blob: 99ce1a7fec35dc64049aff60f0534757d1bdcf58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.web;
using fuchsia.logger;
using fuchsia.mem;
using fuchsia.settings;
using fuchsia.ui.gfx;
using fuchsia.ui.views;
using zx;
// TODO( Consider using [`fuchsia.logger/LogLevelFilter`] if possible.
type ConsoleLogLevel = strict enum : int32 {
/// No logging.
NONE = 100;
/// Outputs messages from `console.debug()` and above levels.
DEBUG = -1;
/// Outputs messages from `console.log()`, `` and above levels.
INFO = 0;
/// Outputs messages from `console.warn()` and `console.error()`.
WARN = 1;
/// Outputs messages from `console.error()`.
ERROR = 2;
/// Identifies the types of input events which may be handled by a View.
type InputTypes = strict bits : uint64 {
/// Keyboard events.
KEY = 0x1;
/// Mouse button events, for any button.
/// Mouse scroll wheel events.
/// Mouse movement events.
/// Single tapping with one finger.
/// Pinching (for zooming).
/// Dragging a finger (for scrolling).
/// Matches all input types.
ALL = 0x8000000000000000;
/// Controls whether [`Frame.ConfigureInputTypes()`] should allow or deny processing of the
/// specified [`InputTypes`].
type AllowInputState = strict enum : int32 {
ALLOW = 1;
DENY = 2;
/// Represents the return status of a [`Frame`] method.
type FrameError = strict enum : int32 {
/// An internal error occurred.
/// The provided buffer is not UTF-8 encoded.
/// The Frame's URL does not match any of the origins provided by the caller.
/// The required `data` property is missing from a [`WebMessage`].
/// Identifies a type of permission that may be granted to a web origin.
type PermissionType = strict enum : uint16 {
/// Permission to access microphone(s).
/// Permission to access camera(s).
/// Permission to use device identifier(s) for EME.
/// Permission to use persistent storage.
/// Describes a web permission. In the future, it may be extended with type-specific fields.
type PermissionDescriptor = table {
1: type PermissionType;
/// A state for a web permission.
type PermissionState = strict enum : uint8 {
/// Permission is denied.
/// Permission is granted.
/// Settings for the web content in the Frame. Popup Frames created by the Frame will have their
/// settings initialized to the Frame's current settings.
type ContentAreaSettings = table {
/// Specifies whether scrollbars are hidden for the Frame. If omitted, the default is false.
1: hide_scrollbars bool;
/// Specifies the autoplay policy for the Frame. If omitted, the default policy is
2: autoplay_policy AutoplayPolicy;
/// Specifies the color theme reported to web content via the `prefers-color-scheme` media
/// query.
/// Valid inputs are `LIGHT`, `DARK`, and `DEFAULT`. If omitted, the default is LIGHT theme.
/// Specifying `DEFAULT` means using the system settings, and requires that the [`Context`] have
/// the [`fuchsia.settings.Display`] service. If the service is not available, the [`Frame`]
/// will disconnect with `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS`.
3: theme fuchsia.settings.ThemeType;
/// Sets scale factor (zoom level) that should be applied to web content rendered in this
/// frame. Values above 1.0 make all web content (including text and images) larger, while
/// values below 1.0 will make it smaller. In other words, values above 1.0 are used to zoom in
/// and values below 1.0 zoom out. The overall ratio between physical pixel and CSS pixel is a
/// product of the scale set with this method and the scale provided by Scenic (see
/// [`fuchsia.ui.gfx.Metrics`]). That product is visible to the web content as
/// `window.devicePixelRatio`. If omitted, the default is 1.0.
/// This setting does not have any effect on the size of the view on the screen and the
/// resolution at which the view is rendered. Native (non-web) UI elements, such as default
/// scroll bars and default mouse cursor, are not scaled. User may zoom the page further when
/// pinch-zoom is enabled (see [`InputTypes.GESTURE_PINCH`]).
4: page_scale float32;
type FrameMediaSettings = table {
/// The [``] to set for every [``]
/// instance created by the [`Frame`]. If not set, the usage is `COMMUNICATION` for WebRTC
/// streams and `MEDIA` for all other streams.
1: renderer_usage;
/// When set, enables usage of [``] for audio playback. In that
/// case the specified value is passed to [``].
2: audio_consumer_session_id uint64;
closed protocol Frame {
/// Creates a new view using the specified `view_token`. Caller should pass the other end of
/// the token to [`fuchsia.ui.gfx/ViewHolderArgs`] to attach the new view to a view tree.
