scripts: Modify val stats script for helper fxns

`` could not handle the case when a validation
helper function's first parameter is a VUID string.

Change-Id: I54bde2ce7229bc8f05b1c1e05107de8579ab600e
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 45fbdbe..a043586 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -278,6 +278,8 @@
                         line = prepend[:-2] + line.lstrip().lstrip('"') # join lines skipping CR, whitespace and trailing/leading quote char
                         prepend = None
                     if any(prefix in line for prefix in vuid_prefixes):
+                        # Replace the '(' of lines containing validation helper functions with ' ' to make them easier to parse
+                        line = line.replace("(", " ")
                         line_list = line.split()
                         # A VUID string that has been broken by clang will start with a vuid prefix and end with -, and will be last in the list