blob: 015e67d52be69d2f0f69377a708f3f8f5dc1ec97 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2015-2023 LunarG, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015-2023 Google Inc.
* Modifications Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "containers/range_vector.h"
#include "core_validation.h"
#include <vulkan/vk_enum_string_helper.h>
#include "generated/chassis.h"
// Returns the intersection of the ranges [x, x + x_size) and [y, y + y_size)
static sparse_container::range<int64_t> GetRangeIntersection(int64_t x, uint64_t x_size, int64_t y, uint64_t y_size) {
int64_t intersection_min = std::max(x, y);
int64_t intersection_max = std::min(x + static_cast<int64_t>(x_size), y + static_cast<int64_t>(y_size));
return {intersection_min, intersection_max};
// Returns true if [x, x + x_size) and [y, y + y_size) overlap
static bool RangesIntersect(int64_t x, uint64_t x_size, int64_t y, uint64_t y_size) {
auto intersection = GetRangeIntersection(x, x_size, y, y_size);
return intersection.non_empty();
struct ImageRegionIntersection {
VkImageSubresourceLayers subresource = {};
VkOffset3D offset = {0, 0, 0};
VkExtent3D extent = {1, 1, 1};
bool has_instersection = false;
std::string String() const noexcept {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "{ subresource { aspectMask: " << string_VkImageAspectFlags(subresource.aspectMask)
<< ", mipLevel: " << subresource.mipLevel << ", baseArrayLayer: " << subresource.baseArrayLayer
<< ", layerCount: " << subresource.layerCount << " }, offset {" << offset.x << ", " << offset.y << ", " << offset.z
<< "}, extent {" << extent.width << ", " << extent.height << ", " << extent.depth << "} }";
return ss.str();
// Returns true if source area of first vkImageCopy/vkImageCopy2KHR region intersects dest area of second region
// It is assumed that these are copy regions within a single image (otherwise no possibility of collision)
template <typename RegionType>
static ImageRegionIntersection GetRegionIntersection(const RegionType &region0, const RegionType &region1, VkImageType type,
bool is_multiplane) {
ImageRegionIntersection result = {};
// Separate planes within a multiplane image cannot intersect
if (is_multiplane && (region0.srcSubresource.aspectMask != region1.dstSubresource.aspectMask)) {
return result;
auto intersection = GetRangeIntersection(region0.srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer, region0.srcSubresource.layerCount,
region1.dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer, region1.dstSubresource.layerCount);
if ((region0.srcSubresource.mipLevel == region1.dstSubresource.mipLevel) && intersection.non_empty()) {
result.subresource.aspectMask = region0.srcSubresource.aspectMask;
result.subresource.baseArrayLayer = static_cast<uint32_t>(intersection.begin);
result.subresource.layerCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(intersection.distance());
result.subresource.mipLevel = region0.srcSubresource.mipLevel;
result.has_instersection = true;
switch (type) {
intersection =
GetRangeIntersection(region0.srcOffset.z, region0.extent.depth, region1.dstOffset.z, region1.extent.depth);
if (intersection.non_empty()) {
result.offset.z = static_cast<int32_t>(intersection.begin);
result.extent.depth = static_cast<uint32_t>(intersection.distance());
} else {
result.has_instersection = false;
return result;
intersection =
GetRangeIntersection(region0.srcOffset.y, region0.extent.height, region1.dstOffset.y, region1.extent.height);
if (intersection.non_empty()) {
result.offset.y = static_cast<int32_t>(intersection.begin);
result.extent.height = static_cast<uint32_t>(intersection.distance());
} else {
result.has_instersection = false;
return result;
intersection =
GetRangeIntersection(region0.srcOffset.x, region0.extent.width, region1.dstOffset.x, region1.extent.width);
if (intersection.non_empty()) {
result.offset.x = static_cast<int32_t>(intersection.begin);
result.extent.width = static_cast<uint32_t>(intersection.distance());
} else {
result.has_instersection = false;
return result;
// Unrecognized or new IMAGE_TYPE enums will be caught in parameter_validation
return result;
// Returns true if source area of first vkImageCopy/vkImageCopy2KHR region intersects dest area of second region
// It is assumed that these are copy regions within a single image (otherwise no possibility of collision)
template <typename RegionType>
static bool RegionIntersects(const RegionType *region0, const RegionType *region1, VkImageType type, bool is_multiplane) {
return GetRegionIntersection(region0, region1, type, is_multiplane).has_instersection;
template <typename RegionType>
static bool RegionIntersectsBlit(const RegionType *region0, const RegionType *region1, VkImageType type, bool is_multiplane) {
bool result = false;
// Separate planes within a multiplane image cannot intersect
if (is_multiplane && (region0->srcSubresource.aspectMask != region1->dstSubresource.aspectMask)) {
return result;
if ((region0->srcSubresource.mipLevel == region1->dstSubresource.mipLevel) &&
(RangesIntersect(region0->srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer, region0->srcSubresource.layerCount,
region1->dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer, region1->dstSubresource.layerCount))) {
result = true;
switch (type) {
result &= RangesIntersect(region0->srcOffsets[0].z, region0->srcOffsets[1].z - region0->srcOffsets[0].z,
region1->dstOffsets[0].z, region1->dstOffsets[1].z - region1->dstOffsets[0].z);
result &= RangesIntersect(region0->srcOffsets[0].y, region0->srcOffsets[1].y - region0->srcOffsets[0].y,
region1->dstOffsets[0].y, region1->dstOffsets[1].y - region1->dstOffsets[0].y);
result &= RangesIntersect(region0->srcOffsets[0].x, region0->srcOffsets[1].x - region0->srcOffsets[0].x,
region1->dstOffsets[0].x, region1->dstOffsets[1].x - region1->dstOffsets[0].x);
// Unrecognized or new IMAGE_TYPE enums will be caught in parameter_validation
return result;
// Test if the extent argument has all dimensions set to 0.
static inline bool IsExtentAllZeroes(const VkExtent3D &extent) {
return ((extent.width == 0) && (extent.height == 0) && (extent.depth == 0));
// Returns the image transfer granularity for a specific image scaled by compressed block size if necessary.
VkExtent3D CoreChecks::GetScaledItg(const CMD_BUFFER_STATE &cb_state, const IMAGE_STATE &image_state) const {
// Default to (0, 0, 0) granularity in case we can't find the real granularity for the physical device.
VkExtent3D granularity = {0, 0, 0};
const VkFormat image_format = image_state.createInfo.format;
const auto pool = cb_state.command_pool;
if (pool) {
granularity = physical_device_state->queue_family_properties[pool->queueFamilyIndex].minImageTransferGranularity;
if (vkuFormatIsBlockedImage(image_format)) {
auto block_size = vkuFormatTexelBlockExtent(image_format);
granularity.width *= block_size.width;
granularity.height *= block_size.height;
return granularity;
// Test elements of a VkExtent3D structure against alignment constraints contained in another VkExtent3D structure
static inline bool IsExtentAligned(const VkExtent3D &extent, const VkExtent3D &granularity) {
bool valid = true;
if ((SafeModulo(extent.depth, granularity.depth) != 0) || (SafeModulo(extent.width, granularity.width) != 0) ||
(SafeModulo(extent.height, granularity.height) != 0)) {
valid = false;
return valid;
// Check elements of a VkOffset3D structure against a queue family's Image Transfer Granularity values
bool CoreChecks::CheckItgOffset(const LogObjectList &objlist, const VkOffset3D &offset, const VkExtent3D &granularity,
const Location &offset_loc, const char *vuid) const {
bool skip = false;
VkExtent3D offset_extent = {};
offset_extent.width = static_cast<uint32_t>(abs(offset.x));
offset_extent.height = static_cast<uint32_t>(abs(offset.y));
offset_extent.depth = static_cast<uint32_t>(abs(offset.z));
if (IsExtentAllZeroes(granularity)) {
// If the queue family image transfer granularity is (0, 0, 0), then the offset must always be (0, 0, 0)
if (IsExtentAllZeroes(offset_extent) == false) {
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, offset_loc,
"(x=%" PRId32 ", y=%" PRId32 ", z=%" PRId32
") must be (x=0, y=0, z=0) when the command buffer's queue family "
"image transfer granularity is (w=0, h=0, d=0).",
offset.x, offset.y, offset.z);
} else {
// If the queue family image transfer granularity is not (0, 0, 0), then the offset dimensions must always be even
// integer multiples of the image transfer granularity.
if (IsExtentAligned(offset_extent, granularity) == false) {
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, offset_loc,
"(x=%" PRId32 ", y=%" PRId32 ", z=%" PRId32
") dimensions must be even integer multiples of this command "
"buffer's queue family image transfer granularity (w=%" PRIu32 ", h=%" PRIu32 ", d=%" PRIu32 ").",
offset.x, offset.y, offset.z, granularity.width, granularity.height, granularity.depth);
return skip;
// Test if two VkExtent3D structs are equivalent
static inline bool IsExtentEqual(const VkExtent3D &extent, const VkExtent3D &other_extent) {
bool result = true;
if ((extent.width != other_extent.width) || (extent.height != other_extent.height) || (extent.depth != other_extent.depth)) {
result = false;
return result;
// Check elements of a VkExtent3D structure against a queue family's Image Transfer Granularity values
bool CoreChecks::CheckItgExtent(const LogObjectList &objlist, const VkExtent3D &extent, const VkOffset3D &offset,
const VkExtent3D &granularity, const VkExtent3D &subresource_extent, const VkImageType image_type,
const Location &extent_loc, const char *vuid) const {
bool skip = false;
if (IsExtentAllZeroes(granularity)) {
// If the queue family image transfer granularity is (0, 0, 0), then the extent must always match the image
// subresource extent.
if (IsExtentEqual(extent, subresource_extent) == false) {
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, extent_loc,
"(w=%" PRIu32 ", h=%" PRIu32 ", d=%" PRIu32 ") must match the image subresource extents (w=%" PRIu32
", h=%" PRIu32 ", d=%" PRIu32
") "
"when the command buffer's queue family image transfer granularity is (w=0, h=0, d=0).",
extent.width, extent.height, extent.depth, subresource_extent.width, subresource_extent.height,
} else {
// If the queue family image transfer granularity is not (0, 0, 0), then the extent dimensions must always be even
// integer multiples of the image transfer granularity or the offset + extent dimensions must always match the image
// subresource extent dimensions.
VkExtent3D offset_extent_sum = {};
offset_extent_sum.width = static_cast<uint32_t>(abs(offset.x)) + extent.width;
offset_extent_sum.height = static_cast<uint32_t>(abs(offset.y)) + extent.height;
offset_extent_sum.depth = static_cast<uint32_t>(abs(offset.z)) + extent.depth;
bool x_ok = true;
bool y_ok = true;
bool z_ok = true;
switch (image_type) {
z_ok =
((0 == SafeModulo(extent.depth, granularity.depth)) || (subresource_extent.depth == offset_extent_sum.depth));
y_ok = ((0 == SafeModulo(extent.height, granularity.height)) ||
(subresource_extent.height == offset_extent_sum.height));
x_ok =
((0 == SafeModulo(extent.width, granularity.width)) || (subresource_extent.width == offset_extent_sum.width));
// Unrecognized or new IMAGE_TYPE enums will be caught in parameter_validation
if (!(x_ok && y_ok && z_ok)) {
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, extent_loc,
"(w=%" PRIu32 ", h=%" PRIu32 ", d=%" PRIu32
") dimensions must be even integer multiples of this command "
"buffer's queue family image transfer granularity (w=%" PRIu32 ", h=%" PRIu32 ", d=%" PRIu32
") or offset (x=%" PRId32 ", y=%" PRId32 ", z=%" PRId32
") + "
"extent (w=%" PRIu32 ", h=%" PRIu32 ", d=%" PRIu32
") must match the image subresource extents (w=%" PRIu32 ", h=%" PRIu32 ", d=%" PRIu32 ").",
extent.width, extent.height, extent.depth, granularity.width, granularity.height, granularity.depth,
offset.x, offset.y, offset.z, extent.width, extent.height, extent.depth, subresource_extent.width,
subresource_extent.height, subresource_extent.depth);
return skip;
template <typename HandleT>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateImageMipLevel(const HandleT handle, const IMAGE_STATE &image_state, uint32_t mip_level,
const Location &mip_loc, const char *vuid) const {
bool skip = false;
if (mip_level >= image_state.createInfo.mipLevels) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.Handle());
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, mip_loc, "is %" PRIu32 ", but provided %s has %" PRIu32 " mip levels.", mip_level,
FormatHandle(image_state).c_str(), image_state.createInfo.mipLevels);
return skip;
template <typename HandleT>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateImageArrayLayerRange(const HandleT handle, const IMAGE_STATE &img, const uint32_t base_layer,
const uint32_t layer_count, const Location &subresource_loc, const char *vuid) const {
bool skip = false;
if (base_layer >= img.createInfo.arrayLayers || layer_count > img.createInfo.arrayLayers ||
(base_layer + layer_count) > img.createInfo.arrayLayers) {
if (layer_count != VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, img.Handle());
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"is %" PRIu32 " and layerCount is %" PRIu32 ", but provided %s has %" PRIu32 " array layers.",
base_layer, layer_count, FormatHandle(img).c_str(), img.createInfo.arrayLayers);
return skip;
// All VUID from copy_bufferimage_to_imagebuffer_common.txt with more as a result of host_image_copy
static const char *GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID(const std::string &id, bool from_image, bool copy2, bool is_memory = false) {
// clang-format off
static const std::map<std::string, std::array<const char *, 6>> copy_imagebuffermemory_vuid = {
{"06659", {
"VUID-VkBufferImageCopy-imageExtent-06659", // !copy2 & !from_image
"VUID-VkBufferImageCopy-imageExtent-06659", // !copy2 & from_image
"VUID-VkBufferImageCopy2-imageExtent-06659", // copy2 & !from_image
"VUID-VkBufferImageCopy2-imageExtent-06659", // copy2 & from_image
"VUID-VkMemoryToImageCopyEXT-imageExtent-06659", // memory & !from_image
"VUID-VkImageToMemoryCopyEXT-imageExtent-06659", // memory & from_image
{"06660", {
{"06661", {
{"09101", {
{"00196", {
{"09103", {
{"07975", {
{"07976", {
{"00197", {
{"00198", {
{"07979", {
{"09104", {
{"07980", {
{"09106", {
{"09107", {
{"07274", {
{"07275", {
{"07276", {
{"09108", {
{"00207", {
{"00208", {
{"00209", {
{"09105", {
{"07981", {
{"07983", {
{"04052", {
// was split up in 1.3.236 spec (internal MR 5371)
{"07978", {
// clang-format on
uint8_t index = 0;
if (is_memory) {
index = 4 + (from_image ? 1 : 0);
} else {
index |= uint8_t((from_image) ? 0x1 : 0);
index |= uint8_t((copy2) ? 0x2 : 0);
bool VerifyAspectsPresent(VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask, VkFormat format) {
if ((aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) != 0) {
if (!(vkuFormatIsColor(format) || vkuFormatIsMultiplane(format))) return false;
if ((aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT) != 0) {
if (!vkuFormatHasDepth(format)) return false;
if ((aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT) != 0) {
if (!vkuFormatHasStencil(format)) return false;
if (vkuFormatPlaneCount(format) == 1) return false;
return true;
template <typename T>
uint32_t GetRowLength(T data) {
return data.bufferRowLength;
template <>
uint32_t GetRowLength<VkMemoryToImageCopyEXT>(VkMemoryToImageCopyEXT data) {
return data.memoryRowLength;
template <>
uint32_t GetRowLength<VkImageToMemoryCopyEXT>(VkImageToMemoryCopyEXT data) {
return data.memoryRowLength;
template <typename T>
uint32_t GetImageHeight(T data) {
return data.bufferImageHeight;
template <>
uint32_t GetImageHeight<VkMemoryToImageCopyEXT>(VkMemoryToImageCopyEXT data) {
return data.memoryImageHeight;
template <>
uint32_t GetImageHeight<VkImageToMemoryCopyEXT>(VkImageToMemoryCopyEXT data) {
return data.memoryImageHeight;
template <typename HandleT, typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateHeterogeneousCopyData(const HandleT handle, uint32_t regionCount, const RegionType *pRegions,
const IMAGE_STATE &image_state, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
const bool is_2 = IsValueIn(loc.function, {Func::vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2, Func::vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2KHR});
const bool from_image = IsValueIn(loc.function, {Func::vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer, Func::vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2,
Func::vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2KHR, Func::vkCopyImageToMemoryEXT});
const bool is_memory = IsValueIn(loc.function, {Func::vkCopyMemoryToImageEXT, Func::vkCopyImageToMemoryEXT});
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const Location subresource_loc =;
const RegionType region = pRegions[i];
const VkImageAspectFlags region_aspect_mask = region.imageSubresource.aspectMask;
if (image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D) {
if ((region.imageOffset.y != 0) || (region.imageExtent.height != 1)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("07979", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist, region_loc,
"imageOffset.y is %" PRId32 " and imageExtent.height is %" PRIu32
". For 1D images these must be 0 "
"and 1, respectively.",
region.imageOffset.y, region.imageExtent.height);
if ((image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D) || (image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D)) {
if ((region.imageOffset.z != 0) || (region.imageExtent.depth != 1)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("07980", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist, region_loc,
"imageOffset.z is %" PRId32 " and imageExtent.depth is %" PRIu32
". For 1D and 2D images these "
"must be 0 and 1, respectively.",
region.imageOffset.z, region.imageExtent.depth);
if (image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D) {
if ((0 != region.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer) || (1 != region.imageSubresource.layerCount)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |=
LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("07983", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist, subresource_loc,
"baseArrayLayer is %" PRIu32 " and layerCount is %" PRIu32
". "
"For 3D images these must be 0 and 1, respectively.",
region.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer, region.imageSubresource.layerCount);
// Make sure not a empty region
if (region.imageExtent.width == 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("06659", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,, "is zero (empty copies are not allowed).");
if (region.imageExtent.height == 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("06660", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,, "is zero (empty copies are not allowed).");
if (region.imageExtent.depth == 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("06661", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,, "is zero (empty copies are not allowed).");
// BufferRowLength must be 0, or greater than or equal to the width member of imageExtent
uint32_t row_length = GetRowLength(region);
if ((row_length != 0) && (row_length < region.imageExtent.width)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
Field field = is_memory ? Field::memoryRowLength : Field::bufferRowLength;
skip |=
LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("09101", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,,
"(%" PRIu32 ") must be zero or greater-than-or-equal-to imageExtent.width (%" PRIu32 ").", row_length,
// BufferImageHeight must be 0, or greater than or equal to the height member of imageExtent
uint32_t image_height = GetImageHeight(region);
if ((image_height != 0) && (image_height < region.imageExtent.height)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
Field field = is_memory ? Field::memoryImageHeight : Field::bufferImageHeight;
skip |=
LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("00196", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,,
"(%" PRIu32 ") must be zero or greater-than-or-equal-to imageExtent.height (%" PRIu32 ").", image_height,
// subresource aspectMask must have exactly 1 bit set
if (GetBitSetCount(region_aspect_mask) != 1) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("09103", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,, "is %s (only one bit allowed).",
// Calculate adjusted image extent, accounting for multiplane image factors
VkExtent3D adjusted_image_extent = image_state.GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(region.imageSubresource);
// imageOffset.x and (imageExtent.width + imageOffset.x) must both be >= 0 and <= image subresource width
if ((region.imageOffset.x < 0) || (region.imageOffset.x > static_cast<int32_t>(adjusted_image_extent.width)) ||
((region.imageOffset.x + static_cast<int32_t>(region.imageExtent.width)) >
static_cast<int32_t>(adjusted_image_extent.width))) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("00197", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist, region_loc,
"imageOffset.x (%" PRId32 ") and (imageExtent.width + imageOffset.x) (%" PRIu32
") must be >= "
"zero or <= image subresource width (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.imageOffset.x, (region.imageOffset.x + region.imageExtent.width), adjusted_image_extent.width);
// imageOffset.y and (imageExtent.height + imageOffset.y) must both be >= 0 and <= image subresource height
if ((region.imageOffset.y < 0) || (region.imageOffset.y > static_cast<int32_t>(adjusted_image_extent.height)) ||
((region.imageOffset.y + static_cast<int32_t>(region.imageExtent.height)) >
static_cast<int32_t>(adjusted_image_extent.height))) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |=
LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("00198", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist, region_loc,
"imageOffset.y (%" PRId32 ") and (imageExtent.height + imageOffset.y) (%" PRIu32
") must be >= "
"zero or <= image subresource height (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.imageOffset.y, (region.imageOffset.y + region.imageExtent.height), adjusted_image_extent.height);
// imageOffset.z and (imageExtent.depth + imageOffset.z) must both be >= 0 and <= image subresource depth
if ((region.imageOffset.z < 0) || (region.imageOffset.z > static_cast<int32_t>(adjusted_image_extent.depth)) ||
((region.imageOffset.z + static_cast<int32_t>(region.imageExtent.depth)) >
static_cast<int32_t>(adjusted_image_extent.depth))) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("09104", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist, region_loc,
"imageOffset.z (%" PRId32 ") and (imageExtent.depth + imageOffset.z) (%" PRIu32
") must be >= "
"zero or <= image subresource depth (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.imageOffset.z, (region.imageOffset.z + region.imageExtent.depth), adjusted_image_extent.depth);
const VkFormat image_format = image_state.createInfo.format;
// image subresource aspect bit must match format
if (!VerifyAspectsPresent(region_aspect_mask, image_format)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("09105", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,, "%s invalid for image format %s.",
string_VkImageAspectFlags(region_aspect_mask).c_str(), string_VkFormat(image_format));
auto block_size = vkuFormatTexelBlockExtent(image_format);
// BufferRowLength must be a multiple of block width
if (SafeModulo(row_length, block_size.width) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
Field field = is_memory ? Field::memoryRowLength : Field::bufferRowLength;
skip |= LogError(
GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("09106", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,,
"(%" PRIu32 ") must be a multiple of the blocked image's texel width (%" PRIu32 ").", row_length, block_size.width);
