blob: 623fdf69aabda3e0196ab91781be3eff16306d97 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2015-2023 LunarG, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Google, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
#pragma once
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include <vulkan/layer/vk_layer_settings_ext.h>
#include "../layers/vk_lunarg_device_profile_api_layer.h"
#include <android/log.h>
#include <android_native_app_glue.h>
#include <vulkan/utility/vk_format_utils.h>
#include <vulkan/utility/vk_struct_helper.hpp>
#include "test_common.h"
#include "containers/custom_containers.h"
#include "generated/vk_extension_helper.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "utils/convert_utils.h"
#include "shader_templates.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <condition_variable>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
// MSVC and GCC define __SANITIZE_ADDRESS__ when compiling with address sanitization
// However, clang doesn't. Instead you have to use __has_feature to check.
#if defined(__clang__)
#if __has_feature(address_sanitizer)
#elif defined(__SANITIZE_ADDRESS__)
#if defined(VVL_ENABLE_ASAN)
#if __has_include(<sanitizer/lsan_interface.h>)
#include <sanitizer/lsan_interface.h>
#error The lsan_interface.h header was not found!
// Mesh and VertexFormat Data
// Static arrays helper
template <class ElementT, size_t array_size>
size_t size(ElementT (&)[array_size]) {
return array_size;
template <class ElementT, size_t array_size>
uint32_t size32(ElementT (&)[array_size]) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(array_size);
template <class Container>
uint32_t size32(const Container &c) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(c.size());
// Format search helper
VkFormat FindSupportedDepthOnlyFormat(VkPhysicalDevice phy);
VkFormat FindSupportedStencilOnlyFormat(VkPhysicalDevice phy);
VkFormat FindSupportedDepthStencilFormat(VkPhysicalDevice phy);
// Returns true if *any* requested features are available.
// Assumption is that the framework can successfully create an image as
// long as at least one of the feature bits is present (excepting VTX_BUF).
bool ImageFormatIsSupported(VkPhysicalDevice phy, VkFormat format, VkImageTiling tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL,
VkFormatFeatureFlags features = ~VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT);
// Returns true if format and *all* requested features are available.
bool ImageFormatAndFeaturesSupported(VkPhysicalDevice phy, VkFormat format, VkImageTiling tiling, VkFormatFeatureFlags features);
// Returns true if format and *all* requested features are available.
bool ImageFormatAndFeaturesSupported(const VkInstance inst, const VkPhysicalDevice phy, const VkImageCreateInfo info,
const VkFormatFeatureFlags features);
// Returns true if format and *all* requested features are available.
bool BufferFormatAndFeaturesSupported(VkPhysicalDevice phy, VkFormat format, VkFormatFeatureFlags features);
// Simple sane SamplerCreateInfo boilerplate
VkSamplerCreateInfo SafeSaneSamplerCreateInfo();
// Dependent "false" type for the static assert, as GCC will evaluate
// non-dependent static_asserts even for non-instantiated templates
template <typename T>
struct AlwaysFalse : std::false_type {};
// Helpers to get nearest greater or smaller value (of float) -- useful for testing the boundary cases of Vulkan limits
template <typename T>
T NearestGreater(const T from) {
using Lim = std::numeric_limits<T>;
const auto positive_direction = Lim::has_infinity ? Lim::infinity() : Lim::max();
return std::nextafter(from, positive_direction);
template <typename T>
T NearestSmaller(const T from) {
using Lim = std::numeric_limits<T>;
const auto negative_direction = Lim::has_infinity ? -Lim::infinity() : Lim::lowest();
return std::nextafter(from, negative_direction);
// Defining VVL_TESTS_USE_CUSTOM_TEST_FRAMEWORK allows downstream users
// to inject custom test framework changes. This includes the ability
// to override the the base class of the VkLayerTest class so that
// appropriate test framework customizations can be injected into the
// class hierarchy at the closest possible place to the base class used
// by all validation layer tests. Downstream users can provide their
// own version of custom_test_framework.h to define the appropriate
// custom base class to use through the VkLayerTestBase type identifier.