/// See the description of [`CreateContextParams.service_directory`] for additional services
/// that must be present when using this method.
strict CreateView(resource struct {
view_token fuchsia.ui.views.ViewToken;
/// Creates a new view using the specified `view_token`. Caller should pass the other end of
/// the token to [`fuchsia.ui.gfx/ViewHolderArgs`] to attach the new view to a view tree.
/// `view_ref` can be cloned before passing it to this method, which will allow clients to
/// track the view.
/// `view_ref_control` must not have the `ZX_RIGHT_DUPLICATE` set, or view creation will fail
/// and `view_token` will be closed.
/// See the description of [`CreateContextParams.service_directory`] for additional services
/// that must be present when using this method.
strict CreateViewWithViewRef(resource struct {
view_token fuchsia.ui.views.ViewToken;
view_ref_control fuchsia.ui.views.ViewRefControl;
view_ref fuchsia.ui.views.ViewRef;
/// Creates a new Flatland view using the specified `view_creation_token` defined under `args`.
/// Caller should pass the other end of the token to
/// [`fuchsia.ui.composition/Flatland.CreateViewport`] to attach the new Flatland view to its
/// graph.
// TODO( use "resource table" syntax when it becomes available, thus getting
// rid of the need for CreateView2Args. Hopefully this will be done by the time we want to
// rename CreateView2() to CreateView(), once the latter is deleted.
strict CreateView2(resource struct {
args CreateView2Args;
/// Enables headless rendering of the Frame.
/// This is used when content depends on layout and/or animation events firing normally.
/// May only be used on a Context created with [`ContextFeatureFlags.HEADLESS`].
strict EnableHeadlessRendering();
/// Stops headless rendering of the Frame.
/// May only be used on a Context created with [`ContextFeatureFlags.HEADLESS`].
strict DisableHeadlessRendering();
/// Returns a [``] interface through which media (i.e.
/// video/audio) playback in the frame may be observed, and/or controlled. Only one
/// [``] may be active at a time, for each [`Frame`].
strict GetMediaPlayer(resource struct {
/// Returns an interface through which the [`Frame`] may be navigated to a desired URL,
/// reloaded, etc.
/// - `controller`: An asynchronous interface request for the [`Frame`]'s
/// [`NavigationController`].
strict GetNavigationController(resource struct {
controller server_end:NavigationController;
/// Executes a UTF-8 encoded `script` in the [`Frame`] if the [`Frame`]'s URL has an origin
/// which matches entries in `origins`.
/// At least one `origins` entry must be specified. If a wildcard `"*"` is specified in
/// `origins`, then the script will be evaluated unconditionally.
/// Returns the result of executing `script`, as a JSON-encoded string.
/// Note that scripts share the same execution context as the document,
/// meaning that document may modify variables, classes, or objects set by
/// the script in arbitrary or unpredictable ways.
/// If an error occurred, the FrameError will be set to one of these values:
/// - `BUFFER_NOT_UTF8`: `script` is not UTF-8 encoded.
/// - `INVALID_ORIGIN`: The [`Frame`]'s current URL does not match any of the values in
/// `origins` or `origins` is an empty vector.
strict ExecuteJavaScript(resource struct {
origins vector<Url>:MAX;
script fuchsia.mem.Buffer;
}) -> (resource struct {
result fuchsia.mem.Buffer;
}) error FrameError;
/// Variant of [`Frame.ExecuteJavaScript`] which executes the supplied script without returning
/// a result.
strict ExecuteJavaScriptNoResult(resource struct {
origins vector<Url>:MAX;
script fuchsia.mem.Buffer;
}) -> () error FrameError;
/// Executes a UTF-8 encoded `script` for every subsequent page load where the [`Frame`]'s URL
/// has an origin reflected in `origins`. The script is executed early, prior to the execution
/// of the document's scripts.
/// Scripts are identified by a client-managed identifier `id`. Any script previously injected
/// using the same `id` will be replaced.
/// The order in which multiple bindings are executed is the same as the order in which the
/// bindings were added. If a script is added which clobbers an existing script of the same
/// `id`, the previous script's precedence in the injection order will be preserved.
/// At least one `origins` entry must be specified. If a wildcard `"*"` is specified in
/// `origins`, then the script will be evaluated unconditionally.