// BufferRowHeight must be a multiple of block height
if (SafeModulo(image_height, block_size.height) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
Field field = is_memory ? Field::memoryImageHeight : Field::bufferImageHeight;
skip |=
LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("09107", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,,
"(%" PRIu32 ") must be a multiple of the blocked image's texel height (%" PRIu32 ").", image_height,
// image offsets x must be multiple of block width
if (SafeModulo(region.imageOffset.x, block_size.width) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("07274", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,,
"(%" PRId32
") must be a multiple of the blocked image's texel "
"width (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.imageOffset.x, block_size.width);
// image offsets y must be multiple of block height
if (SafeModulo(region.imageOffset.y, block_size.height) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("07275", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,,
"(%" PRId32
") must be a multiple of the blocked image's texel "
"height (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.imageOffset.y, block_size.height);
// image offsets z must be multiple of block depth
if (SafeModulo(region.imageOffset.z, block_size.depth) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("07276", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,,
"(%" PRId32
") must be a multiple of the blocked image's texel "
"depth (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.imageOffset.z, block_size.depth);
// imageExtent width must be a multiple of block width, or extent+offset width must equal subresource width
VkExtent3D mip_extent = image_state.GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(region.imageSubresource);
if ((SafeModulo(region.imageExtent.width, block_size.width) != 0) &&
(region.imageExtent.width + region.imageOffset.x != mip_extent.width)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("00207", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,,
"(%" PRIu32
") must be a multiple of the blocked texture block width "
"(%" PRIu32 "), or when added to imageOffset.x (%" PRId32
") must equal the image subresource width (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.imageExtent.width, block_size.width, region.imageOffset.x, mip_extent.width);
// imageExtent height must be a multiple of block height, or extent+offset height must equal subresource height
if ((SafeModulo(region.imageExtent.height, block_size.height) != 0) &&
(region.imageExtent.height + region.imageOffset.y != mip_extent.height)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("00208", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,,
"(%" PRIu32
") must be a multiple of the blocked texture block height "
"(%" PRIu32 "), or when added to imageOffset.y (%" PRId32
") must equal the image subresource height (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.imageExtent.height, block_size.height, region.imageOffset.y, mip_extent.height);
// imageExtent depth must be a multiple of block depth, or extent+offset depth must equal subresource depth
if ((SafeModulo(region.imageExtent.depth, block_size.depth) != 0) &&
(region.imageExtent.depth + region.imageOffset.z != mip_extent.depth)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("00209", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,,
"(%" PRIu32
") must be a multiple of the blocked texture block depth "
"(%" PRIu32 "), or when added to imageOffset.z (%" PRId32
") must equal the image subresource depth (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.imageExtent.depth, block_size.depth, region.imageOffset.z, mip_extent.depth);
// *RowLength divided by the texel block extent width and then multiplied by the texel block size of the image must be
// less than or equal to 2^31-1
const uint32_t element_size =
vkuFormatIsDepthOrStencil(image_format) ? 0 : vkuFormatElementSizeWithAspect(image_format, static_cast<VkImageAspectFlagBits>(region_aspect_mask));
double test_value = row_length / block_size.width;
test_value = test_value * element_size;
const auto two_to_31_minus_1 = static_cast<double>((1u << 31) - 1);
if (test_value > two_to_31_minus_1) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
Field field = is_memory ? Field::memoryRowLength : Field::bufferRowLength;
skip |=
LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("09108", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,,
"(%" PRIu32 ") divided by the texel block extent width (%" PRIu32
") then multiplied by the "
"texel block size of image (%" PRIu32 ") is (%" PRIu64 ") which is greater than 2^31 - 1",
row_length, block_size.width, element_size, static_cast<uint64_t>(test_value));
// Checks that apply only to multi-planar format images
if (vkuFormatIsMultiplane(image_format) && !IsOnlyOneValidPlaneAspect(image_format, region_aspect_mask)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("07981", from_image, is_2, is_memory), objlist,, "(%s) is invalid for multi-planar format %s.",
string_VkImageAspectFlags(region_aspect_mask).c_str(), string_VkFormat(image_format));
return skip;
template <typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateBufferImageCopyData(const CMD_BUFFER_STATE &cb_state, uint32_t regionCount, const RegionType *pRegions,
const IMAGE_STATE &image_state, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
const bool is_2 = IsValueIn(loc.function, {Func::vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2, Func::vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2KHR});
const bool image_to_buffer =
IsValueIn(loc.function, {Func::vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer, Func::vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2, Func::vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2KHR});
const VkFormat image_format = image_state.createInfo.format;
skip |= ValidateHeterogeneousCopyData(cb_state.commandBuffer(), regionCount, pRegions, image_state, loc);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const RegionType region = pRegions[i];
const VkImageAspectFlags region_aspect_mask = region.imageSubresource.aspectMask;
// If the the calling command's VkImage parameter's format is not a depth/stencil format,
// then bufferOffset must be a multiple of the calling command's VkImage parameter's element size
const uint32_t element_size =
vkuFormatIsDepthOrStencil(image_format) ? 0 : vkuFormatElementSizeWithAspect(image_format, static_cast<VkImageAspectFlagBits>(region_aspect_mask));
const VkDeviceSize bufferOffset = region.bufferOffset;
if (vkuFormatIsDepthOrStencil(image_format)) {
if (SafeModulo(bufferOffset, 4) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(cb_state.commandBuffer(), image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("07978", image_to_buffer, is_2), objlist,,
"(%" PRIu64 ") must be a multiple 4 if using a depth/stencil format (%s).", bufferOffset,
} else {
// If not depth/stencil and not multi-plane
if (!vkuFormatIsMultiplane(image_format) && (SafeModulo(bufferOffset, element_size) != 0)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(cb_state.commandBuffer(), image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("07975", image_to_buffer, is_2), objlist,,
"(%" PRIu64 ") must be a multiple of %s texel size (%" PRIu32 ").", bufferOffset,
string_VkFormat(image_format), element_size);
// Checks that apply only to multi-planar format images
if (vkuFormatIsMultiplane(image_format)) {
// image subresource aspectMask must be VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_*_BIT
if (0 !=
// Know aspect mask is valid
const VkFormat compatible_format = vkuFindMultiplaneCompatibleFormat(image_format, static_cast<VkImageAspectFlagBits>(region_aspect_mask));
const uint32_t compatible_size = vkuFormatElementSize(compatible_format);
if (SafeModulo(bufferOffset, compatible_size) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(cb_state.commandBuffer(), image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("07976", image_to_buffer, is_2), objlist,,
"(%" PRIu64 ") is not a multiple of %s texel size (%" PRIu32 ") for plane %" PRIu32 " (%s).",
bufferOffset, string_VkFormat(image_format), element_size, vkuGetPlaneIndex(static_cast<VkImageAspectFlagBits>(region_aspect_mask)),
// TODO - Don't use ValidateCmdQueueFlags due to currently not having way to add more descriptive message
const COMMAND_POOL_STATE *command_pool = cb_state.command_pool;
assert(command_pool != nullptr);
const uint32_t queue_family_index = command_pool->queueFamilyIndex;
const VkQueueFlags queue_flags = physical_device_state->queue_family_properties[queue_family_index].queueFlags;
if (((queue_flags & (VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT | VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT)) == 0) && (SafeModulo(bufferOffset, 4) != 0)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(cb_state.commandBuffer(), command_pool->commandPool(), image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetBufferMemoryImageCopyCommandVUID("04052", image_to_buffer, is_2), objlist,,
"(%" PRIu64
") is not a multiple of 4 because, but the command buffer %s was allocated from the command pool %s "
"which was created with queueFamilyIndex %" PRIu32 " of type %s.",
bufferOffset, FormatHandle(cb_state).c_str(), FormatHandle(command_pool->commandPool()).c_str(),
queue_family_index, string_VkQueueFlags(queue_flags).c_str());
return skip;
template <typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCmdCopyBufferBounds(VkCommandBuffer cb, const BUFFER_STATE &src_buffer_state,
const BUFFER_STATE &dst_buffer_state, uint32_t regionCount, const RegionType *pRegions,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
const bool is_2 = loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyBuffer2 || loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyBuffer2KHR;
const char *vuid;
VkDeviceSize src_buffer_size = src_buffer_state.createInfo.size;
VkDeviceSize dst_buffer_size = dst_buffer_state.createInfo.size;
const bool are_buffers_sparse = src_buffer_state.sparse || dst_buffer_state.sparse;
const LogObjectList src_objlist(cb, dst_buffer_state.Handle());
const LogObjectList dst_objlist(cb, dst_buffer_state.Handle());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const RegionType region = pRegions[i];
// The srcOffset member of each element of pRegions must be less than the size of srcBuffer
if (region.srcOffset >= src_buffer_size) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferInfo2-srcOffset-00113" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-srcOffset-00113";
skip |= LogError(vuid, src_objlist,,
"(%" PRIuLEAST64 ") is greater than size of srcBuffer (%" PRIuLEAST64 ").", region.srcOffset,
// The dstOffset member of each element of pRegions must be less than the size of dstBuffer
if (region.dstOffset >= dst_buffer_size) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferInfo2-dstOffset-00114" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-dstOffset-00114";
skip |= LogError(vuid, dst_objlist,,
"(%" PRIuLEAST64 ") is greater than size of dstBuffer (%" PRIuLEAST64 ").", region.dstOffset,
// The size member of each element of pRegions must be less than or equal to the size of srcBuffer minus srcOffset
if (region.size > (src_buffer_size - region.srcOffset)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferInfo2-size-00115" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-size-00115";
skip |= LogError(vuid, src_objlist,,
"(%" PRIuLEAST64 ") is greater than the source buffer size (%" PRIuLEAST64
") minus srcOffset (%" PRIuLEAST64 ").",
region.size, src_buffer_size, region.srcOffset);
// The size member of each element of pRegions must be less than or equal to the size of dstBuffer minus dstOffset
if (region.size > (dst_buffer_size - region.dstOffset)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferInfo2-size-00116" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-size-00116";
skip |= LogError(vuid, dst_objlist,,
"(%" PRIuLEAST64 ") is greater than the destination buffer size (%" PRIuLEAST64
") minus dstOffset (%" PRIuLEAST64 ").",
region.size, dst_buffer_size, region.dstOffset);
// The union of the source regions, and the union of the destination regions, must not overlap in memory
if (!skip && !are_buffers_sparse) {
auto src_region = sparse_container::range<VkDeviceSize>{region.srcOffset, region.srcOffset + region.size};
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < regionCount; j++) {
auto dst_region =
sparse_container::range<VkDeviceSize>{pRegions[j].dstOffset, pRegions[j].dstOffset + pRegions[j].size};
if (src_buffer_state.DoesResourceMemoryOverlap(src_region, &dst_buffer_state, dst_region)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(cb, src_buffer_state.Handle(), dst_buffer_state.Handle());
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferInfo2-pRegions-00117" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-pRegions-00117";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc, "Detected overlap between source and dest regions in memory.");
return skip;
template <typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCmdCopyBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer srcBuffer, VkBuffer dstBuffer, uint32_t regionCount,
const RegionType *pRegions, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
auto cb_state_ptr = GetRead<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto src_buffer_state = Get<BUFFER_STATE>(srcBuffer);
auto dst_buffer_state = Get<BUFFER_STATE>(dstBuffer);
if (!cb_state_ptr || !src_buffer_state || !dst_buffer_state) {
return skip;
const CMD_BUFFER_STATE &cb_state = *cb_state_ptr;
const bool is_2 = loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyBuffer2 || loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyBuffer2KHR;
const char *vuid;
const Location src_buffer_loc =;
const Location dst_buffer_loc =;
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferInfo2-srcBuffer-00119" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-srcBuffer-00119";
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToBuffer(commandBuffer, *src_buffer_state, src_buffer_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferInfo2-dstBuffer-00121" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-dstBuffer-00121";
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToBuffer(commandBuffer, *dst_buffer_state, dst_buffer_loc, vuid);
// Validate that SRC & DST buffers have correct usage flags set
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferInfo2-srcBuffer-00118" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-srcBuffer-00118";
skip |= ValidateBufferUsageFlags(LogObjectList(commandBuffer, srcBuffer), *src_buffer_state, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT,
true, vuid, src_buffer_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferInfo2-dstBuffer-00120" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-dstBuffer-00120";
skip |= ValidateBufferUsageFlags(LogObjectList(commandBuffer, dstBuffer), *dst_buffer_state, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT,
true, vuid, dst_buffer_loc);
skip |= ValidateCmd(cb_state, loc);
skip |= ValidateCmdCopyBufferBounds(commandBuffer, *src_buffer_state, *dst_buffer_state, regionCount, pRegions, loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer2-commandBuffer-01822" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-commandBuffer-01822";
skip |= ValidateProtectedBuffer(cb_state, *src_buffer_state, src_buffer_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer2-commandBuffer-01823" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-commandBuffer-01823";
skip |= ValidateProtectedBuffer(cb_state, *dst_buffer_state, dst_buffer_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer2-commandBuffer-01824" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-commandBuffer-01824";
skip |= ValidateUnprotectedBuffer(cb_state, *dst_buffer_state, dst_buffer_loc, vuid);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdCopyBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer srcBuffer, VkBuffer dstBuffer,
uint32_t regionCount, const VkBufferCopy *pRegions,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return ValidateCmdCopyBuffer(commandBuffer, srcBuffer, dstBuffer, regionCount, pRegions, error_obj.location);
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdCopyBuffer2KHR(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkCopyBufferInfo2KHR *pCopyBufferInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return PreCallValidateCmdCopyBuffer2(commandBuffer, pCopyBufferInfo, error_obj);
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdCopyBuffer2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkCopyBufferInfo2 *pCopyBufferInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return ValidateCmdCopyBuffer(commandBuffer, pCopyBufferInfo->srcBuffer, pCopyBufferInfo->dstBuffer,
pCopyBufferInfo->regionCount, pCopyBufferInfo->pRegions,;
// Check valid usage Image Transfer Granularity requirements for elements of a VkBufferImageCopy/VkBufferImageCopy2 structure
template <typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCopyBufferImageTransferGranularityRequirements(const CMD_BUFFER_STATE &cb_state,
const IMAGE_STATE &image_state, const RegionType *region,
const Location &region_loc, const char *vuid) const {
bool skip = false;
const LogObjectList objlist(cb_state.Handle(), image_state.Handle());
VkExtent3D granularity = GetScaledItg(cb_state, image_state);
skip |= CheckItgOffset(objlist, region->imageOffset, granularity,, vuid);
VkExtent3D subresource_extent = image_state.GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(region->imageSubresource);
skip |= CheckItgExtent(objlist, region->imageExtent, region->imageOffset, granularity, subresource_extent,
image_state.createInfo.imageType,, vuid);
return skip;
template <typename HandleT>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateImageSubresourceLayers(HandleT handle, const VkImageSubresourceLayers *subresource_layers,
const Location &subresource_loc) const {
bool skip = false;
const VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask = subresource_layers->aspectMask;
if (subresource_layers->layerCount == VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS) {
if (!enabled_features.maintenance5_features.maintenance5) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkImageSubresourceLayers-layerCount-09243", handle,,
} else if (subresource_layers->layerCount == 0) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-VkImageSubresourceLayers-layerCount-01700", handle,, "is zero.");
// aspectMask must not contain VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_METADATA_BIT
if (aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_METADATA_BIT) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkImageSubresourceLayers-aspectMask-00168", handle,, "is %s.",
// if aspectMask contains COLOR, it must not contain either DEPTH or STENCIL
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkImageSubresourceLayers-aspectMask-00167", handle,, "is %s.",
// aspectMask must not contain VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_MEMORY_PLANE_i_BIT_EXT
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkImageSubresourceLayers-aspectMask-02247", handle,, "is %s.",
return skip;
// Check valid usage Image Transfer Granularity requirements for elements of a VkImageCopy/VkImageCopy2KHR structure
template <typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCopyImageTransferGranularityRequirements(const CMD_BUFFER_STATE &cb_state,
const IMAGE_STATE &src_image_state,
const IMAGE_STATE &dst_image_state, const RegionType *region,
const Location &region_loc) const {
bool skip = false;
const bool is_2 = region_loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyImage2 || region_loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyImage2KHR;
const char *vuid;
const VkExtent3D extent = region->extent;
// Source image checks
const LogObjectList objlist(cb_state.Handle(), src_image_state.Handle());
const VkExtent3D granularity = GetScaledItg(cb_state, src_image_state);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcOffset-01783" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcOffset-01783";
skip |= CheckItgOffset(objlist, region->srcOffset, granularity,, vuid);
const VkExtent3D subresource_extent = src_image_state.GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(region->srcSubresource);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcOffset-01783" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcOffset-01783";
skip |= CheckItgExtent(objlist, extent, region->srcOffset, granularity, subresource_extent,
src_image_state.createInfo.imageType,, vuid);
// Destination image checks
const LogObjectList objlist(cb_state.Handle(), dst_image_state.Handle());
const VkExtent3D granularity = GetScaledItg(cb_state, dst_image_state);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstOffset-01784" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstOffset-01784";
skip |= CheckItgOffset(objlist, region->dstOffset, granularity,, vuid);
// Adjust dest extent, if necessary
const VkExtent3D dest_effective_extent =
GetAdjustedDestImageExtent(src_image_state.createInfo.format, dst_image_state.createInfo.format, extent);
const VkExtent3D subresource_extent = dst_image_state.GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(region->dstSubresource);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstOffset-01784" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstOffset-01784";
skip |= CheckItgExtent(objlist, dest_effective_extent, region->dstOffset, granularity, subresource_extent,
dst_image_state.createInfo.imageType,, vuid);
return skip;
static const char *GetImageCopyVUID(const std::string &id, bool copy2, bool host_version) {
// clang-format off
static const std::map<std::string, std::array<const char *, 3>> copy_image_vuid = {
{"00146", {
"VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-00146", // !copy2 & !host_version
"VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-00146", // copy2 && !host_version
"VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-srcImage-07979", // host_version
{"01785", {
{"07278", {
{"07279", {
{"07280", {
{"01728", {
{"01729", {
{"01730", {
{"00152", {
{"01786", {
{"04443", {
{"04444", {
{"07281", {
{"07282", {
{"07283", {
{"01732", {
{"01733", {
{"01734", {
{"07967src", {
{"07967dst", {
{"07968src", {
{"07968dst", {
{"00142", {
{"00143", {
{"00144", {
{"00145", {
{"00147", {
{"00150", {
{"00151", {
{"00153", {
{"07966src", {
{"07966dst", {
{"07969src", {
{"07969dst", {
// clang-format on
uint8_t index = 0;
if (host_version) {
index = 2;
} else if (copy2) {
index = 1;
// Validate contents of a VkImageCopy or VkImageCopy2KHR struct
template <typename HandleT, typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateImageCopyData(const HandleT handle, const uint32_t regionCount, const RegionType *pRegions,
const IMAGE_STATE &src_image_state, const IMAGE_STATE &dst_image_state, bool is_host,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
const bool is_2 = loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyImage2 || loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyImage2KHR;
const char *vuid;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const RegionType region = pRegions[i];
// For comp<->uncomp copies, the copy extent for the dest image must be adjusted
const VkExtent3D src_copy_extent = region.extent;
const VkExtent3D dst_copy_extent =
GetAdjustedDestImageExtent(src_image_state.createInfo.format, dst_image_state.createInfo.format, region.extent);
bool slice_override = false;
uint32_t depth_slices = 0;
// Special case for copying between a 1D/2D array and a 3D image
// TBD: This seems like the only way to reconcile 3 mutually-exclusive VU checks for 2D/3D copies. Heads up.