#include "framework/custom_test_framework.h"
using VkLayerTestBase = VkRenderFramework;
// VkLayerTest is the main GTest test class
// It is the root for all other test class variations
class VkLayerTest : public VkLayerTestBase {
const char *kValidationLayerName = "VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation";
const char *kSynchronization2LayerName = "VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_synchronization2";
void Init(VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures *features = nullptr, VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 *features2 = nullptr,
const VkCommandPoolCreateFlags flags = 0, void *instance_pnext = nullptr);
void AddSurfaceExtension();
vkt::CommandBuffer *CommandBuffer();
template <typename Features>
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 GetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2(Features &feature_query) {
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 features2 = vku::InitStructHelper(&feature_query);
return GetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2(features2);
template <typename Properties>
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 GetPhysicalDeviceProperties2(Properties &props_query) {
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 props2 = vku::InitStructHelper(&props_query);
return GetPhysicalDeviceProperties2(props2);
template <typename Proc, bool assert_proc = true>
[[nodiscard]] const Proc GetInstanceProcAddr(const char *proc_name) const noexcept {
auto proc = reinterpret_cast<Proc>(vk::GetInstanceProcAddr(instance(), proc_name));
if constexpr (assert_proc) {
return proc;
template <typename Proc, bool assert_proc = true>
[[nodiscard]] const Proc GetDeviceProcAddr(const char *proc_name) noexcept {
auto proc = reinterpret_cast<Proc>(vk::GetDeviceProcAddr(device(), proc_name));
if constexpr (assert_proc) {
return proc;
bool IsDriver(VkDriverId driver_id);
void SetTargetApiVersion(APIVersion target_api_version);
APIVersion DeviceValidationVersion() const;
bool LoadDeviceProfileLayer(
PFN_vkSetPhysicalDeviceFormatPropertiesEXT &fpvkSetPhysicalDeviceFormatPropertiesEXT,
PFN_vkGetOriginalPhysicalDeviceFormatPropertiesEXT &fpvkGetOriginalPhysicalDeviceFormatPropertiesEXT);
bool LoadDeviceProfileLayer(
PFN_vkSetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2EXT &fpvkSetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2EXT,
PFN_vkGetOriginalPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2EXT &fpvkGetOriginalPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2EXT);
bool LoadDeviceProfileLayer(PFN_vkSetPhysicalDeviceLimitsEXT &fpvkSetPhysicalDeviceLimitsEXT,
PFN_vkGetOriginalPhysicalDeviceLimitsEXT &fpvkGetOriginalPhysicalDeviceLimitsEXT);
bool LoadDeviceProfileLayer(PFN_vkSetPhysicalDeviceFeaturesEXT &fpvkSetPhysicalDeviceFeaturesEXT,
PFN_vkGetOriginalPhysicalDeviceFeaturesEXT &fpvkGetOriginalPhysicalDeviceFeaturesEXT);
bool LoadDeviceProfileLayer(PFN_VkSetPhysicalDeviceProperties2EXT &fpvkSetPhysicalDeviceProperties2EXT);
template <>
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 VkLayerTest::GetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2(VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 &feature_query);
template <>
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 VkLayerTest::GetPhysicalDeviceProperties2(VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 &props2);
// TODO - Want to remove - don't add to any new tests
class VkPositiveLayerTest : public VkLayerTest {
class VkBestPracticesLayerTest : public VkLayerTest {
void InitBestPracticesFramework();
void InitBestPracticesFramework(const char* ValidationChecksToEnable);
VkValidationFeatureDisableEXT disables_[4] = {
VkValidationFeaturesEXT features_ = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_VALIDATION_FEATURES_EXT, nullptr, 1, enables_, 4, disables_};
class VkAmdBestPracticesLayerTest : public VkBestPracticesLayerTest {};
