docs: update

Updating this file to include information currently in in the vulkan-sdk-packaging repository.
This enables us to keep validation layer documentation in this

Change-Id: I3b1bbaa0bbf5a13c9172a8bb96b54d50a70a80e9
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 7dcc90d..5bdc933 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -14,14 +14,67 @@
 The `VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation` layer supports the following validation areas:
-- Thread safety validation
-- Stateless parameter validation
-- Object lifetime validation
+- Thread safety validation 
+- Stateless parameter validation 
+- Object lifetime validation 
 - Core validation checks
 - GPU-Assisted validation
 - Best practices validation
 - Debug Printf functionality
 - Handle wrapping functionality
-Details for the functionality contained in each of these areas can be viewed in their respective validation detail documents, located in this directory.
+**See the** [Layers Overview and Configuration](./ **document for more information on how to configure Vulkan layers.**
+### <a name="validationfeatures"></a>VK\_EXT\_validation\_features
+The preferred method for an application to programmatically control validation layer features is through the `VK_EXT_validation_features` extension.
+Using `VK_EXT_validation_features` extension allows an application to enable or disable specific Khronos validation features.
+Note that this extension provides low-level control to an application, and that some combinations of enable/disable settings may produce undefined behavior.
+The `VK_EXT_validation_features` flags can be used to disable validation corresponding to the following deprecated layers:
+| Setting this `VK_EXT_validation_features` disable flag | Corresponds to not loading this deprecated layer |
+| -------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|
+**Refer to the Validation Features extension section of the Vulkan specification for details.
+## Layer Controls
+Most layers support one or both of the available methods for controlling layer behavior: through a layer settings file or an extension.
+The layer settings file allows a user to control various layer features and behaviors by providing easily modifiable settings.
+Various Vulkan extensions also provide layer controls:
+| Extension                 | Description                       | 
+| ------------------------ | ---------------------------- | 
+|  [VK_EXT_debug_utils](#debugutils)  | allows applications control and capture of expanded debug reporting information   | 
+|  [VK_EXT_validation_features](#validationfeatures)  | allows applications expanded control of various layer features      |  
+### <a name="debugutils"></a>VK\_EXT\_debug\_utils
+The preferred method for an app to control layer logging is via the `VK_EXT_debug_utils` extension.
+Using the `VK_EXT_debug_utils` extension allows an application to register multiple messengers with the layers.
+Each messenger can trigger a message callback when a log message occurs.
+Some messenger callbacks may log the information to a file, others may cause a debug break point or other-application defined behavior.
+An application can create a messenger even when no layers are enabled, but they will only be called for loader and, if implemented, driver events.
+Each message is identified by both a severity level and a message type.
+Severity levels indicate the severity of the message that should be logged including: error, warning, etc.
+Message types indicate the specific type of message including: validation, performance, etc.
+Some layers return a unique message ID string per message as well.
+Using the severity, type, and message ID, an application can easily filter the messages received by their messenger callback.
+#### Message Types As Reported By VK\_EXT\_debug\_utils flags:
+| Type     |    Debug Utils Severity          |    Debug Utils Type          |
+| ---------|----------------------------------|------------------------------|
+**Refer to the Validation Features section of the Vulkan Specification for details on this feature.