if ((VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D == src_image_state.createInfo.imageType) &&
(VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D != dst_image_state.createInfo.imageType)) {
depth_slices = region.dstSubresource.layerCount; // Slice count from 2D subresource
slice_override = (depth_slices != 1);
} else if ((VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D == dst_image_state.createInfo.imageType) &&
(VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D != src_image_state.createInfo.imageType)) {
depth_slices = region.srcSubresource.layerCount; // Slice count from 2D subresource
slice_override = (depth_slices != 1);
// Do all checks on source image
if (src_image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D) {
if ((0 != region.srcOffset.y) || (1 != src_copy_extent.height)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("00146", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.y is %" PRId32 " and extent.height is %" PRIu32
". For 1D images these must "
"be 0 and 1, respectively.",
region.srcOffset.y, src_copy_extent.height);
if (((src_image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D) ||
((src_image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D) && is_host)) &&
((0 != region.srcOffset.z) || (1 != src_copy_extent.depth))) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
const char *image_type = is_host ? "1D or 2D" : "1D";
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("01785", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.z is %" PRId32 " and extent.depth is %" PRIu32
". For %s images "
"these must be 0 and 1, respectively.",
region.srcOffset.z, src_copy_extent.depth, image_type);
if ((src_image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D) && (0 != region.srcOffset.z) && (!is_host)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01787" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-01787";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc, "srcOffset.z is %" PRId32 ". For 2D images the z-offset must be 0.",
{ // Used to be compressed checks, now apply to all
const VkExtent3D block_size = vkuFormatTexelBlockExtent(src_image_state.createInfo.format);
if (SafeModulo(region.srcOffset.x, block_size.width) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("07278", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.x (%" PRId32
") must be a multiple of the blocked image's texel "
"width (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.srcOffset.x, block_size.width);
// image offsets y must be multiple of block height
if (SafeModulo(region.srcOffset.y, block_size.height) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("07279", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.y (%" PRId32
") must be a multiple of the blocked image's texel "
"height (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.srcOffset.y, block_size.height);
// image offsets z must be multiple of block depth
if (SafeModulo(region.srcOffset.z, block_size.depth) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("07280", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.z (%" PRId32
") must be a multiple of the blocked image's texel "
"depth (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.srcOffset.z, block_size.depth);
const VkExtent3D mip_extent = src_image_state.GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(region.srcSubresource);
if ((SafeModulo(src_copy_extent.width, block_size.width) != 0) &&
(src_copy_extent.width + region.srcOffset.x != mip_extent.width)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("01728", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"extent width (%" PRIu32
") must be a multiple of the blocked texture block "
"width (%" PRIu32 "), or when added to srcOffset.x (%" PRId32
") must equal the image subresource width (%" PRIu32 ").",
src_copy_extent.width, block_size.width, region.srcOffset.x, mip_extent.width);
// Extent height must be a multiple of block height, or extent+offset height must equal subresource height
if ((SafeModulo(src_copy_extent.height, block_size.height) != 0) &&
(src_copy_extent.height + region.srcOffset.y != mip_extent.height)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("01729", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"extent height (%" PRIu32
") must be a multiple of the compressed texture block "
"height (%" PRIu32 "), or when added to srcOffset.y (%" PRId32
") must equal the image subresource height (%" PRIu32 ").",
src_copy_extent.height, block_size.height, region.srcOffset.y, mip_extent.height);
// Extent depth must be a multiple of block depth, or extent+offset depth must equal subresource depth
uint32_t copy_depth = (slice_override ? depth_slices : src_copy_extent.depth);
if ((SafeModulo(copy_depth, block_size.depth) != 0) && (copy_depth + region.srcOffset.z != mip_extent.depth)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("01730", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"extent width (%" PRIu32
") must be a multiple of the compressed texture block "
"depth (%" PRIu32 "), or when added to srcOffset.z (%" PRId32
") must equal the image subresource depth (%" PRIu32 ").",
src_copy_extent.depth, block_size.depth, region.srcOffset.z, mip_extent.depth);
// Do all checks on dest image
if (dst_image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D) {
if ((0 != region.dstOffset.y) || (1 != dst_copy_extent.height)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, dst_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("00152", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"dstOffset.y is %" PRId32 " and dst_copy_extent.height is %" PRIu32
". For 1D images "
"these must be 0 and 1, respectively.",
region.dstOffset.y, dst_copy_extent.height);
if (((dst_image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D) ||
((dst_image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D) && is_host)) &&
((0 != region.dstOffset.z) || (1 != dst_copy_extent.depth))) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, dst_image_state.image());
const char *image_type = is_host ? "1D or 2D" : "1D";
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("01786", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"dstOffset.z is %" PRId32 " and extent.depth is %" PRIu32
". For %s images these must be 0 "
"and 1, respectively.",
region.dstOffset.z, dst_copy_extent.depth, image_type);
if ((dst_image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D) && (0 != region.dstOffset.z) && !(is_host)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, dst_image_state.image());
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-01788" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstImage-01788";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc, "dstOffset.z is %" PRId32 ". For 2D images the z-offset must be 0.",
// Handle difference between Maintenance 1
if (IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_khr_maintenance1) || is_host) {
if (src_image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
if ((0 != region.srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer) || (1 != region.srcSubresource.layerCount)) {
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("04443", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer is %" PRIu32
" and srcSubresource.layerCount "
"is %" PRIu32 ". For VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D images these must be 0 and 1, respectively.",
region.srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer, region.srcSubresource.layerCount);
if (dst_image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, dst_image_state.image());
if ((0 != region.dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer) || (1 != region.dstSubresource.layerCount)) {
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("04444", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer is %" PRIu32
" and dstSubresource.layerCount "
"is %" PRIu32 ". For VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D images these must be 0 and 1, respectively.",
region.dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer, region.dstSubresource.layerCount);
} else { // Pre maint 1
if (src_image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D ||
dst_image_state.createInfo.imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D) {
if ((0 != region.srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer) || (1 != region.srcSubresource.layerCount)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-apiVersion-07932" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-apiVersion-07932";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer is %" PRIu32
" and "
"srcSubresource.layerCount is %" PRIu32
". For copies with either source or dest of type "
"VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D, these must be 0 and 1, respectively.",
region.srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer, region.srcSubresource.layerCount);
if ((0 != region.dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer) || (1 != region.dstSubresource.layerCount)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, dst_image_state.image());
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-apiVersion-07932" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-apiVersion-07932";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer is %" PRIu32
" and "
"dstSubresource.layerCount is %" PRIu32
". For copies with either source or dest of type "
"VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D, these must be 0 and 1, respectively.",
region.dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer, region.dstSubresource.layerCount);
const VkExtent3D block_size = vkuFormatTexelBlockExtent(dst_image_state.createInfo.format);
// image offsets x must be multiple of block width
if (SafeModulo(region.dstOffset.x, block_size.width) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("07281", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.x (%" PRId32
") must be a multiple of the blocked image's texel "
"width (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.dstOffset.x, block_size.width);
// image offsets y must be multiple of block height
if (SafeModulo(region.dstOffset.y, block_size.height) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("07282", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.y (%" PRId32
") must be a multiple of the blocked image's texel "
"height (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.dstOffset.y, block_size.height);
// image offsets z must be multiple of block depth
if (SafeModulo(region.dstOffset.z, block_size.depth) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("07283", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.z (%" PRId32
") must be a multiple of the blocked image's texel "
"depth (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.dstOffset.z, block_size.depth);
const VkExtent3D mip_extent = dst_image_state.GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(region.dstSubresource);
if ((SafeModulo(dst_copy_extent.width, block_size.width) != 0) &&
(dst_copy_extent.width + region.dstOffset.x != mip_extent.width)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, dst_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("01732", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"dst_copy_extent width (%" PRIu32
") must be a multiple of the blocked texture "
"block width (%" PRIu32 "), or when added to dstOffset.x (%" PRId32
") must equal the image subresource width (%" PRIu32 ").",
dst_copy_extent.width, block_size.width, region.dstOffset.x, mip_extent.width);
// Extent height must be a multiple of block height, or dst_copy_extent+offset height must equal subresource height
if ((SafeModulo(dst_copy_extent.height, block_size.height) != 0) &&
(dst_copy_extent.height + region.dstOffset.y != mip_extent.height)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, dst_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("01733", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"dst_copy_extent height (%" PRIu32
") must be a multiple of the compressed "
"texture block height (%" PRIu32 "), or when added to dstOffset.y (%" PRId32
") must equal the image subresource "
"height (%" PRIu32 ").",
dst_copy_extent.height, block_size.height, region.dstOffset.y, mip_extent.height);
// Extent depth must be a multiple of block depth, or dst_copy_extent+offset depth must equal subresource depth
uint32_t copy_depth = (slice_override ? depth_slices : dst_copy_extent.depth);
if ((SafeModulo(copy_depth, block_size.depth) != 0) && (copy_depth + region.dstOffset.z != mip_extent.depth)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, dst_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("01734", is_2, is_host), objlist, region_loc,
"dst_copy_extent width (%" PRIu32
") must be a multiple of the compressed texture "
"block depth (%" PRIu32 "), or when added to dstOffset.z (%" PRId32
") must equal the image subresource depth (%" PRIu32 ").",
dst_copy_extent.depth, block_size.depth, region.dstOffset.z, mip_extent.depth);
return skip;
// Returns non-zero if offset and extent exceed image extents
static constexpr uint32_t kXBit = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t kYBit = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t kZBit = 4;
static uint32_t ExceedsBounds(const VkOffset3D *offset, const VkExtent3D *extent, const VkExtent3D *image_extent) {
uint32_t result = 0;
// Extents/depths cannot be negative but checks left in for clarity
if ((offset->z + extent->depth > image_extent->depth) || (offset->z < 0) ||
((offset->z + static_cast<int32_t>(extent->depth)) < 0)) {
result |= kZBit;
if ((offset->y + extent->height > image_extent->height) || (offset->y < 0) ||
((offset->y + static_cast<int32_t>(extent->height)) < 0)) {
result |= kYBit;
if ((offset->x + extent->width > image_extent->width) || (offset->x < 0) ||
((offset->x + static_cast<int32_t>(extent->width)) < 0)) {
result |= kXBit;
return result;
template <typename HandleT, typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCopyImageCommon(HandleT handle, const IMAGE_STATE &src_image_state, const IMAGE_STATE &dst_image_state,
uint32_t regionCount, const RegionType *pRegions, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
const bool is_2 = loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyImage2 || loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyImage2KHR;
const bool is_host = loc.function == Func::vkCopyImageToImageEXT;
const VkFormat src_format = src_image_state.createInfo.format;
const VkFormat dst_format = dst_image_state.createInfo.format;
auto src_image = src_image_state.image();
auto dst_image = dst_image_state.image();
const bool src_is_3d = (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D == src_image_state.createInfo.imageType);
const bool dst_is_3d = (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D == dst_image_state.createInfo.imageType);
const LogObjectList src_objlist(handle, src_image);
const LogObjectList dst_objlist(handle, dst_image);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const Location src_subresource_loc =;
const Location dst_subresource_loc =;
const RegionType region = pRegions[i];
// For comp/uncomp copies, the copy extent for the dest image must be adjusted
VkExtent3D src_copy_extent = region.extent;
VkExtent3D dst_copy_extent = GetAdjustedDestImageExtent(src_format, dst_format, region.extent);
bool slice_override = false;
uint32_t depth_slices = 0;
// Special case for copying between a 1D/2D array and a 3D image
// TBD: This seems like the only way to reconcile 3 mutually-exclusive VU checks for 2D/3D copies. Heads up.
