blob: 468c852fa310ca7536a68de06d3c6eb18acb1e78 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "native_client/pnacl/support/nacl_mips_defs.h"
* Receives no arguments, just clears registers.
.p2align 4
.set noreorder
.globl infoleak_clear_state
mtc1 $zero, $f0
mtc1 $zero, $f1
mov.d $f2, $f0
mov.d $f4, $f0
mov.d $f6, $f0
mov.d $f8, $f0
mov.d $f10, $f0
mov.d $f12, $f0
mov.d $f14, $f0
mov.d $f16, $f0
mov.d $f18, $f0
mov.d $f20, $f0
mov.d $f22, $f0
mov.d $f24, $f0
mov.d $f26, $f0
mov.d $f28, $f0
mov.d $f30, $f0
and $ra, $ra, JUMP_MASK
jr $ra
.set reorder
* Receives:
* a0: pointer to float_regs structure
.p2align 4
.set noreorder
.globl infoleak_fetch_regs
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f0, 0($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f2, 8($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f4, 16($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f6, 24($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f8, 32($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f10, 40($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f12, 48($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f14, 56($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f16, 64($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f18, 72($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f20, 80($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f22, 88($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f24, 96($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f26, 104($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f28, 112($a0)
and $a0, $a0, STORE_MASK
sdc1 $f30, 120($a0)
and $ra, $ra, JUMP_MASK
jr $ra
.set reorder