blob: 7f637e057f62ccb489ec0c12de151b46263fd794 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Shac Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package engine
import (
// TODO(maruel): Would eventually support other source controls. For now all
// the projects we care about are on git.
// commitRef represents a commit.
type commitRef struct {
// hash is the commit hash. It is normally a hex encoded SHA-1 digest for git
// and mercurial until they switch algorithm.
hash string
// reference, which can be a git tag, branch name or other human readable
// reference as relevant to the SCM.
ref string
type file interface {
rootedpath() string
relpath() string
action() string
getMetadata() starlark.Value
// fileImpl is one tracked file.
type fileImpl struct {
// Immutable.
// path is the relative path of the file, POSIX style.
path string
// action is one of "A", "M", etc.
a string
// Mutable. Lazy loaded.
mu sync.Mutex
metadata starlark.Value
newLines starlark.Value
err error
func (f *fileImpl) rootedpath() string {
return f.path
func (f *fileImpl) relpath() string {
return f.path
func (f *fileImpl) action() string {
return f.a
// getMetadata lazy loads the metadata and caches it.
// It also lazy load the new lines and caches them.
func (f *fileImpl) getMetadata() starlark.Value {
if f.metadata == nil {
// Make sure to update //doc/ whenever this function is modified.
f.metadata = toValue("file", starlark.StringDict{
"action": starlark.String(f.a),
"new_lines": newBuiltin("new_lines", func(ctx context.Context, s *shacState, name string, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
if err := starlark.UnpackArgs(name, args, kwargs); err != nil {
return nil, err
if f.newLines == nil && f.err == nil {
f.newLines, f.err = s.scm.newLines(ctx, f)
return f.newLines, f.err
m := f.metadata
return m
// fileSubdirImpl is one tracked file reported as a subdirectory.
type fileSubdirImpl struct {
path string
func (f *fileSubdirImpl) relpath() string {
return f.path
// scmCheckout is the generic interface for version controlled sources.
// Returned files must be sorted.
type scmCheckout interface {
affectedFiles(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool) ([]file, error)
allFiles(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool) ([]file, error)
newLines(ctx context.Context, f file) (starlark.Value, error)
type filteredSCM struct {
matcher gitignore.Matcher
scm scmCheckout
func (f *filteredSCM) affectedFiles(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool) ([]file, error) {
files, err := f.scm.affectedFiles(ctx, includeDeleted)
return f.filter(files), err
func (f *filteredSCM) allFiles(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool) ([]file, error) {
files, err := f.scm.allFiles(ctx, includeDeleted)
return f.filter(files), err
func (f *filteredSCM) newLines(ctx context.Context, fi file) (starlark.Value, error) {
return f.scm.newLines(ctx, fi)
// filter modifies the input slice of files in-place, removing any items that
// match one of the ignore patterns.
func (f *filteredSCM) filter(files []file) []file {
offset := 0
for i := 0; i+offset < len(files); {
fi := files[i+offset]
if f.matcher.Match(strings.Split(fi.rootedpath(), "/"), false) {
} else {
if i+offset < len(files) {
files[i] = files[i+offset]
return files[:len(files)-offset]
// subdirSCM is a scmCheckout that only reports files from a subdirectory.
type subdirSCM struct {
// Immutable.
s scmCheckout
// subdir is the subdirectory to filter on. It must be a POSIX path.
// It must be non-empty and end with "/".
subdir string
func (s *subdirSCM) affectedFiles(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool) ([]file, error) {
affected, err := s.s.affectedFiles(ctx, includeDeleted)
affected = s.filterFiles(affected)
return affected, err
func (s *subdirSCM) allFiles(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool) ([]file, error) {
all, err := s.s.allFiles(ctx, includeDeleted)
all = s.filterFiles(all)
return all, err
// filterFiles returns the list of files that are applicable for this subdir.
func (s *subdirSCM) filterFiles(files []file) []file {
c := 0
for _, f := range files {
if strings.HasPrefix(f.rootedpath(), s.subdir) {
out := make([]file, 0, c)
l := len(s.subdir)
for _, f := range files {
if r := f.rootedpath(); strings.HasPrefix(r, s.subdir) {
out = append(out, &fileSubdirImpl{file: f, path: r[l:]})
return out
func (s *subdirSCM) newLines(ctx context.Context, f file) (starlark.Value, error) {
return s.s.newLines(ctx, f)
// Git support.