class VkArmBestPracticesLayerTest : public VkBestPracticesLayerTest {
std::unique_ptr<VkImageObj> CreateImage(VkFormat format, const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height,
VkImageUsageFlags attachment_usage = VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT);
VkRenderPass CreateRenderPass(VkFormat format, VkAttachmentLoadOp load_op = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR,
VkAttachmentStoreOp store_op = VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_STORE);
VkFramebuffer CreateFramebuffer(const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height, VkImageView image_view, VkRenderPass renderpass);
VkSampler CreateDefaultSampler();
class VkNvidiaBestPracticesLayerTest : public VkBestPracticesLayerTest {};
class VkGpuAssistedLayerTest : public virtual VkLayerTest {
void InitGpuAvFramework();
VkValidationFeaturesEXT GetValidationFeatures();
void ShaderBufferSizeTest(VkDeviceSize buffer_size, VkDeviceSize binding_offset, VkDeviceSize binding_range,
VkDescriptorType descriptor_type, const char *fragment_shader, const char *expected_error, bool shader_objects = false);
bool CanEnableGpuAV();
class NegativeDebugPrintf : public VkLayerTest {
void InitDebugPrintfFramework();
class VkSyncValTest : public VkLayerTest {
void InitSyncValFramework(bool enable_queue_submit_validation = false);
VkValidationFeatureDisableEXT disables_[4] = {
VkValidationFeaturesEXT features_ = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_VALIDATION_FEATURES_EXT, nullptr, 1, enables_, 4, disables_};
class AndroidHardwareBufferTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeAndroidHardwareBuffer : public AndroidHardwareBufferTest {};
class PositiveAndroidHardwareBuffer : public AndroidHardwareBufferTest {};
class AtomicTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeAtomic : public AtomicTest {};
class PositiveAtomic : public AtomicTest {};
class BufferTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeBuffer : public BufferTest {};
class PositiveBuffer : public BufferTest {};
class CommandTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeCommand : public CommandTest {};
class PositiveCommand : public CommandTest {};
class DescriptorsTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeDescriptors : public DescriptorsTest {};
class PositiveDescriptors : public DescriptorsTest {};
class PushDescriptorTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativePushDescriptor : public PushDescriptorTest {};
class PositivePushDescriptor : public PushDescriptorTest {};
class DescriptorBufferTest : public VkLayerTest {
void InitBasicDescriptorBuffer(void *pNextFeatures = nullptr);
class NegativeDescriptorBuffer : public DescriptorBufferTest {};
class PositiveDescriptorBuffer : public DescriptorBufferTest {};
class DescriptorIndexingTest : public VkLayerTest {
void InitBasicDescriptorIndexing(void *pNextFeatures = nullptr);
VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures descriptor_indexing_features;
void ComputePipelineShaderTest(const char *shader, std::vector<VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding> &bindings);
class NegativeDescriptorIndexing : public DescriptorIndexingTest {};
class PositiveDescriptorIndexing : public DescriptorIndexingTest {};
class NegativeDeviceQueue : public VkLayerTest {};
class DynamicRenderingTest : public VkLayerTest {
void InitBasicDynamicRendering(void *pNextFeatures = nullptr);
class NegativeDynamicRendering : public DynamicRenderingTest {};
class PositiveDynamicRendering : public DynamicRenderingTest {};
class DynamicStateTest : public VkLayerTest {
void InitBasicExtendedDynamicState(); // enables VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state
void InitBasicExtendedDynamicState3(VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicState3FeaturesEXT &features);
class NegativeDynamicState : public DynamicStateTest {
// helper functions for tests in this file
// VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state - not calling vkCmdSet before draw
void ExtendedDynamicStateDrawNotSet(VkDynamicState dynamic_state, const char *vuid);
// VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3 - Create a pipeline with dynamic state, but the feature disabled
void ExtendedDynamicState3PipelineFeatureDisabled(VkDynamicState dynamic_state, const char *vuid);
// VK_EXT_line_rasterization - Init with LineRasterization features off
void InitLineRasterizationFeatureDisabled();
class PositiveDynamicState : public DynamicStateTest {};
class ExternalMemorySyncTest : public VkLayerTest {
using ExternalHandle = HANDLE;
using ExternalHandle = int;
class NegativeExternalMemorySync : public ExternalMemorySyncTest {};
class PositiveExternalMemorySync : public ExternalMemorySyncTest {};
class FragmentShadingRateTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeFragmentShadingRate : public FragmentShadingRateTest {};
class PositiveFragmentShadingRate : public FragmentShadingRateTest {};
class NegativeGeometryTessellation : public VkLayerTest {};
class PositiveGeometryTessellation : public VkLayerTest {};
class GraphicsLibraryTest : public VkLayerTest {
void InitBasicGraphicsLibrary(void *pNextFeatures = nullptr);
class NegativeGraphicsLibrary : public GraphicsLibraryTest {};
class PositiveGraphicsLibrary : public GraphicsLibraryTest {};
class HostImageCopyTest : public VkLayerTest {
void InitHostImageCopyTest(const VkImageCreateInfo &image_ci);
bool CopyLayoutSupported(const std::vector<VkImageLayout> &copy_src_layouts, const std::vector<VkImageLayout> &copy_dst_layouts,
VkImageLayout layout);
VkFormat compressed_format = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED;
bool separate_depth_stencil = false;
std::vector<VkImageLayout> copy_src_layouts;
std::vector<VkImageLayout> copy_dst_layouts;
class NegativeHostImageCopy : public HostImageCopyTest {};
class PositiveHostImageCopy : public HostImageCopyTest {};
class ImageTest : public VkLayerTest {
VkImageCreateInfo DefaultImageInfo();
class NegativeImage : public ImageTest {};
class PositiveImage : public ImageTest {};
class ImageDrmTest : public VkLayerTest {
void InitBasicImageDrm(void *pNextFeatures = nullptr);
std::vector<uint64_t> GetFormatModifier(VkFormat format, VkFormatFeatureFlags2 features, uint32_t plane_count = 1);
class NegativeImageDrm : public ImageDrmTest {};
class PositiveImageDrm : public ImageDrmTest {};
class ImagelessFramebufferTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeImagelessFramebuffer : public ImagelessFramebufferTest {};
class PositiveImagelessFramebuffer : public ImagelessFramebufferTest {};
class NegativeInstanceless : public VkLayerTest {};
class PositiveInstance : public VkLayerTest {};
class MemoryTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeMemory : public MemoryTest {};
class PositiveMemory : public MemoryTest {};
class MeshTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeMesh : public MeshTest {};
class PositiveMesh : public MeshTest {};
class NegativeMultiview : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeObjectLifetime : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativePipelineAdvancedBlend : public VkLayerTest {};
class PipelineLayoutTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativePipelineLayout : public PipelineLayoutTest {};
class PositivePipelineLayout : public PipelineLayoutTest {};
class PipelineTopologyTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativePipelineTopology : public PipelineTopologyTest {};
class PositivePipelineTopology : public PipelineTopologyTest {};
class PipelineTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativePipeline : public PipelineTest {};
class PositivePipeline : public PipelineTest {};
class NegativePortabilitySubset : public VkLayerTest {};
class ProtectedMemoryTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeProtectedMemory : public ProtectedMemoryTest {};
