[fidldoc] Updating fidldocs
diff --git a/sdk/fidl/fuchsia.input.report/README.md b/sdk/fidl/fuchsia.input.report/README.md
index bd4b634..a9b4761 100644
--- a/sdk/fidl/fuchsia.input.report/README.md
+++ b/sdk/fidl/fuchsia.input.report/README.md
@@ -284,6 +284,44 @@
+### VendorId {#VendorId}
+Type: <code>uint32</code>
+*Defined in [fuchsia.input.report/device_ids.fidl](https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia/+/master/sdk/fidl/fuchsia.input.report/device_ids.fidl#11)*
+<p>The VendorId represents the vendor that created this Input device. If the
+Input device is a HID device, the VendorId maps directly to the HID
+VendorId. If the Input device is not a HID device, then the VendorId
+will be greater than 0xFFFF, which is the max HID VendorId.</p>
+    <tr><th>Name</th><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr>
+            <td><code>GOOGLE</code></td>
+            <td><code>6353</code></td>
+            <td><p>Below are the HID VendorIds, range 0x0000 - 0xFFFF.</p>
+        </tr></table>
+### VendorGoogleProductId {#VendorGoogleProductId}
+Type: <code>uint32</code>
+*Defined in [fuchsia.input.report/device_ids.fidl](https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia/+/master/sdk/fidl/fuchsia.input.report/device_ids.fidl#20)*
+<p>Below are ProductIds which represents which product this Input device represents. If the
+Input device is a HID device, the ProductId maps directly to the HID
+ProductId. If the Input device is not a HID device, then the ProductId
+will be greater than 0xFFFF, which is the max HID ProductId.</p>
+    <tr><th>Name</th><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr>
+            <td><code>ASTRO_FOCALTECH_TOUCHSCREEN</code></td>
+            <td><code>65537</code></td>
+            <td><p>Below are the non-HID VendorIds</p>
+        </tr></table>
 ### LedType {#LedType}
 Type: <code>uint32</code>