tree: f05e0795cb7ff160a4f4f5250b515df55410762d [path history] [tgz]
  1. cpp/
  2. fidl/
  3. integration_tests/
  4. meta/
  5. BUILD.bazel

Routing Example

This directory contains an example of capability routing in Component Framework.


These components are built with

$ bazel build --config=fuchsia_x64 src:fuchsia_samples

as part of the other samples in this repository. Reference the top level README for more details.


Use ffx component create to create the component instances inside a restricted realm for development purposes:

$ tools/ffx component create /core/ffx-laboratory:echo_realm fuchsia-pkg://

Start the client component instance by passing its moniker to ffx component start:

$ tools/ffx component start /core/ffx-laboratory:echo_realm/echo_client

When the above command is run, you can see the following output with tools/ffx log --filter echo_client:

[echo_client] INFO: Server response: Hello Fuchsia!


Integration tests for echo server are available in the echo_integration_test package. Use the ffx test run command to run the tests on a target device:

$ tools/ffx test run fuchsia-pkg://

You should see the integration tests execute and pass:

Running test 'fuchsia-pkg://'
[RUNNING]       EchoIntegrationTest.TestEcho
[stdout - EchoIntegrationTest.TestEcho]
Running main() from
[PASSED]        EchoIntegrationTest.TestEcho

1 out of 1 tests passed...
fuchsia-pkg:// completed with result: PASSED