blob: 0637767ccd9a8f209410a351695eeaf5bfed4eb5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import shutil
import argparse
import subprocess
import sys
# This script is concerned with creating a new user.bootfs which contains
# whatever the contents of the user.bootfs are according to the supplied
# file_manifest argument PLUS an additional file which is a compressed disk
# image containing the contents of file_manifest. Russian dolls anyone?
# The bootfs this script creates is intended for use by the fuchsia installer
# program. By default the bootfs file will be called installer.bootfs and placed
# at the base of the --build_dir from whose contents the bootfs is assembled.
# path of the 'install disk image' on our the user.bootfs we're making
FUCHSIA_DISK_IMG_PATH = "installer/user_fs.lz4"
BOOTFS_PREAMBLE = "user.bootfs\n"
EFI_DISK_IMG_PATH = "installer/efi_fs.lz4"
FILE_KERNEL = "magenta.bin"
def compress_file(lz4_path, source, dest, working_dir):
lz4_cmd = [lz4_path, "-4", "-B4", source, dest]
if os.path.exists(dest):
subprocess.check_call(lz4_cmd, cwd=working_dir)
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError):
print "Error compressing file %s" % source
return False
except (OSError):
print "Unable to execute %s" % lz4_path
return False
return True
def cp_fat(mcopy_path, target_disk, local_path, remote_path, working_dir):
mcpy_cmd = [mcopy_path, "-i", target_disk, local_path, "::%s" % remote_path]
try:, cwd=working_dir)
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError):
print "Error copying %s" % local_path
return False
except (OSError):
print "Unable to execute %s" % mcopy_path
return False
return True
def mkdir_fat(mmd_path, target_disk, remote_path, working_dir):
mmd_cmd = [mmd_path, "-i", target_disk, "::%s" % remote_path]
try:, cwd=working_dir)
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError):
print "Error making directory %s" % remote_path
return False
except (OSError):
print "Unable to execute %s" % mmd_path
return False
return True
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Copy build files')
parser.add_argument('--temp_dir', dest='temp_dir', action='store',
default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build-installer"),
help='A location the script can use for temporary files')
parser.add_argument('--disk_path', action='store', required=True,
help="""The file to be used as disk to create an install file
parser.add_argument('--mcp_path', action='store', required=True,
help='Path to the mcopy binary')
parser.add_argument('--mmd_path', action='store', required=True,
help='Path to mmd binary')
parser.add_argument('--lz4_path', action='store', required=True,
help='Path to the lz4 binary')
parser.add_argument('--out_file', action='store', required=False,
help='Where to put the bootfs')
parser.add_argument('--build_dir', action='store', required=True,
help='Location of system build output')
parser.add_argument('--mkbootfs', action='store', required=False,
help="""Path to mkbootfs binary, if not supplied its location
will assumed to be relative to --build_dir""")
parser.add_argument('--file_manifest', action='store', required=False,
help="""Location of the primary file manifest, if not
provided it will be assumed to be relative to build_dir""")
parser.add_argument('--minfs_path', action='store', required=True,
help="The location of the host-compiled minfs binary")
parser.add_argument('--build_dir_magenta', action='store', required=False,
help="""Directory in which to find magneta build artifacts.
either this or both the kernel AND efi_loader args must be
parser.add_argument('--kernel', action='store', required=False,
help="""Location of magenta.bin, if not supplied this will
be assumed to be relative to --build_dir""")
parser.add_argument('--efi_loader', action='store', required=False,
help="""Location of the kernel bootloader loaded by EFI
(usually boot{arch}.efi). If not supplied this be assumed
to be relative to --build_dir""")
parser.add_argument('--efi_disk', action='store', required=True,
help="Location of file to use to create the ESP disk image")
parser.add_argument('--arch', action='store', required=False,
help="""The CPU architecture of the device, if not supplied
x86-64 is assumed""")
args = parser.parse_args()
disk_path_efi = args.efi_disk
bootloader = args.efi_loader
kernel = args.kernel
build_dir_magenta = args.build_dir_magenta
# it should be the case that the user provides either bootloader and kernel
# path OR provides neither of them and instead provides a magenta build
# directory. The final option is that none of the three args are provided and
# instead we rely on the fuchsia build directory
if ((bootloader is None or kernel is None) and
(bootloader is not None or kernel is not None)):
