blob: e4b591df961be5de9a6006b90b06ac9b9eebef50 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2017, 2019-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017, 2019-2023 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017, 2019-2023 LunarG, Inc.
* Modifications Copyright (C) 2022 RasterGrid Kft.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <vulkan/utility/vk_format_utils.h>
#include "cast_utils.h"
#include "generated/vk_extension_helper.h"
#include "error_message/logging.h"
#ifndef WIN32
#include <strings.h> // For ffs()
#include <intrin.h> // For __lzcnt()
#define STRINGIFY_HELPER(s) #s
#if defined __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
// For MSVC
#if defined(__FUNCSIG__)
static inline VkExtent3D CastTo3D(const VkExtent2D &d2) {
VkExtent3D d3 = {d2.width, d2.height, 1};
return d3;
static inline VkOffset3D CastTo3D(const VkOffset2D &d2) {
VkOffset3D d3 = {d2.x, d2.y, 0};
return d3;
// Traits objects to allow string_join to operate on collections of const char *
template <typename String>
struct StringJoinSizeTrait {
static size_t size(const String &str) { return str.size(); }
template <>
struct StringJoinSizeTrait<const char *> {
static size_t size(const char *str) {
if (!str) return 0;
return strlen(str);
// Similar to perl/python join
// * String must support size, reserve, append, and be default constructable
// * StringCollection must support size, const forward iteration, and store
// strings compatible with String::append
// * Accessor trait can be set if default accessors (compatible with string
// and const char *) don't support size(StringCollection::value_type &)
// Return type based on sep type
template <typename String = std::string, typename StringCollection = std::vector<String>,
typename Accessor = StringJoinSizeTrait<typename StringCollection::value_type>>
static inline String string_join(const String &sep, const StringCollection &strings) {
String joined;
const size_t count = strings.size();
if (!count) return joined;
// Prereserved storage, s.t. we will execute in linear time (avoids reallocation copies)
size_t reserve = (count - 1) * sep.size();
for (const auto &str : strings) {
reserve += Accessor::size(str); // abstracted to allow const char * type in StringCollection
joined.reserve(reserve + 1);
// Seps only occur *between* strings entries, so first is special
auto current = strings.cbegin();
for (; current != strings.cend(); ++current) {
return joined;
// Requires StringCollection::value_type has a const char * constructor and is compatible the string_join::String above
template <typename StringCollection = std::vector<std::string>, typename SepString = std::string>
static inline SepString string_join(const char *sep, const StringCollection &strings) {
return string_join<SepString, StringCollection>(SepString(sep), strings);
static inline std::string string_trim(const std::string &s) {
const char *whitespace = " \t\f\v\n\r";
const auto trimmed_beg = s.find_first_not_of(whitespace);
if (trimmed_beg == std::string::npos) return "";
const auto trimmed_end = s.find_last_not_of(whitespace);
assert(trimmed_end != std::string::npos && trimmed_beg <= trimmed_end);
return s.substr(trimmed_beg, trimmed_end - trimmed_beg + 1);
// Perl/Python style join operation for general types using stream semantics
// Note: won't be as fast as string_join above, but simpler to use (and code)
// Note: Modifiable reference doesn't match the google style but does match std style for stream handling and algorithms
template <typename Stream, typename String, typename ForwardIt>
Stream &stream_join(Stream &stream, const String &sep, ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last) {
if (first != last) {
stream << *first;
while (first != last) {
stream << sep << *first;
return stream;
// stream_join For whole collections with forward iterators
template <typename Stream, typename String, typename Collection>
