blob: 72544015f2a2bc14379ca0ab3d6199f56dfba645 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Author: (Nevena Lazic)
#include "lossmin/minimizers/parallel-boosting-with-momentum.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <functional>
#include "lossmin/minimizers/gradient-evaluator.h"
#include "third_party/eigen/Eigen/Core"
namespace lossmin {
void ParallelBoostingWithMomentum::Setup() {
// Per-coordinate learning rates are learning_rates[j] = 1 / sparsity * Lj,
// where sparsity is the maximum instance l0 norm and Lj is upper bound on
// the loss curvature along coordinate j.
float sparsity = gradient_evaluator().Sparsity();
learning_rates_ =
(learning_rates_.array() + l2()).inverse().matrix() / sparsity;
// Initialize the approximating function parameters.
alpha_ = 0.5f;
beta_ = 1.0f - alpha_;
phi_center_ = Weights::Zero(gradient_evaluator().NumWeights());
void ParallelBoostingWithMomentum::EpochUpdate(Weights *weights, int epoch,
bool check_convergence) {
// Compute the intermediate weight vector y.
Weights y = (1.0f - alpha_) * *weights + alpha_ * phi_center_;
// Compute the gradient of the loss wrt y.
Weights gradient_wrt_y = Weights::Zero(y.size());
gradient_evaluator().Gradient(y, &gradient_wrt_y);
if (l2() > 0.0f) gradient_wrt_y += l2() * y;
// Gradient step.
*weights -= gradient_wrt_y.cwiseProduct(learning_rates_);
// l1 shrinkage.
if (l1() > 0.0f) {
L1Prox(l1() * learning_rates_, weights);
gradient_wrt_y += l1() * weights->unaryExpr(std::ptr_fun(Sign));
// Update the approximation function.
phi_center_ -= (1.0 - alpha_) / alpha_ * (y - *weights);
alpha_ =
-beta_ / 2.0 +
pow(beta_ + beta_ * beta_ / 4.0, static_cast<float>(0.5));
beta_ *= (1.0 - alpha_);
// Check convergence.
if (check_convergence) ConvergenceCheck(*weights, gradient_wrt_y);
} // namespace lossmin