blob: f4e2cf0b9dc2ddcfeb29887a75eb4d6bd9cf989f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* Test basic floating point operations
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if 1
#define PRINT_FLOAT(mesg, prec, val)\
printf(mesg ": %." #prec "f\n", (double) (val))
#define PRINT_FLOAT(mesg, prec, val)\
printf(mesg ": %d\n", (int) (val))
#define PRINT_INT(mesg, val)\
printf(mesg ": %d\n", (int) (val))
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
class FloatTests : public ::testing::Test {
FloatTests() {
// You can do set-up work for each test here.
~FloatTests() override {}
void SetUp() override {}
void TearDown() override {}
} // namespace
static std::string float_output[] = {
R"(val str: 1.0
val int: 1
val flt: 1.000000000
last: 0.000
+: 1.000
-: -1.000
*: 0.000
/: 0.000
R"(val str: 3.0
val int: 3
val flt: 3.000000000
last: 1.000
+: 4.000
-: -2.000
*: 3.000
/: 0.333
R"(val str: 0.5
val int: 0
val flt: 0.500000000
last: 3.000
+: 3.500
-: 2.500
*: 1.500
/: 6.000
R"(val str: 100.0
val int: 100
val flt: 100.000000000
last: 0.500
+: 100.500
-: -99.500
*: 50.000
/: 0.005
R"(val str: 0.3
val int: 0
val flt: 0.300000012
last: 100.000
+: 100.300
-: 99.700
*: 30.000
/: 333.333
static std::string double_output[5] = {
R"(val str: 1.0
val int: 1
val flt: 1.000000000
last: 0.000000000
+: 1.000000000
-: -1.000000000
*: 0.000000000
/: 0.000000000
R"(val str: 3.0
val int: 3
val flt: 3.000000000
last: 1.000000000
+: 4.000000000
-: -2.000000000
*: 3.000000000
/: 0.333333333
R"(val str: 0.5
val int: 0
val flt: 0.500000000
last: 3.000000000
+: 3.500000000
-: 2.500000000
*: 1.500000000
/: 6.000000000
R"(val str: 100.0
val int: 100
val flt: 100.000000000
last: 0.500000000
+: 100.500000000
-: -99.500000000
*: 50.000000000
/: 0.005000000
R"(val str: 0.3
val int: 0
val flt: 0.300000000
last: 100.000000000
+: 100.300000000
-: 99.700000000
*: 30.000000000
/: 333.333333333
static const char* input[] = {"1.0", "3.0", "0.5", "100.0", "0.3"};
TEST_F(FloatTests, TestDouble) {
int i;
double last = 0.0;
double x;
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
printf("val str: %s\n", input[i]);
x = strtod(input[i], 0);
PRINT_INT("val int", x);
PRINT_FLOAT("val flt",9, x);
PRINT_FLOAT("last", 9, last);
PRINT_FLOAT("+", 9, last + x);
PRINT_FLOAT("-", 9, last - x);
PRINT_FLOAT("*", 9, last * x);
PRINT_FLOAT("/", 9, last / x);
std::string output = testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
EXPECT_EQ(double_output[i], output);
last = x;
TEST_F(FloatTests, TestFloat) {
int i;
float last = 0.0;
float x;
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
printf("val str: %s\n", input[i]);
x = strtof(input[i], 0);
PRINT_INT("val int", x);
PRINT_FLOAT("val flt",9, x);
PRINT_FLOAT("last", 3, last);
PRINT_FLOAT("+", 3, last + x);
PRINT_FLOAT("-", 3, last - x);
PRINT_FLOAT("*", 3, last * x);
PRINT_FLOAT("/", 3, last / x);
std::string output = testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
EXPECT_EQ(float_output[i], output);
last = x;