loader: silence fread unused result

fread returns the count of values returned but was being ignored.
This commit makes sure to use that value when determining whether to
continue seeking to the end of the file.

Change-Id: Idb818cb3cda0cdde81aba1e5a4dd639c4814a923
diff --git a/loader/loader.c b/loader/loader.c
index c1b4cc1..cca0351 100644
--- a/loader/loader.c
+++ b/loader/loader.c
@@ -2653,11 +2653,11 @@
         goto out;
     // NOTE: We can't just use fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) because that isn't guaranteed to be supported on all systems
+    size_t fread_ret_count = 0;
     do {
-        // We're just seeking the end of the file, so this buffer is never used
         char buffer[256];
-        fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), file);
-    } while (!feof(file));
+        fread_ret_count = fread(buffer, 1, 256, file);
+    } while (fread_ret_count == 256 && !feof(file));
     len = ftell(file);
     fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
     json_buf = (char *)loader_stack_alloc(len + 1);