blob: 3155c0ca5edbe2da636124e847a69b7fdcf08187 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2019-2021 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2019-2021 LunarG, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* John Zulauf <>
#include "image_layout_map.h"
#include "core_validation_types.h"
#include "chassis.h"
#include "descriptor_sets.h"
namespace image_layout_map {
// Storage for the static state
const ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::ConstIterator ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::end_iterator = ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::ConstIterator();
using InitialLayoutStates = ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::InitialLayoutStates;
template <typename StatesMap>
static inline InitialLayoutState* UpdateInitialLayoutStateImpl(StatesMap& initial_layout_state_map,
InitialLayoutStates& initial_layout_states, const IndexRange& range,
InitialLayoutState* initial_state, const CMD_BUFFER_STATE& cb_state,
const IMAGE_VIEW_STATE* view_state) {
if (!initial_state) {
// Allocate on demand... initial_layout_states_ holds ownership as a unique_ptr, while
// each subresource has a non-owning copy of the plain pointer.
initial_layout_states.emplace_back(cb_state, view_state);
initial_state = &initial_layout_states.back();
sparse_container::update_range_value(initial_layout_state_map, range, initial_state, WritePolicy::prefer_dest);
return initial_state;
InitialLayoutState::InitialLayoutState(const CMD_BUFFER_STATE& cb_state_, const IMAGE_VIEW_STATE* view_state_)
: image_view(VK_NULL_HANDLE), aspect_mask(0), label(cb_state_.debug_label) {
if (view_state_) {
image_view = view_state_->image_view;
aspect_mask = view_state_->create_info.subresourceRange.aspectMask;
bool ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::SubresourceLayout::operator==(const ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::SubresourceLayout& rhs) const {
bool is_equal =
(current_layout == rhs.current_layout) && (initial_layout == rhs.initial_layout) && (subresource == rhs.subresource);
return is_equal;
ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::ImageSubresourceLayoutMap(const IMAGE_STATE& image_state)
: image_state_(image_state),
initial_layout_state_map_(encoder_.SubresourceCount()) {}
ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::ConstIterator ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::Begin(bool always_get_initial) const {
return Find(image_state_.full_range, /* skip_invalid */ true, always_get_initial);
// Use the unwrapped maps from the BothMap in the actual implementation
template <typename LayoutMap, typename InitialStateMap>
static bool SetSubresourceRangeLayoutImpl(LayoutMap& current_layouts, LayoutMap& initial_layouts,
InitialStateMap& initial_state_map, InitialLayoutStates& initial_layout_states,
RangeGenerator& range_gen, const CMD_BUFFER_STATE& cb_state, VkImageLayout layout,
VkImageLayout expected_layout) {
bool updated = false;
InitialLayoutState* initial_state = nullptr;
// Empty range are the range tombstones
for (; range_gen->non_empty(); ++range_gen) {
// In order to track whether we've changed anything, we'll do this in a slightly convoluted way...
// We'll traverse the range looking for values different from ours, then overwrite the range.
bool updated_current =
sparse_container::update_range_value(current_layouts, *range_gen, layout, WritePolicy::prefer_source);
if (updated_current) {
updated = true;
bool updated_init =
sparse_container::update_range_value(initial_layouts, *range_gen, expected_layout, WritePolicy::prefer_dest);
if (updated_init) {
initial_state = UpdateInitialLayoutStateImpl(initial_state_map, initial_layout_states, *range_gen, initial_state,
cb_state, nullptr);
return updated;
bool ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::SetSubresourceRangeLayout(const CMD_BUFFER_STATE& cb_state, const VkImageSubresourceRange& range,
VkImageLayout layout, VkImageLayout expected_layout) {
if (expected_layout == kInvalidLayout) {
// Set the initial layout to the set layout as we had no other layout to reference
expected_layout = layout;
if (!InRange(range)) return false; // Don't even try to track bogus subreources
RangeGenerator range_gen(encoder_, range);
if (layouts_.initial.SmallMode()) {
return SetSubresourceRangeLayoutImpl(layouts_.current.GetSmallMap(), layouts_.initial.GetSmallMap(),
initial_layout_state_map_.GetSmallMap(), initial_layout_states_, range_gen,
cb_state, layout, expected_layout);
} else {
return SetSubresourceRangeLayoutImpl(layouts_.current.GetBigMap(), layouts_.initial.GetBigMap(),
initial_layout_state_map_.GetBigMap(), initial_layout_states_, range_gen, cb_state,
layout, expected_layout);
// Use the unwrapped maps from the BothMap in the actual implementation
template <typename LayoutMap, typename InitialStateMap>
static bool SetSubresourceRangeInitialLayoutImpl(LayoutMap& initial_layouts, InitialStateMap& initial_state_map,
InitialLayoutStates& initial_layout_states, RangeGenerator& range_gen,
const CMD_BUFFER_STATE& cb_state, VkImageLayout layout,
const IMAGE_VIEW_STATE* view_state) {
bool updated = false;
InitialLayoutState* initial_state = nullptr;
for (; range_gen->non_empty(); ++range_gen) {
bool updated_range = sparse_container::update_range_value(initial_layouts, *range_gen, layout, WritePolicy::prefer_dest);
if (updated_range) {
initial_state = UpdateInitialLayoutStateImpl(initial_state_map, initial_layout_states, *range_gen, initial_state,
cb_state, view_state);
updated = true;
return updated;
// Unwrap the BothMaps entry here as this is a performance hotspot.