// getSCM returns the scmCheckout implementation relevant for directory root.
// root is must be a clean path.
func getSCM(ctx context.Context, root string, allFiles bool) (scmCheckout, error) {
// Flip to POSIX style path.
root = strings.ReplaceAll(root, string(os.PathSeparator), "/")
g := &gitCheckout{returnAll: allFiles}
err := g.init(ctx, root)
if err == nil {
if g.checkoutRoot != root {
if !strings.HasPrefix(root, g.checkoutRoot) {
// Fix both of these issues:
// - macOS, where $TMPDIR is a symlink or path case is different.
// - Windows, where path case is different.
if root, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(root); err != nil {
return nil, err
if g.checkoutRoot, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(g.checkoutRoot); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Offset accordingly.
if g.checkoutRoot != root {
// The API and git talks POSIX path, so use that.
subdir := root[len(g.checkoutRoot)+1:] + "/"
return &subdirSCM{s: g, subdir: subdir}, nil
return g, nil
if errors.Is(err, exec.ErrNotFound) {
log.Printf("git not detected on $PATH")
} else if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not a git repository") {
log.Printf("current working directory is not a git repository")
} else {
// Any other error is fatal, `g.err` will be set and cause execution to
// stop the next time `` is called.
return nil, g.err
// TODO(maruel): Add the scm of your choice.
return &rawTree{root: root}, nil
// cachingSCM wraps any other scmCheckout and memoizes return values.
type cachingSCM struct {
scm scmCheckout
mu sync.Mutex
// Mutable. Lazy loaded. Keys are `include_deleted` values.
affected map[bool][]file
all map[bool][]file
func (c *cachingSCM) affectedFiles(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool) ([]file, error) {
if c.affected == nil {
c.affected = make(map[bool][]file)
var err error
if _, ok := c.affected[includeDeleted]; !ok {
c.affected[includeDeleted], err = c.scm.affectedFiles(ctx, includeDeleted)
return c.affected[includeDeleted], err
func (c *cachingSCM) allFiles(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool) ([]file, error) {
if c.all == nil {
c.all = make(map[bool][]file)
var err error
if _, ok := c.all[includeDeleted]; !ok {
c.all[includeDeleted], err = c.scm.allFiles(ctx, includeDeleted)
return c.all[includeDeleted], err
func (c *cachingSCM) newLines(ctx context.Context, fi file) (starlark.Value, error) {
return c.scm.newLines(ctx, fi)
// gitCheckout represents a git checkout.
type gitCheckout struct {
// Configuration.
env []string
returnAll bool
// Detected environment at initialization.
// checkoutRoot is a POSIX path.
checkoutRoot string
head commitRef
upstream commitRef
mu sync.Mutex
err error // save error.
func (g *gitCheckout) init(ctx context.Context, root string) error {
// Find root.
g.checkoutRoot = root
g.checkoutRoot =, "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel")
// root will have normal Windows path but git returns a POSIX style path
// that may be incorrect. Clean it up.
g.checkoutRoot = strings.ReplaceAll(filepath.Clean(g.checkoutRoot), string(os.PathSeparator), "/")
g.head.hash =, "rev-parse", "HEAD")
g.head.ref =, "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref=strict", "--symbolic-full-name", "HEAD")
if g.err != nil {
// Not worth continuing.
return g.err
// Determine pristine status but ignoring untracked files. We do not
// distinguish between indexed or not.
