blob: d6334f009f997003d48734a441f29fa812db5031 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2015-2024 LunarG, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Google Inc.
* Modifications Copyright (C) 2020 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Modifications Copyright (C) 2022 RasterGrid Kft.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "utils/hash_vk_types.h"
#include "state_tracker/state_object.h"
#include "state_tracker/image_layout_map.h"
#include "state_tracker/pipeline_state.h"
#include "state_tracker/query_state.h"
#include "state_tracker/vertex_index_buffer_state.h"
#include "containers/qfo_transfer.h"
#include "containers/custom_containers.h"
#include "generated/dynamic_state_helper.h"
class CoreChecks;
class ValidationStateTracker;
namespace vvl {
class Bindable;
class Buffer;
class Framebuffer;
class RenderPass;
class VideoSession;
class VideoSessionParameters;
} // namespace vvl
// Only CoreChecks uses this, but the state tracker stores it.
constexpr static auto kInvalidLayout = image_layout_map::kInvalidLayout;
using ImageSubresourceLayoutMap = image_layout_map::ImageSubresourceLayoutMap;
struct EventInfo {
VkPipelineStageFlags2 src_stage_mask = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_NONE;
bool signal = false; // signal (SetEvent) or unsignal (ResetEvent)
using EventMap = vvl::unordered_map<VkEvent, EventInfo>;
enum class CbState {
New, // Newly created CB w/o any cmds
Recording, // BeginCB has been called on this CB
Recorded, // EndCB has been called on this CB
InvalidComplete, // had a complete recording, but was since invalidated
InvalidIncomplete, // fouled before recording was completed
enum class AttachmentSource {
Empty = 0,
Inheritance, // secondary command buffer VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo
struct AttachmentInfo {
enum class Type {
Empty = 0,
// Dynamic rendering split DepthStencil up
vvl::ImageView *image_view;
Type type;
AttachmentInfo() : image_view(nullptr), type(Type::Empty) {}
bool IsResolve() const { return type == Type::ColorResolve || type == Type::DepthResolve || type == Type::StencilResolve; }
bool IsInput() const { return type == Type::Input; }
std::string Describe(AttachmentSource source, uint32_t index) const;
struct SubpassInfo {
bool used;
VkImageUsageFlagBits usage;
VkImageLayout layout;
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask;
: used(false), usage(VkImageUsageFlagBits(0)), layout(VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED), aspectMask(VkImageAspectFlags(0)) {}
namespace vvl {
class Event : public StateObject {
Event(VkEvent handle, const VkEventCreateInfo *pCreateInfo);
VkEvent VkHandle() const { return handle_.Cast<VkEvent>(); }
const VkEventCreateFlags flags;
const bool metal_event_export;
int write_in_use = 0;
// Signaling state.
// Gets updated at queue submission granularity or when signaled from the host.
bool signaled = false;
// Source stage specified by the "set event" command.
// Gets updated at queue submission granularity.
VkPipelineStageFlags2 signal_src_stage_mask = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_NONE;
// Queue that signaled this event. It's null if event was signaled from the host.
