Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml



ContextProvider {:#ContextProvider}

Defined in fuchsia.web/context.fidl

The top-level service interface which allows for the creation of Context resources.

Create {:#Create}

Creates a new browser fuchsia.web.Context whose state is wholly independent and isolated from other Contexts.

  • context: An interface request which will receive a bound fuchsia.web.Context service.


Context {:#Context}

Defined in fuchsia.web/context.fidl

Manages browsing state (e.g. LocalStorage, cookies, etc) associated with a set of fuchsia.web.Frame.

CreateFrame {:#CreateFrame}

Creates a new fuchsia.web.Frame under this fuchsia.web.Context. Destruction of a fuchsia.web.Context triggers the destruction of all of its associated fuchsia.web.Frame. fuchsia.web.Frame can be transferred to another component but cannot be shared across multiple components.

  • frame: An interface request that will be bound to the created fuchsia.web.Frame.


CreateFrameWithParams {:#CreateFrameWithParams}

Similar to fuchsia.web.Context/CreateFrame, with extra parameters.


GetCookieManager {:#GetCookieManager}

Used to observe cookies for sites hosted under this Context.


GetRemoteDebuggingPort {:#GetRemoteDebuggingPort}

Waits until debugging is available on one or more Frames, and returns the DevTools port number. Multiple calls may be queued to received the port number.

If an error occured, the fuchsia.web.ContextError will be set to this value:

  • REMOTE_DEBUGGING_PORT_NOT_OPENED: |remote_debugging_port| was not set in fuchsia.web.CreateContextParams or the remote debugging service failed to start.



CookieManager {:#CookieManager}

Defined in fuchsia.web/cookie.fidl

Provides methods for monitoring and accessing browser cookie state.

ObserveCookieChanges {:#ObserveCookieChanges}

Observe changes to all cookies named name that would be sent in a request to url.

If neither url nor name are set then all cookies are observed. If only url is set then all cookies for that URL are observed. If both are set then only cookies matching both fields are observed.

|changes| iterates over a stream of cookie changes. Additions or updates are expressed as complete cookies, while deletions are expressed as cookies with no value set.


GetCookieList {:#GetCookieList}

Returns a list of Cookies, optionally limited to those matching url, and optionally name. cookies iterates over the matching cookies, including their values.


CookiesIterator {:#CookiesIterator}

Defined in fuchsia.web/cookie.fidl

Used to iterator over a set of cookies, or a stream of changes to cookies.

GetNext {:#GetNext}

Fetches the next batch of cookies, or of changes to cookies.



Debug {:#Debug}

Defined in fuchsia.web/debug.fidl

The debug service which allows to enable the DevTools service on Contexts.

EnableDevTools {:#EnableDevTools}

Enables the DevTools service on every subsequent Context creation and and delivers subsequent DevTools events to the supplied listener. The callback indicates when the WebEngine is in a debuggable state. Events will be sent to every listener registered with this method.



DevToolsListener {:#DevToolsListener}

Defined in fuchsia.web/debug.fidl

Interface used to observe DevTools service availability events.

OnContextDevToolsAvailable {:#OnContextDevToolsAvailable}

Called when the DevTools service is available on a new Context.

listener: Channel over which DevTools events for the new Context will be delivered. This channel will disconnect when the Context is detroyed.


DevToolsPerContextListener {:#DevToolsPerContextListener}

Defined in fuchsia.web/debug.fidl

Interface supplied by the debugging component to observe the DevTools service opening event.

OnHttpPortOpen {:#OnHttpPortOpen}

Called when the DevTools service starts accepting TCP connections on port. port will remain open until the Context is destroyed.

port: The port used by the service.


Frame {:#Frame}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

CreateView {:#CreateView}

Creates a new view using the specified view_token. Caller should pass the other end of the token to fuchsia.ui.gfx.ViewHolderArgs/token to attach the new view to a view tree.

  • view_token: Token for the new view.


GetMediaPlayer {:#GetMediaPlayer}

Returns a interface through which media (i.e. video/audio) playback in the frame may be observed, and/or controlled. Only one may be active at a time, for each fuchsia.web.Frame.


GetNavigationController {:#GetNavigationController}

Returns an interface through which the fuchsia.web.Frame may be navigated to a desired URL, reloaded, etc.