if (src_is_3d && !dst_is_3d) {
depth_slices = region.dstSubresource.layerCount; // Slice count from 2D subresource
slice_override = (depth_slices != 1);
} else if (dst_is_3d && !src_is_3d) {
depth_slices = region.srcSubresource.layerCount; // Slice count from 2D subresource
slice_override = (depth_slices != 1);
skip |= ValidateImageSubresourceLayers(handle, &region.srcSubresource, src_subresource_loc);
skip |= ValidateImageSubresourceLayers(handle, &region.dstSubresource, dst_subresource_loc);
skip |= ValidateImageMipLevel(handle, src_image_state, region.srcSubresource.mipLevel,, GetImageCopyVUID("07967src", is_2, is_host));
skip |= ValidateImageMipLevel(handle, dst_image_state, region.dstSubresource.mipLevel,, GetImageCopyVUID("07967dst", is_2, is_host));
skip |= ValidateImageArrayLayerRange(handle, src_image_state, region.srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer,
region.srcSubresource.layerCount, src_subresource_loc,
GetImageCopyVUID("07968src", is_2, is_host));
skip |= ValidateImageArrayLayerRange(handle, dst_image_state, region.dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer,
region.dstSubresource.layerCount, dst_subresource_loc,
GetImageCopyVUID("07968dst", is_2, is_host));
if (api_version < VK_API_VERSION_1_1) {
if (!IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_khr_maintenance1)) {
// For each region the layerCount member of srcSubresource and dstSubresource must match
if (region.srcSubresource.layerCount != region.dstSubresource.layerCount) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image, dst_image);
const char *vuid =
(is_2 || is_host) ? "VUID-VkImageCopy2-apiVersion-07941" : "VUID-VkImageCopy-apiVersion-07941";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"(%" PRIu32 ") does not match %s (%" PRIu32 ").", region.srcSubresource.layerCount,, region.dstSubresource.layerCount);
if (!IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_khr_sampler_ycbcr_conversion)) {
// For each region the aspectMask member of srcSubresource and dstSubresource must match
if (region.srcSubresource.aspectMask != region.dstSubresource.aspectMask) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image, dst_image);
const char *vuid =
(is_2 || is_host) ? "VUID-VkImageCopy2-apiVersion-07940" : "VUID-VkImageCopy-apiVersion-07940";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,, "(%s) does not match %s (%s).",
// For each region, the aspectMask member of srcSubresource must be present in the source image
if (!VerifyAspectsPresent(region.srcSubresource.aspectMask, src_format)) {
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("00142", is_2, is_host), src_objlist,,
"(%s) cannot specify aspects not present in source image (%s).",
string_VkImageAspectFlags(region.srcSubresource.aspectMask).c_str(), string_VkFormat(src_format));
// For each region, the aspectMask member of dstSubresource must be present in the destination image
if (!VerifyAspectsPresent(region.dstSubresource.aspectMask, dst_format)) {
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("00143", is_2, is_host), dst_objlist,,
"(%s) cannot specify aspects not present in destination image (%s).",
string_VkImageAspectFlags(region.dstSubresource.aspectMask).c_str(), string_VkFormat(dst_format));
// Make sure not a empty region
if (src_copy_extent.width == 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image);
const char *vuid = (is_2 || is_host) ? "VUID-VkImageCopy2-extent-06668" : "VUID-VkImageCopy-extent-06668";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"is zero. (empty copies are not allowed).");
if (src_copy_extent.height == 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image);
const char *vuid = (is_2 || is_host) ? "VUID-VkImageCopy2-extent-06669" : "VUID-VkImageCopy-extent-06669";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"is zero. (empty copies are not allowed).");
if (src_copy_extent.depth == 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, src_image);
const char *vuid = (is_2 || is_host) ? "VUID-VkImageCopy2-extent-06670" : "VUID-VkImageCopy-extent-06670";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"is zero. (empty copies are not allowed).");
// Each dimension offset + extent limits must fall with image subresource extent
VkExtent3D subresource_extent = src_image_state.GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(region.srcSubresource);
if (slice_override) src_copy_extent.depth = depth_slices;
uint32_t extent_check = ExceedsBounds(&(region.srcOffset), &src_copy_extent, &subresource_extent);
if (extent_check & kXBit) {
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("00144", is_2, is_host), src_objlist,,
"(%" PRId32 ") + extent (%" PRIu32 ") exceeds subResource width (%" PRIu32 ").", region.srcOffset.x,
src_copy_extent.width, subresource_extent.width);
if (extent_check & kYBit) {
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("00145", is_2, is_host), src_objlist,,
"(%" PRId32 ") + extent (%" PRIu32 ") exceeds subResource height (%" PRIu32 ").", region.srcOffset.y,
src_copy_extent.height, subresource_extent.height);
if (extent_check & kZBit) {
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("00147", is_2, is_host), src_objlist,,
"(%" PRId32 ") + extent (%" PRIu32 ") exceeds subResource depth (%" PRIu32 ").", region.srcOffset.z,
src_copy_extent.depth, subresource_extent.depth);
// Adjust dest extent if necessary
subresource_extent = dst_image_state.GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(region.dstSubresource);
if (slice_override) dst_copy_extent.depth = depth_slices;
extent_check = ExceedsBounds(&(region.dstOffset), &dst_copy_extent, &subresource_extent);
if (extent_check & kXBit) {
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("00150", is_2, is_host), dst_objlist,,
"(%" PRId32 ") + extent (%" PRIu32 ") exceeds subResource width (%" PRIu32 ").", region.dstOffset.x,
dst_copy_extent.width, subresource_extent.width);
if (extent_check & kYBit) {
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("00151", is_2, is_host), dst_objlist,,
"(%" PRId32 ") + extent (%" PRIu32 ") exceeds subResource height (%" PRIu32 ").", region.dstOffset.y,
dst_copy_extent.height, subresource_extent.height);
if (extent_check & kZBit) {
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("00153", is_2, is_host), dst_objlist,,
"(%" PRId32 ") + extent (%" PRIu32 ") exceeds subResource depth (%" PRIu32 ").", region.dstOffset.z,
dst_copy_extent.depth, subresource_extent.depth);
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToImage(src_objlist, src_image_state,,
GetImageCopyVUID("07966src", is_2, is_host));
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToImage(dst_objlist, dst_image_state,,
GetImageCopyVUID("07966dst", is_2, is_host));
if (src_image_state.createInfo.flags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT) {
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("07969src", is_2, is_host), src_objlist,,
"was created with flags including VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT");
if (dst_image_state.createInfo.flags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT) {
skip |= LogError(GetImageCopyVUID("07969dst", is_2, is_host), dst_objlist,,
"was created with flags including VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT");
return skip;
template <typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCmdCopyImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount,
const RegionType *pRegions, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
auto cb_state_ptr = GetRead<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto src_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(srcImage);
auto dst_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(dstImage);
if (!cb_state_ptr || !src_image_state || !dst_image_state) {
return skip;
const CMD_BUFFER_STATE &cb_state = *cb_state_ptr;
const VkFormat src_format = src_image_state->createInfo.format;
const VkFormat dst_format = dst_image_state->createInfo.format;
const VkImageType src_image_type = src_image_state->createInfo.imageType;
const VkImageType dst_image_type = dst_image_state->createInfo.imageType;
const bool src_is_2d = (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D == src_image_type);
const bool src_is_3d = (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D == src_image_type);
const bool dst_is_2d = (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D == dst_image_type);
const bool dst_is_3d = (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D == dst_image_type);
const bool is_2 = loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyImage2 || loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyImage2KHR;
const char *vuid;
const Location src_image_loc =;
const Location dst_image_loc =;
skip = ValidateImageCopyData(commandBuffer, regionCount, pRegions, *src_image_state, *dst_image_state, false, loc);
skip = ValidateCopyImageCommon(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, *dst_image_state, regionCount, pRegions, loc);
bool has_stencil_aspect = false;
bool has_non_stencil_aspect = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const Location src_subresource_loc =;
const Location dst_subresource_loc =;
const RegionType &region = pRegions[i];
// For comp/uncomp copies, the copy extent for the dest image must be adjusted
VkExtent3D src_copy_extent = region.extent;
VkExtent3D dst_copy_extent = GetAdjustedDestImageExtent(src_format, dst_format, region.extent);
bool slice_override = false;
uint32_t depth_slices = 0;
// Special case for copying between a 1D/2D array and a 3D image
// TBD: This seems like the only way to reconcile 3 mutually-exclusive VU checks for 2D/3D copies. Heads up.
if (src_is_3d && !dst_is_3d) {
depth_slices = region.dstSubresource.layerCount; // Slice count from 2D subresource
slice_override = (depth_slices != 1);
} else if (dst_is_3d && !src_is_3d) {
depth_slices = region.srcSubresource.layerCount; // Slice count from 2D subresource
slice_override = (depth_slices != 1);
if (IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_khr_maintenance1)) {
// No chance of mismatch if we're overriding depth slice count
if (!slice_override) {
// The number of depth slices in srcSubresource and dstSubresource must match
// Depth comes from layerCount for 1D,2D resources, from extent.depth for 3D
uint32_t src_slices = (src_is_3d ? src_copy_extent.depth : region.srcSubresource.layerCount);
uint32_t dst_slices = (dst_is_3d ? dst_copy_extent.depth : region.dstSubresource.layerCount);
if (src_slices != dst_slices && src_slices != VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS &&
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-08793" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-08793";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc, "%s (%" PRIu32 ") is different from %s (%" PRIu32 ").",
src_is_3d ? "extent.depth" : "srcSubresource.layerCount", src_slices,
dst_is_3d ? "extent.depth" : "dstSubresource.layerCount", dst_slices);
// Maintenance 1 requires both while prior only required one to be 2D
if ((src_is_2d && dst_is_2d) && (src_copy_extent.depth != 1)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01790" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-01790";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"both srcImage and dstImage are 2D and extent.depth is %" PRIu32 " and has to be 1",
if (src_image_type != dst_image_type) {
// if different, one must be 3D and the other 2D
const bool valid =
(src_is_2d && dst_is_3d) || (src_is_3d && dst_is_2d) || enabled_features.maintenance5_features.maintenance5;
if (!valid) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-07743" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-07743";
skip |=
LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"srcImage type (%s) must be equal to dstImage type (%s) or else one must be 2D and the other 3D",
string_VkImageType(src_image_type), string_VkImageType(dst_image_type));
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01995" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-01995";
skip |= ValidateImageFormatFeatureFlags(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT,
src_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-01996" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstImage-01996";
skip |= ValidateImageFormatFeatureFlags(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_TRANSFER_DST_BIT,
dst_image_loc, vuid);
// Check if 2D with 3D and depth not equal to 2D layerCount
if (src_is_2d && dst_is_3d && (src_copy_extent.depth != region.srcSubresource.layerCount)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01791" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-01791";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"srcImage is 2D, dstImage is 3D and extent.depth is %" PRIu32
" and has to be "
"srcSubresource.layerCount (%" PRIu32 ")",
src_copy_extent.depth, region.srcSubresource.layerCount);
} else if (src_is_3d && dst_is_2d && (src_copy_extent.depth != region.dstSubresource.layerCount)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-01792" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstImage-01792";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"srcImage is 3D, dstImage is 2D and extent.depth is %" PRIu32
" and has to be "
"dstSubresource.layerCount (%" PRIu32 ")",
src_copy_extent.depth, region.dstSubresource.layerCount);
} else { // !vk_khr_maintenance1
if ((src_is_2d || dst_is_2d) && (src_copy_extent.depth != 1)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-apiVersion-08969" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-apiVersion-08969";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc, "srcImage is %s is dstImage is %s but extent.depth is %" PRIu32 ".",
string_VkImageType(src_image_type), string_VkImageType(dst_image_type), src_copy_extent.depth);
if (src_image_type != dst_image_type) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-apiVersion-07933" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-apiVersion-07933";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"srcImage (%s) must be equal to dstImage (%s) without VK_KHR_maintenance1 enabled",
string_VkImageType(src_image_type), string_VkImageType(dst_image_type));
if ((!vkuFormatIsMultiplane(src_format)) && (!vkuFormatIsMultiplane(dst_format))) {
// If neither image is multi-plane the aspectMask member of src and dst must match
if (region.srcSubresource.aspectMask != region.dstSubresource.aspectMask) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01551" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-01551";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,, "(%s) does not match %s (%s).",
} else {
// Source image multiplane checks
VkImageAspectFlags aspect = region.srcSubresource.aspectMask;
if (vkuFormatIsMultiplane(src_format) && !IsOnlyOneValidPlaneAspect(src_format, aspect)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-08713" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-08713";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"(%s) is invalid for multi-planar format %s.", string_VkImageAspectFlags(aspect).c_str(),
// Single-plane to multi-plane
if ((!vkuFormatIsMultiplane(src_format)) && (vkuFormatIsMultiplane(dst_format)) && (VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT != aspect)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-01557" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstImage-01557";
skip |=
LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"(%s) needs VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT\nsrcImage format %s\ndstImage format %s\n.",
string_VkImageAspectFlags(aspect).c_str(), string_VkFormat(src_format), string_VkFormat(dst_format));
// Dest image multiplane checks
aspect = region.dstSubresource.aspectMask;
if (vkuFormatIsMultiplane(dst_format) && !IsOnlyOneValidPlaneAspect(dst_format, aspect)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-08714" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstImage-08714";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"(%s) is invalid for multi-planar format %s.", string_VkImageAspectFlags(aspect).c_str(),
// Multi-plane to single-plane
if ((vkuFormatIsMultiplane(src_format)) && (!vkuFormatIsMultiplane(dst_format)) && (VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT != aspect)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01556" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-01556";
skip |=
LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"(%s) needs VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT\nsrcImage format %s\ndstImage format %s\n.",
string_VkImageAspectFlags(aspect).c_str(), string_VkFormat(src_format), string_VkFormat(dst_format));
// The union of all source regions, and the union of all destination regions, specified by the elements of regions,
// must not overlap in memory
// Validation is only performed when source image is the same as destination image.
// In the general case, the mapping between an image and its underlying memory is undefined,
// so checking for memory overlaps is not possible.
if (src_image_state->image() == dst_image_state->image()) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < regionCount; j++) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
if (auto intersection = GetRegionIntersection(region, pRegions[j], src_image_type, vkuFormatIsMultiplane(src_format));
intersection.has_instersection) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-pRegions-00124" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-pRegions-00124";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, loc,
"pRegion[%" PRIu32 "] copy source overlaps with pRegions[%" PRIu32
"] copy destination. Overlap info, with respect to image (%s): %s.",
i, j, FormatHandle(srcImage).c_str(), intersection.String().c_str());
// Check for multi-plane format compatiblity
if (vkuFormatIsMultiplane(src_format) || vkuFormatIsMultiplane(dst_format)) {
const VkFormat src_plane_format = vkuFormatIsMultiplane(src_format)
? vkuFindMultiplaneCompatibleFormat(src_format, static_cast<VkImageAspectFlagBits>(region.srcSubresource.aspectMask))
: src_format;
const VkFormat dst_plane_format = vkuFormatIsMultiplane(dst_format)
? vkuFindMultiplaneCompatibleFormat(dst_format, static_cast<VkImageAspectFlagBits>(region.dstSubresource.aspectMask))
: dst_format;
const size_t src_format_size = vkuFormatElementSize(src_plane_format);
const size_t dst_format_size = vkuFormatElementSize(dst_plane_format);
// If size is still zero, then format is invalid and will be caught in another VU
if ((src_format_size != dst_format_size) && (src_format_size != 0) && (dst_format_size != 0)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-None-01549" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-None-01549";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"srcImage format %s with aspectMask %s is not compatible with dstImage format %s aspectMask %s.",
string_VkFormat(src_format), string_VkImageAspectFlags(region.srcSubresource.aspectMask).c_str(),
string_VkFormat(dst_format), string_VkImageAspectFlags(region.dstSubresource.aspectMask).c_str());
// track aspect mask in loop through regions
if ((region.srcSubresource.aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT) != 0) {
has_stencil_aspect = true;
if ((region.srcSubresource.aspectMask & (~VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT)) != 0) {
has_non_stencil_aspect = true;
// The formats of non-multiplane src_image and dst_image must be compatible. Formats are considered compatible if their texel
// size in bytes is the same between both formats. For example, VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM is compatible with VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT
// because because both texels are 4 bytes in size.
if (!vkuFormatIsMultiplane(src_format) && !vkuFormatIsMultiplane(dst_format)) {
const char *compatible_vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01548" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-01548";
// Depth/stencil formats must match exactly.
