Update README for drivers

This README tends to get out of date and it's better to have just one
source of truth.

Change-Id: I2e1cf2ad5c90386bc1e4ae267b943df17c14ccb4
Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk-samples/drivers/+/771057
Reviewed-by: Renato Mangini Dias <mangini@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Chris Holguin <cholguin@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Wayne Piekarski <waynepie@google.com>
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3c290b1..bc2ba3c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,128 +3,5 @@
 This repository contains instructions and source code to build, package and run
 Fuchsia samples using only the Fuchsia SDK.
-## Requirements
-1. Make sure this repository has the required submodules:
-   ```
-   git submodule update --recursive --init
-   ```
-1. Run the bootstrap script that downloads the appropriate Bazel binary:
-   ```
-   scripts/bootstrap.sh
-   ```
-1. Ensure that there are Fuchsia SSH keys in your host machine. You will need
-   them for running the Fuchsia emulator.
-   ```
-    [[ -f "${HOME}/.ssh/fuchsia_ed25519" ]] || ssh-keygen -P "" -t ed25519 -f "${HOME}/.ssh/fuchsia_ed25519" -C "${USER}@$(hostname -f) Shared SSH Key for Fuchsia"
-    [[ -f "${HOME}/.ssh/fuchsia_authorized_keys" ]] || ssh-keygen -y -f "${HOME}/.ssh/fuchsia_ed25519" > "${HOME}/.ssh/fuchsia_authorized_keys"
-   ```
-## Build, run and test the samples
-The repository is ready to build the samples.
- > Note: in order to use an SDK produced by a local Fuchsia platform tree, you
- > can set an environment variable named `LOCAL_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BUILD` as
- > described in https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/sdk-integration/+/0503b02c059a6de76242280b467898358ba30ae3
-1. If using an emmulator:
-   1. Fetch the system images
-      ```
-      tools/ffx product-bundle get workstation_eng.qemu-x64 --repository workstation-packages
-      ```
-   > Note: if the command above fails with an error message that
-   > states that there are multiple product bundles with the same name, you can either specify
-   > the full qualified URL as printed in the error message, or you can wipe out
-   > old and unused product bundles in the pbms storage, which should be located
-   > in ~/.local/share/Fuchsia/ffx/pbms on Linux, or ~/Library/Fuchsia/ffx/pbms
-   > on MacOS.
-   1. Start the emulator
-      ```
-      tools/ffx emu start workstation_eng.qemu-x64 --headless \
-         --kernel-args "driver_manager.use_driver_framework_v2=true" \
-         --kernel-args "driver_manager.root-driver=fuchsia-boot:///#meta/platform-bus.cm" \
-         --kernel-args "devmgr.enable-ephemeral=true"
-      ```
-   1. The product bundle comes with on-demand packages in a separate repository.
-      Use the following command to register it with the emulator:
-      ```
-      tools/ffx target repository register -r workstation-packages --alias fuchsia.com --alias chromium.org
-      ```
-1. If using a physical device like a Pixelbook Go:
-   1. Fetch the system images
-      ```
-      tools/ffx product-bundle get workstation_eng.qemu-x64-dfv2 --repository workstation-packages
-      ```
-   1. Prepare and connect the Pixelbook Go, by flashing and/or paving it (not
-      covered here), and connect using Ethernet.
-   1. The product bundle comes with on-demand packages in a separate repository.
-      Use the following command to register it with the device:
-      ```
-      tools/ffx target repository register -r workstation.qemu-x64-dfv2 --alias fuchsia.com --alias chromium.org
-      ```
-   1. Update (OTA) the device to the version of the SDK:
-      ```
-      tools/ffx target update check-now --monitor
-      ```
-1. (optional) watch the device log in a separate window
-   ```
-   tools/ffx log
-   ```
-1. Load the sample drivers
-   Now you are ready to register a driver. Starting with the [example driver](src/example_driver):
-   First, let's confirm that the driver is not loaded:
-   ```
-   tools/ffx driver list | grep example_driver
-   ```
-   The command above should not return any driver named "example_driver" because
-   it has not been registered.
-   Now register the driver:
-   ```
-   tools/bazel run --config=fuchsia_x64 src/example_driver:pkg.component
-   ```
-   The driver now should show in the list of loaded drivers:
-   ```
-   tools/ffx driver list | grep example_driver
-   fuchsia-pkg://bazel.pkg.component/example_driver#meta/example_driver.cm
-   ```
-   You can also watch in the log to see if the driver is loaded correctly. The ffx log
-   window should show a message similar to:
-   ```
-   [88.961][bootstrap/driver_manager][driver_manager.cm][I] Loaded driver 'fuchsia-pkg://bazel.pkg.component/example_driver#meta/example_driver.cm'
-   ```
+Please refer to https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/get-started/sdk/get-started-with-driver
+for the most up to date guidance on how to bootstrap this repository.