blob: c987f24292f0158c9cb51310332d430abe10268a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* Check that mmap always returns page size aligned memory.
* Check that the requested length must be a multiple of page size.
* We use random. The seed can be specified on the command line. If
* not, we use the name service API to get access to the secure random
* number source to seed the generator, outputting the seed so the
* test is (hopefully) reproducible.
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include "native_client/src/include/nacl_assert.h"
#include "native_client/src/untrusted/nacl/nacl_random.h"
/* globals */
int g_verbosity = 0;
/* default values */
static const uint32_t k_num_test_cycles = 64;
static const uint32_t k_max_mmaps_per_cycle = 16;
static const uint32_t k_max_num_pages = 128;
static const double k_bad_size_probability = 0.10;
static const double k_release_probability = 0.05;
static const uint32_t k_max_memory_carried_forward = (1 << 20);
/* allow at most 2**24 or 16M to be carried forward between test cycles */
static const uint32_t k_nacl_page_size = (1 << 16);
static const uint32_t k_probe_stride = (4 << 10);
* do not allow release probabilities that are too small, since we end
* up spinning through the alloc list over and over again.
static const double k_min_release_probability = 1.0e-4;
* In this experiment, we want to allocate memory using mmap of
* various request sizes and deallocate it in multiple test cycles.
* The choice of memory sizes for each mmap and whether or not to
* deallocate is probabilistic. Essentially:
* run test cycle num_test_cycles times:
* run a random number of allocations, up to max_mmaps_per_cycle
* times where each mmap may allocate a random non-zero number of
* 64k pages up to max_num_pages (the product, if greater than some
* value just shy of 1G, would imply mmap failure due to address
* space exhaustion). each mmap allocation may ask for a memory
* block the size of which is bad (i.e., not a multiple of 64k) with
* probability bad_size_probability. in this case, expect either a
* failure with EINVAL or a rounded length is used.
* for each mmap allocation, verify that the returned address
* (non-MAP_FIXED) is 64k page aligned.
* deallocate some of the allocated memory. do it randomly, but
* simply: scan a free list and deallocate each block (which
* corresponds to the allocation earlier -- we aren't testing for
* munmaps that fragment a larger allocation in this test) with
* probability release_probability, wrapping around as needed until
* the total amount of memory still allocated is less than or equal
* to max_memory_carried_forward.
* at end, release all mmap allocated memory.
unsigned long get_good_seed(void) {
unsigned long seed;
size_t got = 0;
int rc = nacl_secure_random(&seed, sizeof(seed), &got);
ASSERT_EQ(rc, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(got, sizeof(seed));
return seed;
struct MemInfo {
struct MemInfo *next;
void *mem_addr;
size_t mem_bytes;
struct TestState {
uint32_t num_test_cycles;
uint32_t max_mmaps_per_cycle;
uint32_t max_num_pages;
double bad_size_probability;
double release_probability;
size_t max_memory_carried_forward;
size_t total_bytes_allocated;
* struct drand48_data rng_state; newlib has drand48_r, but it's
* different from glibc's -- newlibs take an REENT object as
* argument, as per newlib convention to hang reentrant state off of
* an explicit object used throughout reentrant versions of libc
* functions.
struct MemInfo *alloc_list;
struct MemInfo **alloc_list_end;
int TestStateCtor(struct TestState *self,
uint32_t num_test_cycles,
uint32_t max_mmaps_per_cycle,
uint32_t max_num_pages,
double bad_size_probability,
double release_probability,
size_t max_memory_carried_forward,
unsigned long seed) {
/* validate ctor inputs */
if (0 == num_test_cycles ||
0 == max_mmaps_per_cycle ||
0 == max_num_pages ||
bad_size_probability < 0.0 ||
1.0 < bad_size_probability ||
release_probability < k_min_release_probability ||
1.0 < release_probability) {
return 0;
self->num_test_cycles = num_test_cycles;
self->max_mmaps_per_cycle = max_mmaps_per_cycle;
self->max_num_pages = max_num_pages;
self->bad_size_probability = bad_size_probability;
self->release_probability = release_probability;
self->max_memory_carried_forward = max_memory_carried_forward;
self->total_bytes_allocated = 0;
(void) srand48(seed);
self->alloc_list = NULL;
self->alloc_list_end = &self->alloc_list;
return 1;
uint32_t RunTest(struct TestState *self) {
uint32_t error_count = 0;
uint32_t cycle;
uint32_t num_allocations_this_cycle;
long int lrand;
uint32_t alloc_num;
size_t num_bytes;
double drand;
int bad_request_size;
uintptr_t addr;
struct MemInfo *mip;
struct MemInfo **mipp;
struct MemInfo *tmp;
for (cycle = 0; cycle < self->num_test_cycles; ++cycle) {