Stream &stream_join(Stream &stream, const String &sep, const Collection &values) {
return stream_join(stream, sep, values.cbegin(), values.cend());
typedef void *dispatch_key;
static inline dispatch_key get_dispatch_key(const void *object) { return (dispatch_key) * (VkLayerDispatchTable **)object; }
VkLayerInstanceCreateInfo *get_chain_info(const VkInstanceCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, VkLayerFunction func);
VkLayerDeviceCreateInfo *get_chain_info(const VkDeviceCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, VkLayerFunction func);
template <typename T>
constexpr bool IsPowerOfTwo(T x) {
static_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, "Unsigned integer required.");
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<T>::value, "Unsigned integer required.");
return x && !(x & (x - 1));
// Returns the 0-based index of the MSB, like the x86 bit scan reverse (bsr) instruction
// Note: an input mask of 0 yields -1
static inline int MostSignificantBit(uint32_t mask) {
#if defined __GNUC__
return mask ? __builtin_clz(mask) ^ 31 : -1;
#elif defined _MSC_VER
unsigned long bit_pos;
return _BitScanReverse(&bit_pos, mask) ? int(bit_pos) : -1;
for (int k = 31; k >= 0; --k) {
if (((mask >> k) & 1) != 0) {
return k;
return -1;
static inline int u_ffs(int val) {
#ifdef WIN32
unsigned long bit_pos = 0;
if (_BitScanForward(&bit_pos, val) != 0) {
bit_pos += 1;
return bit_pos;
return ffs(val);
// Given p2 a power of two, returns smallest multiple of p2 greater than or equal to x
// Different than std::align in that it simply aligns an unsigned integer, when std::align aligns a virtual address and does the
// necessary bookkeeping to be able to correctly free memory at the new address
template <typename T>
constexpr T Align(T x, T p2) {
static_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, "Unsigned integer required.");
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<T>::value, "Unsigned integer required.");
return (x + p2 - 1) & ~(p2 - 1);
// Returns the 0-based index of the LSB. An input mask of 0 yields -1
static inline int LeastSignificantBit(uint32_t mask) { return u_ffs(static_cast<int>(mask)) - 1; }
// Compute a binomial coefficient
template <typename T>
constexpr T binom(T n, T k) {
static_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, "Unsigned integer required.");
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<T>::value, "Unsigned integer required.");
assert(n >= k);
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
if (k == 0) {
return 1;
T numerator = 1;
T denominator = 1;
for (T i = 1; i <= k; ++i) {
numerator *= n - i + 1;
denominator *= i;
return numerator / denominator;
template <typename FlagBits, typename Flags>
FlagBits LeastSignificantFlag(Flags flags) {
const int bit_shift = LeastSignificantBit(flags);
assert(bit_shift != -1);
return static_cast<FlagBits>(1ull << bit_shift);
// Iterates over all set bits and calls the callback with a bit mask corresponding to each flag.
// FlagBits and Flags follow Vulkan naming convensions for flag types.
// An example of a more efficient implementation:
template <typename FlagBits, typename Flags, typename Callback>
void IterateFlags(Flags flags, Callback callback) {
uint32_t bit_shift = 0;
while (flags) {
if (flags & 1) {
callback(static_cast<FlagBits>(1ull << bit_shift));
flags >>= 1;
static inline uint32_t SampleCountSize(VkSampleCountFlagBits sample_count) {
uint32_t size = 0;
switch (sample_count) {
size = 1;
size = 2;
size = 4;
size = 8;
size = 16;
size = 32;
size = 64;
size = 0;
return size;
static inline bool IsImageLayoutReadOnly(VkImageLayout layout) {
constexpr std::array read_only_layouts = {
return std::any_of(read_only_layouts.begin(), read_only_layouts.end(),
[layout](const VkImageLayout read_only_layout) { return layout == read_only_layout; });
static inline bool IsImageLayoutDepthOnly(VkImageLayout layout) {