class PositiveProtectedMemory : public ProtectedMemoryTest {};
class QueryTest : public VkLayerTest {
bool HasZeroTimestampValidBits();
class NegativeQuery : public QueryTest {};
class PositiveQuery : public QueryTest {};
class RayTracingTest : public virtual VkLayerTest {
void InitFrameworkForRayTracingTest(VkRenderFramework *framework, bool is_khr,
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR *features2 = nullptr,
VkValidationFeaturesEXT *enabled_features = nullptr);
void OOBRayTracingShadersTestBody(bool gpu_assisted);
class NegativeRayTracing : public RayTracingTest {};
class PositiveRayTracing : public RayTracingTest {};
class NegativeRayTracingNV : public NegativeRayTracing {};
class PositiveRayTracingNV : public PositiveRayTracing {};
class RayTracingPipelineTest : public RayTracingTest {};
class NegativeRayTracingPipeline : public RayTracingPipelineTest {};
class PositiveRayTracingPipeline : public RayTracingPipelineTest {};
class NegativeRayTracingPipelineNV : public NegativeRayTracingPipeline {};
class PositiveRayTracingPipelineNV : public PositiveRayTracingPipeline {};
class GpuAssistedRayTracingTest : public VkGpuAssistedLayerTest, public RayTracingTest {};
class NegativeGpuAssistedRayTracing : public GpuAssistedRayTracingTest {};
class NegativeGpuAssistedRayTracingNV : public NegativeGpuAssistedRayTracing {};
class RenderPassTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeRenderPass : public RenderPassTest {};
class PositiveRenderPass : public RenderPassTest {};
class RobustnessTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeRobustness : public RobustnessTest {};
class PositiveRobustness : public RobustnessTest {};
class SamplerTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeSampler : public SamplerTest {};
class PositiveSampler : public SamplerTest {};
class ShaderComputeTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeShaderCompute : public ShaderComputeTest {};
class PositiveShaderCompute : public ShaderComputeTest {};
class ShaderObjectTest : public VkLayerTest {
vkt::Buffer vertexBuffer;
void InitBasicShaderObject(void *pNextFeatures = nullptr, APIVersion targetApiVersion = VK_API_VERSION_1_1, bool coreFeatures = true);
void BindVertFragShader(const vkt::Shader &vertShader, const vkt::Shader &fragShader);
void BindCompShader(const vkt::Shader &compShader);
void SetDefaultDynamicStates(const std::vector<VkDynamicState>& exclude = {}, bool tessellation = false, VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE);
class NegativeShaderObject : public ShaderObjectTest {};
class PositiveShaderObject : public ShaderObjectTest {};
class ShaderInterfaceTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeShaderInterface : public ShaderInterfaceTest {};
class PositiveShaderInterface : public ShaderInterfaceTest {};
class PositiveShaderImageAccess : public VkLayerTest {};
class ShaderLimitsTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeShaderLimits : public ShaderLimitsTest {};
class PositiveShaderLimits : public ShaderLimitsTest {};
class NegativeShaderMesh : public VkLayerTest {};
class ShaderPushConstantsTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeShaderPushConstants : public ShaderPushConstantsTest {};
class PositiveShaderPushConstants : public ShaderPushConstantsTest {};
class ShaderSpirvTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeShaderSpirv : public ShaderSpirvTest {};
class PositiveShaderSpirv : public ShaderSpirvTest {};
class ShaderStorageImageTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeShaderStorageImage : public ShaderStorageImageTest {};
class PositiveShaderStorageImage : public ShaderStorageImageTest {};
class ShaderStorageTexelTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeShaderStorageTexel : public ShaderStorageTexelTest {};
class PositiveShaderStorageTexel : public ShaderStorageTexelTest {};
class SparseTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeSparseImage : public SparseTest {};
