[run-host-tests] mention --gtest_filter in usage

* this comes in handy when the package has a lot of tests

Change-Id: Ic47208fb68becf96b42e4f5f1893467d59944bae
diff --git a/devshell/run-host-tests b/devshell/run-host-tests
index 6104b2b..3ffd338 100755
--- a/devshell/run-host-tests
+++ b/devshell/run-host-tests
@@ -6,12 +6,14 @@
 ### build and run tests on host
-## Usage: fx run-host-tests [-z] [host test names ...]
+## Usage: fx run-host-tests [-z] [host test names ...] [-- [test runner flags]]
 ## Builds and runs the given host tests.
 ## With "-z" passed, only Zircon tests will be run - and
 ## without it only tests from Garnet and above.
 ## If no host test names are provided, then all available
 ## host tests will be run.
+## Test runner flags can typically be --gtest_filter=TestSuiteName.TestName
+## to restrict to a particular test or set of tests.
 set -o errexit