return std::any_of(depth_only_layouts.begin(), depth_only_layouts.end(),
[layout](const VkImageLayout read_only_layout) { return layout == read_only_layout; });
static inline bool IsImageLayoutDepthReadOnly(VkImageLayout layout) {
constexpr std::array read_only_layouts = {
return std::any_of(read_only_layouts.begin(), read_only_layouts.end(),
[layout](const VkImageLayout read_only_layout) { return layout == read_only_layout; });
static inline bool IsImageLayoutStencilOnly(VkImageLayout layout) {
constexpr std::array depth_only_layouts = {VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL,
return std::any_of(depth_only_layouts.begin(), depth_only_layouts.end(),
[layout](const VkImageLayout read_only_layout) { return layout == read_only_layout; });
static inline bool IsImageLayoutStencilReadOnly(VkImageLayout layout) {
constexpr std::array read_only_layouts = {
return std::any_of(read_only_layouts.begin(), read_only_layouts.end(),
[layout](const VkImageLayout read_only_layout) { return layout == read_only_layout; });
static inline bool IsIdentitySwizzle(VkComponentMapping components) {
// clang-format off
return (
((components.r == VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY) || (components.r == VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_R)) &&
((components.g == VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY) || (components.g == VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_G)) &&
((components.b == VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY) || (components.b == VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_B)) &&
((components.a == VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY) || (components.a == VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_A))
// clang-format on
static inline uint32_t GetIndexAlignment(VkIndexType indexType) {
switch (indexType) {
return 2;
return 4;
return 1;
return 0;
// Not a real index type. Express no alignment requirement here; we expect upper layer
// to have already picked up on the enum being nonsense.
return 1;
// vkspec.html#formats-planes-image-aspect
static inline bool IsValidPlaneAspect(VkFormat format, VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask) {
const uint32_t planes = vkuFormatPlaneCount(format);
constexpr VkImageAspectFlags valid_planes =
if (((aspect_mask & valid_planes) == aspect_mask) && (aspect_mask != 0)) {
if ((planes == 3) || ((planes == 2) && ((aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_2_BIT) == 0))) {
return true;
return false; // Expects calls to make sure it is a multi-planar format
static inline bool IsOnlyOneValidPlaneAspect(VkFormat format, VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask) {
const bool multiple_bits = aspect_mask != 0 && !IsPowerOfTwo(aspect_mask);
return !multiple_bits && IsValidPlaneAspect(format, aspect_mask);
static inline bool IsMultiplePlaneAspect(VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask) {
// If checking for multiple planes, there will already be another check if valid for plane count
constexpr VkImageAspectFlags valid_planes =
const VkImageAspectFlags planes = aspect_mask & valid_planes;
return planes != 0 && !IsPowerOfTwo(planes);
// all "advanced blend operation" found in spec
static inline bool IsAdvanceBlendOperation(const VkBlendOp blend_op) {
return (static_cast<int>(blend_op) >= VK_BLEND_OP_ZERO_EXT) && (static_cast<int>(blend_op) <= VK_BLEND_OP_BLUE_EXT);
// Helper for Dual-Source Blending
static inline bool IsSecondaryColorInputBlendFactor(VkBlendFactor blend_factor) {
return (blend_factor == VK_BLEND_FACTOR_SRC1_COLOR || blend_factor == VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR ||
blend_factor == VK_BLEND_FACTOR_SRC1_ALPHA || blend_factor == VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA);
// Check if size is in range
static inline bool IsBetweenInclusive(VkDeviceSize value, VkDeviceSize min, VkDeviceSize max) {
return (value >= min) && (value <= max);