VkQueue signaling_queue = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
// Track command pools and their command buffers
class CommandPool : public StateObject {
ValidationStateTracker &dev_data;
const VkCommandPoolCreateFlags createFlags;
const uint32_t queueFamilyIndex;
const VkQueueFlags queue_flags;
const bool unprotected; // can't be used for protected memory
// Cmd buffers allocated from this pool
vvl::unordered_map<VkCommandBuffer, CommandBuffer *> commandBuffers;
CommandPool(ValidationStateTracker &dev, VkCommandPool handle, const VkCommandPoolCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, VkQueueFlags flags);
virtual ~CommandPool() { Destroy(); }
VkCommandPool VkHandle() const { return handle_.Cast<VkCommandPool>(); }
void Allocate(const VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo *create_info, const VkCommandBuffer *command_buffers);
void Free(uint32_t count, const VkCommandBuffer *command_buffers);
void Reset();
void Destroy() override;
class CommandBuffer : public RefcountedStateObject {
using Func = vvl::Func;
struct LayoutState {
StateObject::IdType id;
std::shared_ptr<ImageSubresourceLayoutMap> map;
using ImageLayoutMap = vvl::unordered_map<VkImage, LayoutState>;
using AliasedLayoutMap = vvl::unordered_map<const GlobalImageLayoutRangeMap *, std::shared_ptr<ImageSubresourceLayoutMap>>;
VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo allocate_info;
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo beginInfo;
VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo inheritanceInfo;
// since command buffers can only be destroyed by their command pool, this does not need to be a shared_ptr
const vvl::CommandPool *command_pool;
ValidationStateTracker &dev_data;
bool unprotected; // can't be used for protected memory
bool hasRenderPassInstance;
bool suspendsRenderPassInstance;
bool resumesRenderPassInstance;
// Track if certain commands have been called at least once in lifetime of the command buffer
// primary command buffers values are set true if a secondary command buffer has a command
bool has_draw_cmd;
bool has_dispatch_cmd;
bool has_trace_rays_cmd;
bool has_build_as_cmd;
CbState state; // Track cmd buffer update state
uint64_t command_count; // Number of commands recorded. Currently only used with VK_KHR_performance_query
uint64_t submitCount; // Number of times CB has been submitted
typedef uint64_t ImageLayoutUpdateCount;
ImageLayoutUpdateCount image_layout_change_count; // The sequence number for changes to image layout (for cached validation)
// Track status of all vkCmdSet* calls, if 1, means it was set
struct DynamicStateStatus {
CBDynamicFlags cb; // for lifetime of CommandBuffer (invalidated if static pipeline is bound)
CBDynamicFlags pipeline; // for lifetime since last bound pipeline
CBDynamicFlags history; // for lifetime of CommandBuffer, regardless if invalidated, used for better error messages
// There is currently only a single non-graphics dynamic state, for now manage manually to save memory
bool rtx_stack_size_cb; // for lifetime of CommandBuffer
bool rtx_stack_size_pipeline; // for lifetime since last bound pipeline
} dynamic_state_status;
// used to mark which pipeline invalidated dynamic state so error message knows
// Note that index zero is not used due to the enum size being bitset friendly
VkPipeline invalidated_state_pipe[CB_DYNAMIC_STATE_STATUS_NUM];
std::string DescribeInvalidatedState(CBDynamicState dynamic_state) const;
// Return true if the corresponding vkCmdSet* call has occured in the command buffer.
// Used to know if the DynamicStateValue will be valid or not to read.
bool IsDynamicStateSet(CBDynamicState state) const { return dynamic_state_status.cb[state]; }
// These are values that are being set with vkCmdSet* tied to a command buffer
struct DynamicStateValue {
uint32_t write_mask_front;
uint32_t write_mask_back;
bool depth_write_enable;
bool depth_test_enable;
bool depth_bounds_test_enable;
bool stencil_test_enable;
VkStencilOp fail_op_front;
VkStencilOp pass_op_front;
VkStencilOp depth_fail_op_front;
VkStencilOp fail_op_back;
VkStencilOp pass_op_back;
VkStencilOp depth_fail_op_back;
VkCullModeFlags cull_mode;
VkPrimitiveTopology primitive_topology;
VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT sample_locations_info;
bool discard_rectangle_enable;
// maxDiscardRectangles is at max 8 on all known implementations currently
std::bitset<32> discard_rectangles;
VkPolygonMode polygon_mode;
VkSampleCountFlagBits rasterization_samples;
uint32_t rasterization_stream;
VkSampleCountFlagBits samples_mask_samples;
VkLineRasterizationModeKHR line_rasterization_mode;
bool stippled_line_enable;
bool coverage_to_color_enable;
uint32_t coverage_to_color_location;