if (g_verbosity > 0) {
printf("Test Cycle %u\n", cycle);
if (self->max_mmaps_per_cycle > 1) {
lrand = lrand48();
num_allocations_this_cycle = (lrand % (self->max_mmaps_per_cycle - 1) +
} else {
num_allocations_this_cycle = 1;
if (g_verbosity > 0) {
printf("Will allocate %d times\n", num_allocations_this_cycle);
for (alloc_num = 0; alloc_num < num_allocations_this_cycle; ++alloc_num) {
do {
lrand = lrand48();
num_bytes = lrand % (self->max_num_pages * k_nacl_page_size);
if (g_verbosity > 0) {
printf("random choice: %zd (0x%zx) bytes\n", num_bytes, num_bytes);
/* clear low order bits with probabilty 1-bad_size_probability */
drand = drand48();
bad_request_size = (drand < self->bad_size_probability);
if (g_verbosity > 0) {
printf("We will%s make the size not a multipe of page size\n",
bad_request_size ? "" : " not");
if (bad_request_size) {
if (0 == (num_bytes & (k_nacl_page_size - 1))) {
++num_bytes; /* make sure it's bad */
} else {
num_bytes = num_bytes & ~(k_nacl_page_size - 1);
} while (0 == num_bytes);
if (g_verbosity > 0) {
printf("Now will allocate %zd (0x%zx) bytes\n", num_bytes, num_bytes);
mip = malloc(sizeof *mip);
if (0 == mip) {
mip->next = NULL;
mip->mem_bytes = num_bytes;
mip->mem_addr = mmap(NULL, num_bytes, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, (off_t) 0);
if (g_verbosity > 1) {
printf("mmap returned %p\n", mip->mem_addr);
if (MAP_FAILED == mip->mem_addr) {
fprintf(stderr, "mmap 0x%zx bytes failed\n", num_bytes);
if (g_verbosity > 1) {
printf("readable test\n");
/* ensure memory region is readable */
for (addr = (uintptr_t) mip->mem_addr;
addr < (uintptr_t) mip->mem_addr + num_bytes;
addr += k_probe_stride) {
*(char volatile *) addr;
if (0 != ((uintptr_t) mip->mem_addr & (k_nacl_page_size - 1))) {
fprintf(stderr, "address %p not page aligned\n",
(void *) mip->mem_addr);
/* save allocation to memory list */
*self->alloc_list_end = mip;
self->alloc_list_end = &mip->next;
self->total_bytes_allocated += num_bytes;
/* free most(?) of allocated memory */
while (self->total_bytes_allocated > self->max_memory_carried_forward) {
if (g_verbosity > 0) {
printf("release probability %f\n", self->release_probability);
printf("allocated %zx, max %zx\n",
self->total_bytes_allocated, self->max_memory_carried_forward);
printf("head of list %p\n", (void *) self->alloc_list);
for (mipp = &self->alloc_list; NULL != (mip = *mipp); mipp = &mip->next) {
double drand = drand48();
if (g_verbosity > 0) {
printf("at %p, prob %f, addr %p, %zx\n", (void *) mip, drand,
(void *) mip->mem_addr, mip->mem_bytes);
if (drand < self->release_probability) {
if (-1 == munmap(mip->mem_addr, mip->mem_bytes)) {
fprintf(stderr, "munmap 0x%p 0x%zx failed\n",
(void *) mip->mem_addr, mip->mem_bytes);
assert(self->total_bytes_allocated >= mip->mem_bytes);
self->total_bytes_allocated -= mip->mem_bytes;
*mipp = mip->next;
if (NULL == mip->next) {
self->alloc_list_end = mipp;
/* free any memory not already munmapped */
for (mip = self->alloc_list; NULL != mip; mip = tmp) {
if (-1 == munmap(mip->mem_addr, mip->mem_bytes)) {
fprintf(stderr, "cleanup munmap 0x%p 0x%zx failed\n",
(void *) mip->mem_addr, mip->mem_bytes);
tmp = mip->next;
return error_count;
int main(int ac, char **av) {
int opt;
unsigned long seed = 0;
int seed_provided = 0;
uint32_t max_num_pages = k_max_num_pages;
uint32_t max_mmaps_per_cycle = k_max_mmaps_per_cycle;
uint32_t num_test_cycles = k_num_test_cycles;
double bad_size_probability = k_bad_size_probability;
double release_probability = k_release_probability;
size_t max_memory_carried_forward = k_max_memory_carried_forward;
unsigned num_failures = 0;
struct TestState tstate;
while (-1 != (opt = getopt(ac, av, "c:m:M:n:p:r:s:v"))) {
switch (opt) {
case 'c':
max_memory_carried_forward = strtoull(optarg, (char **) NULL, 0);
case 'm':
max_num_pages = strtoul(optarg, (char **) NULL, 0);
case 'M':
max_mmaps_per_cycle = strtoul(optarg, (char **) NULL, 0);
case 'n':
num_test_cycles = strtoul(optarg, (char **) NULL, 0);
case 'p':
bad_size_probability = strtod(optarg, (char **) NULL);
case 'r':
release_probability = strtod(optarg, (char **) NULL);
case 's':
seed_provided = 1;
seed = strtoul(optarg, (char **) NULL, 0);
case 'v':
"Usage: pagesize_test [-v] [-m max_pages_per_allocation]\n"
" [-M mmaps_per_test_cycle] [-n num_test_cycles]\n"
" [-p bad_size_probability] [-r release_probability]\n"
" [-s seed]\n");
if (!seed_provided) {
seed = get_good_seed();
printf("seed = %lu (0x%lx)\n", seed, seed);
if (!TestStateCtor(&tstate,
seed)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Test State ctor failure\n");
return 1;
if (g_verbosity > 0) {
printf("TestStateCtor succeeded, starting tests\n");
num_failures = RunTest(&tstate);
printf("Tests finished; %u errors\n", num_failures);
if (0 == num_failures) {
} else {
return num_failures;