blob: 8928e67a1fa73886212f964c0bdf326c21b51e44 [file] [log] [blame]
# Be sure to run "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned" before running powershell scripts
# Use TestExceptions to filter out tests with known problems, separated by a colon
# i.e. run_all_tests.ps1 -TestExceptions VkLayerTest.RequiredParameter:VkLayerTest.UnrecognizedValue
# To trigger Debug tests, specify the parameter with a hyphen
# i.e run_all_tests.ps1 -Debug
if ($Debug) {
$dPath = "Debug"
} else {
$dPath = "Release"
$AboveDir = (Get-Item -Path ".." -Verbose).FullName
Write-Host "Using Vulkan run-time=$AboveDir\loader\$dPath"
Set-Item -path env:Path -value ("$AboveDir\loader\$dPath;" + $env:Path)
Write-Host "Using VK_LAYER_PATH=$AboveDir\layers\$dPath"
$env:VK_LAYER_PATH = "$AboveDir\layers\$dPath"
& $dPath\vk_layer_validation_tests --gtest_filter=-$TestExceptions
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
exit 1
& .\vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1
exit $lastexitcode