VkCoverageModulationModeNV coverage_modulation_mode;
bool coverage_modulation_table_enable;
bool shading_rate_image_enable;
bool rasterizer_discard_enable;
bool depth_bias_enable = false;
bool alpha_to_coverage_enable;
bool logic_op_enable;
VkExtent2D fragment_size;
bool primitive_restart_enable;
uint32_t color_write_enable_attachment_count;
// maxColorAttachments is at max 8 on all known implementations currently
std::bitset<32> color_blend_enable_attachments; // VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_COLOR_BLEND_ENABLE_EXT
std::bitset<32> color_blend_enabled; // VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_COLOR_BLEND_ENABLE_EXT
std::bitset<32> color_blend_equation_attachments; // VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_COLOR_BLEND_EQUATION_EXT
std::bitset<32> color_write_mask_attachments; // VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_COLOR_WRITE_MASK_EXT
std::bitset<32> color_blend_advanced_attachments; // VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_COLOR_BLEND_ADVANCED_EXT
std::bitset<32> color_write_enabled; // VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE_EXT
std::vector<VkColorBlendEquationEXT> color_blend_equations; // VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_COLOR_BLEND_EQUATION_EXT
std::vector<VkColorComponentFlags> color_write_masks; // VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_COLOR_WRITE_MASK_EXT
std::vector<uint32_t> vertex_binding_descriptions_divisor;
std::vector<VkVertexInputAttributeDescription2EXT> vertex_attribute_descriptions;
VkConservativeRasterizationModeEXT conservative_rasterization_mode;
bool sample_locations_enable;
VkImageAspectFlags attachment_feedback_loop_enable;
std::vector<VkViewport> viewports;
uint32_t viewport_count;
uint32_t scissor_count;
std::vector<VkViewportWScalingNV> viewport_w_scalings;
uint32_t viewport_w_scaling_first;
uint32_t viewport_w_scaling_count;
bool viewport_w_scaling_enable;
uint32_t viewport_swizzle_count;
uint32_t shading_rate_palette_count;
uint32_t exclusive_scissor_enable_first;
uint32_t exclusive_scissor_enable_count;
std::vector<VkBool32> exclusive_scissor_enables;
uint32_t exclusive_scissor_first;
uint32_t exclusive_scissor_count;
std::vector<VkRect2D> exclusive_scissors;
// When the Command Buffer resets, the value most things in this struct don't matter because if they are read without
// setting the state, it will fail in ValidateDynamicStateIsSet() for us. Some values (ex. the bitset) are tracking in
// replacement for static_status/dynamic_status so this needs to reset along with those.
// The only time this is reset is when the command buffer is reset, and vkCmdBindPipeline for static state
void reset(CBDynamicFlags mask) {
// Mask tells which things to reset
color_write_enable_attachment_count = 0u;
// There are special because the Secondary CB Inheritance is tracking these defaults
viewport_count = 0u;
scissor_count = 0u;
} dynamic_state_value;
// Currently storing "lastBound" objects on per-CB basis
// long-term may want to create caches of "lastBound" states and could have
// each individual CMD_NODE referencing its own "lastBound" state
// Store last bound state for Gfx & Compute pipeline bind points
std::array<LastBound, BindPoint_Count> lastBound; // index is LvlBindPoint.
// Use the casting boilerplate from StateObject to implement the derived shared_from_this
std::shared_ptr<const CommandBuffer> shared_from_this() const { return SharedFromThisImpl(this); }
std::shared_ptr<CommandBuffer> shared_from_this() { return SharedFromThisImpl(this); }
// If VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor is enabled and VkCommandBufferInheritanceViewportScissorInfoNV::viewportScissor2D is
// true, then is the nonempty list of viewports passed in pViewportDepths. Otherwise, this is empty.
std::vector<VkViewport> inheritedViewportDepths;
// For each draw command D recorded to this command buffer, let
// * g_D be the graphics pipeline used
// * v_G be the viewportCount of g_D (0 if g_D disables rasterization or enables VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT)
// * s_G be the scissorCount of g_D (0 if g_D disables rasterization or enables VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT)
// Then this value is max(0, max(v_G for all D in cb), max(s_G for all D in cb))
uint32_t usedViewportScissorCount;
uint32_t pipelineStaticViewportCount; // v_G for currently-bound graphics pipeline.
uint32_t pipelineStaticScissorCount; // s_G for currently-bound graphics pipeline.
uint32_t viewportMask;
uint32_t viewportWithCountMask;
uint32_t scissorMask;
uint32_t scissorWithCountMask;
// Bits set when binding graphics pipeline defining corresponding static state, or executing any secondary command buffer.