  • controller: An asynchronous interface request for the fuchsia.web.Frame's fuchsia.web.NavigationController.


ExecuteJavaScript {:#ExecuteJavaScript}

Executes a UTF-8 encoded script in the fuchsia.web.Frame if the fuchsia.web.Frame's URL has an origin which matches entries in origins.

At least one origins entry must be specified. If a wildcard "*" is specified in origins, then the script will be evaluated unconditionally.

Returns the result of executing script, as a JSON-encoded string.

Note that scripts share the same execution context as the document, meaning that document may modify variables, classes, or objects set by the script in arbitrary or unpredictable ways.

If an error occured, the FrameError will be set to one of these values:

  • BUFFER_NOT_UTF8: script is not UTF-8 encoded.
  • INVALID_ORIGIN: The fuchsia.web.Frame's current URL does not match any of the values in origins or origins is an empty vector.



ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult {:#ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult}

Variant of fuchsia.web.Frame/ExecuteJavaScript which executes the supplied script without returning a result.



AddBeforeLoadJavaScript {:#AddBeforeLoadJavaScript}

Executes a UTF-8 encoded script for every subsequent page load where the fuchsia.web.Frame‘s URL has an origin reflected in origins. The script is executed early, prior to the execution of the document’s scripts.

Scripts are identified by a client-managed identifier id. Any script previously injected using the same id will be replaced.

The order in which multiple bindings are executed is the same as the order in which the bindings were added. If a script is added which clobbers an existing script of the same id, the previous script's precedence in the injection order will be preserved.

At least one origins entry must be specified. If a wildcard "*" is specified in origins, then the script will be evaluated unconditionally.

If an error occured, the fuchsia.web.FrameError will be set to one of these values:

  • BUFFER_NOT_UTF8: script is not UTF-8 encoded.
  • INVALID_ORIGIN: origins is an empty vector.



RemoveBeforeLoadJavaScript {:#RemoveBeforeLoadJavaScript}

Removes a previously added JavaScript snippet identified by id. This is a no-op if there is no JavaScript snippet identified by id.


PostMessage {:#PostMessage}

Posts a message to the frame's onMessage handler.

target_origin restricts message delivery to the specified origin. If target_origin is "*", then the message will be sent to the document regardless of its origin. See the [](HTML spec) section 9.4.3 for more details on how the target origin policy is applied.

If an error occured, the fuchsia.web.FrameError will be set to one of these values:

  • INTERNAL_ERROR: The WebEngine failed to create a message pipe.
  • BUFFER_NOT_UTF8: The script in message's data property is not UTF-8 encoded.
  • INVALID_ORIGIN: origins is an empty vector.
  • NO_DATA_IN_MESSAGE: The data property is missing in message.



SetNavigationEventListener {:#SetNavigationEventListener}

Sets the listener for handling page navigation events.

  • listener: The observer to use. Unregisters any existing listener is null.


SetJavaScriptLogLevel {:#SetJavaScriptLogLevel}

If set to a value other than fuchsia.web.ConsoleLogLevel/NONE, allows web content to log messages to the system logger using the console APIs (debug(), log(), info(), warn() and error()).

When logged to the system logger:

  • debug(), log() and info() logs are logged with fuchsia.logger.LogLevelFilter/INFO severity level.
  • warn() logs are logged with fuchsia.logger.LogLevelFilter/INFO severity level.
  • error() logs are logged with fuchsia.logger.LogLevelFilter/INFO severity level.


SetEnableInput {:#SetEnableInput}

Used at runtime to enable or disable user input processing (e.g. keyboard, mouse, touch) on a fuchsia.web.Frame.

Input is enabled by default.


SetPopupFrameCreationListener {:#SetPopupFrameCreationListener}

Sets the listener for handling popup frame opened by web content. If no listener is present, then any new popup frame will be blocked.

  • listener: The listener to use. Unregisters any existing listener if null.


SetUrlRequestRewriteRules {:#SetUrlRequestRewriteRules}

Supplies a set of fuchsia.web.UrlRequestRewriteRule to apply on every subsequent URL request.

  • rules are cumulative and applied in order.
  • rules will be validated before being applied. If rules are invalid, the fuchsia.web.Frame will be closed with ERR_INVALID_ARGS.
  • fuchsia.web.Frame/SetUrlRequestRewriteRules must not be called again until its acknowledgement callback has been processed. If this happens, the fuchsia.web.Frame will be closed with ERR_BAD_STATE.



