blob: bd9b6fa83108565265f6b548da22ffdc53e3d5d0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
load(":fuchsia_debug_symbols.bzl", "collect_debug_symbols")
load(":providers.bzl", "FuchsiaComponentInfo", "FuchsiaPackageResourcesInfo")
load(":utils.bzl", "make_resource_struct", "rule_variants")
def fuchsia_component(name, manifest, deps = None, **kwargs):
"""Creates a Fuchsia component that can be added to a package.
name: The target name.
manifest: The component manifest file.
deps: A list of targets that this component depends on.
**kwargs: Extra attributes to forward to the build rule.
name = name,
manifest = manifest,
deps = deps,
is_driver = False,
def fuchsia_test_component(name, manifest, deps = None, **kwargs):
"""Creates a Fuchsia component that can be added to a test package.
name: The target name.
manifest: The component manifest file.
deps: A list of targets that this component depends on.
**kwargs: Extra attributes to forward to the build rule.
name = name,
manifest = manifest,
deps = deps,
is_driver = False,
def fuchsia_driver_component(name, manifest, driver_lib, bind_bytecode, deps = None, **kwargs):
"""Creates a Fuchsia component that can be registered as a driver.
name: The target name.
manifest: The component manifest file.
driver_lib: The shared library that will be registered with the driver manager.
This file will end up in /driver/<lib_name> and should match what is listed
in the manifest. See
for more details.
bind_bytecode: The driver bind bytecode needed for binding the driver.
deps: A list of targets that this component depends on.
**kwargs: Extra attributes to forward to the build rule.
name = name,
manifest = manifest,
deps = deps,
content = {
driver_lib: "driver/",
bind_bytecode: "meta/bind/",
is_driver = True,
def _fuchsia_component_impl(ctx):
component_name = ctx.attr.component_name or
manifest = ctx.file.manifest
resources = []
for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
if FuchsiaPackageResourcesInfo in dep:
resources += dep[FuchsiaPackageResourcesInfo].resources
for mapping in dep[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles.root_symlinks.to_list():
resources.append(make_resource_struct(src = mapping.target_file, dest = mapping.path))
for f in dep.files.to_list():
resources.append(make_resource_struct(src = f, dest = f.short_path))
for src, dest in ctx.attr.content.items():
files_list = src[DefaultInfo].files.to_list()
if not dest.endswith("/") and len(files_list) > 1:
fail("To map multiple files in %s, the content mapping %s should end with a slash to indicate a directory." % (, dest))
# pkgctl does not play well with paths starting with "/"
dest = dest.lstrip("/")
for f in files_list:
d = dest
if dest.endswith("/"):
d = d + f.basename
resources.append(make_resource_struct(src = f, dest = d))
return [
name = component_name,
manifest = manifest,
resources = resources,
is_driver = ctx.attr.is_driver,
is_test = ctx.attr._variant == "test",
collect_debug_symbols(ctx.attr.deps, ctx.attr.content.keys()),
_fuchsia_component, _fuchsia_component_test = rule_variants(
variants = (None, "test"),
doc = """Creates a Fuchsia component which can be added to a package
This rule will take a component manifest and compile it into a form that
is suitable to be included in a package. The component can include any
number of dependencies which will be included in the final package.
implementation = _fuchsia_component_impl,
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_list(
doc = "A list of targets that this component depends on",
"content": attr.label_keyed_string_dict(
doc = """A map of dependencies and their destination in the Fuchsia component.
If a destination ends with a slash, it is assumed to be a directory""",
mandatory = False,
"manifest": attr.label(
doc = "The component manifest file",
allow_single_file = [".cm", ".cmx"],
mandatory = True,
"component_name": attr.string(
doc = "The name of the package, defaults to the target name",
"is_driver": attr.bool(
doc = "True if this is a driver component",
default = False,