bool ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::SetSubresourceRangeInitialLayout(const CMD_BUFFER_STATE& cb_state,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& range, VkImageLayout layout,
const IMAGE_VIEW_STATE* view_state) {
if (!InRange(range)) return false; // Don't even try to track bogus subreources
RangeGenerator range_gen(encoder_, range);
assert(layouts_.initial.GetMode() == initial_layout_state_map_.GetMode());
if (layouts_.initial.SmallMode()) {
return SetSubresourceRangeInitialLayoutImpl(layouts_.initial.GetSmallMap(), initial_layout_state_map_.GetSmallMap(),
initial_layout_states_, range_gen, cb_state, layout, view_state);
} else {
return SetSubresourceRangeInitialLayoutImpl(layouts_.initial.GetBigMap(), initial_layout_state_map_.GetBigMap(),
initial_layout_states_, range_gen, cb_state, layout, view_state);
// Unwrap the BothMaps entry here as this is a performance hotspot.
bool ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::SetSubresourceRangeInitialLayout(const CMD_BUFFER_STATE& cb_state, VkImageLayout layout,
const IMAGE_VIEW_STATE& view_state) {
RangeGenerator range_gen(view_state.range_generator);
assert(layouts_.initial.GetMode() == initial_layout_state_map_.GetMode());
if (layouts_.initial.SmallMode()) {
return SetSubresourceRangeInitialLayoutImpl(layouts_.initial.GetSmallMap(), initial_layout_state_map_.GetSmallMap(),
initial_layout_states_, range_gen, cb_state, layout, &view_state);
} else {
return SetSubresourceRangeInitialLayoutImpl(layouts_.initial.GetBigMap(), initial_layout_state_map_.GetBigMap(),
initial_layout_states_, range_gen, cb_state, layout, &view_state);
static VkImageLayout FindInMap(IndexType index, const ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::RangeMap& map) {
auto found = map.find(index);
VkImageLayout value = kInvalidLayout;
if (found != map.end()) {
value = found->second;
return value;
VkImageLayout ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::GetSubresourceLayout(const VkImageSubresource& subresource) const {
IndexType index = encoder_.Encode(subresource);
return FindInMap(index, layouts_.current);
VkImageLayout ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::GetSubresourceInitialLayout(const VkImageSubresource& subresource) const {
IndexType index = encoder_.Encode(subresource);
return FindInMap(index, layouts_.initial);
// Saves an encode to fetch both in the same call
ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::Layouts ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::GetSubresourceLayouts(const VkImageSubresource& subresource,
bool always_get_initial) const {
IndexType index = encoder_.Encode(subresource);
Layouts layouts{FindInMap(index, layouts_.current), kInvalidLayout};
if (always_get_initial || (layouts.current_layout != kInvalidLayout)) {
layouts.initial_layout = FindInMap(index, layouts_.initial);
return layouts;
const InitialLayoutState* ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::GetSubresourceInitialLayoutState(const IndexType index) const {
const auto found = initial_layout_state_map_.find(index);
if (found != initial_layout_state_map_.end()) {
return found->second;
return nullptr;
const InitialLayoutState* ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::GetSubresourceInitialLayoutState(const VkImageSubresource& subresource) const {
if (!InRange(subresource)) return nullptr;
const auto index = encoder_.Encode(subresource);
return GetSubresourceInitialLayoutState(index);
// TODO: make sure this paranoia check is sufficient and not too much.