if (vkuFormatIsDepthOrStencil(src_format) || vkuFormatIsDepthOrStencil(dst_format)) {
if (src_format != dst_format) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
skip |= LogError(compatible_vuid, objlist, loc, "srcImage format (%s) is different from dstImage format (%s).",
string_VkFormat(src_format), string_VkFormat(dst_format));
} else {
if (vkuFormatElementSize(src_format) != vkuFormatElementSize(dst_format)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
skip |= LogError(compatible_vuid, objlist, loc,
"srcImage format %s has size of %" PRIu32 " and dstImage format %s has size of %" PRIu32 ".",
string_VkFormat(src_format), vkuFormatElementSize(src_format), string_VkFormat(dst_format),
if (vkuFormatIsCompressed(src_format) && vkuFormatIsCompressed(dst_format)) {
auto src_block_extent = vkuFormatTexelBlockExtent(src_format);
auto dst_block_extent = vkuFormatTexelBlockExtent(dst_format);
if (src_block_extent.width != dst_block_extent.width || src_block_extent.height != dst_block_extent.height ||
src_block_extent.depth != dst_block_extent.depth) {
const char *compatible_vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-09247" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-09247";
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
skip |= LogError(compatible_vuid, objlist, loc,
"srcImage format %s has texel block extent (w = %" PRIu32 ", h = %" PRIu32 ", d = %" PRIu32
") and dstImage format %s has texel block extent (w = %" PRIu32 ", h = %" PRIu32 ", d = %" PRIu32 ").",
string_VkFormat(src_format), src_block_extent.width, src_block_extent.height, src_block_extent.depth,
string_VkFormat(dst_format), dst_block_extent.width, dst_block_extent.height, dst_block_extent.depth);
// Validate that SRC & DST images have correct usage flags set
if (!IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_ext_separate_stencil_usage)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-aspect-06662" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-aspect-06662";
skip |=
ValidateImageUsageFlags(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT, false, vuid, src_image_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-aspect-06663" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-aspect-06663";
skip |=
ValidateImageUsageFlags(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, false, vuid, dst_image_loc);
} else {
auto src_separate_stencil = vku::FindStructInPNextChain<VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfo>(src_image_state->createInfo.pNext);
if (src_separate_stencil && has_stencil_aspect &&
((src_separate_stencil->stencilUsage & VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT) == 0)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-aspect-06664" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-aspect-06664";
skip = LogError(vuid, objlist, src_image_loc, "(%s) was created with %s but requires VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT.",
if (!src_separate_stencil || has_non_stencil_aspect) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-aspect-06662" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-aspect-06662";
skip |= ValidateImageUsageFlags(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT, false, vuid,
auto dst_separate_stencil = vku::FindStructInPNextChain<VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfo>(dst_image_state->createInfo.pNext);
if (dst_separate_stencil && has_stencil_aspect &&
((dst_separate_stencil->stencilUsage & VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT) == 0)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-aspect-06665" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-aspect-06665";
skip = LogError(vuid, objlist, dst_image_loc, "(%s) was created with %s but requires VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT.",
if (!dst_separate_stencil || has_non_stencil_aspect) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-aspect-06663" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-aspect-06663";
skip |= ValidateImageUsageFlags(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, false, vuid,
// Source and dest image sample counts must match
if (src_image_state->createInfo.samples != dst_image_state->createInfo.samples) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-00136" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImage-00136";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, src_image_loc, "was created with (%s) but the dstImage was created with (%s).",
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage2-commandBuffer-01825" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-commandBuffer-01825";
skip |= ValidateProtectedImage(cb_state, *src_image_state, src_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage2-commandBuffer-01826" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-commandBuffer-01826";
skip |= ValidateProtectedImage(cb_state, *dst_image_state, dst_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage2-commandBuffer-01827" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-commandBuffer-01827";
skip |= ValidateUnprotectedImage(cb_state, *dst_image_state, dst_image_loc, vuid);
skip |= ValidateCmd(cb_state, loc);
const char *invalid_src_layout_vuid =
is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImageLayout-01917" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImageLayout-01917";
const char *invalid_dst_layout_vuid =
is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImageLayout-01395" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstImageLayout-01395";
const bool same_image = (src_image_state == dst_image_state);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; ++i) {
// When performing copy from and to same subresource, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL is the only option
const Location region_loc =, i);
const RegionType region = pRegions[i];
const VkImageSubresourceLayers &src_subresource = region.srcSubresource;
const VkImageSubresourceLayers &dst_subresource = region.dstSubresource;
bool same_subresource = (same_image && (src_subresource.mipLevel == dst_subresource.mipLevel) &&
(src_subresource.baseArrayLayer == dst_subresource.baseArrayLayer));
VkImageLayout source_optimal = (same_subresource ? VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL : VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL);
VkImageLayout destination_optimal = (same_subresource ? VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL : VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImageLayout-00128" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcImageLayout-00128";
skip |= VerifyImageLayoutSubresource(cb_state, *src_image_state, region.srcSubresource, srcImageLayout, source_optimal,
src_image_loc, invalid_src_layout_vuid, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImageLayout-00133" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstImageLayout-00133";
skip |= VerifyImageLayoutSubresource(cb_state, *dst_image_state, region.dstSubresource, dstImageLayout, destination_optimal,
dst_image_loc, invalid_dst_layout_vuid, vuid);
skip |= ValidateCopyImageTransferGranularityRequirements(cb_state, *src_image_state, *dst_image_state, &region, region_loc);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdCopyImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount,
const VkImageCopy *pRegions, const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return ValidateCmdCopyImage(commandBuffer, srcImage, srcImageLayout, dstImage, dstImageLayout, regionCount, pRegions,
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdCopyImage2KHR(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkCopyImageInfo2KHR *pCopyImageInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return PreCallValidateCmdCopyImage2(commandBuffer, pCopyImageInfo, error_obj);
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdCopyImage2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkCopyImageInfo2 *pCopyImageInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return ValidateCmdCopyImage(commandBuffer, pCopyImageInfo->srcImage, pCopyImageInfo->srcImageLayout, pCopyImageInfo->dstImage,
pCopyImageInfo->dstImageLayout, pCopyImageInfo->regionCount, pCopyImageInfo->pRegions,;
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdCopyImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount,
const VkImageCopy *pRegions) {
StateTracker::PreCallRecordCmdCopyImage(commandBuffer, srcImage, srcImageLayout, dstImage, dstImageLayout, regionCount,
auto cb_state_ptr = GetWrite<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto src_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(srcImage);
auto dst_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(dstImage);
if (cb_state_ptr && src_image_state && dst_image_state) {
// Make sure that all image slices are updated to correct layout
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; ++i) {
cb_state_ptr->SetImageInitialLayout(*src_image_state, pRegions[i].srcSubresource, srcImageLayout);
cb_state_ptr->SetImageInitialLayout(*dst_image_state, pRegions[i].dstSubresource, dstImageLayout);
void CoreChecks::RecordCmdCopyImage2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkCopyImageInfo2 *pCopyImageInfo) {
auto cb_state_ptr = GetWrite<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto src_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(pCopyImageInfo->srcImage);
auto dst_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(pCopyImageInfo->dstImage);
if (cb_state_ptr && src_image_state && dst_image_state) {
// Make sure that all image slices are updated to correct layout
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCopyImageInfo->regionCount; ++i) {
cb_state_ptr->SetImageInitialLayout(*src_image_state, pCopyImageInfo->pRegions[i].srcSubresource,
cb_state_ptr->SetImageInitialLayout(*dst_image_state, pCopyImageInfo->pRegions[i].dstSubresource,
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdCopyImage2KHR(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkCopyImageInfo2KHR *pCopyImageInfo) {
StateTracker::PreCallRecordCmdCopyImage2KHR(commandBuffer, pCopyImageInfo);
RecordCmdCopyImage2(commandBuffer, pCopyImageInfo);
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdCopyImage2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkCopyImageInfo2 *pCopyImageInfo) {
StateTracker::PreCallRecordCmdCopyImage2(commandBuffer, pCopyImageInfo);
RecordCmdCopyImage2(commandBuffer, pCopyImageInfo);
template <typename RegionType>
void CoreChecks::RecordCmdCopyBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer srcBuffer, VkBuffer dstBuffer, uint32_t regionCount,
const RegionType *pRegions, const Location &loc) {
const bool is_2 = loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyBuffer2 || loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyBuffer2KHR;
const char *vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferInfo2-pRegions-00117" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBuffer-pRegions-00117";
auto src_buffer_state = Get<BUFFER_STATE>(srcBuffer);
auto dst_buffer_state = Get<BUFFER_STATE>(dstBuffer);
if (src_buffer_state->sparse || dst_buffer_state->sparse) {
auto cb_state_ptr = Get<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
std::vector<sparse_container::range<VkDeviceSize>> src_ranges;
std::vector<sparse_container::range<VkDeviceSize>> dst_ranges;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; ++i) {
const RegionType &region = pRegions[i];
src_ranges.emplace_back(sparse_container::range<VkDeviceSize>{region.srcOffset, region.srcOffset + region.size});
dst_ranges.emplace_back(sparse_container::range<VkDeviceSize>{region.dstOffset, region.dstOffset + region.size});
auto queue_submit_validation = [this, commandBuffer, src_buffer_state, dst_buffer_state, regionCount, src_ranges,
dst_ranges, loc,
vuid](const ValidationStateTracker &device_data, const class QUEUE_STATE &queue_state,
const CMD_BUFFER_STATE &cb_state) -> bool {
bool skip = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; ++i) {
const auto &src = src_ranges[i];
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < regionCount; ++j) {
const auto &dst = dst_ranges[j];
if (const auto [memory, overlap_range] =
src_buffer_state->GetResourceMemoryOverlap(src, dst_buffer_state.get(), dst);
memory != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, src_buffer_state->buffer(), dst_buffer_state->buffer(), memory);
skip |= this->LogError(vuid, objlist, loc,
"Memory (%s) has copy overlap on range %s. Source "
"buffer range is pRegions[%" PRIu32
"] (%s), destination buffer range is pRegions[%" PRIu32 "] (%s).",
FormatHandle(memory).c_str(), string_range(overlap_range).c_str(), i,
string_range(src).c_str(), j, string_range(dst).c_str());
return skip;
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdCopyBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer srcBuffer, VkBuffer dstBuffer,
uint32_t regionCount, const VkBufferCopy *pRegions) {
const Location loc(Func::vkCmdCopyBuffer);
RecordCmdCopyBuffer(commandBuffer, srcBuffer, dstBuffer, regionCount, pRegions, loc);
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdCopyBuffer2KHR(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkCopyBufferInfo2KHR *pCopyBufferInfo) {
const Location loc(Func::vkCmdCopyBuffer2KHR);
RecordCmdCopyBuffer(commandBuffer, pCopyBufferInfo->srcBuffer, pCopyBufferInfo->dstBuffer, pCopyBufferInfo->regionCount,
pCopyBufferInfo->pRegions, loc);
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdCopyBuffer2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkCopyBufferInfo2 *pCopyBufferInfo) {
const Location loc(Func::vkCmdCopyBuffer2);
RecordCmdCopyBuffer(commandBuffer, pCopyBufferInfo->srcBuffer, pCopyBufferInfo->dstBuffer, pCopyBufferInfo->regionCount,
pCopyBufferInfo->pRegions, loc);
template <typename T>
VkImageSubresourceLayers GetImageSubresource(T data, bool is_src) {
return data.imageSubresource;
template <>
VkImageSubresourceLayers GetImageSubresource<VkImageCopy2>(VkImageCopy2 data, bool is_src) {
return is_src ? data.srcSubresource : data.dstSubresource;
template <typename T>
VkOffset3D GetOffset(T data, bool is_src) {
return data.imageOffset;
template <>
VkOffset3D GetOffset<VkImageCopy2>(VkImageCopy2 data, bool is_src) {
return is_src ? data.srcOffset : data.dstOffset;
template <typename T>
VkExtent3D GetExtent(T data) {
return data.imageExtent;
template <>
VkExtent3D GetExtent<VkImageCopy2>(VkImageCopy2 data) {
return data.extent;
template <typename HandleT, typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateImageBounds(const HandleT handle, const IMAGE_STATE &image_state, const uint32_t regionCount,
const RegionType *pRegions, const Location &loc, const char *vuid, bool is_src) const {
bool skip = false;
const VkImageCreateInfo *image_info = &(image_state.createInfo);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const RegionType region = pRegions[i];
VkExtent3D extent = GetExtent(region);
VkOffset3D offset = GetOffset(region, is_src);
VkImageSubresourceLayers subresource_layout = GetImageSubresource(region, is_src);
VkExtent3D image_extent = image_state.GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(subresource_layout);
// If we're using a blocked image format, valid extent is rounded up to multiple of block size (per
// vkspec.html#_common_operation)
if (vkuFormatIsBlockedImage(image_info->format)) {
auto block_extent = vkuFormatTexelBlockExtent(image_info->format);
if (image_extent.width % block_extent.width) {
image_extent.width += (block_extent.width - (image_extent.width % block_extent.width));
if (image_extent.height % block_extent.height) {
image_extent.height += (block_extent.height - (image_extent.height % block_extent.height));
if (image_extent.depth % block_extent.depth) {
image_extent.depth += (block_extent.depth - (image_extent.depth % block_extent.depth));
if (0 != ExceedsBounds(&offset, &extent, &image_extent)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.Handle());
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"exceeds image bounds\n"
"region extent (w = %" PRIu32 ", h = %" PRIu32 ", d = %" PRIu32
"region offset (x = %" PRId32 ", y = %" PRId32 ", z = %" PRId32
"image extent (w = %" PRIu32 ", h = %" PRIu32 ", d = %" PRIu32 ")\n",
extent.width, extent.height, extent.depth, offset.x, offset.y, offset.z, image_extent.width,
image_extent.height, image_extent.depth);
return skip;
template <typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateBufferBounds(VkCommandBuffer cb, const IMAGE_STATE &image_state, const BUFFER_STATE &buff_state,
uint32_t regionCount, const RegionType *pRegions, const Location &loc,
const char *vuid) const {
bool skip = false;
const VkDeviceSize buffer_size = buff_state.createInfo.size;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const RegionType region = pRegions[i];
const VkDeviceSize buffer_copy_size =
GetBufferSizeFromCopyImage(region, image_state.createInfo.format, image_state.createInfo.arrayLayers);
// This blocks against invalid VkBufferCopyImage that already have been caught elsewhere
if (buffer_copy_size != 0) {
const VkDeviceSize max_buffer_copy = buffer_copy_size + region.bufferOffset;
if (buffer_size < max_buffer_copy) {
const LogObjectList objlist(cb, buff_state.Handle());
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"is trying to copy %" PRIu64 " bytes plus %" PRIu64
" offset to/from the VkBuffer (%s) which exceeds the VkBuffer total size of %" PRIu64 " bytes.",
buffer_copy_size, region.bufferOffset, FormatHandle(buff_state).c_str(), buffer_size);
return skip;
template <typename HandleT>
// Validate that an image's sampleCount matches the requirement for a specific API call
bool CoreChecks::ValidateImageSampleCount(const HandleT handle, const IMAGE_STATE &image_state, VkSampleCountFlagBits sample_count,
const Location &loc, const std::string &vuid) const {
bool skip = false;
if (image_state.createInfo.samples != sample_count) {
const LogObjectList objlist(handle, image_state.Handle());
skip = LogError(vuid, objlist, loc, "%s was created with a sample count of %s but must be %s.",
FormatHandle(image_state).c_str(), string_VkSampleCountFlagBits(image_state.createInfo.samples),
return skip;
template <typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCmdCopyImageToBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkBuffer dstBuffer, uint32_t regionCount, const RegionType *pRegions,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
auto cb_state_ptr = GetRead<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto src_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(srcImage);
auto dst_buffer_state = Get<BUFFER_STATE>(dstBuffer);
if (!cb_state_ptr || !src_image_state || !dst_buffer_state) {
return skip;
const CMD_BUFFER_STATE &cb_state = *cb_state_ptr;
const bool is_2 = loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2 || loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2KHR;
const char *vuid;
const Location src_image_loc =;
const Location dst_buffer_loc =;
skip |= ValidateBufferImageCopyData(cb_state, regionCount, pRegions, *src_image_state, loc);
skip |= ValidateCmd(cb_state, loc);
// Command pool must support graphics, compute, or transfer operations
const auto pool = cb_state.command_pool;
VkQueueFlags queue_flags = physical_device_state->queue_family_properties[pool->queueFamilyIndex].queueFlags;
const LogObjectList objlist(cb_state.createInfo.commandPool, commandBuffer, srcImage, dstBuffer);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2-commandBuffer-cmdpool" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-commandBuffer-cmdpool";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, loc, "command buffer allocated from a pool with queue type %s.",
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2-pRegions-04566" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-imageSubresource-07970";
skip |= ValidateImageBounds(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, regionCount, pRegions, loc, vuid, true);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2-pRegions-00183" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-pRegions-00183";
skip |= ValidateBufferBounds(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, *dst_buffer_state, regionCount, pRegions, loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2-srcImage-07973" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-srcImage-07973";
skip |= ValidateImageSampleCount(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT, src_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-srcImage-07966" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-srcImage-07966";
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToImage(LogObjectList(commandBuffer, srcImage), *src_image_state, src_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-dstBuffer2-00192" : "vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer dstBuffer-00192";
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToBuffer(commandBuffer, *dst_buffer_state, dst_buffer_loc, vuid);
// Validate that SRC image & DST buffer have correct usage flags set
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2-srcImage-00186" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-srcImage-00186";
skip |= ValidateImageUsageFlags(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT, true, vuid, src_image_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2-dstBuffer-00191" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-dstBuffer-00191";
skip |= ValidateBufferUsageFlags(LogObjectList(commandBuffer, dstBuffer), *dst_buffer_state, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT,
true, vuid, dst_buffer_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2-commandBuffer-01831" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-commandBuffer-01831";
skip |= ValidateProtectedImage(cb_state, *src_image_state, src_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2-commandBuffer-01832" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-commandBuffer-01832";
skip |= ValidateProtectedBuffer(cb_state, *dst_buffer_state, dst_buffer_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2-commandBuffer-01833" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-commandBuffer-01833";
skip |= ValidateUnprotectedBuffer(cb_state, *dst_buffer_state, dst_buffer_loc, vuid);
// Validation for VK_EXT_fragment_density_map
if (src_image_state->createInfo.flags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstBuffer);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2-srcImage-07969" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-srcImage-07969";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, src_image_loc, "was created with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT.");
if (IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_khr_maintenance1)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2-srcImage-01998" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-srcImage-01998";
skip |= ValidateImageFormatFeatureFlags(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT,
src_image_loc, vuid);
const char *src_invalid_layout_vuid =
is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2-srcImageLayout-01397" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-srcImageLayout-01397";
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; ++i) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const Location subresource_loc =;
const RegionType region = pRegions[i];
skip |= ValidateImageSubresourceLayers(cb_state.commandBuffer(), &region.imageSubresource, subresource_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2-srcImageLayout-00189" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-srcImageLayout-00189";
skip |= VerifyImageLayoutSubresource(cb_state, *src_image_state, region.imageSubresource, srcImageLayout,
VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL, src_image_loc, src_invalid_layout_vuid, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2-imageOffset-07747" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-imageOffset-07747";
skip |= ValidateCopyBufferImageTransferGranularityRequirements(cb_state, *src_image_state, &region, region_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2-imageSubresource-07967" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-imageSubresource-07967";
skip |= ValidateImageMipLevel(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, region.imageSubresource.mipLevel,, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2-imageSubresource-07968" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer-imageSubresource-07968";
skip |= ValidateImageArrayLayerRange(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, region.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer,
region.imageSubresource.layerCount, subresource_loc, vuid);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdCopyImageToBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkBuffer dstBuffer, uint32_t regionCount, const VkBufferImageCopy *pRegions,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return ValidateCmdCopyImageToBuffer(commandBuffer, srcImage, srcImageLayout, dstBuffer, regionCount, pRegions,
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdCopyImageToBuffer2KHR(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2KHR *pCopyImageToBufferInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return PreCallValidateCmdCopyImageToBuffer2(commandBuffer, pCopyImageToBufferInfo, error_obj);
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdCopyImageToBuffer2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2 *pCopyImageToBufferInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return ValidateCmdCopyImageToBuffer(commandBuffer, pCopyImageToBufferInfo->srcImage, pCopyImageToBufferInfo->srcImageLayout,
pCopyImageToBufferInfo->dstBuffer, pCopyImageToBufferInfo->regionCount,