MessagePort {:#MessagePort}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

Represents one end of an HTML5 MessageChannel. Can be used to send and exchange Messages with the peered MessagePort in the Frame's script context. The port is destroyed when either end of the MessagePort channel is torn down.

PostMessage {:#PostMessage}

Sends a fuchsia.web.WebMessage to the peer. These are processed in order, one at a time. It is not necessary for the caller to wait for the completion callback before calling fuchsia.web.MessagePort/PostMessage again.

If an error occured, the fuchsia.web.FrameError will be set to one of these value:

  • BUFFER_NOT_UTF8: The script in message's data property is not UTF-8 encoded.
  • NO_DATA_IN_MESSAGE: The data property is missing in message.



ReceiveMessage {:#ReceiveMessage}

Asynchronously reads the next message from the channel. The client should invoke the callback when it is ready to process another message. Unreceived messages are buffered on the sender's side and bounded by its available resources.



PopupFrameCreationListener {:#PopupFrameCreationListener}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

OnPopupFrameCreated {:#OnPopupFrameCreated}

Called when a fuchsia.web.Frame has created a new popup frame. Information about the popup frame, and how it was created, is provided via info. Additional popup frames are delivered after the the acknowledgement callback is invoked.



NavigationEventListener {:#NavigationEventListener}

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Interface supplied by the embedder for receiving notifications about navigation events in a fuchsia.web.Frame.

OnNavigationStateChanged {:#OnNavigationStateChanged}

Called when user-visible navigation state has changed since fuchsia.web.Frame creation or the last acknowledgement callback, whichever occurred last. change will contain all the differences in navigation state since the last acknowledgement. Any unchanged properties will be left unset in change.

Implementer must call the acknowledgement callback to receive new navigation events.



NavigationController {:#NavigationController}

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Provides methods for controlling and querying the navigation state of a fuchsia.web.Frame.

LoadUrl {:#LoadUrl}

Tells the fuchsia.web.Frame to navigate to a url.

  • url: The address to navigate to.
  • params: Additional parameters that affect how the resource will be loaded (e.g. cookies, HTTP headers, etc.)

If an error occured, the fuchsia.web.NavigationControllerError will be set to one of these values:

  • INVALID_URL: The url parameter is invalid.
  • INVALID_HEADER: At least one of the headers in fuchsia.web.LoadUrlParams/headers is invalid.



GoBack {:#GoBack}

Tells the fuchsia.web.Frame to navigate to the previous page in its history, if any.


GoForward {:#GoForward}

Tells the fuchsia.web.Frame to navigate to the next page in its history, if any.


Stop {:#Stop}

Tells the fuchsia.web.Frame to stop the current navigation if a navigation is ongoing.


Reload {:#Reload}

Tells the fuchsia.web.Frame to reload the current page.


GetVisibleEntry {:#GetVisibleEntry}

Returns information for the currently visible content regardless of loading state, or an empty entry if no content is being displayed.



ContextProvider {:#ContextProvider}

Defined in fuchsia.web/context.fidl

The top-level service interface which allows for the creation of Context resources.

Create {:#Create}

Creates a new browser fuchsia.web.Context whose state is wholly independent and isolated from other Contexts.

  • context: An interface request which will receive a bound fuchsia.web.Context service.


Context {:#Context}

Defined in fuchsia.web/context.fidl

Manages browsing state (e.g. LocalStorage, cookies, etc) associated with a set of fuchsia.web.Frame.

CreateFrame {:#CreateFrame}

Creates a new fuchsia.web.Frame under this fuchsia.web.Context. Destruction of a fuchsia.web.Context triggers the destruction of all of its associated fuchsia.web.Frame. fuchsia.web.Frame can be transferred to another component but cannot be shared across multiple components.

  • frame: An interface request that will be bound to the created fuchsia.web.Frame.


CreateFrameWithParams {:#CreateFrameWithParams}

Similar to fuchsia.web.Context/CreateFrame, with extra parameters.


GetCookieManager {:#GetCookieManager}

Used to observe cookies for sites hosted under this Context.


GetRemoteDebuggingPort {:#GetRemoteDebuggingPort}

Waits until debugging is available on one or more Frames, and returns the DevTools port number. Multiple calls may be queued to received the port number.

