Support // paths in zsh.

With this you can use // to refer to the root of the fuchsia tree in
zsh. For example you could `cd //scripts` or run `//packages/gn/`.

This is implemented in tab completion by monkey-patching the _path_files
completion function and in the command-line editor by fixing up the
paths in ZLE's accept-line.

This removes the ~f-NAME hack I had before that was slow, ugly and I'm
pretty sure not used by anyone but me.

Change-Id: Id28a720aad47ef73fb6169a3aced3a8f2018ee16
diff --git a/ b/
index 8b08871..0a92f59 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -726,28 +726,23 @@
 if [[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION}" ]]; then
   ### Zsh Completion
-  fpath+=${FUCHSIA_SCRIPTS_DIR}/zsh-completion
+  fpath=(${FUCHSIA_SCRIPTS_DIR}/zsh-completion $fpath[@])
+  # clear cached load of _path_files
+  unfunction _path_files
+  autoload -U _path_files
+  # load and run compinit
   autoload -U compinit
-  ### Directory shortcuts for Jiri projects
-  # a mapping of jiri project names to paths will be in the associative array fuchsia_projects
-  # a directory shortcut ~f-projectname will be present for each project with / replaced by -
-  function regenerate_fuchsia_projects() {
-    local _update_file=${FUCHSIA_DIR}/.jiri_root/update_history/latest
-    local _projects_file=${FUCHSIA_DIR}/.jiri_root/projects.zsh
-    if [[ -e $_update_file ]]; then
-      if [ $_update_file -nt $_projects_file -o ! -e $_projects_file ]; then
-        grep '<project name=' $_update_file | \
-          sed -e 's, *<project name="\([^"]*\)" path="\([^"]*\)".*,fuchsia_projects+=(\1 \2),' > \
-          $_projects_file
-      fi
-      . $_projects_file
-    fi
+  ### Map paths that start // to $FUCHSIA_DIR
+  function fuchsia::zle::accept-line() {
+    # make a shorter version of $FUCHSIA_DIR using ~
+    local short_dir=${FUCHSIA_DIR/${HOME}/\~}
+    # at the start of the line
+    BUFFER=${BUFFER/#\/\//$short_dir\/}
+    # anywhere in the line
+    BUFFER=${BUFFER// \/\// $short_dir\/}
+    zle .accept-line
-  typeset -A fuchsia_projects
-  regenerate_fuchsia_projects
-  for _p in "${(@k)fuchsia_projects}"; do
-    hash -d f-${_p//\//-}=$FUCHSIA_DIR/$fuchsia_projects[$_p]
-  done
+  zle -N accept-line fuchsia::zle::accept-line
diff --git a/zsh-completion/_path_files b/zsh-completion/_path_files
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4075b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zsh-completion/_path_files
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Hack to replace _path_files with one that expands // and then calls the
+# original.
+local fdir ffile original found_one
+# Look for the original _path_files in the $fpath
+for fdir in $fpath; do
+  ffile=$fdir/$0
+  if [[ -e $ffile ]]; then
+    if [[ -z $found_one ]]; then
+      found_one=true
+    else
+      original=$ffile
+      break
+    fi
+  fi
+if [[ $PREFIX = //* ]]; then
+  # When we get // replace it with $FUCHSIA_DIR.
+  # But shorten $HOME to ~.
+  local short_dir=${FUCHSIA_DIR/${HOME}/\~}
+  PREFIX=${PREFIX/\/\//${short_dir}\/}
+source $original $*