blob: f335f4959f4fb655066e0d6035765bd01028dec8 [file] [log] [blame]
# _packages completes a comma separated list of packages
_packages() {
# packages are files without extensions in */packages/ and vendor/*/packages/
_values -s , $(cd ${fuchsia_dir} && echo */packages/**/^*.*(.N) vendor/*/packages/**/^*.*(.N))
# _products completes a comma separated list of products
_products() {
# products are files without extensions in */products/ and vendor/*/products/
_values -s , $(cd ${fuchsia_dir} && echo */products/**/^*.*(.N) vendor/*/products/**/^*.*(.N))
_gn_args_caching_policy() {
test ${ninja_file} -nt $1
_gn_args() {
if [ -z ${fuchsia_build_dir} ]; then
# apply a default caching policy if one isn't configured
local cache_policy
zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy cache_policy
zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy \
# if this file is newer than the cache file then the cache is stale
local ninja_file=${fuchsia_dir}/${fuchsia_build_dir}/
local -a gn_args
if ! _retrieve_cache gn_args ; then
gn_args=( $(${fuchsia_dir}/buildtools/gn args ${fuchsia_dir}/${fuchsia_build_dir} --list --short|sed -e 's/ .*//') )
_store_cache gn_args gn_args
# complete the list of gn args with an = suffix
compadd -S = ${gn_args}
# list of supported fuchsia architectures
local -a archs
'x64:64 bit Intel'
'arm64:64 bit ARM'
# arguments to fx set
_arguments '1:arch:{_describe "arch" archs}' '--release[release build]' \
'--packages[packages to build]:packages:_packages' \
'--products[products to build]:products:_products' \
'--goma[use goma]' "--no-goma[don't use goma]" \
"--no-ensure-goma[don't make sure goma is running]" \
"--ccache[use ccache]" "--no-ccache[don't use ccache]" \
"--args[arguments for gn gen]:args:{_gn_args}" \
'--goma-dir[goma directory to use]:directory:_files -/'