blob: 4663b906db6d781ab069c0a43d5daf8719f6ab05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// [START imports]
#include "edu_device.h"
// [END imports]
// [START namespace_start]
namespace edu_device {
// [END namespace_start]
// [START interrupt_mmio]
// Initialize PCI device hardware resources
zx::status<> QemuEduDevice::MapInterruptAndMmio() {
// Retrieve the Base Address Register (BAR) for PCI Region 0
auto bar = pci_->GetBar(0);
if (!bar.ok()) {
FDF_SLOG(ERROR, "failed to get bar", KV("status", bar.status()));
return zx::error(bar.status());
if (bar->is_error()) {
FDF_SLOG(ERROR, "failed to get bar", KV("status", bar->error_value()));
return zx::error(bar->error_value());
// Create a Memory-Mapped I/O (MMIO) region over BAR0
auto& bar_result = bar->value()->result;
if (!bar_result.result.is_vmo()) {
FDF_SLOG(ERROR, "unexpected bar type");
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_NO_RESOURCES);
zx::status<fdf::MmioBuffer> mmio = fdf::MmioBuffer::Create(
0, bar_result.size, std::move(bar_result.result.vmo()), ZX_CACHE_POLICY_UNCACHED_DEVICE);
if (mmio.is_error()) {
FDF_SLOG(ERROR, "failed to map mmio", KV("status", mmio.status_value()));
return mmio.take_error();
mmio_ = *std::move(mmio);
// Configure interrupt handling for the device using INTx
auto result = pci_->SetInterruptMode(fuchsia_hardware_pci::wire::InterruptMode::kLegacy, 1);
if (!result.ok()) {
FDF_SLOG(ERROR, "failed configure interrupt mode", KV("status", result.status()));
return zx::error(result.status());
if (result->is_error()) {
FDF_SLOG(ERROR, "failed configure interrupt mode", KV("status", result->error_value()));
return zx::error(result->error_value());
// Map the device's interrupt to a system IRQ
auto interrupt = pci_->MapInterrupt(0);
if (!interrupt.ok()) {
FDF_SLOG(ERROR, "failed to map interrupt", KV("status", interrupt.status()));
return zx::error(interrupt.status());
if (interrupt->is_error()) {
FDF_SLOG(ERROR, "failed to map interrupt", KV("status", interrupt->error_value()));
return zx::error(interrupt->error_value());
irq_ = std::move(interrupt->value()->interrupt);
// Start listening for interrupts.
return zx::ok();
// [END interrupt_mmio]
// [START compute_factorial]
// Write data into the factorial register wait for an interrupt.
void QemuEduDevice::ComputeFactorial(uint32_t input,
fit::callback<void(zx::status<uint32_t>)> callback) {
if (pending_callback_.has_value()) {
// Tell the device to raise an interrupt after computation.
auto status = StatusRegister();
// Write the value into the factorial register to start computation.
mmio_->Write32(input, kFactorialComputationOffset);
// We will receive an interrupt when the computation completes.
pending_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// Respond to INTx interrupts triggered by the device, and return the compute result.
void QemuEduDevice::HandleIrq(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::IrqBase* irq,
zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_interrupt_t* interrupt) {
if (!pending_callback_.has_value()) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Received unexpected interrupt!");
auto callback = std::move(*pending_callback_);
pending_callback_ = std::nullopt;
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FDF_SLOG(ERROR, "Failed to wait for interrupt", KV("status", zx_status_get_string(status)));
// Acknowledge the interrupt with the edu device.
auto int_status = mmio_->Read32(kInterruptStatusRegisterOffset);
mmio_->Write32(int_status, kInterruptAcknowledgeRegisterOffset);
// Deassert the legacy INTx interrupt on the PCI bus.
auto irq_result = pci_->AckInterrupt();
if (!irq_result.ok() || irq_result->is_error()) {
FDF_SLOG(ERROR, "Failed to ack PCI interrupt",
KV("status", irq_result.ok() ? irq_result->error_value() : irq_result.status()));
// Reply with the result.
uint32_t factorial = mmio_->Read32(kFactorialComputationOffset);
FDF_SLOG(INFO, "Replying with", KV("factorial", factorial));
// [END compute_factorial]
// [START liveness_check]
// Write a challenge value to the liveness check register and return the result.
zx::status<uint32_t> QemuEduDevice::LivenessCheck(uint32_t challenge) {
// Write the challenge value to the liveness check register.
mmio_->Write32(challenge, kLivenessCheckOffset);
// Return the result.
auto value = mmio_->Read32(kLivenessCheckOffset);
return zx::ok(value);
// [END liveness_check]
// [START namespace_end]
} // namespace edu_device
// [END namespace_end]