tree: a3a8e19dce57b74bb228ba5ee3386d50e56b96c1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. gpu_as_inspection.comp
  2. gpu_pre_dispatch.comp
  3. gpu_pre_draw.vert
  4. gpu_shaders_constants.h

GPU Assisted Validation Shaders

This directory is for holding shaders that are used for GPU Assisted Validation. These are turned in SPIR-V when generating code with and turned into a header file in layers/generated.

To regenerate the validation shader, run the following:

# generate all the shaders with glslangValidator at external/glslang/build/install/bin/glslangValidator
python3 ./scripts/

# Using own glslangValidator executable
python3 ./scripts/ --glslang path/to/glslangValidator

# generate a single shader
python3 ./scripts/ --shader layers/gpu_shaders/gpu_pre_draw.vert

Adding a new shader

  1. Add the GLSL shader to this folder with the appropriate naming (consistent with the other files)
  2. Include the generated header file
    • example: #include "gpu_pre_draw_vert.h" for gpu_pre_draw.vert
  3. Add the new header file to