// Bits unset by calling a corresponding vkCmdSet[State] cmd.
uint32_t trashedViewportMask;
uint32_t trashedScissorMask;
bool trashedViewportCount;
bool trashedScissorCount;
// True if any draw command recorded to this command buffer consumes dynamic viewport/scissor with count state.
bool usedDynamicViewportCount;
bool usedDynamicScissorCount;
// Track if any dynamic state is set that is static in the currently bound pipeline
bool dirtyStaticState;
uint32_t initial_device_mask;
// The RenderPass created from vkCmdBeginRenderPass or vkCmdBeginRendering
std::shared_ptr<vvl::RenderPass> activeRenderPass;
// Used for both type of renderPass
AttachmentSource attachment_source;
std::vector<AttachmentInfo> active_attachments;
vvl::unordered_set<uint32_t> active_color_attachments_index;
uint32_t active_render_pass_device_mask;
bool has_render_pass_striped;
uint32_t striped_count;
// only when not using dynamic rendering
vku::safe_VkRenderPassBeginInfo active_render_pass_begin_info;
std::vector<SubpassInfo> active_subpasses;
VkSubpassContents activeSubpassContents;
uint32_t GetActiveSubpass() const { return active_subpass_; }
void SetActiveSubpass(uint32_t subpass);
std::optional<VkSampleCountFlagBits> GetActiveSubpassRasterizationSampleCount() const { return active_subpass_sample_count_; }
void SetActiveSubpassRasterizationSampleCount(VkSampleCountFlagBits rasterization_sample_count) {
active_subpass_sample_count_ = rasterization_sample_count;
std::shared_ptr<vvl::Framebuffer> activeFramebuffer;
// Unified data structs to track objects bound to this command buffer as well as object
// dependencies that have been broken : either destroyed objects, or updated descriptor sets
vvl::unordered_set<std::shared_ptr<StateObject>> object_bindings;
vvl::unordered_map<VulkanTypedHandle, LogObjectList> broken_bindings;
QFOTransferBarrierSets<QFOBufferTransferBarrier> qfo_transfer_buffer_barriers;
QFOTransferBarrierSets<QFOImageTransferBarrier> qfo_transfer_image_barriers;
// VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering_local_read works like dynamic state, but lives for the rendering lifetime only
struct RenderingAttachment {
// VkRenderingAttachmentLocationInfoKHR
bool set_color_locations = false;
std::vector<uint32_t> color_locations;
// VkRenderingInputAttachmentIndexInfoKHR
bool set_color_indexes = false;
std::vector<uint32_t> color_indexes;
const uint32_t *depth_index = nullptr;
const uint32_t *stencil_index = nullptr;
void Reset() {
depth_index = nullptr;
stencil_index = nullptr;
} rendering_attachments;
vvl::unordered_set<VkEvent> waitedEvents;
std::vector<VkEvent> writeEventsBeforeWait;
std::vector<VkEvent> events;
vvl::unordered_set<QueryObject> activeQueries;
vvl::unordered_set<QueryObject> startedQueries;
vvl::unordered_set<QueryObject> updatedQueries;
vvl::unordered_set<QueryObject> renderPassQueries;
ImageLayoutMap image_layout_map;
AliasedLayoutMap aliased_image_layout_map; // storage for potentially aliased images
vvl::unordered_map<uint32_t, vvl::VertexBufferBinding> current_vertex_buffer_binding_info;
vvl::IndexBufferBinding index_buffer_binding;
VkCommandBuffer primaryCommandBuffer;
// If primary, the secondary command buffers we will call.
vvl::unordered_set<CommandBuffer *> linkedCommandBuffers;
// Validation functions run at primary CB queue submit time
using QueueCallback = std::function<bool(const ValidationStateTracker &device_data, const class vvl::Queue &queue_state,
const CommandBuffer &cb_state)>;
std::vector<QueueCallback> queue_submit_functions;
// Used by some layers to defer actions until vkCmdEndRenderPass time.
// Layers using this are responsible for inserting the callbacks into queue_submit_functions.
std::vector<QueueCallback> queue_submit_functions_after_render_pass;
// Validation functions run when secondary CB is executed in primary
std::vector<std::function<bool(const CommandBuffer &secondary, const CommandBuffer *primary, const vvl::Framebuffer *)>>
using EventCallback = std::function<bool(CommandBuffer &cb_state, bool do_validate, EventMap &local_event_signal_info,
VkQueue waiting_queue, const Location &loc)>;
std::vector<EventCallback> eventUpdates;
std::vector<std::function<bool(CommandBuffer &cb_state, bool do_validate, VkQueryPool &firstPerfQueryPool,
uint32_t perfQueryPass, QueryMap *localQueryToStateMap)>>
bool performance_lock_acquired = false;
bool performance_lock_released = false;
// Cache of current insert label...