static inline bool IsBetweenInclusive(const VkExtent2D &value, const VkExtent2D &min, const VkExtent2D &max) {
return IsBetweenInclusive(value.width, min.width, max.width) && IsBetweenInclusive(value.height, min.height, max.height);
static inline bool IsBetweenInclusive(float value, float min, float max) { return (value >= min) && (value <= max); }
// Check if value is integer multiple of granularity
static inline bool IsIntegerMultipleOf(VkDeviceSize value, VkDeviceSize granularity) {
if (granularity == 0) {
return value == 0;
} else {
return (value % granularity) == 0;
static inline bool IsIntegerMultipleOf(const VkOffset2D &value, const VkOffset2D &granularity) {
return IsIntegerMultipleOf(value.x, granularity.x) && IsIntegerMultipleOf(value.y, granularity.y);
// Perform a zero-tolerant modulo operation
static inline VkDeviceSize SafeModulo(VkDeviceSize dividend, VkDeviceSize divisor) {
VkDeviceSize result = 0;
if (divisor != 0) {
result = dividend % divisor;
return result;
static inline VkDeviceSize SafeDivision(VkDeviceSize dividend, VkDeviceSize divisor) {
VkDeviceSize result = 0;
if (divisor != 0) {
result = dividend / divisor;
return result;
inline std::optional<VkDeviceSize> ComputeValidSize(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, VkDeviceSize whole_size) {
std::optional<VkDeviceSize> valid_size;
if (offset < whole_size) {
if (size == VK_WHOLE_SIZE) {
valid_size.emplace(whole_size - offset);
} else if ((offset + size) <= whole_size) {
return valid_size;
// Only 32 bit fields should need a bit count
static inline uint32_t GetBitSetCount(uint32_t field) {
std::bitset<32> view_bits(field);
return static_cast<uint32_t>(view_bits.count());
static inline uint32_t FullMipChainLevels(VkExtent3D extent) {
// uint cast applies floor()
return 1u + static_cast<uint32_t>(log2(std::max({extent.height, extent.width, extent.depth})));
// Returns the effective extent of an image subresource, adjusted for mip level and array depth.
[[nodiscard]] inline VkExtent3D GetEffectiveExtent(const VkImageCreateInfo &ci, const VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask,
const uint32_t mip_level) {
// Return zero extent if mip level doesn't exist
if (mip_level >= ci.mipLevels) {
return VkExtent3D{0, 0, 0};
VkExtent3D extent = ci.extent;
// If multi-plane, adjust per-plane extent
const VkFormat format = ci.format;
if (vkuFormatIsMultiplane(format)) {
VkExtent2D divisors = vkuFindMultiplaneExtentDivisors(format, static_cast<VkImageAspectFlagBits>(aspect_mask));
extent.width /= divisors.width;
extent.height /= divisors.height;
// Mip Maps
const uint32_t corner = (ci.flags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CORNER_SAMPLED_BIT_NV) ? 1 : 0;
const uint32_t min_size = 1 + corner;
const std::array dimensions = {&extent.width, &extent.height, &extent.depth};
for (uint32_t *dim : dimensions) {
// Don't allow mip adjustment to create 0 dim, but pass along a 0 if that's what subresource specified
if (*dim == 0) {
*dim >>= mip_level;
*dim = std::max(min_size, *dim);
// Image arrays have an effective z extent that isn't diminished by mip level
if (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D != ci.imageType) {
extent.depth = ci.arrayLayers;
return extent;
// Returns the effective extent of an image subresource, adjusted for mip level and array depth.
[[nodiscard]] inline VkExtent3D GetEffectiveExtent(const VkImageCreateInfo &ci, const VkImageSubresourceRange &range) {
return GetEffectiveExtent(ci, range.aspectMask, range.baseMipLevel);
// Calculates the number of mip levels a VkImageView references.
constexpr uint32_t ResolveRemainingLevels(const VkImageCreateInfo &ci, VkImageSubresourceRange const &range) {
return (range.levelCount == VK_REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS) ? (ci.mipLevels - range.baseMipLevel) : range.levelCount;
// Calculates the number of mip layers a VkImageView references.
