blob: 21b4f5232d65353cc551568f3152f0f9e9838182 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
load(":dart.bzl", "COMMON_COMPILE_KERNEL_ACTION_ATTRS", "compile_kernel_action")
load(":package_info.bzl", "PackageLocalInfo")
# A Fuchsia Dart application
# Parameters
# main_dart
# The main script file.
# deps
# List of libraries to link to this application.
"runner": "dart_jit_runner"
def _dart_app_impl(context):
kernel_snapshot_file = context.outputs.kernel_snapshot
manifest_file = context.outputs.manifest
mappings = compile_kernel_action(
context = context,
package_name = context.attr.package_name,
fuchsia_package_name = context.attr.fuchsia_package_name,
dart_exec = context.executable._dart,
kernel_compiler = context.files._kernel_compiler[0],
sdk_root = context.files._platform_lib[0],
main = context.files.main[0],
srcs = context.files.srcs,
kernel_snapshot_file = kernel_snapshot_file,
manifest_file = manifest_file,
main_dilp_file = context.outputs.main_dilp,
dilp_list_file = context.outputs.dilp_list,
dart_jit_runner = context.actions.declare_file("runtime")
output = dart_jit_runner,
mappings["meta/deprecated_runtime"] = dart_jit_runner
outs = [kernel_snapshot_file, manifest_file]
return [
DefaultInfo(files = depset(outs), runfiles = context.runfiles(files = outs)),
PackageLocalInfo(mappings = mappings.items()),
dart_app = rule(
implementation = _dart_app_impl,
attrs = dict({
"_platform_lib": attr.label(
default = Label("//tools/dart_prebuilts/dart_runner:platform_strong.dill"),
allow_single_file = True,
cfg = "host",
outputs = {
# Kernel snapshot.
"kernel_snapshot": "%{name}_kernel.dil",
# Main dilp file.
"main_dilp": "%{name}_kernel.dil-main.dilp",
# Dilp list.
"dilp_list": "%{name}_kernel.dilpmanifest.dilplist",
# Fuchsia package manifest file.
"manifest": "%{name}_kernel.dilpmanifest",