LoggingLabel debug_label;
struct PushConstantData {
VkPipelineLayout layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkShaderStageFlags stage_flags = 0;
uint32_t offset = 0;
std::vector<std::byte> values{};
std::vector<PushConstantData> push_constant_data_chunks;
PushConstantRangesId push_constant_ranges_layout;
// Video coding related state tracking
std::shared_ptr<vvl::VideoSession> bound_video_session;
std::shared_ptr<vvl::VideoSessionParameters> bound_video_session_parameters;
BoundVideoPictureResources bound_video_picture_resources;
VideoEncodeRateControlState video_encode_rate_control_state{};
std::optional<uint32_t> video_encode_quality_level{};
VideoSessionUpdateMap video_session_updates;
// VK_EXT_nested_command_buffer
uint32_t nesting_level;
bool transform_feedback_active{false};
uint32_t transform_feedback_buffers_bound;
bool conditional_rendering_active{false};
bool conditional_rendering_inside_render_pass{false};
uint32_t conditional_rendering_subpass{0};
std::vector<VkDescriptorBufferBindingInfoEXT> descriptor_buffer_binding_info;
mutable std::shared_mutex lock;
ReadLockGuard ReadLock() const { return ReadLockGuard(lock); }
WriteLockGuard WriteLock() { return WriteLockGuard(lock); }
CommandBuffer(ValidationStateTracker &dev, VkCommandBuffer handle, const VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo *pAllocateInfo,
const vvl::CommandPool *cmd_pool);
virtual ~CommandBuffer() { Destroy(); }
void Destroy() override;
VkCommandBuffer VkHandle() const { return handle_.Cast<VkCommandBuffer>(); }
vvl::ImageView *GetActiveAttachmentImageViewState(uint32_t index);
const vvl::ImageView *GetActiveAttachmentImageViewState(uint32_t index) const;
void AddChild(std::shared_ptr<StateObject> &state_object);
template <typename T>
void AddChild(std::shared_ptr<T> &child_node) {
auto base = std::static_pointer_cast<StateObject>(child_node);
void RemoveChild(std::shared_ptr<StateObject> &state_object);
template <typename T>
void RemoveChild(std::shared_ptr<T> &child_node) {
auto base = std::static_pointer_cast<StateObject>(child_node);
virtual void Reset();
void IncrementResources();
void ResetPushConstantRangesLayoutIfIncompatible(const vvl::PipelineLayout &pipeline_layout_state);
std::shared_ptr<const ImageSubresourceLayoutMap> GetImageSubresourceLayoutMap(VkImage image) const;
std::shared_ptr<ImageSubresourceLayoutMap> GetImageSubresourceLayoutMap(const vvl::Image &image_state);
const ImageLayoutMap &GetImageSubresourceLayoutMap() const;
const QFOTransferBarrierSets<QFOImageTransferBarrier> &GetQFOBarrierSets(const QFOImageTransferBarrier &type_tag) const {
return qfo_transfer_image_barriers;
const QFOTransferBarrierSets<QFOBufferTransferBarrier> &GetQFOBarrierSets(const QFOBufferTransferBarrier &type_tag) const {
return qfo_transfer_buffer_barriers;
// Used to get error message objects, but overloads depending on what information is known
LogObjectList GetObjectList(VkShaderStageFlagBits stage) const;
LogObjectList GetObjectList(VkPipelineBindPoint pipeline_bind_point) const;
vvl::Pipeline *GetCurrentPipeline(VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint) const;
void GetCurrentPipelineAndDesriptorSets(VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint, const vvl::Pipeline **rtn_pipe,
const std::vector<LastBound::PER_SET> **rtn_sets) const;
VkQueueFlags GetQueueFlags() const { return command_pool->queue_flags; }
template <typename Barrier>
inline bool IsReleaseOp(const Barrier &barrier) const {
return (IsTransferOp(barrier)) && (command_pool->queueFamilyIndex == barrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex);
template <typename Barrier>
inline bool IsAcquireOp(const Barrier &barrier) const {
return (IsTransferOp(barrier)) && (command_pool->queueFamilyIndex == barrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex);
void Begin(const VkCommandBufferBeginInfo *pBeginInfo);
void End(VkResult result);
void BeginQuery(const QueryObject &query_obj);
void EndQuery(const QueryObject &query_obj);