constexpr uint32_t ResolveRemainingLayers(const VkImageCreateInfo &ci, VkImageSubresourceRange const &range) {
return (range.layerCount == VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS) ? (ci.arrayLayers - range.baseArrayLayer) : range.layerCount;
// Find whether or not an element is in list
// Two definitions, to be able to do the following calls:
// IsValueIn(1, {1, 2, 3});
// std::array arr {1, 2, 3};
// IsValueIn(1, arr);
template <typename T, typename RANGE>
bool IsValueIn(const T &v, const RANGE &range) {
return std::find(std::begin(range), std::end(range), v) != std::end(range);
template <typename T>
bool IsValueIn(const T &v, const std::initializer_list<T> &list) {
return IsValueIn<T, decltype(list)>(v, list);
typedef enum VkStringErrorFlagBits {
VK_STRING_ERROR_NONE = 0x00000000,
} VkStringErrorFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkStringErrorFlags;
void layer_debug_messenger_actions(debug_report_data *report_data, const char *layer_identifier);
VkStringErrorFlags vk_string_validate(const int max_length, const char *char_array);
bool white_list(const char *item, const std::set<std::string> &whitelist);
std::string GetTempFilePath();
// Aliases to avoid excessive typing. We can't easily auto these away because
// there are virtual methods in ValidationObject which return lock guards
// and those cannot use return type deduction.
typedef std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> ReadLockGuard;
typedef std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> WriteLockGuard;
// helper class for the very common case of getting and then locking a command buffer (or other state object)
template <typename T, typename Guard>
class LockedSharedPtr : public std::shared_ptr<T> {
LockedSharedPtr(std::shared_ptr<T> &&ptr, Guard &&guard) : std::shared_ptr<T>(std::move(ptr)), guard_(std::move(guard)) {}
LockedSharedPtr() : std::shared_ptr<T>(), guard_() {}
Guard guard_;
// TODO use C++20 to check for std::hardware_destructive_interference_size feature support.
constexpr std::size_t get_hardware_destructive_interference_size() { return 64; }
// Limited concurrent_unordered_map that supports internally-synchronized
// insert/erase/access. Splits locking across N buckets and uses shared_mutex
// for read/write locking. Iterators are not supported. The following
// operations are supported:
// insert_or_assign: Insert a new element or update an existing element.
// insert: Insert a new element and return whether it was inserted.
// erase: Remove an element.
// contains: Returns true if the key is in the map.
// find: Returns != end() if found, value is in ret->second.
// pop: Erases and returns the erased value if found.
// find/end: find returns a vaguely iterator-like type that can be compared to
// end and can use iter->second to retrieve the reference. This is to ease porting
// for existing code that combines the existence check and lookup in a single
// operation (and thus a single lock). i.e.:
// auto iter = map.find(key);
// if (iter != map.end()) {
// T t = iter->second;
// ...
// snapshot: Return an array of elements (key, value pairs) that satisfy an optional
// predicate. This can be used as a substitute for iterators in exceptional cases.
template <typename Key, typename T, int BUCKETSLOG2 = 2, typename Hash = vvl::hash<Key>>
class vl_concurrent_unordered_map {
template <typename... Args>
void insert_or_assign(const Key &key, Args &&...args) {
uint32_t h = ConcurrentMapHashObject(key);
WriteLockGuard lock(locks[h].lock);
maps[h][key] = {std::forward<Args>(args)...};
template <typename... Args>
bool insert(const Key &key, Args &&...args) {
uint32_t h = ConcurrentMapHashObject(key);
WriteLockGuard lock(locks[h].lock);
auto ret = maps[h].emplace(key, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return ret.second;
// returns size_type
size_t erase(const Key &key) {
uint32_t h = ConcurrentMapHashObject(key);
WriteLockGuard lock(locks[h].lock);
return maps[h].erase(key);
bool contains(const Key &key) const {
uint32_t h = ConcurrentMapHashObject(key);
ReadLockGuard lock(locks[h].lock);
return maps[h].count(key) != 0;
// type returned by find() and end().
class FindResult {
FindResult(bool a, T b) : result(a, std::move(b)) {}
// == and != only support comparing against end()
bool operator==(const FindResult &other) const {
if (result.first == false && other.result.first == false) {
return true;
return false;
bool operator!=(const FindResult &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
// Make -> act kind of like an iterator.
std::pair<bool, T> *operator->() { return &result; }
const std::pair<bool, T> *operator->() const { return &result; }
// (found, reference to element)
std::pair<bool, T> result;
// find()/end() return a FindResult containing a copy of the value. For end(),
// return a default value.