isPristine :=, "status", "--porcelain", "--untracked-files=no") == ""
g.upstream.hash =, "rev-parse", "@{u}")
if g.err != nil {
const noUpstream = "no upstream configured for branch"
const noBranch = "HEAD does not point to a branch"
if s := g.err.Error(); strings.Contains(s, noUpstream) || strings.Contains(s, noBranch) {
g.err = nil
// If @{u} is undefined, silently default to use HEAD~1 if pristine, HEAD otherwise.
if isPristine {
// If HEAD~1 doesn't exist, this will fail.
g.upstream.ref = "HEAD~1"
} else {
g.upstream.ref = "HEAD"
g.upstream.hash =, "rev-parse", g.upstream.ref)
} else {
g.upstream.ref =, "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref=strict", "--symbolic-full-name", "@{u}")
return g.err
// run runs a git command in the check. After init() is called, the mu lock is
// expected to be held.
func (g *gitCheckout) run(ctx context.Context, args ...string) string {
if g.err != nil {
return ""
args = append([]string{
// Don't update the git index during read operations.
}, args...)
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "git", args...)
cmd.Dir = g.checkoutRoot
if g.env == nil {
// First is for git version before 2.32, the rest are to skip the user and system config.
g.env = append(os.Environ(),
gitConfig := map[string]string{
// Prevents automatic unicode decomposition of filenames. Only has
// an effect on macOS.
"core.precomposeUnicode": "true",
g.env = append(g.env, gitConfigEnv(gitConfig)...)
cmd.Env = g.env
b := buffers.get()
cmd.Stdout = b
cmd.Stderr = b
err := execsupport.Run(cmd)
// Always make a copy of the output, since it could be persisted. Only reuse
// the temporary buffer.
out := b.String()
if err != nil {
if errExit := (&exec.ExitError{}); errors.As(err, &errExit) {
g.err = fmt.Errorf("error running git %s: %w\n%s", strings.Join(args, " "), err, out)
} else {
g.err = err
return strings.TrimSpace(out)
// gitConfigEnv converts a map of key-value git config pairs into corresponding
// environment variables.
// See for details on how git
// configs are set via environment variables.
func gitConfigEnv(gitConfig map[string]string) []string {
// GIT_CONFIG_COUNT specifies how many key/value env var pairs to look for.
res := []string{fmt.Sprintf("GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=%d", len(gitConfig))}
keys := make([]string, 0, len(gitConfig))
for k := range gitConfig {
keys = append(keys, k)
for i, k := range keys {
// Each config setting is specified by setting a pair of
// GIT_CONFIG_KEY_<N> and GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_<N> variables.
res = append(res,
fmt.Sprintf("GIT_CONFIG_KEY_%d=%s", i, k),
fmt.Sprintf("GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_%d=%s", i, gitConfig[k]))
return res
// affectedFiles returns the modified files on this checkout.
// The entries are lazy loaded and cached.
func (g *gitCheckout) affectedFiles(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool) ([]file, error) {
if g.returnAll {
return g.allFiles(ctx, includeDeleted)
// Untracked files are always considered affected (as long as they're not
// ignored).
o :=, "ls-files", "-z", "--others", "--exclude-standard")
var items []string
if len(o) > 0 {
items = strings.Split(o[:len(o)-1], "\x00")
modified := make([]file, 0, len(items))
for _, path := range items {
modified = append(modified, &fileImpl{a: "A", path: filepath.ToSlash(path)})
// Each line has a variable number of NUL character, so process one at a time.
for o :=, "diff", "--name-status", "-z", "-C", g.upstream.hash); len(o) != 0; {
var action, path string
if i := strings.IndexByte(o, 0); i != -1 {
// For rename, ignore the percentage number.
action = o[:1]
o = o[i+1:]
if i = strings.IndexByte(o, 0); i != -1 {
path = o[:i]
o = o[i+1:]
if action == "C" {
if i = strings.IndexByte(o, 0); i != -1 {
// Ignore the source for now.
path = o[:i]
o = o[i+1:]
} else {
path = ""
} else if action == "R" {
if i = strings.IndexByte(o, 0); i != -1 {
// Ignore the source for now.
path = o[:i]
o = o[i+1:]
} else {
path = ""
if path == "" {
// `git diff` output will sometimes include newline-separated
// non-fatal warnings at the end, e.g. if the number of renamed
// files in the diff exceeds the `diff.renameLimit` config var.
