blob: e0ffe3a6e28a041167dfef58d88034cce012f847 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2023 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2023 LunarG, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Author: Charles Giessen <>
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "vulkan/vulkan_core.h"
#include "log.h"
struct loader_instance;
struct loader_layer_list;
struct loader_pointer_layer_list;
struct loader_envvar_all_filters;
typedef struct log_configuration log_configuration;
typedef enum loader_settings_layer_control {
LOADER_SETTINGS_LAYER_CONTROL_DEFAULT, // layer is not enabled by settings file but can be enabled through other means
LOADER_SETTINGS_LAYER_CONTROL_ON, // layer is enabled by settings file
LOADER_SETTINGS_LAYER_CONTROL_OFF, // layer is prevented from being enabled
LOADER_SETTINGS_LAYER_UNORDERED_LAYER_LOCATION // special control indicating unspecified layers should go here. If this is not
// in the settings file, then the loader assume no other layers should be
// searched & loaded.
} loader_settings_layer_control;
// If a loader_settings_layer_configuration has a name of loader_settings_unknown_layers_location, then it specifies that the
// layer configuration it was found in shall be the location all layers not listed in the settings file that are enabled.
#define LOADER_SETTINGS_UNKNOWN_LAYERS_LOCATION "loader_settings_unknown_layers_location"
typedef struct loader_settings_layer_configuration {
char* name;
char* path;
loader_settings_layer_control control;
bool treat_as_implicit_manifest; // whether or not the layer should be parsed as if it is implicit
} loader_settings_layer_configuration;
typedef struct loader_settings {
bool settings_active;
bool has_unordered_layer_location;
enum vulkan_loader_debug_flags debug_level;
uint32_t layer_configuration_count;
loader_settings_layer_configuration* layer_configurations;
char* settings_file_path;
} loader_settings;
// Call this function to get the current settings that the loader should use.
// It will open up the current loader settings file and return a loader_settings in out_loader_settings if it.
// It should be called on every call to the global functions excluding vkGetInstanceProcAddr
// Caller is responsible for cleaning up by calling free_loader_settings()
VkResult get_loader_settings(const struct loader_instance* inst, loader_settings* out_loader_settings);
void free_loader_settings(const struct loader_instance* inst, loader_settings* loader_settings);
// Log the settings to the console
void log_settings(const struct loader_instance* inst, loader_settings* settings);
// Every global function needs to call this at startup to insure that
VkResult update_global_loader_settings(void);
// Needs to be called during startup -
void init_global_loader_settings(void);
void teardown_global_loader_settings(void);
// Check the global settings and return true if msg_type does not correspond to the active global loader settings
bool should_skip_logging_global_messages(VkFlags msg_type);
// Query the current settings (either global or per-instance) and return the list of layers contained within.
// should_search_for_other_layers tells the caller if the settings file should be used exclusively for layer searching or not
VkResult get_settings_layers(const struct loader_instance* inst, struct loader_layer_list* settings_layers,
bool* should_search_for_other_layers);
// Take the provided list of settings_layers and add in the layers from regular search paths
// Only adds layers that aren't already present in the settings_layers and in the location of the
VkResult combine_settings_layers_with_regular_layers(const struct loader_instance* inst, struct loader_layer_list* settings_layers,
struct loader_layer_list* regular_layers,
struct loader_layer_list* output_layers);
// Fill out activated_layer_list with the layers that should be activated, based on environment variables, VkInstanceCreateInfo, and
// the settings
VkResult enable_correct_layers_from_settings(const struct loader_instance* inst, const struct loader_envvar_all_filters* filters,
uint32_t app_enabled_name_count, const char* const* app_enabled_names,
const struct loader_layer_list* instance_layers,
struct loader_pointer_layer_list* target_layer_list,
struct loader_pointer_layer_list* activated_layer_list);