print """Please supply both kernel and EFI loader or supply none, and supply
build_dir_magenta instead"""
elif (bootloader is not None and build_dir_magenta is not None):
print """If providing build_dir_magenta, please do not provide EFI loader and
kernel arguments"""
elif (bootloader is None and build_dir_magenta is None):
print """You must supply the magenta build dir or paths to kernel and EFI
loader binaries"""
# if the bootloader path is null, so is the kernel based on our conditional
# check just above
if bootloader is None:
bootloader = os.path.join(build_dir_magenta, "bootloader", "bootx64.efi")
kernel = os.path.join(build_dir_magenta, "magenta.bin")
if not os.path.exists(bootloader):
print """EFI loader does not exist at path %s, please check the path and try
again.""" % bootloader
if not os.path.exists(kernel):
print """kernel does not exist at path %s, please check the path and try
again.""" % kernel
aux_manifest = os.path.join(args.temp_dir, "installer.manifest")
disk_path = args.disk_path
if disk_path[0] != "/":
disk_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), disk_path)
mcopy_path = args.mcp_path
lz4_path = args.lz4_path
mmd_path = args.mmd_path
out_file = args.out_file
if out_file is None:
out_file = os.path.join(args.build_dir, "installer.bootfs")
primary_manifest = args.file_manifest
if primary_manifest is None:
primary_manifest = os.path.join(args.build_dir, "gen", "packages", "gn",
mkbootfs_path = args.mkbootfs
if mkbootfs_path is None:
mkbootfs_path = os.path.join(args.build_dir, "..", "build-magenta", "tools",
minfs_bin = args.minfs_path
if not os.path.exists(minfs_bin):
print "minfs path '%s' is not found, please supply a valid path" % minfs_bin
arch = args.arch
if arch is None:
arch = "X64"
if arch != "X64" and arch != "ARM" and arch != "AA64":
print "Architecture '%s' is not recognized" % arch
bootloader_remote_path = "%s/BOOT%s.EFI" % (DIR_EFI_BOOT, arch)
print "Copying files to disk image."
working_dir = os.getcwd()
minfs_cmd = [minfs_bin, disk_path, "cp", None, None]
# parse the manifest file and find the files to copy
file_count = 0
created_dirs = set()
with open(primary_manifest, "r") as manifest_file:
for line in manifest_file:
if "=" in line:
if line.count("=") != 1:
raise Exception("Unexpected format, too many equal signs: %d" %
parts = line.split("=")
parts[0] = parts[0].strip()
parts[1] = parts[1].strip()
# first figure out if we need to make a directory for this file
# This should split file name off the past
dir_path = os.path.split(parts[0])[0]
# track the directories we need to make for this file
dirs_to_make = []
# see if the directory for this file has been created
while dir_path != "" and dir_path not in created_dirs:
dir_path, new_dir = os.path.split(dir_path)
# now create the directory path
while len(dirs_to_make) > 0:
dir_path = os.path.join(dir_path, dirs_to_make.pop())
mkdir_cmd = [minfs_bin, disk_path, "mkdir", "::%s" % dir_path]
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError):
print "Error creating directory '%s'" % dir_path
except (OSError):
print "Unable to execute minfs"
# record that we've created this directory
targ_path = "::%s" % parts[0]
minfs_cmd[3] = parts[1]
minfs_cmd[4] = targ_path
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError):
print "Error copying file %s" % parts[1]
except (OSError):
print "Unable to execute minfs"
file_count += 1
# some status output
sys.stdout.write("%s\r" % (" " * 100))
sys.stdout.write("Copying '%s' \r" % parts[0])
print "\nCopied %i files" % file_count
compressed_disk = "%s.lz4" % disk_path
print "Compressing system disk image to %s" % compressed_disk
if not compress_file(lz4_path, disk_path, compressed_disk, working_dir):
# create /EFI/BOOT
if not (mkdir_fat(mmd_path, disk_path_efi, DIR_EFI, working_dir) and
mkdir_fat(mmd_path, disk_path_efi, DIR_EFI_BOOT, working_dir)):
if not (cp_fat(mcopy_path, disk_path_efi, bootloader, bootloader_remote_path,
working_dir) and
cp_fat(mcopy_path, disk_path_efi, kernel, FILE_KERNEL, working_dir)):
compressed_disk_efi = "%s.lz4" % disk_path_efi
print "Compressing ESP disk image to %s" % compressed_disk_efi
if not compress_file(lz4_path, disk_path_efi, compressed_disk_efi, working_dir):
# write out a manifest file so we include the compressed file system we created
with open(aux_manifest, "w+") as manifest_file:
manifest_file.write("%s=%s\n" % (FUCHSIA_DISK_IMG_PATH, compressed_disk))
manifest_file.write("%s=%s\n" % (EFI_DISK_IMG_PATH, compressed_disk_efi))
mkfs_cmd = [mkbootfs_path, "-c", "-o", out_file, aux_manifest, primary_manifest]
print "Creating installer bootfs"
subprocess.check_call(mkfs_cmd, cwd=working_dir)
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError):
print "Error creating bootfs"
except (OSError):
print "Unable to execute mkfs command"