[fidldoc] Updating fidl reference docs
diff --git a/all/fidl/fuchsia.time/README.md b/all/fidl/fuchsia.time/README.md
index 63d1f84..eeb1b1c 100644
--- a/all/fidl/fuchsia.time/README.md
+++ b/all/fidl/fuchsia.time/README.md
@@ -33,101 +33,13 @@
-## Utc {#Utc}
-*Defined in [fuchsia.time/utc.fidl](https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia/+/master/sdk/fidl/fuchsia.time/utc.fidl#10)*
-<p>Metadata about a device's approximation of UTC time, commonly referred to as &quot;system time&quot;.</p>
-### WatchState {#fuchsia.time/Utc.WatchState}
-<p>Notifies clients of updates to the UTC timeline. The first call on a channel returns
-immediately, and subsequent calls on the same channel will return when the state
-has changed.</p>
-#### Request
-    <tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th></tr>
-    </table>
-#### Response
-    <tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th></tr>
-    <tr>
-            <td><code>state</code></td>
-            <td>
-                <code><a class='link' href='#UtcState'>UtcState</a></code>
-            </td>
-        </tr></table>
 ## **STRUCTS**
-## **ENUMS**
-### UtcSource {#UtcSource}
-Type: <code>uint32</code>
-*Defined in [fuchsia.time/utc.fidl](https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia/+/master/sdk/fidl/fuchsia.time/utc.fidl#26)*
-<p>Describes the source from which the current UTC approximation was retrieved.</p>
-    <tr><th>Name</th><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr id="UtcSource.BACKSTOP">
-            <td><code>BACKSTOP</code></td>
-            <td><code>2</code></td>
-            <td><p>The clock has been initialized to a known-prior reference time but may be highly inaccurate.</p>
-        </tr><tr id="UtcSource.UNVERIFIED">
-            <td><code>UNVERIFIED</code></td>
-            <td><code>4</code></td>
-            <td><p>The clock has been initialized from a time source that is believed to be to accurate but
-that could not be verified. An example might be a battery-backed real time clock.</p>
-        </tr><tr id="UtcSource.EXTERNAL">
-            <td><code>EXTERNAL</code></td>
-            <td><code>3</code></td>
-            <td><p>The clock has been initialized from a suitably accurate and verified external time source.
-For many devices the most common external time source is a network time server using some
-protocol with cryptographic authentication such as Roughtime or HTTPSdate.</p>
-        </tr></table>
-## **TABLES**
-### UtcState {#UtcState}
-*Defined in [fuchsia.time/utc.fidl](https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia/+/master/sdk/fidl/fuchsia.time/utc.fidl#18)*
-<p>Describes the state of the clock.</p>
-    <tr><th>Ordinal</th><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Description</th></tr>
-    <tr id="UtcState.timestamp">
-            <td>1</td>
-            <td><code>timestamp</code></td>
-            <td>
-                <code><a class='link' href='../zx/'>zx</a>/<a class='link' href='../zx/#time'>time</a></code>
-            </td>
-            <td><p>The monotonic time at which this <code>UtcState</code> was observed.</p>
-        </tr><tr id="UtcState.source">
-            <td>2</td>
-            <td><code>source</code></td>
-            <td>
-                <code><a class='link' href='#UtcSource'>UtcSource</a></code>
-            </td>
-            <td><p>The source of our current UTC approximation.</p>
-        </tr></table>