blob: cfc6db6e8eda9d82d0ce2da57ba5c5e616a9741c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Shac Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package engine;
option go_package = "";
// Document is the root message being decoded in a shac.textproto.
message Document {
// Minimum shac version that is required to run this check. This enables
// printing a better error message. It is a semver string.
string min_shac_version = 1;
// When set to true, it is allowed to have checks that access the network.
bool allow_network = 2;
// Full list of all loaded package dependencies.
Requirements requirements = 3;
// Digests of all direct and indirect dependencies to confirm the code was not
// modified.
Sum sum = 4;
// When set, refers to a local copy to use.
string vendor_path = 5;
// File paths to ignore/un-ignore. Syntax matches that of .gitignore. See
repeated string ignore = 6;
// Whether to allow checks write access to the SCM root directory.
// TODO(olivernewman): Remove this option once named caches and pass-throughs
// are implemented.
bool writable_root = 7;
repeated Var vars = 8;
// Var specifies a variable that may be passed into checks at runtime by the
// --var flag and accessed via `ctx.vars.get(name)`.
// Vars are intentionally limited in usefulness so they can only be used for
// passing through opaque configuration strings, not for controlling behavior,
// which would introduce the potential for divergence between environments.
message Var {
// name is the name of the variable, as specified on the command line and as
// passed into `ctx.vars.get()`.
string name = 1;
// desc is an optional description of the meaning of the variable.
string description = 2;
// default is the default value of the variable. It may be left unspecified,
// in which case the default is the empty string.
string default = 3;
// Requirements lists all the external dependencies, both direct and transitive
// (indirect).
message Requirements {
// direct are packages referenced by the starlark code via a load() statement.
repeated Dependency direct = 1;
// indirect are packages referenced by direct dependencies or transitively.
repeated Dependency indirect = 2;
// Dependency is a starlark package containing a file that will be
// loaded and become available through a load("@...") statement.
message Dependency {
// url is the URL to the resource without the schema, e.g.
// "".
string url = 1;
// alias is an optional shorthand alias. This is how this is referenced to in
// load() statements.
string alias = 2;
// version is the pinned version to use the dependency.
string version = 3;
// Sum is the digest of known dependencies.
message Sum {
repeated Known known = 1;
// Known is the multiple known digests of a single dependency.
message Known {
string url = 1;
repeated VersionDigest seen = 2;
// VersionDigest is a version:digest pair.
message VersionDigest {
// version is one of the version referred to directly or transitively.
string version = 1;
// digest is the hash of the content of the dependency. It uses the same
// hashing algorithm than go.sum. See
string digest = 2;