// If we encounter such a warning, we assume it's at the end of the
// diff output.
if !strings.HasPrefix(o, "warning:") {
g.err = fmt.Errorf("missing trailing NUL character from git diff --name-status -z -C %s", g.upstream.hash)
if action == "D" && !includeDeleted {
// TODO(olivernewman): Omit deleted submodules. For now they're
// treated the same as deleted regular files.
if action == "D" || !g.isSubmodule(path) {
// TODO(maruel): Share with allFiles.
modified = append(modified, &fileImpl{a: action, path: filepath.ToSlash(path)})
sort.Slice(modified, func(i, j int) bool { return modified[i].rootedpath() < modified[j].rootedpath() })
return modified, g.err
// allFiles returns all the files in this checkout.
// The entries are lazy loaded and cached.
func (g *gitCheckout) allFiles(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool) ([]file, error) {
// Paths are returned in POSIX style even on Windows.
// TODO(maruel): Extract more information.
o :=, "ls-files", "-z", "--cached", "--others", "--exclude-standard")
items := strings.Split(o[:len(o)-1], "\x00")
all := make([]file, 0, len(items))
for _, path := range items {
fi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(g.checkoutRoot, path))
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
if includeDeleted {
all = append(all, &fileImpl{a: "D", path: filepath.ToSlash(path)})
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !fi.IsDir() { // Not a submodule.
// TODO(maruel): Still include action from affectedFiles()?
// TODO(maruel): Share with affectedFiles.
all = append(all, &fileImpl{a: "A", path: filepath.ToSlash(path)})
sort.Slice(all, func(i, j int) bool { return all[i].rootedpath() < all[j].rootedpath() })
return all, g.err
func (g *gitCheckout) isSubmodule(path string) bool {
fi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(g.checkoutRoot, path))
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
g.err = err
return false
// TODO(olivernewman): Actually check the git object mode to determine if
// it's a submodule. It would be nice to get the object mode from the git
// command to avoid unnecessary syscalls.
return fi.IsDir()
func (g *gitCheckout) newLines(ctx context.Context, f file) (starlark.Value, error) {
if g.returnAll {
// Include all lines when processing all files independent if the file
// was modified or not.
v, err := newLinesWhole(g.checkoutRoot, f.rootedpath())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return v, nil
// Return an empty tuple for a deleted file's changed lines.
if f.action() == "D" {
return make(starlark.Tuple, 0), nil
o :=, "diff", "--no-prefix", "-C", "-U0", "--no-ext-diff", "--irreversible-delete", g.upstream.hash, "--", f.rootedpath())
if o == "" {
// TODO(maruel): This is not normal. For now fallback to the whole file.
v, err := newLinesWhole(g.checkoutRoot, f.rootedpath())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return v, nil
// Skip the header.
for len(o) != 0 {
done := strings.HasPrefix(o, "+++ ")
if i := strings.Index(o, "\n"); i >= 0 {
o = o[i+1:]
} else {
// Reached the end of the diff header without finding any
// changed lines. This is probably because the file is binary,
// so there's no meaning of "new lines" for it anyway.
return make(starlark.Tuple, 0), nil
if done {
// TODO(maruel): Perf-optimize by using Index() and going on the fly
// without creating a []string.
items := strings.Split(o, "\n")
c := 0
for _, l := range items {
if strings.HasPrefix(l, "+") {
t := make(starlark.Tuple, 0, c)
curr := 0
for _, l := range items {
if strings.HasPrefix(l, "@@ ") {
// TODO(maruel): This code can panic at multiple places. Odds of this
// happening is relatively low unless git diff goes off track.