class PositiveSparseImage : public SparseTest {};
class NegativeSparseBuffer : public SparseTest {};
class PositiveSparseBuffer : public SparseTest {};
class NegativeSubgroup : public VkLayerTest {};
class SubpassTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeSubpass : public SubpassTest {};
class PositiveSubpass : public SubpassTest {};
class SyncObjectTest : public VkLayerTest {
using ExternalHandle = HANDLE;
using ExternalHandle = int;
class NegativeSyncObject : public SyncObjectTest {};
class PositiveSyncObject : public SyncObjectTest {};
class NegativeTransformFeedback : public VkLayerTest {
void InitBasicTransformFeedback(void *pNextFeatures = nullptr);
class PositiveTooling : public VkLayerTest {};
class VertexInputTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeVertexInput : public VertexInputTest {};
class PositiveVertexInput : public VertexInputTest {};
class NegativeViewportInheritance : public VkLayerTest {};
class WsiTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeWsi : public WsiTest {};
class PositiveWsi : public WsiTest {};
class YcbcrTest : public VkLayerTest {
void InitBasicYcbcr(void *pNextFeatures = nullptr);
class NegativeYcbcr : public YcbcrTest {};
class PositiveYcbcr : public YcbcrTest {};
class CooperativeMatrixTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeShaderCooperativeMatrix : public CooperativeMatrixTest {};
class PositiveShaderCooperativeMatrix : public CooperativeMatrixTest {};
class ParentTest : public VkLayerTest {
vkt::Device *m_second_device = nullptr;
class NegativeParent : public ParentTest {};
// Thread safety tests and other tests that implement non-trivial threading scenarios
class ThreadingTest : public VkLayerTest {};
class NegativeThreading : public ThreadingTest {};
class PositiveThreading : public ThreadingTest {};
struct OneOffDescriptorSet {
vkt::Device *device_;
VkDescriptorPool pool_;
vkt::DescriptorSetLayout layout_;
VkDescriptorSet set_;
typedef std::vector<VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding> Bindings;
// Only one member of ResourceInfo object contains a value.
// The pointers to Image/Buffer/BufferView info structures can't be stored in 'descriptor_writes'
// during WriteDescriptor call, because subsequent calls can reallocate which invalidates stored pointers.
// When UpdateDescriptorSets is called it's safe to initialize the pointers.
struct ResourceInfo {
std::optional<VkDescriptorImageInfo> image_info;
std::optional<VkDescriptorBufferInfo> buffer_info;
std::optional<VkBufferView> buffer_view;
std::vector<ResourceInfo> resource_infos;
std::vector<VkWriteDescriptorSet> descriptor_writes;
OneOffDescriptorSet(vkt::Device *device, const Bindings &bindings, VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags layout_flags = 0,
void *layout_pnext = NULL, VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlags poolFlags = 0, void *allocate_pnext = NULL);
bool Initialized();
void Clear();
void WriteDescriptorBufferInfo(int binding, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize range,
VkDescriptorType descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER, uint32_t arrayElement = 0);
void WriteDescriptorBufferView(int binding, VkBufferView buffer_view,
uint32_t arrayElement = 0);
void WriteDescriptorImageInfo(int binding, VkImageView image_view, VkSampler sampler,
VkImageLayout imageLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL, uint32_t arrayElement = 0);
void UpdateDescriptorSets();
void AddDescriptorWrite(uint32_t binding, uint32_t array_element, VkDescriptorType descriptor_type);
template <typename T>
bool IsValidVkStruct(const T &s) {
return vku::GetSType<T>() == s.sType;
class BarrierQueueFamilyBase {
struct QueueFamilyObjs {
uint32_t index;
// We would use std::unique_ptr, but this triggers a compiler error on older compilers
vkt::Queue *queue = nullptr;
vkt::CommandPool *command_pool = nullptr;
vkt::CommandBuffer *command_buffer = nullptr;