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdCopyImageToBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkBuffer dstBuffer, uint32_t regionCount, const VkBufferImageCopy *pRegions) {
StateTracker::PreCallRecordCmdCopyImageToBuffer(commandBuffer, srcImage, srcImageLayout, dstBuffer, regionCount, pRegions);
auto cb_state_ptr = GetWrite<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto src_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(srcImage);
if (cb_state_ptr && src_image_state) {
// Make sure that all image slices record referenced layout
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; ++i) {
cb_state_ptr->SetImageInitialLayout(*src_image_state, pRegions[i].imageSubresource, srcImageLayout);
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdCopyImageToBuffer2KHR(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2KHR *pCopyImageToBufferInfo) {
StateTracker::PreCallRecordCmdCopyImageToBuffer2KHR(commandBuffer, pCopyImageToBufferInfo);
auto cb_state_ptr = GetWrite<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto src_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(pCopyImageToBufferInfo->srcImage);
if (cb_state_ptr && src_image_state) {
// Make sure that all image slices record referenced layout
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCopyImageToBufferInfo->regionCount; ++i) {
cb_state_ptr->SetImageInitialLayout(*src_image_state, pCopyImageToBufferInfo->pRegions[i].imageSubresource,
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdCopyImageToBuffer2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2 *pCopyImageToBufferInfo) {
StateTracker::PreCallRecordCmdCopyImageToBuffer2(commandBuffer, pCopyImageToBufferInfo);
auto cb_state_ptr = GetWrite<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto src_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(pCopyImageToBufferInfo->srcImage);
if (cb_state_ptr && src_image_state) {
// Make sure that all image slices record referenced layout
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCopyImageToBufferInfo->regionCount; ++i) {
cb_state_ptr->SetImageInitialLayout(*src_image_state, pCopyImageToBufferInfo->pRegions[i].imageSubresource,
template <typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCmdCopyBufferToImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer srcBuffer, VkImage dstImage,
VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount, const RegionType *pRegions,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
auto cb_state_ptr = GetRead<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto src_buffer_state = Get<BUFFER_STATE>(srcBuffer);
auto dst_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(dstImage);
if (!cb_state_ptr || !src_buffer_state || !dst_image_state) {
return skip;
const CMD_BUFFER_STATE &cb_state = *cb_state_ptr;
const bool is_2 = loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2 || loc.function == Func::vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2KHR;
const char *vuid;
const Location src_buffer_loc =;
const Location dst_image_loc =;
skip |= ValidateBufferImageCopyData(cb_state, regionCount, pRegions, *dst_image_state, loc);
skip |= ValidateCmd(cb_state, loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-pRegions-04565" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-imageSubresource-07970";
skip |= ValidateImageBounds(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, regionCount, pRegions, loc, vuid, false);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-pRegions-00171" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-pRegions-00171";
skip |= ValidateBufferBounds(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, *src_buffer_state, regionCount, pRegions, loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-dstImage-07973" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-dstImage-07973";
skip |= ValidateImageSampleCount(cb_state.commandBuffer(), *dst_image_state, VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT, dst_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-srcBuffer-00176" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-srcBuffer-00176";
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToBuffer(commandBuffer, *src_buffer_state, src_buffer_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-dstImage-07966" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-dstImage-07966";
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToImage(LogObjectList(commandBuffer, dstImage), *dst_image_state, dst_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-srcBuffer-00174" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-srcBuffer-00174";
skip |= ValidateBufferUsageFlags(LogObjectList(commandBuffer, srcBuffer), *src_buffer_state, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT,
true, vuid, src_buffer_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-dstImage-00177" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-dstImage-00177";
skip |= ValidateImageUsageFlags(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, true, vuid, dst_image_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2-commandBuffer-01828" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-commandBuffer-01828";
skip |= ValidateProtectedBuffer(cb_state, *src_buffer_state, src_buffer_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2-commandBuffer-01829" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-commandBuffer-01829";
skip |= ValidateProtectedImage(cb_state, *dst_image_state, dst_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-commandBuffer-01830" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-commandBuffer-01830";
skip |= ValidateUnprotectedImage(cb_state, *dst_image_state, dst_image_loc, vuid);
// Validation for VK_EXT_fragment_density_map
if (dst_image_state->createInfo.flags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcBuffer, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-dstImage-07969" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-dstImage-07969";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, dst_image_loc, "was created with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT.");
if (IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_khr_maintenance1)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-dstImage-01997" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-dstImage-01997";
skip |= ValidateImageFormatFeatureFlags(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_TRANSFER_DST_BIT,
dst_image_loc, vuid);
const char *dst_invalid_layout_vuid =
is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-dstImageLayout-01396" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-dstImageLayout-01396";
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; ++i) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const Location subresource_loc =;
const RegionType region = pRegions[i];
skip |= ValidateImageSubresourceLayers(cb_state.commandBuffer(), &region.imageSubresource, subresource_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-dstImageLayout-00180" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-dstImageLayout-00180";
skip |= VerifyImageLayoutSubresource(cb_state, *dst_image_state, region.imageSubresource, dstImageLayout,
VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL, dst_image_loc, dst_invalid_layout_vuid, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2-imageOffset-07738" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-imageOffset-07738";
skip |= ValidateCopyBufferImageTransferGranularityRequirements(cb_state, *dst_image_state, &region, region_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-imageSubresource-07967" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-imageSubresource-07967";
skip |= ValidateImageMipLevel(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, region.imageSubresource.mipLevel,, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2-imageSubresource-07968" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-imageSubresource-07968";
skip |= ValidateImageArrayLayerRange(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, region.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer,
region.imageSubresource.layerCount, subresource_loc, vuid);
// TODO - Don't use ValidateCmdQueueFlags due to currently not having way to add more descriptive message
const COMMAND_POOL_STATE *command_pool = cb_state.command_pool;
assert(command_pool != nullptr);
const uint32_t queue_family_index = command_pool->queueFamilyIndex;
const VkQueueFlags queue_flags = physical_device_state->queue_family_properties[queue_family_index].queueFlags;
const VkImageAspectFlags region_aspect_mask = region.imageSubresource.aspectMask;
if (((queue_flags & VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT) == 0) &&
((region_aspect_mask & (VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT | VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT)) != 0)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, command_pool->commandPool(), srcBuffer, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2-commandBuffer-07739" : "VUID-vkCmdCopyBufferToImage-commandBuffer-07739";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"is %s but the command buffer (%s) was allocated from the command pool (%s) "
"which was created with queueFamilyIndex %" PRIu32 ", which has queue type %s.",
string_VkImageAspectFlags(region_aspect_mask).c_str(), FormatHandle(cb_state).c_str(),
FormatHandle(command_pool->commandPool()).c_str(), queue_family_index,
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdCopyBufferToImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer srcBuffer, VkImage dstImage,
VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount,
const VkBufferImageCopy *pRegions, const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return ValidateCmdCopyBufferToImage(commandBuffer, srcBuffer, dstImage, dstImageLayout, regionCount, pRegions,
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdCopyBufferToImage2KHR(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2KHR *pCopyBufferToImageInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return PreCallValidateCmdCopyBufferToImage2(commandBuffer, pCopyBufferToImageInfo, error_obj);
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdCopyBufferToImage2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2 *pCopyBufferToImageInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return ValidateCmdCopyBufferToImage(commandBuffer, pCopyBufferToImageInfo->srcBuffer, pCopyBufferToImageInfo->dstImage,
pCopyBufferToImageInfo->dstImageLayout, pCopyBufferToImageInfo->regionCount,
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdCopyBufferToImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer srcBuffer, VkImage dstImage,
VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount,
const VkBufferImageCopy *pRegions) {
StateTracker::PreCallRecordCmdCopyBufferToImage(commandBuffer, srcBuffer, dstImage, dstImageLayout, regionCount, pRegions);
auto cb_state_ptr = GetWrite<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto dst_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(dstImage);
if (cb_state_ptr && dst_image_state) {
// Make sure that all image slices are record referenced layout
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; ++i) {
cb_state_ptr->SetImageInitialLayout(*dst_image_state, pRegions[i].imageSubresource, dstImageLayout);
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdCopyBufferToImage2KHR(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2KHR *pCopyBufferToImageInfo2KHR) {
StateTracker::PreCallRecordCmdCopyBufferToImage2KHR(commandBuffer, pCopyBufferToImageInfo2KHR);
auto cb_state_ptr = GetWrite<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto dst_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(pCopyBufferToImageInfo2KHR->dstImage);
if (cb_state_ptr && dst_image_state) {
// Make sure that all image slices are record referenced layout
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCopyBufferToImageInfo2KHR->regionCount; ++i) {
cb_state_ptr->SetImageInitialLayout(*dst_image_state, pCopyBufferToImageInfo2KHR->pRegions[i].imageSubresource,
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdCopyBufferToImage2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2 *pCopyBufferToImageInfo) {
StateTracker::PreCallRecordCmdCopyBufferToImage2(commandBuffer, pCopyBufferToImageInfo);
auto cb_state_ptr = GetWrite<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto dst_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(pCopyBufferToImageInfo->dstImage);
if (cb_state_ptr && dst_image_state) {
// Make sure that all image slices are record referenced layout
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCopyBufferToImageInfo->regionCount; ++i) {
cb_state_ptr->SetImageInitialLayout(*dst_image_state, pCopyBufferToImageInfo->pRegions[i].imageSubresource,
bool CoreChecks::UsageHostTransferCheck(VkDevice device, const IMAGE_STATE &image_state, bool has_stencil, bool has_non_stencil,
const char *vuid_09111, const char *vuid_09112, const char *vuid_09113,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
if (has_stencil) {
const auto image_stencil_struct = vku::FindStructInPNextChain<VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfo>(image_state.createInfo.pNext);
if (image_stencil_struct != nullptr) {
if ((image_stencil_struct->stencilUsage & VK_IMAGE_USAGE_HOST_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT) == 0) {
LogObjectList objlist(device, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(
vuid_09112, objlist, loc,
"An element of pRegions has an aspectMask that includes "
"and the image was created with separate stencil usage, but VK_IMAGE_USAGE_HOST_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT was not "
"included in VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfo::stencilUsage used to create image");
} else {
if ((image_state.createInfo.usage & VK_IMAGE_USAGE_HOST_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT) == 0) {
LogObjectList objlist(device, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(
vuid_09111, objlist, loc,
"An element of pRegions has an aspectMask that includes "
"image was not created with separate stencil usage, but VK_IMAGE_USAGE_HOST_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT was not included "
"in VkImageCreateInfo::usage used to create image");
if (has_non_stencil) {
if ((image_state.createInfo.usage & VK_IMAGE_USAGE_HOST_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT) == 0) {
LogObjectList objlist(device, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(
vuid_09113, objlist, loc,
"An element of pRegions has an aspectMask that includes "
"aspects other than VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT, but VK_IMAGE_USAGE_HOST_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT was not included "
"in VkImageCreateInfo::usage used to create image");
return skip;
template <typename T>
VkImageLayout GetImageLayout(T data) {
template <>
VkImageLayout GetImageLayout<VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT>(VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT data) {
return data.dstImageLayout;
template <>
VkImageLayout GetImageLayout<VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT>(VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT data) {
return data.srcImageLayout;
template <typename T>
VkImage GetImage(T data) {
template <>
VkImage GetImage<VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT>(VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT data) {
return data.dstImage;
template <>
VkImage GetImage<VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT>(VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT data) {
return data.srcImage;
template <typename InfoPointer>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateMemoryImageCopyCommon(VkDevice device, InfoPointer info_ptr, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
VkImage image = GetImage(*info_ptr);
auto image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(image);
auto image_layout = GetImageLayout(*info_ptr);
auto regionCount = info_ptr->regionCount;
const bool from_image = loc.function == Func::vkCopyImageToMemoryEXT;
const Location image_loc = ? Field::srcImage : Field::dstImage);
const char *info_type = from_image ? "pCopyImageToMemoryInfo" : "pCopyMemoryToImageInfo";
const char *source_or_destination = from_image ? "source" : "destination";
const char *image_layout_vuid = from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-srcImageLayout-09064"
: "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-dstImageLayout-09059";
if (!(enabled_features.host_image_copy_features.hostImageCopy)) {
const char *vuid =
from_image ? "VUID-vkCopyImageToMemoryEXT-hostImageCopy-09063" : "VUID-vkCopyMemoryToImageEXT-hostImageCopy-09058";
skip |= LogError(vuid, device, loc, "the hostImageCopy feature was not enabled");
skip |= ValidateHeterogeneousCopyData(device, regionCount, info_ptr->pRegions, *image_state, loc);
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToImage(
LogObjectList(device, image), *image_state, image_loc,
from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-srcImage-07966" : "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-07966");
if (image_state->sparse && (!image_state->HasFullRangeBound())) {
const char *vuid =
from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-srcImage-09109" : "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-09109";
LogObjectList objlist(device, image_state->image());
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, image_loc, "is a sparse image with no memory bound");
if (image_state->createInfo.flags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT) {
const char *vuid =
from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-srcImage-07969" : "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-07969";
const LogObjectList objlist(device, image);
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, image_loc,
"must not have been created with flags containing "
skip |= ValidateImageBounds(device, *image_state, regionCount, info_ptr->pRegions, loc,
from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-imageSubresource-07970"
: "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-imageSubresource-07970",
skip |= ValidateImageSampleCount(
device, *image_state, VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT, image_loc,
from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-srcImage-07973" : "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-07973");
bool check_memcpy = (info_ptr->flags & VK_HOST_IMAGE_COPY_MEMCPY_EXT);
bool has_stencil = false;
bool has_non_stencil = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const Location subresource_loc =;
const auto region = info_ptr->pRegions[i];
skip |= ValidateImageMipLevel(device, *image_state, region.imageSubresource.mipLevel,,
from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-imageSubresource-07967"
: "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-imageSubresource-07967");
skip |= ValidateImageArrayLayerRange(device, *image_state, region.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer,
region.imageSubresource.layerCount, subresource_loc,
from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-imageSubresource-07968"
: "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-imageSubresource-07968");
skip |= ValidateImageSubresourceLayers(device, &region.imageSubresource, subresource_loc);
if (region.imageSubresource.aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT) has_stencil = true;
if (region.imageSubresource.aspectMask & ~VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT) has_non_stencil = true;
if (check_memcpy) {
if (region.imageOffset.x != 0 || region.imageOffset.y != 0 || region.imageOffset.z != 0) {
const char *vuid = from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-imageOffset-09114"
: "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-imageOffset-09114";
LogObjectList objlist(device);
LogError(vuid, objlist, loc,
"%s->flags contains VK_HOST_IMAGE_COPY_MEMCPY_EXT which "
"means that pRegions[%" PRIu32 "].imageOffset x(%" PRIu32 "), y(%" PRIu32 ") and z(%" PRIu32
") must all be zero",
info_type, i, region.imageOffset.x, region.imageOffset.y, region.imageOffset.z);
const VkExtent3D subresource_extent = image_state->GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(region.imageSubresource);
if (!IsExtentEqual(region.imageExtent, subresource_extent)) {
const char *vuid = from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-srcImage-09115"
: "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-09115";
LogObjectList objlist(device, image_state->image());
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, loc,
"pRegion[%" PRIu32 "].imageExtent (w=%" PRIu32 ", h=%" PRIu32 ", d=%" PRIu32
") must match the image's subresource "
"extents (w=%" PRIu32 ", h=%" PRIu32 ", d=%" PRIu32
") %s->flags contains VK_HOST_IMAGE_COPY_MEMCPY_EXT",
i, region.imageExtent.width, region.imageExtent.height, region.imageExtent.depth,
subresource_extent.width, subresource_extent.height, subresource_extent.depth, info_type);
Field field = from_image ? Field::srcImageLayout : Field::dstImageLayout;
skip |= ValidateHostCopyCurrentLayout(device, image_layout, region.imageSubresource, i, *image_state,,
source_or_destination, image_layout_vuid);
const char *vuid_09111 =
from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-srcImage-09111" : "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-09111";
const char *vuid_09112 =
from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-srcImage-09112" : "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-09112";
const char *vuid_09113 =
from_image ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-srcImage-09113" : "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-09113";
skip |= UsageHostTransferCheck(device, *image_state, has_stencil, has_non_stencil, vuid_09111, vuid_09112, vuid_09113, loc);
const auto &memory_states = image_state->GetBoundMemoryStates();
for (const auto &state : memory_states) {
// Image and host memory can't overlap unless the image memory is mapped
if (state->mapped_range.size != 0) {
const uint64_t mapped_size = (state->mapped_range.size == VK_WHOLE_SIZE)
? state->alloc_info.allocationSize
: (state->mapped_range.offset + state->mapped_range.size);
const void *mapped_end = static_cast<char *>(state->p_driver_data) + mapped_size;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const auto region = info_ptr->pRegions[i];
auto element_size = vkuFormatElementSize(image_state->createInfo.format);
uint64_t copy_size;
if (region.memoryRowLength != 0 && region.memoryImageHeight != 0) {
copy_size = ((region.memoryRowLength * region.memoryImageHeight) * element_size);
} else {
copy_size = ((region.imageExtent.width * region.imageExtent.height * region.imageExtent.depth) * element_size);
const void *copy_end = static_cast<const char *>(region.pHostPointer) + copy_size;
if ((region.pHostPointer >= state->p_driver_data && region.pHostPointer < mapped_end) ||
(copy_end >= state->p_driver_data && copy_end < mapped_end) ||
(region.pHostPointer <= state->p_driver_data && copy_end > mapped_end)) {
const char *vuid =
from_image ? "VUID-VkImageToMemoryCopyEXT-pRegions-09067" : "VUID-VkMemoryToImageCopyEXT-pRegions-09062";
LogObjectList objlist(device, image_state->image());
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,, i).dot(Field::pHostPointer),
"points to memory spanning %p through %p, which overlaps with image memory"
"mapped %p through %p",
region.pHostPointer, copy_end, state->p_driver_data, mapped_end);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateHostCopyImageCreateInfos(VkDevice device, const IMAGE_STATE &src_image_state,
const IMAGE_STATE &dst_image_state, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
std::stringstream mismatch_stream{};
const VkImageCreateInfo src_info = src_image_state.createInfo;
const VkImageCreateInfo dst_info = dst_image_state.createInfo;
if (src_info.flags != dst_info.flags) {
mismatch_stream << "srcImage flags = " << string_VkImageCreateFlags(src_info.flags)
<< " and dstImage flags = " << string_VkImageCreateFlags(dst_info.flags) << "\n";
if (src_info.imageType != dst_info.imageType) {
mismatch_stream << "srcImage imageType = " << string_VkImageType(src_info.imageType)
<< " and dstImage imageType = " << string_VkImageType(dst_info.imageType) << "\n";
if (src_info.format != dst_info.format) {
mismatch_stream << "srcImage format = " << string_VkFormat(src_info.format)
<< " and dstImage format = " << string_VkFormat(dst_info.format) << "\n";
if ((src_info.extent.width != dst_info.extent.width) || (src_info.extent.height != dst_info.extent.height) ||
(src_info.extent.depth != dst_info.extent.depth)) {
mismatch_stream << "srcImage extent.width = " << src_info.extent.width << " extent.height = " << src_info.extent.height
<< " extent.depth = " << src_info.extent.depth << " but dstImage extent.width = " << dst_info.extent.width
<< " extent.height = " << dst_info.extent.height << " extent.depth = " << dst_info.extent.depth << "\n";
if (src_info.mipLevels != dst_info.mipLevels) {
mismatch_stream << "srcImage mipLevels = " << src_info.mipLevels << "and dstImage mipLevels = " << dst_info.mipLevels
<< "\n";
if (src_info.arrayLayers != dst_info.arrayLayers) {
mismatch_stream << "srcImage arrayLayers = " << src_info.arrayLayers
<< " and dstImage arrayLayers = " << dst_info.arrayLayers << "\n";
if (src_info.samples != dst_info.samples) {
mismatch_stream << "srcImage samples = " << string_VkSampleCountFlagBits(src_info.samples)
<< " and dstImage samples = " << string_VkSampleCountFlagBits(dst_info.samples) << "\n";
if (src_info.tiling != dst_info.tiling) {
mismatch_stream << "srcImage tiling = " << string_VkImageTiling(src_info.tiling)