If an error occured, the fuchsia.web.ContextError will be set to this value:

  • REMOTE_DEBUGGING_PORT_NOT_OPENED: |remote_debugging_port| was not set in fuchsia.web.CreateContextParams or the remote debugging service failed to start.



CookieManager {:#CookieManager}

Defined in fuchsia.web/cookie.fidl

Provides methods for monitoring and accessing browser cookie state.

ObserveCookieChanges {:#ObserveCookieChanges}

Observe changes to all cookies named name that would be sent in a request to url.

If neither url nor name are set then all cookies are observed. If only url is set then all cookies for that URL are observed. If both are set then only cookies matching both fields are observed.

|changes| iterates over a stream of cookie changes. Additions or updates are expressed as complete cookies, while deletions are expressed as cookies with no value set.


GetCookieList {:#GetCookieList}

Returns a list of Cookies, optionally limited to those matching url, and optionally name. cookies iterates over the matching cookies, including their values.


CookiesIterator {:#CookiesIterator}

Defined in fuchsia.web/cookie.fidl

Used to iterator over a set of cookies, or a stream of changes to cookies.

GetNext {:#GetNext}

Fetches the next batch of cookies, or of changes to cookies.



Debug {:#Debug}

Defined in fuchsia.web/debug.fidl

The debug service which allows to enable the DevTools service on Contexts.

EnableDevTools {:#EnableDevTools}

Enables the DevTools service on every subsequent Context creation and and delivers subsequent DevTools events to the supplied listener. The callback indicates when the WebEngine is in a debuggable state. Events will be sent to every listener registered with this method.



DevToolsListener {:#DevToolsListener}

Defined in fuchsia.web/debug.fidl

Interface used to observe DevTools service availability events.

OnContextDevToolsAvailable {:#OnContextDevToolsAvailable}

Called when the DevTools service is available on a new Context.

listener: Channel over which DevTools events for the new Context will be delivered. This channel will disconnect when the Context is detroyed.


DevToolsPerContextListener {:#DevToolsPerContextListener}

Defined in fuchsia.web/debug.fidl

Interface supplied by the debugging component to observe the DevTools service opening event.

OnHttpPortOpen {:#OnHttpPortOpen}

Called when the DevTools service starts accepting TCP connections on port. port will remain open until the Context is destroyed.

port: The port used by the service.


Frame {:#Frame}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

CreateView {:#CreateView}

Creates a new view using the specified view_token. Caller should pass the other end of the token to fuchsia.ui.gfx.ViewHolderArgs/token to attach the new view to a view tree.

  • view_token: Token for the new view.


GetMediaPlayer {:#GetMediaPlayer}

Returns a interface through which media (i.e. video/audio) playback in the frame may be observed, and/or controlled. Only one may be active at a time, for each fuchsia.web.Frame.


GetNavigationController {:#GetNavigationController}

Returns an interface through which the fuchsia.web.Frame may be navigated to a desired URL, reloaded, etc.

  • controller: An asynchronous interface request for the fuchsia.web.Frame's fuchsia.web.NavigationController.


ExecuteJavaScript {:#ExecuteJavaScript}

Executes a UTF-8 encoded script in the fuchsia.web.Frame if the fuchsia.web.Frame's URL has an origin which matches entries in origins.

At least one origins entry must be specified. If a wildcard "*" is specified in origins, then the script will be evaluated unconditionally.

Returns the result of executing script, as a JSON-encoded string.

Note that scripts share the same execution context as the document, meaning that document may modify variables, classes, or objects set by the script in arbitrary or unpredictable ways.

If an error occured, the FrameError will be set to one of these values:

  • BUFFER_NOT_UTF8: script is not UTF-8 encoded.
  • INVALID_ORIGIN: The fuchsia.web.Frame's current URL does not match any of the values in origins or origins is an empty vector.



ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult {:#ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult}

Variant of fuchsia.web.Frame/ExecuteJavaScript which executes the supplied script without returning a result.



AddBeforeLoadJavaScript {:#AddBeforeLoadJavaScript}

Executes a UTF-8 encoded script for every subsequent page load where the fuchsia.web.Frame‘s URL has an origin reflected in origins. The script is executed early, prior to the execution of the document’s scripts.

Scripts are identified by a client-managed identifier id. Any script previously injected using the same id will be replaced.

