blob: cc3bcf6b709668c4f4ecf28ee065ef065a625fb7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package luci.resultdb.v1;
import "google/api/field_behavior.proto";
import "";
import "";
import "";
option go_package = ";resultpb";
// Represents a matching test variant with its outcomes.
message TestVariant {
// A unique identifier of the test in a LUCI project.
// Regex: ^[[::print::]]{1,256}$
// Refer to TestResult.test_id for details.
string test_id = 1;
// Description of one specific way of running the test,
// e.g. a specific bucket, builder and a test suite.
Variant variant = 2;
// Hash of the variant.
// hex(sha256(sorted(''.join('%s:%s\n' for k, v in variant.items())))).
string variant_hash = 3;
// Status of the test variant.
TestVariantStatus status = 4;
// Outcomes of the test variant.
repeated TestResultBundle results = 5;
// Test exonerations if any test variant is exonerated.
repeated TestExoneration exonerations = 6;
// Information about the test at the time of its execution.
// All test results of the same test variant should report the same test
// metadata. This RPC relies on this rule and returns test metadata from
// *arbitrary* result of the test variant.
TestMetadata test_metadata = 7;
// Whether the
// - test metadata; or
// - the variant definition; or
// - both the test metadata and variant definition
// have been masked from the test variant.
// Output only.
bool is_masked = 8 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
// The identity of the code sources tested. This ID can be used
// to lookup of the actual sources in QueryTestVariantsResponse.sources.
// All test results of the same test variant should be attached to the same
// sources (via their respective invocation(s)). This RPC relies upon this
// and returns sources from an *arbitrary* result of the test variant.
// If the code sources tested are not available, this field is blank.
string sources_id = 9;
// Outcomes of an execution of the test variant.
message TestResultBundle {
// Result of the test variant execution.
TestResult result = 1;
// Status of a test variant.
enum TestVariantStatus {
// a test variant must not have this status.
// This is only used when filtering variants.
// The test variant has no exonerations, and all results are unexpected.
// The test variant has no exonerations, and all results are unexpectedly skipped.
// The test variant has no exonerations, and has both expected and unexpected
// results.
FLAKY = 30;
// The test variant has one or more test exonerations.
// A special value that matches any test variant which doesn't have the status
// EXPECTED. This includes all the above statuses. It will never be present on
// returned results, it's only for use in predicates.
// The test variant has no exonerations, and all results are expected.
// Represents a function TestVariant -> bool.
// Empty message matches all test variants.
message TestVariantPredicate {
// A test variant must have this status.
TestVariantStatus status = 1;