<< " and dstImage tiling = " << string_VkImageTiling(dst_info.tiling) << "\n";
if (src_info.usage != dst_info.usage) {
mismatch_stream << "srcImage usage = " << string_VkImageUsageFlags(src_info.usage)
<< " and dstImage usage = " << string_VkImageUsageFlags(dst_info.usage) << "\n";
if (src_info.sharingMode != dst_info.sharingMode) {
mismatch_stream << "srcImage sharingMode = " << string_VkSharingMode(src_info.sharingMode)
<< " and dstImage sharingMode = " << string_VkSharingMode(dst_info.sharingMode) << "\n";
if (src_info.initialLayout != dst_info.initialLayout) {
mismatch_stream << "srcImage initialLayout = " << string_VkImageLayout(src_info.initialLayout)
<< " and dstImage initialLayout = " << string_VkImageLayout(dst_info.initialLayout) << "\n";
if (mismatch_stream.str().length() > 0) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "The creation parameters for srcImage and dstImage differ:\n" << mismatch_stream.str();
LogObjectList objlist(device, src_image_state.image(), dst_image_state.image());
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-srcImage-09069", objlist, loc, "%s.", ss.str().c_str());
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateHostCopyImageLayout(const VkDevice device, const VkImage image, const uint32_t layout_count,
const VkImageLayout *supported_image_layouts, const VkImageLayout image_layout,
const Location &loc, const char *supported_name, const char *vuid) const {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < layout_count; ++i) {
if (supported_image_layouts[i] == image_layout) {
return false;
LogObjectList objlist(device, image);
bool skip = LogError(vuid, objlist, loc,
"is %s which is not one of the layouts returned in "
string_VkImageLayout(image_layout), supported_name);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCopyMemoryToImageEXT(VkDevice device, const VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT *pCopyMemoryToImageInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
bool skip = false;
const Location copy_loc =;
auto dst_image = pCopyMemoryToImageInfo->dstImage;
auto image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(dst_image);
skip |= ValidateMemoryImageCopyCommon(device, pCopyMemoryToImageInfo, copy_loc);
auto *props = &phys_dev_ext_props.host_image_copy_properties;
skip |= ValidateHostCopyImageLayout(device, dst_image, props->copyDstLayoutCount, props->pCopyDstLayouts,
"pCopyDstLayouts", "VUID-VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT-dstImageLayout-09060");
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCopyImageToMemoryEXT(VkDevice device, const VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT *pCopyImageToMemoryInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
bool skip = false;
const Location copy_loc =;
auto src_image = pCopyImageToMemoryInfo->srcImage;
auto image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(src_image);
skip |= ValidateMemoryImageCopyCommon(device, pCopyImageToMemoryInfo, copy_loc);
auto *props = &phys_dev_ext_props.host_image_copy_properties;
skip |= ValidateHostCopyImageLayout(device, src_image, props->copySrcLayoutCount, props->pCopySrcLayouts,
"pCopySrcLayouts", "VUID-VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT-srcImageLayout-09065");
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateMemcpyExtents(VkDevice device, const VkImageCopy2 region, const IMAGE_STATE &image_state, bool is_src,
const Location &region_loc) const {
bool skip = false;
if (region.srcOffset.x != 0 || region.srcOffset.y != 0 || region.srcOffset.z != 0) {
const char *vuid =
is_src ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-srcOffset-09114" : "VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-dstOffset-09114";
Field field = is_src ? Field::srcOffset : Field::dstOffset;
const LogObjectList objlist(device);
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"is (x = %" PRIu32 ", y = %" PRIu32 ", z = %" PRIu32 ") but flags contains VK_HOST_IMAGE_COPY_MEMCPY_EXT.",
region.srcOffset.x, region.srcOffset.y, region.srcOffset.z);
if (!IsExtentEqual(region.extent, image_state.createInfo.extent)) {
const char *vuid =
is_src ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-srcImage-09115" : "VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-09115";
const LogObjectList objlist(device, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"(w = %" PRIu32 ", h = %" PRIu32 ", d = %" PRIu32
") must match the image's subresource "
"extents (w = %" PRIu32 ", h = %" PRIu32 ", d = %" PRIu32
") when VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT->flags contains VK_HOST_IMAGE_COPY_MEMCPY_EXT",
region.extent.width, region.extent.height, region.extent.depth, image_state.createInfo.extent.width,
image_state.createInfo.extent.height, image_state.createInfo.extent.depth);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateHostCopyMultiplane(VkDevice device, VkImageCopy2 region, const IMAGE_STATE &image_state, bool is_src,
const Location &region_loc) const {
bool skip = false;
auto aspect_mask = is_src ? region.srcSubresource.aspectMask : region.dstSubresource.aspectMask;
if (vkuFormatPlaneCount(image_state.createInfo.format) == 2 &&
(aspect_mask != VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_0_BIT && aspect_mask != VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_1_BIT)) {
const char *vuid =
is_src ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-srcImage-07981" : "VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-07981";
Field field = is_src ? Field::srcSubresource : Field::dstSubresource;
LogObjectList objlist(device, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,, "is %s but %s has 2-plane format (%s).",
string_VkImageAspectFlags(aspect_mask).c_str(), is_src ? "srcImage" : "dstImage",
if (vkuFormatPlaneCount(image_state.createInfo.format) == 3 &&
(aspect_mask != VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_0_BIT && aspect_mask != VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_1_BIT &&
aspect_mask != VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_2_BIT)) {
const char *vuid =
is_src ? "VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-srcImage-07981" : "VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-07981";
Field field = is_src ? Field::srcSubresource : Field::dstSubresource;
LogObjectList objlist(device, image_state.image());
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,, "is %s but %s has 3-plane format (%s).",
string_VkImageAspectFlags(aspect_mask).c_str(), is_src ? "srcImage" : "dstImage",
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCopyImageToImageEXT(VkDevice device, const VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT *pCopyImageToImageInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
bool skip = false;
auto info_ptr = pCopyImageToImageInfo;
const Location loc =;
auto src_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(info_ptr->srcImage);
auto dst_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(info_ptr->dstImage);
// Formats are required to match, but check each image anyway
auto src_plane_count = vkuFormatPlaneCount(src_image_state->createInfo.format);
auto dst_plane_count = vkuFormatPlaneCount(dst_image_state->createInfo.format);
bool check_multiplane = ((src_plane_count == 2 || src_plane_count == 3) || (dst_plane_count == 2 || dst_plane_count == 3));
bool check_memcpy = (info_ptr->flags & VK_HOST_IMAGE_COPY_MEMCPY_EXT);
auto regionCount = info_ptr->regionCount;
auto pRegions = info_ptr->pRegions;
if (!(enabled_features.host_image_copy_features.hostImageCopy)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-vkCopyImageToImageEXT-hostImageCopy-09068", device, error_obj.location,
"the hostImageCopy feature was not enabled");
skip |= ValidateHostCopyImageCreateInfos(device, *src_image_state, *dst_image_state, error_obj.location);
skip |= ValidateImageCopyData(device, regionCount, pRegions, *src_image_state, *dst_image_state, true, error_obj.location);
skip |= ValidateCopyImageCommon(device, *src_image_state, *dst_image_state, regionCount, pRegions, error_obj.location);
skip |= ValidateImageBounds(device, *src_image_state, regionCount, pRegions, loc,
"VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-srcSubresource-07970", true);
skip |= ValidateImageBounds(device, *dst_image_state, regionCount, pRegions, loc,
"VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-dstSubresource-07970", false);
auto *props = &phys_dev_ext_props.host_image_copy_properties;
skip |= ValidateHostCopyImageLayout(device, info_ptr->srcImage, props->copySrcLayoutCount, props->pCopySrcLayouts,
info_ptr->srcImageLayout,, "pCopySrcLayouts",
skip |= ValidateHostCopyImageLayout(device, info_ptr->dstImage, props->copyDstLayoutCount, props->pCopyDstLayouts,
info_ptr->dstImageLayout,, "pCopyDstLayouts",
if (src_image_state->sparse && (!src_image_state->HasFullRangeBound())) {
LogObjectList objlist(device, src_image_state->image());
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-srcImage-09109", objlist,,
"is a sparse image with no memory bound");
if (dst_image_state->sparse && (!dst_image_state->HasFullRangeBound())) {
LogObjectList objlist(device, dst_image_state->image());
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-09109", objlist,,
"is a sparse image with no memory bound");
bool has_stencil = false;
bool has_non_stencil = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const auto &region = info_ptr->pRegions[i];
if (check_memcpy) {
skip |= ValidateMemcpyExtents(device, region, *src_image_state, true, region_loc);
skip |= ValidateMemcpyExtents(device, region, *dst_image_state, false, region_loc);
if (check_multiplane) {
skip |= ValidateHostCopyMultiplane(device, region, *src_image_state, true, region_loc);
skip |= ValidateHostCopyMultiplane(device, region, *dst_image_state, false, region_loc);
if ((region.srcSubresource.aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT) != 0) {
has_stencil = true;
if ((region.srcSubresource.aspectMask & (~VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT)) != 0) {
has_non_stencil = true;
skip |= ValidateHostCopyCurrentLayout(device, info_ptr->srcImageLayout, region.srcSubresource, i, *src_image_state,, "source",
skip |= ValidateHostCopyCurrentLayout(device, info_ptr->dstImageLayout, region.dstSubresource, i, *dst_image_state,, "destination",
skip |= UsageHostTransferCheck(device, *src_image_state, has_stencil, has_non_stencil,
"VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-srcImage-09111", "VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-srcImage-09112",
"VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-srcImage-09113", error_obj.location);
skip |= UsageHostTransferCheck(device, *dst_image_state, has_stencil, has_non_stencil,
"VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-09111", "VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-09112",
"VUID-VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT-dstImage-09113", error_obj.location);
return skip;
template <typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCmdBlitImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount,
const RegionType *pRegions, VkFilter filter, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
auto cb_state_ptr = GetRead<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto src_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(srcImage);
auto dst_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(dstImage);
if (!cb_state_ptr || !src_image_state || !src_image_state) {
return skip;
const bool is_2 = loc.function == Func::vkCmdBlitImage2 || loc.function == Func::vkCmdBlitImage2KHR;
const Location src_image_loc =;
const Location dst_image_loc =;
const CMD_BUFFER_STATE &cb_state = *cb_state_ptr;
skip |= ValidateCmd(cb_state, loc);
const char *vuid;
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImage-00233" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImage-00233";
skip |= ValidateImageSampleCount(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT, src_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstImage-00234" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstImage-00234";
skip |= ValidateImageSampleCount(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT, dst_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImage-00220" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImage-00220";
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToImage(LogObjectList(device, srcImage), *src_image_state, src_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstImage-00225" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstImage-00225";
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToImage(LogObjectList(device, dstImage), *dst_image_state, dst_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImage-00219" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImage-00219";
skip |= ValidateImageUsageFlags(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT, true, vuid, src_image_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstImage-00224" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstImage-00224";
skip |= ValidateImageUsageFlags(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, true, vuid, dst_image_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImage-01999" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImage-01999";
skip |= ValidateImageFormatFeatureFlags(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_BLIT_SRC_BIT, src_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstImage-02000" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstImage-02000";
skip |= ValidateImageFormatFeatureFlags(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_BLIT_DST_BIT, dst_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage2-commandBuffer-01834" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-commandBuffer-01834";
skip |= ValidateProtectedImage(cb_state, *src_image_state, src_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage2-commandBuffer-01835" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-commandBuffer-01835";
skip |= ValidateProtectedImage(cb_state, *dst_image_state, dst_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage2-commandBuffer-01836" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-commandBuffer-01836";
skip |= ValidateUnprotectedImage(cb_state, *dst_image_state, dst_image_loc, vuid);
const LogObjectList src_objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage);
const LogObjectList dst_objlist(commandBuffer, dstImage);
const LogObjectList all_objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
// Validation for VK_EXT_fragment_density_map
if (src_image_state->createInfo.flags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstImage-02545" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstImage-02545";
skip |= LogError(vuid, src_objlist, src_image_loc, "was created with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT.");
if (dst_image_state->createInfo.flags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstImage-02545" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstImage-02545";
skip |= LogError(vuid, dst_objlist, dst_image_loc, "was created with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT.");
// TODO: Need to validate image layouts, which will include layout validation for shared presentable images
VkFormat src_format = src_image_state->createInfo.format;
VkFormat dst_format = dst_image_state->createInfo.format;
VkImageType src_type = src_image_state->createInfo.imageType;
VkImageType dst_type = dst_image_state->createInfo.imageType;
if (VK_FILTER_LINEAR == filter) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-filter-02001" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-filter-02001";
skip |= ValidateImageFormatFeatureFlags(commandBuffer, *src_image_state,
} else if (VK_FILTER_CUBIC_IMG == filter) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-filter-02002" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-filter-02002";
skip |= ValidateImageFormatFeatureFlags(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_CUBIC_BIT,
src_image_loc, vuid);
if (FormatRequiresYcbcrConversionExplicitly(src_format)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImage-06421" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImage-06421";
skip |= LogError(vuid, src_objlist, src_image_loc,
"format (%s) must not be one of the formats requiring sampler YCBCR "
"conversion for VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views",
if (FormatRequiresYcbcrConversionExplicitly(dst_format)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstImage-06422" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstImage-06422";
skip |= LogError(vuid, dst_objlist, dst_image_loc,
"format (%s) must not be one of the formats requiring sampler YCBCR "
"conversion for VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views",
if ((VK_FILTER_CUBIC_IMG == filter) && (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D != src_type)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-filter-00237" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-filter-00237";
skip |= LogError(vuid, src_objlist,, "is VK_FILTER_CUBIC_IMG but srcImage was created with %s.",
// Validate consistency for unsigned formats
if (vkuFormatIsUINT(src_format) != vkuFormatIsUINT(dst_format)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImage-00230" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImage-00230";
skip |= LogError(vuid, all_objlist, loc, "srcImage format %s is different than dstImage format %s.",
string_VkFormat(src_format), string_VkFormat(dst_format));
// Validate consistency for signed formats
if (vkuFormatIsSINT(src_format) != vkuFormatIsSINT(dst_format)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImage-00229" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImage-00229";
skip |= LogError(vuid, all_objlist, loc, "srcImage format %s is different than dstImage format %s.",
string_VkFormat(src_format), string_VkFormat(dst_format));
// Validate filter for Depth/Stencil formats
if (vkuFormatIsDepthOrStencil(src_format) && (filter != VK_FILTER_NEAREST)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImage-00232" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImage-00232";
skip |= LogError(vuid, src_objlist, src_image_loc, "has depth-stencil format %s but filter is %s.",
string_VkFormat(src_format), string_VkFilter(filter));
// Validate aspect bits and formats for depth/stencil images
if (vkuFormatIsDepthOrStencil(src_format) || vkuFormatIsDepthOrStencil(dst_format)) {
if (src_format != dst_format) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImage-00231" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImage-00231";
skip |= LogError(vuid, all_objlist, loc, "srcImage format %s is different than dstImage format %s.",
string_VkFormat(src_format), string_VkFormat(dst_format));
// Do per-region checks
const char *invalid_src_layout_vuid =
is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImageLayout-01398" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImageLayout-01398";
const char *invalid_dst_layout_vuid =
is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstImageLayout-01399" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstImageLayout-01399";
const bool same_image = (src_image_state == dst_image_state);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const Location src_subresource_loc =;
const Location dst_subresource_loc =;
const RegionType region = pRegions[i];
// When performing blit from and to same subresource, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL is the only option
const VkImageSubresourceLayers &src_subresource = region.srcSubresource;
const VkImageSubresourceLayers &dst_subresource = region.dstSubresource;
bool same_subresource = (same_image && (src_subresource.mipLevel == dst_subresource.mipLevel) &&
(src_subresource.baseArrayLayer == dst_subresource.baseArrayLayer));
VkImageLayout source_optimal = (same_subresource ? VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL : VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL);
VkImageLayout destination_optimal = (same_subresource ? VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL : VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImageLayout-00221" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImageLayout-00221";
skip |= VerifyImageLayoutSubresource(cb_state, *src_image_state, src_subresource, srcImageLayout, source_optimal,
src_image_loc, invalid_src_layout_vuid, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstImageLayout-00226" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstImageLayout-00226";
skip |= VerifyImageLayoutSubresource(cb_state, *dst_image_state, dst_subresource, dstImageLayout, destination_optimal,
dst_image_loc, invalid_dst_layout_vuid, vuid);
skip |= ValidateImageSubresourceLayers(cb_state.commandBuffer(), &src_subresource, src_subresource_loc);
skip |= ValidateImageSubresourceLayers(cb_state.commandBuffer(), &dst_subresource, dst_subresource_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcSubresource-01705" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcSubresource-01705";
skip |= ValidateImageMipLevel(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, src_subresource.mipLevel,, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstSubresource-01706" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstSubresource-01706";
skip |= ValidateImageMipLevel(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, dst_subresource.mipLevel,, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcSubresource-01707" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcSubresource-01707";
skip |= ValidateImageArrayLayerRange(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, src_subresource.baseArrayLayer,
src_subresource.layerCount, src_subresource_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstSubresource-01708" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstSubresource-01708";
skip |= ValidateImageArrayLayerRange(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, dst_subresource.baseArrayLayer,
dst_subresource.layerCount, dst_subresource_loc, vuid);
// Check that src/dst layercounts match
if (src_subresource.layerCount != dst_subresource.layerCount && src_subresource.layerCount != VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS &&
dst_subresource.layerCount != VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkImageBlit2-layerCount-08800" : "VUID-VkImageBlit-layerCount-08800";
skip |= LogError(vuid, all_objlist,,
"(%" PRIu32 ") does not match %s (%" PRIu32 ").", src_subresource.layerCount,, dst_subresource.layerCount);
if (src_subresource.aspectMask != dst_subresource.aspectMask) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkImageBlit2-aspectMask-00238" : "VUID-VkImageBlit-aspectMask-00238";
skip |= LogError(vuid, all_objlist,, "(%s) does not match %s (%s).",
if (!VerifyAspectsPresent(src_subresource.aspectMask, src_format)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-aspectMask-00241" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-aspectMask-00241";
skip |= LogError(vuid, src_objlist,,
"(%s) cannot specify aspects not present in source image (%s).",
string_VkImageAspectFlags(src_subresource.aspectMask).c_str(), string_VkFormat(src_format));
if (!VerifyAspectsPresent(dst_subresource.aspectMask, dst_format)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-aspectMask-00242" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-aspectMask-00242";
skip |= LogError(vuid, dst_objlist,,
"(%s) cannot specify aspects not present in destination image (%s).",
string_VkImageAspectFlags(src_subresource.aspectMask).c_str(), string_VkFormat(src_format));
// Validate source image offsets
VkExtent3D src_extent = src_image_state->GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(src_subresource);
if (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D == src_type) {
if ((0 != region.srcOffsets[0].y) || (1 != region.srcOffsets[1].y)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImage-00245" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImage-00245";
skip |=
LogError(vuid, src_objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffsets[0].y is %" PRId32 " and srcOffsets[1].y is %" PRId32 " but srcImage is VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D.",
region.srcOffsets[0].y, region.srcOffsets[1].y);
if ((VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D == src_type) || (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D == src_type)) {
if ((0 != region.srcOffsets[0].z) || (1 != region.srcOffsets[1].z)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImage-00247" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImage-00247";
skip |= LogError(vuid, src_objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffsets[0].z is %" PRId32 " and srcOffsets[1].z is %" PRId32 " but srcImage is %s.",
region.srcOffsets[0].z, region.srcOffsets[1].z, string_VkImageType(src_type));
bool oob = false;
if ((region.srcOffsets[0].x < 0) || (region.srcOffsets[0].x > static_cast<int32_t>(src_extent.width)) ||
(region.srcOffsets[1].x < 0) || (region.srcOffsets[1].x > static_cast<int32_t>(src_extent.width))) {
oob = true;
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcOffset-00243" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcOffset-00243";
skip |= LogError(vuid, src_objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffsets[0].x is %" PRId32 " and srcOffsets[1].x is %" PRId32
" which exceed srcSubresource width extent (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.srcOffsets[0].x, region.srcOffsets[1].x, src_extent.width);
if ((region.srcOffsets[0].y < 0) || (region.srcOffsets[0].y > static_cast<int32_t>(src_extent.height)) ||