The order in which multiple bindings are executed is the same as the order in which the bindings were added. If a script is added which clobbers an existing script of the same id, the previous script's precedence in the injection order will be preserved.

At least one origins entry must be specified. If a wildcard "*" is specified in origins, then the script will be evaluated unconditionally.

If an error occured, the fuchsia.web.FrameError will be set to one of these values:

  • BUFFER_NOT_UTF8: script is not UTF-8 encoded.
  • INVALID_ORIGIN: origins is an empty vector.



RemoveBeforeLoadJavaScript {:#RemoveBeforeLoadJavaScript}

Removes a previously added JavaScript snippet identified by id. This is a no-op if there is no JavaScript snippet identified by id.


PostMessage {:#PostMessage}

Posts a message to the frame's onMessage handler.

target_origin restricts message delivery to the specified origin. If target_origin is "*", then the message will be sent to the document regardless of its origin. See the [](HTML spec) section 9.4.3 for more details on how the target origin policy is applied.

If an error occured, the fuchsia.web.FrameError will be set to one of these values:

  • INTERNAL_ERROR: The WebEngine failed to create a message pipe.
  • BUFFER_NOT_UTF8: The script in message's data property is not UTF-8 encoded.
  • INVALID_ORIGIN: origins is an empty vector.
  • NO_DATA_IN_MESSAGE: The data property is missing in message.



SetNavigationEventListener {:#SetNavigationEventListener}

Sets the listener for handling page navigation events.

  • listener: The observer to use. Unregisters any existing listener is null.


SetJavaScriptLogLevel {:#SetJavaScriptLogLevel}

If set to a value other than fuchsia.web.ConsoleLogLevel/NONE, allows web content to log messages to the system logger using the console APIs (debug(), log(), info(), warn() and error()).

When logged to the system logger:

  • debug(), log() and info() logs are logged with fuchsia.logger.LogLevelFilter/INFO severity level.
  • warn() logs are logged with fuchsia.logger.LogLevelFilter/INFO severity level.
  • error() logs are logged with fuchsia.logger.LogLevelFilter/INFO severity level.


SetEnableInput {:#SetEnableInput}

Used at runtime to enable or disable user input processing (e.g. keyboard, mouse, touch) on a fuchsia.web.Frame.

Input is enabled by default.


SetPopupFrameCreationListener {:#SetPopupFrameCreationListener}

Sets the listener for handling popup frame opened by web content. If no listener is present, then any new popup frame will be blocked.

  • listener: The listener to use. Unregisters any existing listener if null.


SetUrlRequestRewriteRules {:#SetUrlRequestRewriteRules}

Supplies a set of fuchsia.web.UrlRequestRewriteRule to apply on every subsequent URL request.

  • rules are cumulative and applied in order.
  • rules will be validated before being applied. If rules are invalid, the fuchsia.web.Frame will be closed with ERR_INVALID_ARGS.
  • fuchsia.web.Frame/SetUrlRequestRewriteRules must not be called again until its acknowledgement callback has been processed. If this happens, the fuchsia.web.Frame will be closed with ERR_BAD_STATE.



MessagePort {:#MessagePort}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

Represents one end of an HTML5 MessageChannel. Can be used to send and exchange Messages with the peered MessagePort in the Frame's script context. The port is destroyed when either end of the MessagePort channel is torn down.

PostMessage {:#PostMessage}

Sends a fuchsia.web.WebMessage to the peer. These are processed in order, one at a time. It is not necessary for the caller to wait for the completion callback before calling fuchsia.web.MessagePort/PostMessage again.

If an error occured, the fuchsia.web.FrameError will be set to one of these value:

  • BUFFER_NOT_UTF8: The script in message's data property is not UTF-8 encoded.
  • NO_DATA_IN_MESSAGE: The data property is missing in message.



ReceiveMessage {:#ReceiveMessage}

Asynchronously reads the next message from the channel. The client should invoke the callback when it is ready to process another message. Unreceived messages are buffered on the sender's side and bounded by its available resources.



PopupFrameCreationListener {:#PopupFrameCreationListener}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

OnPopupFrameCreated {:#OnPopupFrameCreated}

Called when a fuchsia.web.Frame has created a new popup frame. Information about the popup frame, and how it was created, is provided via info. Additional popup frames are delivered after the the acknowledgement callback is invoked.