void EndQueries(VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount);
void ResetQueryPool(VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount);
bool UpdatesQuery(const QueryObject &query_obj) const;
void BeginRenderPass(Func command, const VkRenderPassBeginInfo *pRenderPassBegin, VkSubpassContents contents);
void NextSubpass(Func command, VkSubpassContents contents);
void UpdateSubpassAttachments();
void EndRenderPass(Func command);
void BeginRendering(Func command, const VkRenderingInfo *pRenderingInfo);
void EndRendering(Func command);
void BeginVideoCoding(const VkVideoBeginCodingInfoKHR *pBeginInfo);
void EndVideoCoding(const VkVideoEndCodingInfoKHR *pEndCodingInfo);
void ControlVideoCoding(const VkVideoCodingControlInfoKHR *pControlInfo);
void DecodeVideo(const VkVideoDecodeInfoKHR *pDecodeInfo);
void EncodeVideo(const VkVideoEncodeInfoKHR *pEncodeInfo);
void ExecuteCommands(vvl::span<const VkCommandBuffer> secondary_command_buffers);
void UpdateLastBoundDescriptorSets(VkPipelineBindPoint pipeline_bind_point, const vvl::PipelineLayout &pipeline_layout,
uint32_t first_set, uint32_t set_count, const VkDescriptorSet *pDescriptorSets,
std::shared_ptr<vvl::DescriptorSet> &push_descriptor_set, uint32_t dynamic_offset_count,
const uint32_t *p_dynamic_offsets);
void UpdateLastBoundDescriptorBuffers(VkPipelineBindPoint pipeline_bind_point, const vvl::PipelineLayout &pipeline_layout,
uint32_t first_set, uint32_t set_count, const uint32_t *buffer_indicies,
const VkDeviceSize *buffer_offsets);
void PushDescriptorSetState(VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint, const vvl::PipelineLayout &pipeline_layout, uint32_t set,
uint32_t descriptorWriteCount, const VkWriteDescriptorSet *pDescriptorWrites);
void UpdateDrawCmd(Func command);
void UpdateDispatchCmd(Func command);
void UpdateTraceRayCmd(Func command);
void UpdatePipelineState(Func command, const VkPipelineBindPoint bind_point);
virtual void RecordCmd(Func command);
void RecordStateCmd(Func command, CBDynamicState dynamic_state);
void RecordDynamicState(CBDynamicState dynamic_state);
void RecordTransferCmd(Func command, std::shared_ptr<Bindable> &&buf1, std::shared_ptr<Bindable> &&buf2 = nullptr);
void RecordSetEvent(Func command, VkEvent event, VkPipelineStageFlags2KHR stageMask);
void RecordResetEvent(Func command, VkEvent event, VkPipelineStageFlags2KHR stageMask);
virtual void RecordWaitEvents(Func command, uint32_t eventCount, const VkEvent *pEvents,
VkPipelineStageFlags2KHR src_stage_mask);
void RecordWriteTimestamp(Func command, VkPipelineStageFlags2KHR pipelineStage, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t slot);
void RecordBarriers(uint32_t memoryBarrierCount, const VkMemoryBarrier *pMemoryBarriers, uint32_t bufferMemoryBarrierCount,
const VkBufferMemoryBarrier *pBufferMemoryBarriers, uint32_t imageMemoryBarrierCount,
const VkImageMemoryBarrier *pImageMemoryBarriers);
void RecordBarriers(const VkDependencyInfoKHR &dep_info);
void SetImageViewLayout(const vvl::ImageView &view_state, VkImageLayout layout, VkImageLayout layoutStencil);
void SetImageViewInitialLayout(const vvl::ImageView &view_state, VkImageLayout layout);
void SetImageLayout(const vvl::Image &image_state, const VkImageSubresourceRange &image_subresource_range, VkImageLayout layout,
VkImageLayout expected_layout = kInvalidLayout);
void SetImageLayout(const vvl::Image &image_state, const VkImageSubresourceLayers &image_subresource_layers,
VkImageLayout layout);
void SetImageInitialLayout(VkImage image, const VkImageSubresourceRange &range, VkImageLayout layout);
void SetImageInitialLayout(const vvl::Image &image_state, const VkImageSubresourceRange &range, VkImageLayout layout);
void SetImageInitialLayout(const vvl::Image &image_state, const VkImageSubresourceLayers &layers, VkImageLayout layout);
void Submit(VkQueue queue, uint32_t perf_submit_pass, const Location &loc);
void Retire(uint32_t perf_submit_pass, const std::function<bool(const QueryObject &)> &is_query_updated_after);
