blob: b6bdbef3a7cfd5cfdd56a7da8310f739d3526843 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
load(":package_info.bzl", "get_aggregate_info", "PackageGeneratedInfo", "PackageLocalInfo")
Makes a cc_binary ready for inclusion in a fuchsia_package.
binary(label, required)
The cc_binary to package up.
def _cc_contents_impl(target, context):
if context.rule.kind != "cc_binary":
return [
PackageGeneratedInfo(mappings = []),
mappings = {}
for file in target[DefaultInfo].files.to_list():
if file.extension == "":
mappings["bin/" + file.basename] = file
elif file.extension == "so":
mappings["lib/" + file.basename] = file
return [
PackageGeneratedInfo(mappings = mappings.items()),
# This aspect looks for cc_binary targets in the dependency tree of the given
# target. For each of these targets, it then generates package content mappings.
_cc_contents_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _cc_contents_impl,
attr_aspects = [
provides = [
def _packageable_cc_binary_impl(context):
target_files =[DefaultInfo].files.to_list()
if len(target_files) != 1:
fail("Packaged binary should produce a single output", attr="target")
output = target_files[0]
if output.extension != "":
fail("Expected executable, got: " + output.basename, attr="target")
return [
# TODO(pylaligand): remove this extra mapping once it's obsolete.
PackageLocalInfo(mappings = [("bin/app", output)]),
_packageable_cc_binary = rule(
implementation = _packageable_cc_binary_impl,
attrs = {
"target": attr.label(
doc = "The cc_binary to package",
allow_files = False,
aspects = [
def packageable_cc_binary(name, target):
packaged_name = name + "_packaged"
name = packaged_name,
target = target,
# The filegroup is needed so that the packaging can properly crawl all the
# dependencies and look for package contents.
name = name,
srcs = [
":" + packaged_name,
# TODO(pylaligand): this label should be arch-independent.