vkt::CommandBuffer *command_buffer2 = nullptr;
void Init(vkt::Device *device, uint32_t qf_index, VkQueue qf_queue, VkCommandPoolCreateFlags cp_flags);
struct Context {
VkLayerTest *layer_test;
uint32_t default_index;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, QueueFamilyObjs> queue_families;
Context(VkLayerTest *test, const std::vector<uint32_t> &queue_family_indices);
void Reset();
BarrierQueueFamilyBase(Context *context) : context_(context), image_(context->layer_test->DeviceObj()) {}
QueueFamilyObjs *GetQueueFamilyInfo(Context *context, uint32_t qfi);
enum Modifier {
static const uint32_t kInvalidQueueFamily = vvl::kU32Max;
Context *context_;
VkImageObj image_;
vkt::Buffer buffer_;
class BarrierQueueFamilyTestHelper : public BarrierQueueFamilyBase {
BarrierQueueFamilyTestHelper(Context *context) : BarrierQueueFamilyBase(context) {}
// Init with queue families non-null for CONCURRENT sharing mode (which requires them)
void Init(std::vector<uint32_t> *families, bool image_memory = true, bool buffer_memory = true);
void operator()(const std::string &img_err, const std::string &buf_err = "", uint32_t src = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
uint32_t dst = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED, uint32_t queue_family_index = kInvalidQueueFamily,
Modifier mod = Modifier::NONE);
void operator()(uint32_t src = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED, uint32_t dst = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
uint32_t queue_family_index = kInvalidQueueFamily, Modifier mod = Modifier::NONE) {
(*this)("", "", src, dst, queue_family_index, mod);
VkImageMemoryBarrier image_barrier_;
VkBufferMemoryBarrier buffer_barrier_;
// TODO - Only works with extensions enabled, not using Vulkan1.3 (uses KHR functions)
class Barrier2QueueFamilyTestHelper : public BarrierQueueFamilyBase {
Barrier2QueueFamilyTestHelper(Context *context) : BarrierQueueFamilyBase(context) {}
// Init with queue families non-null for CONCURRENT sharing mode (which requires them)
void Init(std::vector<uint32_t> *families, bool image_memory = true, bool buffer_memory = true);
void operator()(const std::string &img_err, const std::string &buf_err = "", uint32_t src = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
uint32_t dst = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED, uint32_t queue_family_index = kInvalidQueueFamily,
Modifier mod = Modifier::NONE);
void operator()(uint32_t src = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED, uint32_t dst = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
uint32_t queue_family_index = kInvalidQueueFamily, Modifier mod = Modifier::NONE) {
(*this)("", "", src, dst, queue_family_index, mod);
VkImageMemoryBarrier2KHR image_barrier_;
VkBufferMemoryBarrier2KHR buffer_barrier_;
struct DebugUtilsLabelCheckData {
std::function<void(const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT *pCallbackData, DebugUtilsLabelCheckData *)> callback;
size_t count;
bool operator==(const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT &rhs, const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT &lhs);
VKAPI_ATTR VkBool32 VKAPI_CALL DebugUtilsCallback(VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT messageSeverity,
VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageTypes,
const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT *pCallbackData, void *pUserData);
struct ThreadTestData {
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer;
VkDevice device;
VkEvent event;
VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet;
VkBuffer buffer;
uint32_t binding;
std::atomic<bool> *bailout;
void AddToCommandBuffer(ThreadTestData *);
void UpdateDescriptor(ThreadTestData *);
// Helper class that fails the tests with a stuck worker thread.
// Its purpose is similar to an assert. We assume the code is correct.
// Then, in case of a bug or regression, the CI will continue to operate.