/// If an error occurred, the [`FrameError`] will be set to one of these values:
/// - `BUFFER_NOT_UTF8`: `script` is not UTF-8 encoded.
/// - `INVALID_ORIGIN`: `origins` is an empty vector.
strict AddBeforeLoadJavaScript(resource struct {
id uint64;
origins vector<Url>:MAX;
script fuchsia.mem.Buffer;
}) -> () error FrameError;
/// Removes a previously added JavaScript snippet identified by `id`. This is a no-op if there
/// is no JavaScript snippet identified by `id`.
strict RemoveBeforeLoadJavaScript(struct {
id uint64;
/// Posts a message to the frame's onMessage handler.
/// `target_origin` restricts message delivery to the specified origin. If `target_origin` is
/// `"*"`, then the message will be sent to the document regardless of its origin.
/// See the
/// [HTML spec](
/// section 9.4.3 for more details on how the target origin policy is applied.
/// If an error occurred, the [`FrameError`] will be set to one of these values:
/// - `INTERNAL_ERROR`: The WebEngine failed to create a message pipe.
/// - `BUFFER_NOT_UTF8`: The script in `message`'s `data` property is not UTF-8 encoded.
/// - `INVALID_ORIGIN`: `origins` is an empty vector.
/// - `NO_DATA_IN_MESSAGE`: The `data` property is missing in `message`.
strict PostMessage(resource struct {
target_origin Url;
message WebMessage;
}) -> () error FrameError;
/// Sets the listener for handling page navigation events.
/// - `listener`: The observer to use. Unregisters any existing listener if null.
strict SetNavigationEventListener(resource struct {
listener client_end:<NavigationEventListener, optional>;
/// Sets the listener for handling page navigation events. The listener will receive the
/// current navigation state immediately. After that, it's notified whenever the state changes.
/// - `listener`: The observer to use. Unregisters any existing listener if null.
/// - `flags`: Flags for optional features that should be enabled for the listener.
strict SetNavigationEventListener2(resource struct {
listener client_end:<NavigationEventListener, optional>;
flags NavigationEventListenerFlags;
/// If set to a value other than [`ConsoleLogLevel.NONE`], allows web content to log messages
/// to the [`fuchsia.logger/LogSink`] configured for this [`Frame`], via the
/// `console` object (e.g. using `debug()`, `log()`, `info()`, `warn()` and
/// `error()`).
/// The default value is [`ConsoleLogLevel.NONE`].
/// As the system log may be persisted, it is recommended that [`ConsoleLogLevel.NONE`] be used
/// in Incognito and other private browsing modes.
/// Log lines are written to the [`fuchsia.logger/LogsSink`] configured
/// for this [`fuchsia.web/Frame`], with severities mapped as follows:
/// - `debug()`, `log()` and `info()` are logged at [`fuchsia.logger/LogLevelFilter.INFO`]
/// severity.
/// - `warn()` is logged at [`fuchsia.logger/LogLevelFilter.WARN`] severity.
/// - `error()` is logged at [`fuchsia.logger/LogLevelFilter.ERROR`] severity.
strict SetJavaScriptLogLevel(struct {
level ConsoleLogLevel;
/// Specifies where to emit `console` log output to. By default log output will be routed to a
/// [`fuchsia.logger/LogSink`] obtained via the [`fuchsia.web/Context`]'s service directory.
/// - `sink`: The [`fuchsia.logger/LogSink`] to use to emit logs. Passing a `null` handle
/// resets logging to use the default [`fuchsia.logger/LogSink`].
strict SetConsoleLogSink(resource struct {
sink client_end:<fuchsia.logger.LogSink, optional>;
/// Enables or disables the processing of the specified `types` of user inputs.
/// `allow` specifies whether to enable or disable the specified `types`.
/// All input types are enabled by default.
strict ConfigureInputTypes(struct {
types InputTypes;
allow AllowInputState;
/// Sets the listener for handling popup frame opened by web content. If no listener is
/// present, then any new popup frame will be blocked.
/// - `listener`: The listener to use. Unregisters any existing listener if null.
strict SetPopupFrameCreationListener(resource struct {
listener client_end:<PopupFrameCreationListener, optional>;
/// Supplies a set of [`UrlRequestRewriteRule`] to apply on every subsequent URL request.
/// - `rules` are cumulative and applied in order.
/// - `rules` are only applied on the first URL request in a redirect chain.
/// - `rules` will be validated before being applied. If `rules` are invalid, the [`Frame`]
/// will be closed with `ERR_INVALID_ARGS`.