NavigationEventListener {:#NavigationEventListener}

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Interface supplied by the embedder for receiving notifications about navigation events in a fuchsia.web.Frame.

OnNavigationStateChanged {:#OnNavigationStateChanged}

Called when user-visible navigation state has changed since fuchsia.web.Frame creation or the last acknowledgement callback, whichever occurred last. change will contain all the differences in navigation state since the last acknowledgement. Any unchanged properties will be left unset in change.

Implementer must call the acknowledgement callback to receive new navigation events.



NavigationController {:#NavigationController}

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Provides methods for controlling and querying the navigation state of a fuchsia.web.Frame.

LoadUrl {:#LoadUrl}

Tells the fuchsia.web.Frame to navigate to a url.

  • url: The address to navigate to.
  • params: Additional parameters that affect how the resource will be loaded (e.g. cookies, HTTP headers, etc.)

If an error occured, the fuchsia.web.NavigationControllerError will be set to one of these values:

  • INVALID_URL: The url parameter is invalid.
  • INVALID_HEADER: At least one of the headers in fuchsia.web.LoadUrlParams/headers is invalid.



GoBack {:#GoBack}

Tells the fuchsia.web.Frame to navigate to the previous page in its history, if any.


GoForward {:#GoForward}

Tells the fuchsia.web.Frame to navigate to the next page in its history, if any.


Stop {:#Stop}

Tells the fuchsia.web.Frame to stop the current navigation if a navigation is ongoing.


Reload {:#Reload}

Tells the fuchsia.web.Frame to reload the current page.


GetVisibleEntry {:#GetVisibleEntry}

Returns information for the currently visible content regardless of loading state, or an empty entry if no content is being displayed.




Context_GetRemoteDebuggingPort_Response {:#Context_GetRemoteDebuggingPort_Response}


Frame_ExecuteJavaScript_Response {:#Frame_ExecuteJavaScript_Response}


Frame_ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult_Response {:#Frame_ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult_Response}


Frame_AddBeforeLoadJavaScript_Response {:#Frame_AddBeforeLoadJavaScript_Response}


Frame_PostMessage_Response {:#Frame_PostMessage_Response}


MessagePort_PostMessage_Response {:#MessagePort_PostMessage_Response}


NavigationController_LoadUrl_Response {:#NavigationController_LoadUrl_Response}


Context_GetRemoteDebuggingPort_Response {:#Context_GetRemoteDebuggingPort_Response}


Frame_ExecuteJavaScript_Response {:#Frame_ExecuteJavaScript_Response}


Frame_ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult_Response {:#Frame_ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult_Response}


Frame_AddBeforeLoadJavaScript_Response {:#Frame_AddBeforeLoadJavaScript_Response}


Frame_PostMessage_Response {:#Frame_PostMessage_Response}


MessagePort_PostMessage_Response {:#MessagePort_PostMessage_Response}


NavigationController_LoadUrl_Response {:#NavigationController_LoadUrl_Response}



ContextError {:#ContextError}

Type: int32

Defined in fuchsia.web/context.fidl

ConsoleLogLevel {:#ConsoleLogLevel}

Type: int32

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

FrameError {:#FrameError}

Type: int32

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

Represents the return status of a fuchsia.web.Frame method.

NavigationControllerError {:#NavigationControllerError}

Type: int32

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Represents the return status of a fuchsia.web.NavigationController method.

ReloadType {:#ReloadType}

Type: uint32

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Characterizes the type of reload.

LoadUrlReason {:#LoadUrlReason}

Type: uint32

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Characterizes the origin of a fuchsia.web.NavigationController/LoadUrl request.

PageType {:#PageType}

Type: uint32

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Characterizes the page type in a fuchsia.web.NavigationState.

ContextError {:#ContextError}

Type: int32

Defined in fuchsia.web/context.fidl

ConsoleLogLevel {:#ConsoleLogLevel}

Type: int32

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

FrameError {:#FrameError}

Type: int32

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

Represents the return status of a fuchsia.web.Frame method.

NavigationControllerError {:#NavigationControllerError}

Type: int32

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Represents the return status of a fuchsia.web.NavigationController method.

ReloadType {:#ReloadType}

Type: uint32

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Characterizes the type of reload.

LoadUrlReason {:#LoadUrlReason}

Type: uint32

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Characterizes the origin of a fuchsia.web.NavigationController/LoadUrl request.

