blob: da8584c1c4ec58cfbe3bbc1a75a11cf76e282aee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
.syntax unified
.fpu vfp
* Rounding mode control field is bits [23:22] in FPSCR.
* This macro takes the pre-shifted two-bit value and sets bits [23:22].
* The bit patterns for ARM are:
* 0b00 Round to Nearest (RN) mode
* 0b01 Round towards Plus Infinity (RP) mode
* 0b10 Round towards Minus Infinity (RM) mode
* 0b11 Round towards Zero (RZ) mode
.macro set_rounding_control_field value
vmrs r1, fpscr
bic r1, r1, #0x00c00000
orr r1, r1, \value
vmsr fpscr, r1
bic lr, lr, #0xc000000f
bx lr
.p2align 4
.global set_round_toward_nearest
set_rounding_control_field #0
.p2align 4
.global set_round_toward_plus_infinity
set_rounding_control_field #0x400000
.p2align 4
.global set_round_toward_minus_infinity
set_rounding_control_field #0x800000
.p2align 4
.global set_round_toward_zero
set_rounding_control_field #0xc00000