(region.srcOffsets[1].y < 0) || (region.srcOffsets[1].y > static_cast<int32_t>(src_extent.height))) {
oob = true;
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcOffset-00244" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcOffset-00244";
skip |= LogError(vuid, src_objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffsets[0].y is %" PRId32 " and srcOffsets[1].y is %" PRId32
" which exceed srcSubresource height extent (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.srcOffsets[0].y, region.srcOffsets[1].y, src_extent.height);
if ((region.srcOffsets[0].z < 0) || (region.srcOffsets[0].z > static_cast<int32_t>(src_extent.depth)) ||
(region.srcOffsets[1].z < 0) || (region.srcOffsets[1].z > static_cast<int32_t>(src_extent.depth))) {
oob = true;
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcOffset-00246" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcOffset-00246";
skip |= LogError(vuid, src_objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffsets[0].z is %" PRId32 " and srcOffsets[1].z is %" PRId32
" which exceed srcSubresource depth extent (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.srcOffsets[0].z, region.srcOffsets[1].z, src_extent.depth);
if (oob) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-pRegions-00215" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-pRegions-00215";
skip |= LogError(vuid, src_objlist, region_loc, "source image blit region exceeds image dimensions.");
// Validate dest image offsets
VkExtent3D dst_extent = dst_image_state->GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(dst_subresource);
if (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D == dst_type) {
if ((0 != region.dstOffsets[0].y) || (1 != region.dstOffsets[1].y)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstImage-00250" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstImage-00250";
skip |=
LogError(vuid, dst_objlist, region_loc,
"dstOffsets[0].y is %" PRId32 " and dstOffsets[1].y is %" PRId32 " but dstImage is VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D.",
region.dstOffsets[0].y, region.dstOffsets[1].y);
if ((VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D == dst_type) || (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D == dst_type)) {
if ((0 != region.dstOffsets[0].z) || (1 != region.dstOffsets[1].z)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstImage-00252" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstImage-00252";
skip |= LogError(vuid, dst_objlist, region_loc,
"dstOffsets[0].z is %" PRId32 " and dstOffsets[1].z is %" PRId32 " but dstImage is %s.",
region.dstOffsets[0].z, region.dstOffsets[1].z, string_VkImageType(dst_type));
oob = false;
if ((region.dstOffsets[0].x < 0) || (region.dstOffsets[0].x > static_cast<int32_t>(dst_extent.width)) ||
(region.dstOffsets[1].x < 0) || (region.dstOffsets[1].x > static_cast<int32_t>(dst_extent.width))) {
oob = true;
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstOffset-00248" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstOffset-00248";
skip |= LogError(vuid, dst_objlist, region_loc,
"dstOffsets[0].x is %" PRId32 " and dstOffsets[1].x is %" PRId32
" which exceed dstSubresource width extent (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.dstOffsets[0].x, region.dstOffsets[1].x, dst_extent.width);
if ((region.dstOffsets[0].y < 0) || (region.dstOffsets[0].y > static_cast<int32_t>(dst_extent.height)) ||
(region.dstOffsets[1].y < 0) || (region.dstOffsets[1].y > static_cast<int32_t>(dst_extent.height))) {
oob = true;
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstOffset-00249" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstOffset-00249";
skip |= LogError(vuid, dst_objlist, region_loc,
"dstOffsets[0].y is %" PRId32 " and dstOffsets[1].y is %" PRId32
" which exceed dstSubresource height extent (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.dstOffsets[0].x, region.dstOffsets[1].x, dst_extent.height);
if ((region.dstOffsets[0].z < 0) || (region.dstOffsets[0].z > static_cast<int32_t>(dst_extent.depth)) ||
(region.dstOffsets[1].z < 0) || (region.dstOffsets[1].z > static_cast<int32_t>(dst_extent.depth))) {
oob = true;
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-dstOffset-00251" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-dstOffset-00251";
skip |= LogError(vuid, dst_objlist, region_loc,
"dstOffsets[0].z is %" PRId32 " and dstOffsets[1].z is %" PRId32
" which exceed dstSubresource depth extent (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.dstOffsets[0].z, region.dstOffsets[1].z, dst_extent.depth);
if (oob) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-pRegions-00216" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-pRegions-00216";
skip |= LogError(vuid, dst_objlist, region_loc, "destination image blit region exceeds image dimensions.");
if ((VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D == src_type) || (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D == dst_type)) {
if ((0 != src_subresource.baseArrayLayer) || (1 != src_subresource.layerCount) ||
(0 != dst_subresource.baseArrayLayer) || (1 != dst_subresource.layerCount)) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-srcImage-00240" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-srcImage-00240";
skip |= LogError(vuid, all_objlist, region_loc,
"srcImage %s\n"
"dstImage %s\n"
"srcSubresource (baseArrayLayer = %" PRIu32 ", layerCount = %" PRIu32
"dstSubresource (baseArrayLayer = %" PRIu32 ", layerCount = %" PRIu32 ")\n",
string_VkImageType(src_type), string_VkImageType(dst_type), src_subresource.baseArrayLayer,
src_subresource.layerCount, dst_subresource.baseArrayLayer, dst_subresource.layerCount);
// The union of all source regions, and the union of all destination regions, specified by the elements of regions,
// must not overlap in memory
if (srcImage == dstImage) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < regionCount; j++) {
if (RegionIntersectsBlit(&region, &pRegions[j], src_image_state->createInfo.imageType,
vkuFormatIsMultiplane(src_format))) {
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkBlitImageInfo2-pRegions-00217" : "VUID-vkCmdBlitImage-pRegions-00217";
skip |=
LogError(vuid, all_objlist, loc, "pRegion[%" PRIu32 "] src overlaps with pRegions[%" PRIu32 "] dst.", i, j);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdBlitImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount,
const VkImageBlit *pRegions, VkFilter filter, const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return ValidateCmdBlitImage(commandBuffer, srcImage, srcImageLayout, dstImage, dstImageLayout, regionCount, pRegions, filter,
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdBlitImage2KHR(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkBlitImageInfo2KHR *pBlitImageInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return PreCallValidateCmdBlitImage2(commandBuffer, pBlitImageInfo, error_obj);
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdBlitImage2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkBlitImageInfo2 *pBlitImageInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return ValidateCmdBlitImage(commandBuffer, pBlitImageInfo->srcImage, pBlitImageInfo->srcImageLayout, pBlitImageInfo->dstImage,
pBlitImageInfo->dstImageLayout, pBlitImageInfo->regionCount, pBlitImageInfo->pRegions,
template <typename RegionType>
void CoreChecks::RecordCmdBlitImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout, VkImage dstImage,
VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount, const RegionType *pRegions,
VkFilter filter) {
auto cb_state_ptr = GetWrite<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto src_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(srcImage);
auto dst_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(dstImage);
if (cb_state_ptr && src_image_state && dst_image_state) {
// Make sure that all image slices are updated to correct layout
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; ++i) {
cb_state_ptr->SetImageInitialLayout(*src_image_state, pRegions[i].srcSubresource, srcImageLayout);
cb_state_ptr->SetImageInitialLayout(*dst_image_state, pRegions[i].dstSubresource, dstImageLayout);
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdBlitImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount,
const VkImageBlit *pRegions, VkFilter filter) {
StateTracker::PreCallRecordCmdBlitImage(commandBuffer, srcImage, srcImageLayout, dstImage, dstImageLayout, regionCount,
pRegions, filter);
RecordCmdBlitImage(commandBuffer, srcImage, srcImageLayout, dstImage, dstImageLayout, regionCount, pRegions, filter);
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdBlitImage2KHR(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkBlitImageInfo2KHR *pBlitImageInfo) {
StateTracker::PreCallRecordCmdBlitImage2KHR(commandBuffer, pBlitImageInfo);
RecordCmdBlitImage(commandBuffer, pBlitImageInfo->srcImage, pBlitImageInfo->srcImageLayout, pBlitImageInfo->dstImage,
pBlitImageInfo->dstImageLayout, pBlitImageInfo->regionCount, pBlitImageInfo->pRegions,
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCmdBlitImage2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkBlitImageInfo2KHR *pBlitImageInfo) {
StateTracker::PreCallRecordCmdBlitImage2(commandBuffer, pBlitImageInfo);
RecordCmdBlitImage(commandBuffer, pBlitImageInfo->srcImage, pBlitImageInfo->srcImageLayout, pBlitImageInfo->dstImage,
pBlitImageInfo->dstImageLayout, pBlitImageInfo->regionCount, pBlitImageInfo->pRegions,
template <typename RegionType>
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCmdResolveImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount,
const RegionType *pRegions, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
auto cb_state_ptr = GetRead<CMD_BUFFER_STATE>(commandBuffer);
auto src_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(srcImage);
auto dst_image_state = Get<IMAGE_STATE>(dstImage);
if (!cb_state_ptr || !src_image_state || !dst_image_state) {
return skip;
const bool is_2 = loc.function == Func::vkCmdResolveImage2 || loc.function == Func::vkCmdResolveImage2KHR;
const char *vuid;
const Location src_image_loc =;
const Location dst_image_loc =;
const CMD_BUFFER_STATE &cb_state = *cb_state_ptr;
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcImage-00256" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcImage-00256";
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToImage(LogObjectList(commandBuffer, srcImage), *src_image_state, src_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstImage-00258" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstImage-00258";
skip |= ValidateMemoryIsBoundToImage(LogObjectList(commandBuffer, dstImage), *dst_image_state, dst_image_loc, vuid);
skip |= ValidateCmd(cb_state, loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstImage-02003" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstImage-02003";
skip |= ValidateImageFormatFeatureFlags(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT,
dst_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage2-commandBuffer-01837" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-commandBuffer-01837";
skip |= ValidateProtectedImage(cb_state, *src_image_state, src_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage2-commandBuffer-01838" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-commandBuffer-01838";
skip |= ValidateProtectedImage(cb_state, *dst_image_state, dst_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage2-commandBuffer-01839" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-commandBuffer-01839";
skip |= ValidateUnprotectedImage(cb_state, *dst_image_state, dst_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcImage-06762" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcImage-06762";
skip |= ValidateImageUsageFlags(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT, true, vuid, src_image_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcImage-06763" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcImage-06763";
skip |=
ValidateImageFormatFeatureFlags(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT, src_image_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstImage-06764" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstImage-06764";
skip |= ValidateImageUsageFlags(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, true, vuid, dst_image_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstImage-06765" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstImage-06765";
skip |=
ValidateImageFormatFeatureFlags(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, dst_image_loc, vuid);
// Validation for VK_EXT_fragment_density_map
if (src_image_state->createInfo.flags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstImage-02546" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstImage-02546";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, src_image_loc,
"must not have been created with flags containing "
if (dst_image_state->createInfo.flags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstImage-02546" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstImage-02546";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, dst_image_loc,
"must not have been created with flags containing "
const char *invalid_src_layout_vuid =
is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcImageLayout-01400" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcImageLayout-01400";
const char *invalid_dst_layout_vuid =
is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstImageLayout-01401" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstImageLayout-01401";
// For each region, the number of layers in the image subresource should not be zero
// For each region, src and dest image aspect must be color only
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
const Location region_loc =, i);
const Location src_subresource_loc =;
const Location dst_subresource_loc =;
const RegionType region = pRegions[i];
const VkImageSubresourceLayers &src_subresource = region.srcSubresource;
const VkImageSubresourceLayers &dst_subresource = region.dstSubresource;
skip |= ValidateImageSubresourceLayers(cb_state.commandBuffer(), &src_subresource, src_subresource_loc);
skip |= ValidateImageSubresourceLayers(cb_state.commandBuffer(), &dst_subresource, dst_subresource_loc);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcImageLayout-00260" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcImageLayout-00260";
skip |= VerifyImageLayoutSubresource(cb_state, *src_image_state, src_subresource, srcImageLayout,
VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL, src_image_loc, invalid_src_layout_vuid, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstImageLayout-00262" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstImageLayout-00262";
skip |= VerifyImageLayoutSubresource(cb_state, *dst_image_state, dst_subresource, dstImageLayout,
VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL, dst_image_loc, invalid_dst_layout_vuid, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcSubresource-01709" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcSubresource-01709";
skip |= ValidateImageMipLevel(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, src_subresource.mipLevel,, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstSubresource-01710" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstSubresource-01710";
skip |= ValidateImageMipLevel(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, dst_subresource.mipLevel,, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcSubresource-01711" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcSubresource-01711";
skip |= ValidateImageArrayLayerRange(commandBuffer, *src_image_state, src_subresource.baseArrayLayer,
src_subresource.layerCount, src_subresource_loc, vuid);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstSubresource-01712" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstSubresource-01712";
skip |= ValidateImageArrayLayerRange(commandBuffer, *dst_image_state, dst_subresource.baseArrayLayer,
dst_subresource.layerCount, dst_subresource_loc, vuid);
// layer counts must match
if (src_subresource.layerCount != dst_subresource.layerCount && src_subresource.layerCount != VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS &&
dst_subresource.layerCount != VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkImageResolve2-layerCount-08803" : "VUID-VkImageResolve-layerCount-08803";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"(%" PRIu32 ") does not match %s (%" PRIu32 ").", region.srcSubresource.layerCount,, region.dstSubresource.layerCount);
// For each region, src and dest image aspect must be color only
if ((src_subresource.aspectMask != VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) ||
(dst_subresource.aspectMask != VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkImageResolve2-aspectMask-00266" : "VUID-VkImageResolve-aspectMask-00266";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"(%s) and dstSubresource.aspectMask (%s) must only be VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT.",
const VkImageType src_image_type = src_image_state->createInfo.imageType;
const VkImageType dst_image_type = dst_image_state->createInfo.imageType;
if (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D == dst_image_type) {
if (src_subresource.layerCount != 1) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcImage-04446" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcImage-04446";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,, "is %" PRIu32 " but dstImage is 3D.",
if ((dst_subresource.baseArrayLayer != 0) || (dst_subresource.layerCount != 1)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcImage-04447" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcImage-04447";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist,,
"is %" PRIu32 " and layerCount is %" PRIu32 " but dstImage 3D.", dst_subresource.baseArrayLayer,
if (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D == src_image_type) {
if ((region.srcOffset.y != 0) || (region.extent.height != 1)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcImage-00271" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcImage-00271";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.y is %" PRId32 ", extent.height is %" PRIu32 ", but srcImage (%s) is 1D.",
region.srcOffset.y, region.extent.height, FormatHandle(src_image_state->image()).c_str());
if ((VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D == src_image_type) || (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D == src_image_type)) {
if ((region.srcOffset.z != 0) || (region.extent.depth != 1)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcImage-00273" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcImage-00273";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.z is %" PRId32 ", extent.depth is %" PRIu32 ", but srcImage (%s) is 2D.",
region.srcOffset.z, region.extent.depth, FormatHandle(src_image_state->image()).c_str());
if (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D == dst_image_type) {
if ((region.dstOffset.y != 0) || (region.extent.height != 1)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstImage-00276" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstImage-00276";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"dstOffset.y is %" PRId32 ", extent.height is %" PRIu32 ", but dstImage (%s) is 1D.",
region.dstOffset.y, region.extent.height, FormatHandle(dst_image_state->image()).c_str());
if ((VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D == dst_image_type) || (VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D == dst_image_type)) {
if ((region.dstOffset.z != 0) || (region.extent.depth != 1)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstImage-00278" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstImage-00278";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"dstOffset.z is %" PRId32 ", extent.depth is %" PRIu32 ", but dstImage (%s) is 2D.",
region.dstOffset.z, region.extent.depth, FormatHandle(dst_image_state->image()).c_str());
// Each srcImage dimension offset + extent limits must fall with image subresource extent
VkExtent3D subresource_extent = src_image_state->GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(src_subresource);
// MipLevel bound is checked already and adding extra errors with a "subresource extent of zero" is confusing to
// developer
if (src_subresource.mipLevel < src_image_state->createInfo.mipLevels) {
uint32_t extent_check = ExceedsBounds(&(region.srcOffset), &(region.extent), &subresource_extent);
if ((extent_check & kXBit) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcOffset-00269" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcOffset-00269";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.x (%" PRId32 ") + extent.width (%" PRIu32
") exceeds srcSubresource.extent.width (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.srcOffset.x, region.extent.width, subresource_extent.width);
if ((extent_check & kYBit) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcOffset-00270" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcOffset-00270";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.x (%" PRId32 ") + extent.height (%" PRIu32
") exceeds srcSubresource.extent.height (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.srcOffset.y, region.extent.height, subresource_extent.height);
if ((extent_check & kZBit) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcOffset-00272" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcOffset-00272";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"srcOffset.x (%" PRId32 ") + extent.depth (%" PRIu32
") exceeds srcSubresource.extent.depth (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.srcOffset.z, region.extent.depth, subresource_extent.depth);
// Each dstImage dimension offset + extent limits must fall with image subresource extent
subresource_extent = dst_image_state->GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent(dst_subresource);
// MipLevel bound is checked already and adding extra errors with a "subresource extent of zero" is confusing to
// developer
if (dst_subresource.mipLevel < dst_image_state->createInfo.mipLevels) {
uint32_t extent_check = ExceedsBounds(&(region.dstOffset), &(region.extent), &subresource_extent);
if ((extent_check & kXBit) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstOffset-00274" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstOffset-00274";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"dstOffset.x (%" PRId32 ") + extent.width (%" PRIu32
") exceeds dstSubresource.extent.width (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.dstOffset.x, region.extent.width, subresource_extent.width);
if ((extent_check & kYBit) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstOffset-00275" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstOffset-00275";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"dstOffset.x (%" PRId32 ") + extent.height (%" PRIu32
") exceeds dstSubresource.extent.height (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.dstOffset.x, region.extent.height, subresource_extent.height);
if ((extent_check & kZBit) != 0) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstOffset-00277" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstOffset-00277";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, region_loc,
"dstOffset.x (%" PRId32 ") + extent.depth (%" PRIu32
") exceeds dstSubresource.extent.depth (%" PRIu32 ").",
region.dstOffset.x, region.extent.depth, subresource_extent.depth);
if (src_image_state->createInfo.format != dst_image_state->createInfo.format) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcImage-01386" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcImage-01386";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, src_image_loc, "was created with format %s but dstImage format is %s.",
string_VkFormat(src_image_state->createInfo.format), string_VkFormat(dst_image_state->createInfo.format));
if (src_image_state->createInfo.samples == VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, srcImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-srcImage-00257" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-srcImage-00257";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, src_image_loc, "was created with sample count VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT.");
if (dst_image_state->createInfo.samples != VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT) {
const LogObjectList objlist(commandBuffer, dstImage);
vuid = is_2 ? "VUID-VkResolveImageInfo2-dstImage-00259" : "VUID-vkCmdResolveImage-dstImage-00259";
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, dst_image_loc, "was created with sample count (%s) (not VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT).",
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdResolveImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount,
const VkImageResolve *pRegions, const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return ValidateCmdResolveImage(commandBuffer, srcImage, srcImageLayout, dstImage, dstImageLayout, regionCount, pRegions,
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdResolveImage2KHR(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkResolveImageInfo2KHR *pResolveImageInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return PreCallValidateCmdResolveImage2(commandBuffer, pResolveImageInfo, error_obj);
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCmdResolveImage2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkResolveImageInfo2 *pResolveImageInfo,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
return ValidateCmdResolveImage(commandBuffer, pResolveImageInfo->srcImage, pResolveImageInfo->srcImageLayout,
pResolveImageInfo->dstImage, pResolveImageInfo->dstImageLayout, pResolveImageInfo->regionCount,