[samples] Remove test script based on deprecated femu.sh

Change-Id: I5ad7c64c25c1494803789377ab1f2b34d07250fe
Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/samples/+/684531
Commit-Queue: Auto-Submit <auto-submit@fuchsia-infra.iam.gserviceaccount.com>
Fuchsia-Auto-Submit: Clayton Wilkinson <wilkinsonclay@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Clayton Wilkinson <wilkinsonclay@google.com>
diff --git a/tests/run-device-image-tests.sh b/tests/run-device-image-tests.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index cb0cff6..0000000
--- a/tests/run-device-image-tests.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# This is a test script that can be run inside femu-exec-wrapper.sh or on a local device
-# It verifies that the system image has basic functionality and that it works as expected
-# For x64 tests:
-# ../third_party/fuchsia-sdk/bin/femu-exec-wrapper.sh --exec ./run-device-image-tests.sh
-# For arm64 tests:
-# FUCHSIA_ARCH=arm64 ../third_party/fuchsia-sdk/bin/femu-exec-wrapper.sh --image qemu-arm64 --experiment-arm64 --software-gpu --exec ./run-device-image-tests.sh
-TEST_SRC_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
-if [[ "${FUCHSIA_ARCH}" == "" ]]; then
-  echo "No FUCHSIA_ARCH selected so using default ${FUCHSIA_ARCH}"
-if [[ "${FUCHSIA_ARCH}" == "arm64" ]]; then
-  # Select very long timeouts since the arm64 emulator is very slow
-echo "Running tests for FUCHSIA_ARCH ${FUCHSIA_ARCH} with run timeout ${TIMEOUT_RUN} and start timeout ${TIMEOUT_START} seconds"
-# Force all pipes to return any non-zero error code instead of just the last
-set -o pipefail
-# Check that a remote command can run and check the exit code, it should not block for longer than ${TIMEOUT} seconds
-function wait_command {
-  echo "Running wait_command: $*"
-  timeout "${TIMEOUT_RUN}" "${SDK_BIN_DIR}/fssh.sh" "${@}" || RESULT="$?"
-  if [ "${RESULT}" == "0" ]; then
-    echo "OK: $*"
-  elif [ "${RESULT}" == "124" ]; then
-    echo "TIMEOUT: Did not reach exit of command after ${TIMEOUT_RUN} seconds: $*"
-    ERROR_LIST="${ERROR_LIST} \"$*\""
-  else
-    echo "ERROR: Result ${RESULT} for $*"
-    ERROR_LIST="${ERROR_LIST} \"$*\""
-  fi
-# Useful for remote commands that never normally terminate, just check that they run for a while without exiting
-function timeout_command {
-  TIMEOUT="$1"
-  shift
-  echo "Running timeout_command for ${TIMEOUT}: $*"
-  timeout "${TIMEOUT}" "${SDK_BIN_DIR}/fssh.sh" "${@}" || RESULT="$?"
-  if [ "${RESULT}" == "0" ]; then
-    echo "ERROR: Exited with 0 but was expecting to wait"
-    ERROR_LIST="${ERROR_LIST} \"$*\""
-  elif [ "${RESULT}" == "124" ]; then
-    # This is the expected result if the timeout command terminates the shell
-    echo "OK: $*"
-  else
-    echo "ERROR: Result ${RESULT} for command: $*"
-    ERROR_LIST="${ERROR_LIST} \"$*\""
-  fi
-# Publish .far files in preparation for running
-function publish_far {
-  FAR="$1"
-  echo "Publishing ${FAR}"
-  if [ ! -f "${FAR}" ]; then
-    echo "ERROR: ${FAR} does not exist"
-    ERROR_LIST="${ERROR_LIST} \"$*\""
-    return
-  fi
-  if ! "${SDK_BIN_DIR}/fpublish.sh" "${FAR}" 2>&1; then
-    echo "ERROR: Could not publish ${FAR}"
-    ERROR_LIST="${ERROR_LIST} \"$*\""
-    return
-  fi
-# Check that a component is running on a device
-function check_cs_exists {
-  NAME="$1"
-  echo "Checking for cs exists ${NAME}"
-  # cs outputs each line as "  ${component}[$pid]: fuchsia-pkg://${url} (sha)"
-  FOUND=$("${SDK_BIN_DIR}/fssh.sh" "cs" | grep " ${NAME}\[")
-  if [[ "${FOUND}" == "" ]]; then
-    echo "ERROR: ${NAME} does not appear in cs"
-    ERROR_LIST="${ERROR_LIST} \"$*\""
-  else
-    echo "OK: $*"
-  fi
-# ---- Begin device setup before tests ----
-# Check that pm is running, check both the process name and arguments
-# shellcheck disable=SC2009
-PS_PM=$(ps -axww | grep "pm serve" | grep "amber-files")
-if [ "${PS_PM}" == "" ]; then
-  echo "ERROR! pm package serve is not running"
-  exit 1
-AMBER_SRCS=$("${SDK_BIN_DIR}/fssh.sh" amber_ctl list_srcs | grep RepoUrl | grep "fuchsia-pkg")
-if [ "${AMBER_SRCS}" == "" ]; then
-  echo "ERROR! amber_ctl does not have a repo configured in list_srcs, make sure fserve.sh has been run"
-  exit 1
-# ---- Start tests ----
-# Restart tiles_ctl so id numbers of new tiles is consistent
-wait_command tiles_ctl quit
-wait_command tiles_ctl start
-# Check if tiles_ctl component is running
-check_cs_exists tiles.cmx
-wait_command tiles_ctl list
-# Run some basic Fuchsia commands
-wait_command echo hello
-wait_command date
-# This should check if the web view is working, but it currently does not work.
-# We just use a localhost IP address so the network is not actually needed
-# wait_command tiles_ctl add ""
-# Check if basic .far files work
-publish_far "${TEST_SRC_DIR}/../out/${FUCHSIA_ARCH}/hello_world.far"
-wait_command run "fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/hello_world#meta/hello_world.cmx"
-# Start the graphical bouncing_ball demo
-publish_far "${TEST_SRC_DIR}/../out/${FUCHSIA_ARCH}/bouncing_ball.far"
-wait_command tiles_ctl add "fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/bouncing_ball#meta/bouncing_ball.cmx"
-# Wait for the bouncing_ball demo to actually start and make sure it keeps running for a while
-wait_command sleep "${TIMEOUT_START}"
-check_cs_exists "bouncing_ball.cmx"
-wait_command tiles_ctl remove 1
-if [ "${ERROR_COUNT}" == "0" ]; then
-  echo "OK: All tests passed!"
-  echo "ERROR: ${ERROR_COUNT} tests failed, see log output"
-  echo "ERROR: List${ERROR_LIST}"
-  exit 1