/// - [`Frame.SetUrlRequestRewriteRules`] must not be called again until its acknowledgement
/// callback has been processed. If this happens, the [`Frame`] will be closed with
strict SetUrlRequestRewriteRules(struct {
rules vector<UrlRequestRewriteRule>:MAX_RULE_COUNT;
}) -> ();
@deprecated("use fuchsia.web.Frame.SetMediaSettings instead")
strict SetMediaSessionId(struct {
session_id uint64;
/// Sets [``] for the frame. The specified parameters are
/// applied to audio streams that started after this message is processed. Should be called
/// before the Frame is navigated to content in order to ensure that the settings applied to
/// all media streams. Due to request pipelining, this means doing so before calling
/// [`Frame.GetNavigationController()`] and [`NavigationController.LoadUrl()`].
strict SetMediaSettings(struct {
settings FrameMediaSettings;
/// Overrides the dimensions reported to web content. The devicePixelRatio reported to
/// web content will be adjusted in response to changes in the pixel size of the View,
/// rather than changing the size reported to the content. Call with null `web_dips` to
/// remove any prior forced content dimensions.
strict ForceContentDimensions(struct {
web_dips box<fuchsia.ui.gfx.vec2>;
/// Sets the permission state for the specified `permission` and `web_origin`. By default, all
/// permissions are denied.
strict SetPermissionState(struct {
permission PermissionDescriptor;
web_origin Url;
state PermissionState;
/// Sets whether to block all HTMLMediaElements in the frame from fetching and loading media
/// resources.
/// May be used, for example, to prevent loading media in frames that are not visible.
/// While media loading is blocked, elements with `autoplay` set to `true` will not start
/// playback. The promises returned by calls to `play()` will remain unresolved until loading is
/// unblocked by a call to this method.
/// When media loading is unblocked, elements will begin fetching, resource, loading, and
/// playing as appropriate.
/// Any elements that have begun fetching or loading media resources for the current source
/// before media loading was blocked will continue to fetch, load, and start playback as
/// appropriate. This includes calls to `play()` even after media loading is blocked.
strict SetBlockMediaLoading(struct {
blocked bool;
/// Returns the amount of private (non-shared) physical memory used by the Frame's main
/// document. The returned size might not reflect the memory usage of embedded iframes.
strict GetPrivateMemorySize() -> (struct {
size_bytes uint64;
/// Sets the navigation policy provider for the [`Frame`]. When set, the [`Frame`] sends
/// [`NavigationPolicyProvider.EvaluateRequestedNavigation`] when processing navigation
/// requests. `params` defines when the message is sent. After sending the
/// `EvaluateRequestedNavigation` message, the [`Frame`] blocks the corresponding navigation
/// until it receives a response.
/// Should be called before `GetNavigationController` to ensure that it is applied to all
/// navigations including the first [`NavigationController.LoadURL`] request.
strict SetNavigationPolicyProvider(resource struct {
params NavigationPolicyProviderParams;
provider client_end:NavigationPolicyProvider;
/// Specifies the color theme reported to web content via the `prefers-color-scheme` media
/// query.
/// Valid inputs are `LIGHT`, `DARK`, and `DEFAULT`. Each Frame starts with LIGHT theme.
/// Specifying `DEFAULT` means using the system settings, and requires that the [`Context`] have
/// the [`fuchsia.settings.Display`] service. If the service is not available, the [`Frame`]
/// will disconnect with `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS`.
@deprecated("use fuchsia.web.Frame.SetContentAreaSettings instead")
strict SetPreferredTheme(struct {
theme fuchsia.settings.ThemeType;
/// Sets scale factor (zoom level) that should be applied to web content rendered in this
/// frame. Values above 1.0 make all web content (including text and images) larger, while
/// values below 1.0 will make it smaller. In other words, values above 1.0 are used to zoom in
/// and values below 1.0 zoom out. The overall ratio between physical pixel and CSS pixel is a
/// product of the scale set with this method and the scale provided by Scenic (see
/// [`fuchsia.ui.gfx.Metrics`]). That product is visible to the web content as
/// `window.devicePixelRatio`.
/// This method does not have any effect on the size of the view on the screen and the
/// resolution at which the view is rendered. Native (non-web) UI elements, such as default
/// scroll bars and default mouse cursor, are not scaled. User may zoom the page further when
/// pinch-zoom is enabled (see [`InputTypes.GESTURE_PINCH`]).
