std::min(encoder_.Limits().mipLevel, level); }
inline uint32_t LayerLimit(uint32_t layer) const { return std::min(encoder_.Limits().arrayLayer, layer); }
bool InRange(const VkImageSubresource& subres) const { return encoder_.InRange(subres); }
bool InRange(const VkImageSubresourceRange& range) const { return encoder_.InRange(range); }
// This map *also* needs "write once" semantics
using InitialLayoutStateMap = subresource_adapter::BothRangeMap<InitialLayoutState*, 16>;
const IMAGE_STATE& image_state_;
const Encoder& encoder_;
LayoutMap layouts_;
InitialLayoutStates initial_layout_states_;
static const ConstIterator end_iterator; // Just to hold the end condition tombstone (aspectMask == 0)
} // namespace image_layout_map