uintptr_t ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::CompatibilityKey() const {
return (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&image_state_) ^ encoder_.AspectMask());
bool ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::UpdateFrom(const ImageSubresourceLayoutMap& other) {
using Arbiter = sparse_container::value_precedence;
using sparse_container::range;
// Must be from matching images for the reinterpret cast to be valid
assert(CompatibilityKey() == other.CompatibilityKey());
if (CompatibilityKey() != other.CompatibilityKey()) return false;
bool updated = false;
updated |= sparse_container::splice(&layouts_.initial, other.layouts_.initial, Arbiter::prefer_dest);
updated |= sparse_container::splice(&layouts_.current, other.layouts_.current, Arbiter::prefer_source);
// NOTE -- we are copying plain pointers from 'other' which owns them as unique_ptr. This works because
// currently this function is only used to import from secondary command buffers, destruction of which
// invalidate the referencing primary command buffer, meaning that the dangling pointer will either be
// cleaned up in invalidation, on not referenced by validation code.
sparse_container::splice(&initial_layout_state_map_, other.initial_layout_state_map_, Arbiter::prefer_dest);
return updated;
// This is the same constant value range, subreource position advance logic as ForRange above, but suitable for use with
// an Increment operator.
void ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::ConstIterator::UpdateRangeAndValue() {
bool not_found = true;
while (range_gen_->non_empty() && not_found) {
if (!parallel_it_->range.includes(current_index_)) { // NOTE: empty ranges can't include anything;
if (parallel_it_->range.empty() && skip_invalid_) {
// We're past the end of mapped data, and we aren't interested, so we're done
// Set end condtion....
// Search within the current range_ for a constant valid constant value interval
// The while condition allows the parallel iterator to advance constant value ranges as needed.
while (range_gen_->includes(current_index_) && not_found) {
pos_.current_layout = kInvalidLayout;
pos_.initial_layout = kInvalidLayout;
constant_value_bound_ = range_gen_->end;
// The generated range can validly traverse past the end of stored data
if (!parallel_it_->range.empty()) {
pos_.current_layout = sparse_container::evaluate(parallel_it_->pos_A, kInvalidLayout);
if (pos_.current_layout == kInvalidLayout || always_get_initial_) {
pos_.initial_layout = sparse_container::evaluate(parallel_it_->pos_B, kInvalidLayout);
// The constant value bound marks the end of contiguous (w.r.t. range_gen_) indices with the same value, allowing
// Increment (for example) to forgo this logic until finding a new range is needed.
constant_value_bound_ = std::min(parallel_it_->range.end, constant_value_bound_);
if (!skip_invalid_ || (pos_.current_layout != kInvalidLayout) || (pos_.initial_layout != kInvalidLayout)) {
// we found it ... set the position and exit condition.
pos_.subresource = range_gen_.GetSubresource();
not_found = false;
} else {
// We're skipping this constant value range, set the index to the exclusive end and look again
// Note that we ONLY need to Seek the Subresource generator on a skip condition.
constant_value_bound_); // Move the subresource to the end of the skipped range
current_index_ = constant_value_bound_;
// Advance the parallel it if needed and possible
// NOTE: We don't need to seek, as current_index_ can only be in the current or next constant value range
if (!parallel_it_->range.empty() && !parallel_it_->range.includes(current_index_)) {
if (not_found) {
// ++range_gen will update subres_gen.
current_index_ = range_gen_->begin;
if (range_gen_->empty()) {
void ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::ConstIterator::Increment() {
if (constant_value_bound_ <= current_index_) {
} else {
pos_.subresource = range_gen_.GetSubresource();
void ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::ConstIterator::IncrementInterval() {
// constant_value_bound_ is the exclusive upper bound of the constant value range.
// When current index is set to point to that, UpdateRangeAndValue skips to the next constant value range,
// setting that state as the current position / state for the iterator.
current_index_ = constant_value_bound_;
ImageSubresourceLayoutMap::ConstIterator::ConstIterator(const RangeMap& current, const RangeMap& initial, const Encoder& encoder,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& subres, bool skip_invalid,
bool always_get_initial)
: range_gen_(encoder, subres),
parallel_it_(current, initial, range_gen_->begin),
constant_value_bound_() {
} // namespace image_layout_map