PageType {:#PageType}

Type: uint32

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Characterizes the page type in a fuchsia.web.NavigationState.


ContentDirectoryProvider {:#ContentDirectoryProvider}

Defined in fuchsia.web/context.fidl

Defines a provider which hosts resources from a Content can GET resource files via the provider, but not enumerate directories. Resources can be accessed by their URLs: fuchsia-dir://<provider-name>/<path/to/resource>

By default the MIME types of files are determined automatically by “sniffing” the contents of the files. No content encoding will be declared, which browsers will interpret as meaning "text/plain".

Content type and encoding metadata may optionally be specified explicitly by metadata files, which reside alongside the file. Metadata is expressed in JSON files, named after the files they describe with a "._metadata" suffix.

For example, the file "index.html" would have the a metadata file called "index.html._metadata", with the following contents:

  "charset": "utf-8",
  "mime": "text/html"

CreateContextParams {:#CreateContextParams}

Defined in fuchsia.web/context.fidl

The following services must be present in order to present web content in a Scenic view using fuchsia.web.Frame/CreateView:

  • fuchsia.ui.scenic.Scenic
  • fuchsia.ui.input.ImeService
  • fuchsia.ui.input.ImeVisibilityService

If set, data_directory must not be shared with any other fuchsia.web.Context.

CreateFrameParams {:#CreateFrameParams}

Defined in fuchsia.web/context.fidl

CookieId {:#CookieId}

Defined in fuchsia.web/cookie.fidl

Cookie {:#Cookie}

Defined in fuchsia.web/cookie.fidl

WebMessage {:#WebMessage}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

PopupFrameCreationInfo {:#PopupFrameCreationInfo}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

Specifies additional information about a newly created popup frame.

LoadUrlParams {:#LoadUrlParams}

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Additional parameters for modifying the behavior of fuchsia.web.NavigationController/LoadUrl.

NavigationState {:#NavigationState}

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Contains information about the fuchsia.web.Frame's navigation state.

UrlRequestRewriteRule {:#UrlRequestRewriteRule}

Defined in fuchsia.web/url_request_rewrite_rules.fidl

UrlRequestRewriteAddHeaders {:#UrlRequestRewriteAddHeaders}

Defined in fuchsia.web/url_request_rewrite_rules.fidl

Adds headers to the URL request. If a header is already present in the original URL request, it will be overwritten.

  • headers must be set.
  • Each in headers must have a valid HTTP header name and value, per RFC 7230 section 3.2.

UrlRequestRewriteRemoveHeader {:#UrlRequestRewriteRemoveHeader}

Defined in fuchsia.web/url_request_rewrite_rules.fidl

If query_pattern in the URL query, removes header_name from the list of headers. If query_pattern is not set, removes header_name from the list of headers unconditionally.

UrlRequestRewriteSubstituteQueryPattern {:#UrlRequestRewriteSubstituteQueryPattern}

Defined in fuchsia.web/url_request_rewrite_rules.fidl

If pattern is found in the URL request query, replaces it with substitution.

  • pattern and substitution must be set.
  • substitution must be a valid URL-query string.

UrlRequestRewriteReplaceUrl {:#UrlRequestRewriteReplaceUrl}

Defined in fuchsia.web/url_request_rewrite_rules.fidl

If the URL in the URL request ends with url_ends_with, rewrites the URL to new_url.

ContentDirectoryProvider {:#ContentDirectoryProvider}

Defined in fuchsia.web/context.fidl

Defines a provider which hosts resources from a Content can GET resource files via the provider, but not enumerate directories. Resources can be accessed by their URLs: fuchsia-dir://<provider-name>/<path/to/resource>

By default the MIME types of files are determined automatically by “sniffing” the contents of the files. No content encoding will be declared, which browsers will interpret as meaning "text/plain".

Content type and encoding metadata may optionally be specified explicitly by metadata files, which reside alongside the file. Metadata is expressed in JSON files, named after the files they describe with a "._metadata" suffix.

For example, the file "index.html" would have the a metadata file called "index.html._metadata", with the following contents:

  "charset": "utf-8",
  "mime": "text/html"

CreateContextParams {:#CreateContextParams}

Defined in fuchsia.web/context.fidl

The following services must be present in order to present web content in a Scenic view using fuchsia.web.Frame/CreateView:

  • fuchsia.ui.scenic.Scenic
  • fuchsia.ui.input.ImeService
  • fuchsia.ui.input.ImeVisibilityService

If set, data_directory must not be shared with any other fuchsia.web.Context.

