blob: 9fa74c8c4d8ab1b89694af8dd7cd3dffc8f4d18c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Shac Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package engine
import (
// Validate verifies a shac.textproto document is valid.
func (doc *Document) Validate() error {
if doc.MinShacVersion != "" {
v := parseVersion(doc.MinShacVersion)
if v == nil || len(v) > len(Version) {
return errors.New("min_shac_version is invalid")
for i := range v {
if v[i] > Version[i] {
return fmt.Errorf("min_shac_version specifies unsupported version %q, running %d.%d.%d", doc.MinShacVersion, Version[0], Version[1], Version[2])
if v[i] < Version[i] {
deps := map[string]string{}
aliases := map[string]struct{}{}
if doc.Requirements != nil {
if len(doc.Requirements.Indirect) > 0 && len(doc.Requirements.Direct) == 0 {
return errors.New("cannot have indirect dependency without direct one")
for i, d := range doc.Requirements.Direct {
if err := d.Validate(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("direct require block #%d: %w", i+1, err)
if _, ok := deps[d.Url]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("direct require block #%d: %s was already listed", i+1, d.Url)
deps[d.Url] = d.Version
if d.Alias != "" {
if _, ok := aliases[d.Alias]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("direct require block #%d: alias %s was already listed", i+1, d.Alias)
aliases[d.Alias] = struct{}{}
for i, d := range doc.Requirements.Indirect {
if err := d.Validate(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("indirect require block #%d: %w", i+1, err)
if _, ok := deps[d.Url]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("indirect require block #%d: %s was already listed", i+1, d.Url)
deps[d.Url] = d.Version
if d.Alias != "" {
if _, ok := aliases[d.Alias]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("indirect require block #%d: alias %s was already listed", i+1, d.Alias)
aliases[d.Alias] = struct{}{}
seen := map[string][]*VersionDigest{}
if doc.Sum != nil {
if len(deps) == 0 && len(doc.Sum.Known) > 0 {
return errors.New("cannot have sum without at least one dependency")
for i, k := range doc.Sum.Known {
if err := k.Validate(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("sum known block #%d: %w", i+1, err)
if _, ok := seen[k.Url]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("sum known block #%d: %s was already listed", i+1, k.Url)
seen[k.Url] = k.Seen
// Make sure seen is a super set of deps.
for name, version := range deps {
known, ok := seen[name]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("dependency %s doesn't have a known block", name)
found := false
for _, vd := range known {
if vd.Version == version {
found = true
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("dependency %s doesn't have a known version %s", name, version)
if doc.VendorPath != "" {
// Make sure the path exists. We currently allow paths outside the root,
// since it's useful for local testing. This will fail to load them
// elsewhere.
return errors.New("vendor_path is not yet supported")
return nil
// Validate verifies a shac.textproto require block is valid.
// It allows fetching from a Gerrit pending CL or a GitHub pending PR.
// For Gerrit, it is guaranteed to be reproducible. For GitHub, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
func (d *Dependency) Validate() error {
if d.Url == "" {
return errors.New("url must be set")
if _, err := cleanURL(d.Url); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("url is invalid: %w", err)
if isBadAlias(d.Alias) {
return errors.New("alias is invalid")
if d.Version == "" {
return errors.New("version must be set")
// Is it a GitHub PR?
if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString("^pull/^\\d+/head$", d.Version); !ok {
// Is it a Gerrit CL?
if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString("^refs/changes/\\d{1,2}/\\d{1,11}/\\d{1,3}$", d.Version); !ok {
// Is it a hash?
if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString("^[a-fA-F0-9]{40,64}$", d.Version); !ok {
// Version is hopefully a git tag. This will be confirmed at checkout
// time. Technically, git tags *are* mutable, what we do is to confirm
// that the hash of the content is the same.
// contains the full specification.
// Only do a minimal verification so people cannot do nasty stuff.
if isBadVersion(d.Version) {
return errors.New("version is invalid")
return nil
// Validate verifies a shac.textproto sum known block is valid.
func (k *Known) Validate() error {
if k.Url == "" {
return errors.New("url must be set")
if _, err := cleanURL(k.Url); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("url is invalid: %w", err)
if len(k.Seen) == 0 {
return errors.New("there must be at least on seen entry")
l := ""
for i, vd := range k.Seen {
if vd.Version == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("seen block #%d: version must be set", i+1)
if isBadVersion(vd.Version) {
return fmt.Errorf("seen block #%d: version is invalid", i+1)
if l >= vd.Version {
return fmt.Errorf("seen block #%d: version must be sorted", i+1)
l = vd.Version
if vd.Digest == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("seen block #%d: digest must be set", i+1)
if !strings.HasPrefix(vd.Digest, "h1:") {
return fmt.Errorf("seen block #%d: digest is invalid, must start with \"h1:\"", i+1)
dec, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(vd.Digest[3:])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("seen block #%d: digest is invalid, %w", i+1, err)
if len(dec) != 32 {
return fmt.Errorf("seen block #%d: digest is invalid, expected 32 bytes, got %d", i+1, len(dec))
return nil
// Digest returns the digest for the specified url and version.
func (s *Sum) Digest(url, version string) string {
for _, k := range s.Known {
if k.Url == url {
for _, vd := range k.Seen {
if vd.Version == version {
return vd.Digest
// Not found.
return ""
// cleanURL converts a schemaless URI to a fully qualified URI. For now
// assumes HTTPS.
func cleanURL(n string) (string, error) {
u, err := url.Parse(n)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if u.Scheme != "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected scheme for %s", n)
if u.RawQuery != "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected query for %s", n)
if u.Fragment != "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected fragment for %s", n)
if n != u.String() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unclean url %s", n)
u.Scheme = "https"
// Reparse again to ensure Host and Path are correctly set.
if u, err = url.Parse(u.String()); err != nil {
return "", err
if u.Host == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("a hostname is required; %#v", u)
if u.Path == "" {
return "", errors.New("a path is required")
return u.String(), nil
// isBadAlias return true if the alias string looks invalid.
func isBadAlias(s string) bool {
return strings.ContainsAny(s, "$^[]{}\"'\\:+*<>=.")
// isBadVersion return true if the version string looks invalid.
func isBadVersion(s string) bool {
return strings.ContainsAny(s, "$^[]{}\"'\\:+*<>=") || strings.Contains(s, "..")