@deprecated("use fuchsia.web.Frame.SetContentAreaSettings instead")
strict SetPageScale(struct {
scale float32;
/// Sets various settings for how web content should be run in the Frame. May be called at any
/// time, including after the URL has loaded. Each call changes only the specified fields,
/// overwriting any prior value.
/// This method will fail with `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if any value in [`ContentAreaSettings`]
/// is not supported by the Frame.
strict SetContentAreaSettings(struct {
settings ContentAreaSettings;
/// Reset the Frame's [`ContentAreaSettings`] to default values.
strict ResetContentAreaSettings();
/// Request graceful or immediate teardown of the Frame content and notification of completion
/// via Frame epitaph.
/// Graceful teardown allows unload and cleanup tasks in the implementation and web content
/// (e.g., `unload` event handlers) to run for up to the specified period of time. Immediate
/// teardown only runs the minimum cleanup tasks in the implementation and does not allow web
/// content to run event handlers.
/// * If `timeout` is zero, an immediate teardown is initiated. The channel will close with
/// `ZX_OK`. This is equivalent to the caller closing the Frame channel.
/// * If `timeout` is non-zero, a graceful teardown is initiated. The channel will close with
/// `ZX_OK` if the Frame closes within the specified `timeout` and with `ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT`
/// otherwise.
/// * If `timeout` is not specified, a reasonable implementation-specific timeout is applied.
/// Subsequent calls to `Close()` will override any previously specified `Close()` timeout.
strict Close(table {
/// Optional.
1: timeout zx.Duration;
type WebMessage = resource table {
/// The message payload, encoded as an UTF-8 string. This is a required property.
1: data fuchsia.mem.Buffer;
/// Optional list of objects transferred into the [`MessagePort`] from the FIDL client.
2: incoming_transfer vector<IncomingTransferable>:MAX;
/// Optional list of objects transferred out of the [`MessagePort`] to the FIDL client.
3: outgoing_transfer vector<OutgoingTransferable>:MAX;
type OutgoingTransferable = flexible resource union {
1: message_port server_end:MessagePort;
type IncomingTransferable = flexible resource union {
1: message_port client_end:MessagePort;
/// Represents one end of an HTML5 MessageChannel. Can be used to send and exchange Messages with
/// the peered MessagePort in the Frame's script context. The port is destroyed when either end of
/// the MessagePort channel is torn down.
closed protocol MessagePort {
/// Sends a [`WebMessage`] to the peer. These are processed in order, one at a
/// time. It is not necessary for the caller to wait for the completion callback before calling
/// [`MessagePort.PostMessage`] again.
/// If an error occurred, the [`FrameError`] will be set to one of these value:
/// - `BUFFER_NOT_UTF8`: The script in `message`'s `data` property is not UTF-8 encoded.
/// - `NO_DATA_IN_MESSAGE`: The `data` property is missing in `message`.
strict PostMessage(resource struct {
message WebMessage;
}) -> () error FrameError;
/// Asynchronously reads the next message from the channel. The client should invoke the
/// callback when it is ready to process another message. Unreceived messages are buffered
/// on the sender's side and bounded by its available resources.
strict ReceiveMessage() -> (resource struct {
message WebMessage;
/// Specifies additional information about a newly created popup frame.
type PopupFrameCreationInfo = resource table {
/// The URL to which the popup frame was initially navigated.
1: initial_url Url;
/// Set if the popup frame was created in response to UI interaction from the user (e.g. a
/// link was clicked).
2: initiated_by_user bool;
closed protocol PopupFrameCreationListener {
/// Called when a [`Frame`] has created a new popup `frame`. Information about the popup frame,
/// and how it was created, is provided via `info`. Additional popup frames are delivered after
/// the acknowledgement callback is invoked.
strict OnPopupFrameCreated(resource struct {
frame client_end:Frame;
info PopupFrameCreationInfo;
}) -> ();
/// Flags clients can set when connecting a [`NavigationEventListener`] to indicates interest in
/// optional features.
type NavigationEventListenerFlags = strict bits : uint64 {
/// Enables `favicon` field in [`NavigationState`].
FAVICON = 0x1;
/// Args for Frame.CreateView2(), see above.
type CreateView2Args = resource table {
/// Non-optional. This token is provided to attach the client's Flatland view to the parent's
/// viewport.
1: view_creation_token fuchsia.ui.views.ViewCreationToken;