FindResult end() const { return FindResult(false, T()); }
FindResult cend() const { return end(); }
FindResult find(const Key &key) const {
uint32_t h = ConcurrentMapHashObject(key);
ReadLockGuard lock(locks[h].lock);
auto itr = maps[h].find(key);
const bool found = itr != maps[h].end();
if (found) {
return FindResult(true, itr->second);
} else {
return end();
FindResult pop(const Key &key) {
uint32_t h = ConcurrentMapHashObject(key);
WriteLockGuard lock(locks[h].lock);
auto itr = maps[h].find(key);
const bool found = itr != maps[h].end();
if (found) {
auto ret = FindResult(true, itr->second);
return ret;
} else {
return end();
std::vector<std::pair<const Key, T>> snapshot(std::function<bool(T)> f = nullptr) const {
std::vector<std::pair<const Key, T>> ret;
for (int h = 0; h < BUCKETS; ++h) {
ReadLockGuard lock(locks[h].lock);
for (const auto &j : maps[h]) {
if (!f || f(j.second)) {
ret.emplace_back(j.first, j.second);
return ret;
void clear() {
for (int h = 0; h < BUCKETS; ++h) {
WriteLockGuard lock(locks[h].lock);
size_t size() const {
size_t result = 0;
for (int h = 0; h < BUCKETS; ++h) {
ReadLockGuard lock(locks[h].lock);
result += maps[h].size();
return result;
bool empty() const {
bool result = 0;
for (int h = 0; h < BUCKETS; ++h) {
ReadLockGuard lock(locks[h].lock);
result |= maps[h].empty();
return result;
static const int BUCKETS = (1 << BUCKETSLOG2);
vvl::unordered_map<Key, T, Hash> maps[BUCKETS];
struct alignas(get_hardware_destructive_interference_size()) AlignedSharedMutex {
std::shared_mutex lock;
mutable std::array<AlignedSharedMutex, BUCKETS> locks;
uint32_t ConcurrentMapHashObject(const Key &object) const {
uint64_t u64 = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)object;
uint32_t hash = (uint32_t)(u64 >> 32) + (uint32_t)u64;
hash ^= (hash >> BUCKETSLOG2) ^ (hash >> (2 * BUCKETSLOG2));
hash &= (BUCKETS - 1);
return hash;
static constexpr VkPipelineStageFlags2KHR kFramebufferStagePipelineStageFlags =
static constexpr VkAccessFlags2 kShaderTileImageAllowedAccessFlags =
static constexpr bool HasNonFramebufferStagePipelineStageFlags(VkPipelineStageFlags2KHR inflags) {
return (inflags & ~kFramebufferStagePipelineStageFlags) != 0;
static constexpr bool HasFramebufferStagePipelineStageFlags(VkPipelineStageFlags2KHR inflags) {
return (inflags & kFramebufferStagePipelineStageFlags) != 0;
static constexpr bool HasNonShaderTileImageAccessFlags(VkAccessFlags2 in_flags) {
return ((in_flags & ~kShaderTileImageAllowedAccessFlags) != 0);
namespace vvl {
static inline void ToLower(std::string &str) {
// std::tolower() returns int which can cause compiler warnings
transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(),
[](char c) { return static_cast<char>(std::tolower(c)); });
static inline void ToUpper(std::string &str) {
// std::toupper() returns int which can cause compiler warnings
transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(),
[](char c) { return static_cast<char>(std::toupper(c)); });
// The standard does not specify the value of data() for zero-sized contatiners as being null or non-null,
// only that it is not dereferenceable.
// Vulkan VUID's OTOH frequently require NULLs for zero-sized entries, or for option entries with non-zero counts
template <typename T>
const typename T::value_type *DataOrNull(const T &container) {
if (!container.empty()) {
return nullptr;
// Workaround for static_assert(false) before C++ 23 arrives
template <typename>
inline constexpr bool dependent_false_v = false;
} // namespace vvl