// Usage Example:
// TEST_F(VkLayerTest, MyTrickyTestWithThreads) {
// // The constructor parameter is the number of the worker threads
// ThreadTimeoutHelper timeout_helper(2);
// auto worker = [&]() {
// auto timeout_guard = timeout_helper.ThreadGuard();
// // Some code here
// };
// std::thread t0(worker);
// std::thread t1(worker);
// if (!timeout_helper.WaitForThreads(60)) ADD_FAILURE() << "It's time to move on";
// t0.join();
// t1.join();
// }
class ThreadTimeoutHelper {
explicit ThreadTimeoutHelper(int thread_count = 1) : active_threads_(thread_count) {}
bool WaitForThreads(int timeout_in_seconds);
struct Guard {
Guard(ThreadTimeoutHelper &timeout_helper) : timeout_helper_(timeout_helper) {}
Guard(const Guard &) = delete;
Guard &operator=(const Guard &) = delete;
~Guard() { timeout_helper_.OnThreadDone(); }
ThreadTimeoutHelper &timeout_helper_;
// Mandatory elision of copy/move operations guarantees the destructor is not called
// (even in the presence of copy/move constructor) and the object is constructed directly
// into the destination storage:
Guard ThreadGuard() { return Guard(*this); }
void OnThreadDone();
std::mutex active_thread_mutex_;
int active_threads_;
std::condition_variable cv_;
std::mutex mutex_;
void ReleaseNullFence(ThreadTestData *);
void TestRenderPassCreate(ErrorMonitor *error_monitor, const vkt::Device &device, const VkRenderPassCreateInfo &create_info,
bool rp2_supported, const char *rp1_vuid, const char *rp2_vuid);
void PositiveTestRenderPassCreate(ErrorMonitor *error_monitor, const vkt::Device &device, const VkRenderPassCreateInfo &create_info,
bool rp2_supported);
void PositiveTestRenderPass2KHRCreate(const vkt::Device &device, const VkRenderPassCreateInfo2KHR &create_info);
void TestRenderPass2KHRCreate(ErrorMonitor &error_monitor, const vkt::Device &device, const VkRenderPassCreateInfo2KHR &create_info,
const std::initializer_list<const char *> &vuids);
void TestRenderPassBegin(ErrorMonitor *error_monitor, const VkDevice device, const VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
const VkRenderPassBeginInfo *begin_info, bool rp2Supported, const char *rp1_vuid, const char *rp2_vuid);
// Helpers for the tests below
void ValidOwnershipTransferOp(ErrorMonitor *monitor, vkt::CommandBuffer *cb, VkPipelineStageFlags src_stages,
VkPipelineStageFlags dst_stages, const VkBufferMemoryBarrier *buf_barrier,
const VkImageMemoryBarrier *img_barrier);
void ValidOwnershipTransferOp(ErrorMonitor *monitor, vkt::CommandBuffer *cb, const VkBufferMemoryBarrier2KHR *buf_barrier,
const VkImageMemoryBarrier2KHR *img_barrier);
void ValidOwnershipTransfer(ErrorMonitor *monitor, vkt::CommandBuffer *cb_from, vkt::CommandBuffer *cb_to,
VkPipelineStageFlags src_stages, VkPipelineStageFlags dst_stages,
const VkBufferMemoryBarrier *buf_barrier, const VkImageMemoryBarrier *img_barrier);
void ValidOwnershipTransfer(ErrorMonitor *monitor, vkt::CommandBuffer *cb_from, vkt::CommandBuffer *cb_to,
const VkBufferMemoryBarrier2KHR *buf_barrier, const VkImageMemoryBarrier2KHR *img_barrier);
VkResult GPDIFPHelper(VkPhysicalDevice dev, const VkImageCreateInfo *ci, VkImageFormatProperties *limits = nullptr);
VkFormat FindFormatWithoutFeatures(VkPhysicalDevice gpu, VkImageTiling tiling,
VkFormatFeatureFlags undesired_features = vvl::kU32Max);
VkFormat FindFormatWithoutFeatures2(VkPhysicalDevice gpu, VkImageTiling tiling, VkFormatFeatureFlags2 undesired_features);
bool SemaphoreExportImportSupported(VkPhysicalDevice gpu, VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits handle_type);
void SetImageLayout(vkt::Device *device, VkImageAspectFlags aspect, VkImage image, VkImageLayout image_layout);
void AllocateDisjointMemory(vkt::Device *device, PFN_vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR fp, VkImage mp_image,
VkDeviceMemory *mp_image_mem, VkImageAspectFlagBits plane);
void CreateSamplerTest(VkLayerTest &test, const VkSamplerCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const std::string &code = "");
void CreateBufferTest(VkLayerTest &test, const VkBufferCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const std::string &code = "");
void CreateImageTest(VkLayerTest &test, const VkImageCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const std::string &code = "");
void CreateBufferViewTest(VkLayerTest &test, const VkBufferViewCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const std::vector<std::string> &codes);
void CreateImageViewTest(VkLayerTest &test, const VkImageViewCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const std::string &code = "");
void print_android(const char *c);