blob: 06935c49d320a0d3f4a77bf84acd5e1337e4e4f1 [file] [log] [blame]
# This test is implemented as a shell script temporarily, but it shoud be moved
# to Bazel code as soon as possible.
set -e
TEST_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
cd "${TEST_DIR}/.."
tools/bazel build @fuchsia_sdk_both//:ffx @fuchsia_sdk_x64_only//:ffx @fuchsia_sdk_arm64_only//:ffx
dir_both="$(mktemp -d)"
dir_merged="$(mktemp -d)"
# copy both workspaces, one for each architecture, on top of each other
cp -R --dereference bazel-tests/external/fuchsia_sdk_x64_only/* "$dir_merged"
cp -R --dereference bazel-tests/external/fuchsia_sdk_arm64_only/* "$dir_merged"
# copy the workspace that is created from the multi-architecture IDK
cp -R --dereference bazel-tests/external/fuchsia_sdk_both/* "$dir_both"
# The only expected difference between a merged SDK and one created with multi-arch IDKs
# should be the meta/manifest.json file, which has a field for target
# architectures. To avoid a false result in diff, we change the specific line
# that we expect to be different to be the same:
sed -i'' 's|"arm64"|"x64", "arm64"|' "${dir_merged}/meta/manifest.json"
echo "Comparing merged Bazel SDK ($dir_merged) with Bazel SDK produced from a multi-architecture IDK ($dir_both)..."
diff -r "$dir_merged" "$dir_both"
echo "SUCCESS! Multiple Bazel SDK for different architectures can be merged by simple directory merging operations."