blob: 06013b27018bd33f5fdcb2db6f3752cac840c632 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// This build script is responsible for building BoringSSL with the appropriate
// symbol prefix. See boringssl/ for details.
mod obj;
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::io::Write;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
const BORINGSSL_SRC: &str = "boringssl/boringssl";
// Relative to OUT_DIR
const BUILD_DIR_1: &str = "boringssl/build_1";
const BUILD_DIR_2: &str = "boringssl/build_2";
const SYMBOL_FILE: &str = "boringssl/symbols.txt";
fn env(name: &str) -> String {
let var = env::var(name).expect(&format!("missing required environment variable {}", name));
println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}", var);
fn main() {
let manifest_dir = env("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR");
let abs_boringssl_src = format!("{}/{}", manifest_dir, BORINGSSL_SRC);
let out_dir = env("OUT_DIR");
let abs_build_dir_1 = format!("{}/{}", out_dir, BUILD_DIR_1);
let abs_build_dir_2 = format!("{}/{}", out_dir, BUILD_DIR_2);
let abs_symbol_file = format!("{}/{}", out_dir, SYMBOL_FILE);
fs::create_dir_all(&abs_build_dir_1).expect("failed to create first build directory");
fs::create_dir_all(&abs_build_dir_2).expect("failed to create second build directory");
let major = env("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR");
let minor = env("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR");
let patch = env("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH");
let version_string = format!("{}_{}_{}", major, minor, patch);
let prefix = format!("__RUST_MUNDANE_{}", version_string);
let cmake_version_flag = format!("-DBORINGSSL_PREFIX={}", prefix);
let built_with = built_with(&abs_build_dir_1);
let have_ninja = have_ninja();
let build = |build_dir, flags: &[&str]| {
// Add CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=1 to the list of CMake variables.
// This causes compilation with -fPIC, which is required on some
// platforms. This was added to address
let mut flags = flags.to_vec();
fn with_ninja<'a, 'b>(flags: &'a [&'b str]) -> Vec<&'b str> {
let mut flags = flags.to_vec();
env::set_current_dir(build_dir).expect("failed to cd to build directory");
// If we've already run a build, then we need to build with the same
// tool the second time around, or cmake will complain. There's
// technically a chance that, after having built, the user uninstalled
// the build tool, but that's unlikely enough that it's not worth
// introducing the complexity necessary to support that use case.
match built_with {
Some(BuildSystem::Ninja) => {
run("cmake", &with_ninja(&flags));
run("ninja", &["crypto"]);
Some(BuildSystem::Make) => {
run("cmake", &flags);
run("make", &["crypto"]);
None => {
if have_ninja {
run("cmake", &with_ninja(&flags));
run("ninja", &["crypto"]);
} else {
run("cmake", &flags);
run("make", &["crypto"]);
build(&abs_build_dir_1, &[&abs_boringssl_src]);
let mut symbols = obj::exported_symbols(&format!("{}/crypto/libcrypto.a", &abs_build_dir_1))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("failed to read list of symbols exported by libcrypto: {}", e));
if symbols.is_empty() {
panic!("no exported symbols found in libcrypto");
// Inlined functions from the compiler or runtime, should not be prefixed.
let symbol_blacklist = [
// Present in Windows builds.
// Present in Linux and macOS builds.
for blacklisted_symbol in &symbol_blacklist {
let mut symbols_file =
fs::File::create(&abs_symbol_file).expect("could not create symbols file");
for symbol in symbols {
write!(symbols_file, "{}\n", symbol).expect("write to symbols file failed");
// Make sure the file is fully written to disc before pasing it to BoringSSL's build system.
symbols_file.sync_all().expect("failed to sync the symbols file to filesystem");
&[&abs_boringssl_src, &cmake_version_flag, "-DBORINGSSL_PREFIX_SYMBOLS=../symbols.txt"],
// NOTE(joshlf): We symlink rather than renaming so that the BoringSSL build
// system won't notice that libcrypto.a is gone and spuriously attempt to
// rebuild.
let res = std::os::unix::fs::symlink(
format!("{}/crypto/libcrypto.a", abs_build_dir_2),
format!("{}/crypto/libcrypto_{}.a", abs_build_dir_2, version_string),
let res = std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file(
format!("{}/crypto/libcrypto.a", abs_build_dir_2),
format!("{}/crypto/libcrypto_{}.a", abs_build_dir_2, version_string),
// If symlinking isn't available, we fall back to renaming.
#[cfg(not(any(unix, windows)))]
let res = fs::rename(
format!("{}/crypto/libcrypto.a", abs_build_dir_2),
format!("{}/crypto/libcrypto_{}.a", abs_build_dir_2, version_string),
if let Err(err) = res {
// If the error is an AlreadyExists error, that just means we've already
// compiled before. Renaming to an existing file works without error, so
// it's OK that our panic message only mentions symlinking.
if err.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists {
panic!("could not symlink to libcrypto.a: {}", err)
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}/crypto", abs_build_dir_2);
// Validates that dependencies which we invoke directly are present, or panics
// with an error message. Does not check for dependencies of BoringSSL's build
// system.
fn validate_dependencies() {
let go = have_go();
let cmake = have_cmake();
let ninja = have_ninja();
let make = have_make();
if !go {
Missing build dependency Go (1.11 or higher).
if !cmake {
Missing build dependency CMake.
if cfg!(windows) && !ninja {
Building on Windows requires the Ninja tool. See
if !make && !ninja {
Building requires either Make or Ninja (
// Runs a command and panic if it fails.
fn run(cmd: &str, args: &[&str]) {
let output = Command::new(cmd)
.expect(&format!("failed to invoke {}", cmd));
if !output.status.success() {
panic!("{} failed with status {}", cmd, output.status);
// Is Go installed?
fn have_go() -> bool {
have("go", &["version"])
// Is CMake installed?
fn have_cmake() -> bool {
have("cmake", &["--version"])
// Is Ninja installed?
fn have_ninja() -> bool {
have("ninja", &["--version"])
// Is Make installed?
fn have_make() -> bool {
have("make", &["--version"])
// Checks whether a program is installed by running it.
// `have` checks whether `name` is installed by running it with the provided
// `args`. It must exist successfully.
fn have(name: &str, args: &[&str]) -> bool {
Command::new(name).args(args).output().map(|output| output.status.success()).unwrap_or(false)
enum BuildSystem {
// Checks which build tool was used for the previous build.
fn built_with(abs_dir: &str) -> Option<BuildSystem> {
let is_file = |file| {
fs::metadata(format!("{}/{}", abs_dir, file)).map(|meta| meta.is_file()).unwrap_or(false)
if is_file("") {
} else if is_file("Makefile") {
} else {