blob: e6ec24f8465c0286f5b39edd871cc6b22775caf4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Shac Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package engine
import (
// shacCheck implements native function shac.check().
// Make sure to update //doc/ whenever this function is modified.
func shacCheck(ctx context.Context, s *shacState, name string, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
var argimpl *starlark.Function
var argname starlark.String
var argformatter starlark.Bool
if err := starlark.UnpackArgs(name, args, kwargs,
"impl", &argimpl,
"name?", &argname,
"formatter?", &argformatter); err != nil {
return nil, err
return newCheck(argimpl, string(argname), bool(argformatter))
func newCheck(impl starlark.Callable, name string, formatter bool) (*check, error) {
if _, ok := impl.(*starlark.Builtin); ok {
return nil, errors.New("\"impl\" must not be a built-in function")
fun, ok := impl.(*starlark.Function)
if !ok || fun.NumParams() == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("\"impl\" must be a function accepting one \"ctx\" argument")
if ctxParam, _ := fun.Param(0); ctxParam != "ctx" {
return nil, errors.New("\"impl\"'s first parameter must be named \"ctx\"")
if fun.ParamDefault(0) != nil {
return nil, errors.New("\"impl\" must not have a default value for the \"ctx\" parameter")
for i := 1; i < fun.NumParams(); i++ {
if fun.ParamDefault(i) == nil {
return nil, errors.New("\"impl\" can only have one required argument")
if name == "" {
if fun.Name() == "lambda" {
return nil, errors.New("\"name\" must be set when \"impl\" is a lambda")
name = strings.TrimPrefix(fun.Name(), "_")
return &check{
impl: fun,
name: name,
formatter: formatter,
}, nil
// check represents a runnable shac check as returned by shac.check().
type check struct {
impl *starlark.Function
name string
// Whether the check is an auto-formatter or not.
formatter bool
kwargs []starlark.Tuple
var _ starlark.HasAttrs = (*check)(nil)
func (c *check) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<check %s>",
func (c *check) Type() string {
return "shac.check"
func (c *check) Truth() starlark.Bool {
return true
func (c *check) Freeze() {
func (c *check) Hash() (uint32, error) {
// starlark.Function.Hash() returns the hash of the function name, so
// hashing just the name of the check seems reasonable.
return starlark.String(
func (c *check) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error) {
switch name {
case "with_args":
return checkWithArgsBuiltin.BindReceiver(c), nil
case "with_name":
return checkWithNameBuiltin.BindReceiver(c), nil
return nil, nil
func (c *check) AttrNames() []string {
return []string{"with_args", "with_name"}
func (c *check) withName(name string) (starlark.Value, error) {
// Make a copy to modify.
res := *c = name
return &res, nil
func (c *check) withArgs(kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
// Make a copy to modify.
res := *c
validParams := make([]string, 0, c.impl.NumParams()-1)
for i := 1; i < c.impl.NumParams(); i++ {
name, _ := c.impl.Param(i)
validParams = append(validParams, name)
newKwargs := kwargsMap(res.kwargs)
for k, v := range kwargsMap(kwargs) {
if k == "ctx" {
return nil, errors.New("\"ctx\" argument cannot be overridden")
if !slices.Contains(validParams, k) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid argument %q, must be one of: (%s)", k, strings.Join(validParams, ", "))
newKwargs[k] = v
res.kwargs = make([]starlark.Tuple, 0, len(newKwargs))
for k, v := range newKwargs {
res.kwargs = append(res.kwargs, starlark.Tuple{starlark.String(k), v})
return &res, nil
// checkWithArgsBuiltin implements the native function shac.check().with_args().
// Make sure to update //doc/ whenever this function is modified.
var checkWithArgsBuiltin = newBoundBuiltin("with_args", func(ctx context.Context, s *shacState, name string, self starlark.Value, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
if len(args) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("only keyword arguments are allowed")
return self.(*check).withArgs(kwargs)
// checkWithNameBuiltin implements the native function shac.check().with_name().
// Make sure to update //doc/ whenever this function is modified.
var checkWithNameBuiltin = newBoundBuiltin("with_name", func(ctx context.Context, s *shacState, name string, self starlark.Value, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
var argname starlark.String
if err := starlark.UnpackArgs(name, args, kwargs,
"name?", &argname); err != nil {
return nil, err
return self.(*check).withName(string(argname))
func kwargsMap(kwargs []starlark.Tuple) map[string]starlark.Value {
res := make(map[string]starlark.Value, len(kwargs))
for _, item := range kwargs {
if len(item) != 2 {
log.Panicf("kwargs item does not have length 2: %+v", kwargs)
s, ok := item[0].(starlark.String)
if !ok {
log.Panicf("kwargs item does not have a string key: %+v", kwargs)
res[string(s)] = item[1]
return res