uint32_t GetDynamicColorAttachmentCount() const;
uint32_t GetDynamicColorAttachmentImageIndex(uint32_t index) const { return index; }
uint32_t GetDynamicColorResolveAttachmentImageIndex(uint32_t index) const { return index + GetDynamicColorAttachmentCount(); }
uint32_t GetDynamicDepthAttachmentImageIndex() const { return 2 * GetDynamicColorAttachmentCount(); }
uint32_t GetDynamicDepthResolveAttachmentImageIndex() const { return 2 * GetDynamicColorAttachmentCount() + 1; }
uint32_t GetDynamicStencilAttachmentImageIndex() const { return 2 * GetDynamicColorAttachmentCount() + 2; }
uint32_t GetDynamicStencilResolveAttachmentImageIndex() const { return 2 * GetDynamicColorAttachmentCount() + 3; }
bool HasValidDynamicDepthAttachment() const;
bool HasValidDynamicStencilAttachment() const;
bool HasExternalFormatResolveAttachment() const;
inline void BindPipeline(LvlBindPoint bind_point, vvl::Pipeline *pipe_state) {
lastBound[bind_point].pipeline_state = pipe_state;
void BindShader(VkShaderStageFlagBits shader_stage, vvl::ShaderObject *shader_object_state);
bool IsPrimary() const { return allocate_info.level == VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY; }
bool IsSeconary() const { return allocate_info.level == VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_SECONDARY; }
void BeginLabel(const char *label_name);
void EndLabel();
int LabelStackDepth() const { return label_stack_depth_; }
struct LabelCommand {
bool begin = false; // vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT or vkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT
std::string label_name; // used when begin == true
const std::vector<LabelCommand> &GetLabelCommands() const { return label_commands_; }
// Applies label commands to the label_stack: for "begin label" command it pushes
// a label on the stack, and for the "end label" command it removes the top label.
static void ReplayLabelCommands(const vvl::span<const LabelCommand> &label_commands, std::vector<std::string> &label_stack);
// Computes debug region by replaying given commands on top initial label stack.
static std::string GetDebugRegionName(const std::vector<LabelCommand> &label_commands, uint32_t label_command_index,
const std::vector<std::string> &initial_label_stack = {});
void ResetCBState();
// Keep track of how many CmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT calls have been made without a matching CmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT.
// Negative value for a secondary command buffer indicates invalid state.
// Negative value for a primary command buffer is allowed. Validation is done at submit time accross all command buffers.
int label_stack_depth_ = 0;
// Used during sumbit time validation.
std::vector<LabelCommand> label_commands_;
uint32_t active_subpass_;
// Stores rasterization samples count obtained from the first pipeline with a pMultisampleState in the active subpass,
// or std::nullopt
std::optional<VkSampleCountFlagBits> active_subpass_sample_count_;
void NotifyInvalidate(const StateObject::NodeList &invalid_nodes, bool unlink) override;
void UpdateAttachmentsView(const VkRenderPassBeginInfo *pRenderPassBegin);
void EnqueueUpdateVideoInlineQueries(const VkVideoInlineQueryInfoKHR &query_info);
void UnbindResources();
// specializations for barriers that cannot do queue family ownership transfers
template <>
inline bool CommandBuffer::IsReleaseOp(const sync_utils::MemoryBarrier &barrier) const {
return false;
template <>
inline bool CommandBuffer::IsReleaseOp(const VkMemoryBarrier &barrier) const {
return false;
template <>
inline bool CommandBuffer::IsReleaseOp(const VkMemoryBarrier2KHR &barrier) const {
return false;
template <>
inline bool CommandBuffer::IsAcquireOp(const sync_utils::MemoryBarrier &barrier) const {
return false;
template <>
inline bool CommandBuffer::IsAcquireOp(const VkMemoryBarrier &barrier) const {
return false;
template <>
inline bool CommandBuffer::IsAcquireOp(const VkMemoryBarrier2KHR &barrier) const {
return false;
} // namespace vvl