// @@ -171,0 +176,28 @@
l = l[3+strings.Index(l[3:], " "):][1:]
l = l[:strings.Index(l, " ")][1:]
if i := strings.Index(l, ","); i > 0 {
l = l[:i]
var err error
if curr, err = strconv.Atoi(l); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%q: %v", l, err))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(l, "+") {
// Track the current line number.
t = append(t, starlark.Tuple{starlark.MakeInt(curr), starlark.String(l[1:])})
} else if !strings.HasPrefix(l, "-") && l != "\\ No newline at end of file" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected line %q", l))
return t, nil
// Generic support.
type rawTree struct {
root string
mu sync.Mutex
all []file
func (r *rawTree) affectedFiles(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool) ([]file, error) {
return r.allFiles(ctx, includeDeleted)
// allFiles returns all files in this directory tree.
// The includeDeleted argument is ignored as only files that exist on disk are
// included.
func (r *rawTree) allFiles(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool) ([]file, error) {
var err error
if r.all == nil {
l := len(r.root) + 1
err = filepath.WalkDir(r.root, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err2 error) error {
if err2 == nil {
if !d.IsDir() {
r.all = append(r.all, &fileImpl{path: filepath.ToSlash(path[l:])})
return nil
sort.Slice(r.all, func(i, j int) bool { return r.all[i].rootedpath() < r.all[j].rootedpath() })
return r.all, err
func (r *rawTree) newLines(ctx context.Context, f file) (starlark.Value, error) {
return newLinesWhole(r.root, f.rootedpath())
// Starlark adapter code.
// ctxScmAffectedFiles implements native function ctx.scm.affected_files().
// It returns a dictionary.
// Make sure to update //doc/ whenever this function is modified.
func ctxScmAffectedFiles(ctx context.Context, s *shacState, name string, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
var argincludeDeleted starlark.Bool
if err := starlark.UnpackArgs(name, args, kwargs,
"include_deleted?", &argincludeDeleted,
); err != nil {
return nil, err
files, err := s.scm.affectedFiles(ctx, bool(argincludeDeleted))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ctxScmFilesReturnValue(s, files), nil
// ctxScmAllFiles implements native function ctx.scm.all_files().
// It returns a dictionary.
// Make sure to update //doc/ whenever this function is modified.
func ctxScmAllFiles(ctx context.Context, s *shacState, name string, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
var argincludeDeleted starlark.Bool
if err := starlark.UnpackArgs(name, args, kwargs,
"include_deleted?", &argincludeDeleted,
); err != nil {
return nil, err
files, err := s.scm.allFiles(ctx, bool(argincludeDeleted))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ctxScmFilesReturnValue(s, files), nil
// ctxScmFilesReturnValue converts a list of files into a starlark.Dict to
// return from the ctx.scm.all_files() and ctx.scm.affected_files() functions.
func ctxScmFilesReturnValue(s *shacState, files []file) starlark.Value {
out := starlark.NewDict(len(files))
for _, f := range files {
_ = out.SetKey(starlark.String(f.relpath()), f.getMetadata())
return out
// newLinesWhole returns the whole file as new lines.
// Make sure to update //doc/ whenever this function is modified.
func newLinesWhole(root, path string) (starlark.Value, error) {
b, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(root, path))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the file contains a null byte we'll assume it's binary and not try to
// parse its lines.
if bytes.IndexByte(b, 0) != -1 {
return make(starlark.Tuple, 0), nil
t := make(starlark.Tuple, bytes.Count(b, []byte{'\n'})+1)
for i := range t {
if n := bytes.IndexByte(b, '\n'); n != -1 {
t[i] = starlark.Tuple{starlark.MakeInt(i + 1), starlark.String(unsafeString(b[:n]))}
b = b[n+1:]
} else {
// Last item.
t[i] = starlark.Tuple{starlark.MakeInt(i + 1), starlark.String(unsafeString(b))}
return t, nil
func unsafeString(b []byte) string {
return unsafe.String(unsafe.SliceData(b), len(b))