CreateFrameParams {:#CreateFrameParams}

Defined in fuchsia.web/context.fidl

CookieId {:#CookieId}

Defined in fuchsia.web/cookie.fidl

Cookie {:#Cookie}

Defined in fuchsia.web/cookie.fidl

WebMessage {:#WebMessage}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

PopupFrameCreationInfo {:#PopupFrameCreationInfo}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

Specifies additional information about a newly created popup frame.

LoadUrlParams {:#LoadUrlParams}

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Additional parameters for modifying the behavior of fuchsia.web.NavigationController/LoadUrl.

NavigationState {:#NavigationState}

Defined in fuchsia.web/navigation.fidl

Contains information about the fuchsia.web.Frame's navigation state.

UrlRequestRewriteRule {:#UrlRequestRewriteRule}

Defined in fuchsia.web/url_request_rewrite_rules.fidl

UrlRequestRewriteAddHeaders {:#UrlRequestRewriteAddHeaders}

Defined in fuchsia.web/url_request_rewrite_rules.fidl

Adds headers to the URL request. If a header is already present in the original URL request, it will be overwritten.

  • headers must be set.
  • Each in headers must have a valid HTTP header name and value, per RFC 7230 section 3.2.

UrlRequestRewriteRemoveHeader {:#UrlRequestRewriteRemoveHeader}

Defined in fuchsia.web/url_request_rewrite_rules.fidl

If query_pattern in the URL query, removes header_name from the list of headers. If query_pattern is not set, removes header_name from the list of headers unconditionally.

UrlRequestRewriteSubstituteQueryPattern {:#UrlRequestRewriteSubstituteQueryPattern}

Defined in fuchsia.web/url_request_rewrite_rules.fidl

If pattern is found in the URL request query, replaces it with substitution.

  • pattern and substitution must be set.
  • substitution must be a valid URL-query string.

UrlRequestRewriteReplaceUrl {:#UrlRequestRewriteReplaceUrl}

Defined in fuchsia.web/url_request_rewrite_rules.fidl

If the URL in the URL request ends with url_ends_with, rewrites the URL to new_url.


Context_GetRemoteDebuggingPort_Result {:#Context_GetRemoteDebuggingPort_Result}


Frame_ExecuteJavaScript_Result {:#Frame_ExecuteJavaScript_Result}


Frame_ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult_Result {:#Frame_ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult_Result}


Frame_AddBeforeLoadJavaScript_Result {:#Frame_AddBeforeLoadJavaScript_Result}


Frame_PostMessage_Result {:#Frame_PostMessage_Result}


MessagePort_PostMessage_Result {:#MessagePort_PostMessage_Result}


NavigationController_LoadUrl_Result {:#NavigationController_LoadUrl_Result}


Context_GetRemoteDebuggingPort_Result {:#Context_GetRemoteDebuggingPort_Result}


Frame_ExecuteJavaScript_Result {:#Frame_ExecuteJavaScript_Result}


Frame_ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult_Result {:#Frame_ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult_Result}


Frame_AddBeforeLoadJavaScript_Result {:#Frame_AddBeforeLoadJavaScript_Result}


Frame_PostMessage_Result {:#Frame_PostMessage_Result}


MessagePort_PostMessage_Result {:#MessagePort_PostMessage_Result}


NavigationController_LoadUrl_Result {:#NavigationController_LoadUrl_Result}



OutgoingTransferable {:#OutgoingTransferable}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

IncomingTransferable {:#IncomingTransferable}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

UrlRequestRewrite {:#UrlRequestRewrite}

Defined in fuchsia.web/url_request_rewrite_rules.fidl

OutgoingTransferable {:#OutgoingTransferable}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

IncomingTransferable {:#IncomingTransferable}

Defined in fuchsia.web/frame.fidl

UrlRequestRewrite {:#UrlRequestRewrite}

Defined in fuchsia.web/url_request_rewrite_rules.fidl


ContextFeatureFlags {:#ContextFeatureFlags}

Type: uint64

ContextFeatureFlags {:#ContextFeatureFlags}

Type: uint64