blob: c798b016680a0d9060013de86ac26143ffd57b03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
static char const* g_dirname = "/tmp/pwrite_test";
* At least one test case bake in knowledge of relative sizes of these
* quotes.
static char const quote[] =
"From a little after two oclock until almost sundown of the long still "
"hot weary dead September afternoon they sat in what Miss Coldfield still "
"called the office because her father had called it that---a dim hot "
"airless room with the blinds all closed and fastened for forty-three "
"summers because when she was a girl someone had believed that light and "
"moving air carried heat and that dark was always cooler, and which (as "
"the sun shone fuller and fuller on that side of the house) became "
"latticed with yellow slashes full of dust motes which Quentin thought of "
"as being flecks of the dead old dried paint itself blown inward from the "
"scaling blinds as wind might have blown them. There was a wistaria vine "
"blooming for the second time that summer on a wooden trellis before one "
"window, into which sparrows came now and then in random gusts, making a "
"dry vivid dusty sound before going away: and opposite Quentin, Miss "
"Coldfield in the eternal black which she had worn for forty-three years "
"now, whether for her sister, father, or nothusband none knew, sitting so "
"bolt upright in the straight hard chair that was so tall for her that "
"her legs hung straight and rigid as if she had iron shinbones and "
"ankles, clear of the floor with that air of impotent and static rage "
"like children's feet, and talking in that grim haggard amazed voice "
"until at last listening would renege and hearing-sense self-confound and "
"the long-dead object of her impotent yet indomitable frustration wuld "
"appear, as though by outraged recapitulation evoked, quiet inattentive "
"and harmless, out of the biding and dreamy and victorious dust.";
static char const overwrite[] =
"It was about eleven o'clock in the morning, mid October, with the sun "
"not shining and a look of hard wet rain in the clearness of the "
"foothills. I was wearing my powder-blue suit, with dark blue shirt, tie "
"and display handkerchief, black brogues, black wool socks with dark blue "
"clocks on them. I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care "
"who knew it. I was everything the well-dressed private detective ought "
"to be. I was calling on four million dollars.";
static char const first_seq_write[] =
"Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that "
"they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. ";
static char const second_seq_write[] =
"Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at "
"number four, Privet Drive.";
static void InitializeFile(std::string filename,
int* wr_fd,
int* rd_fd,
int wr_fd_open_flag) {
FILE* iob = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w");
size_t len = sizeof quote - 1;
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, iob) << "Could not open " << filename
<< " for initialization.";
ASSERT_EQ(fwrite(quote, 1, len, iob), len)
<< "Could not initialize contents of " << filename;
ASSERT_EQ(fclose(iob), 0)
<< "Could not close " << filename << " post initialization";
*wr_fd = open(filename.c_str(), wr_fd_open_flag, 0);
ASSERT_NE(*wr_fd, -1) << "Could not open " << filename
<< " for test write access";
*rd_fd = open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0);
ASSERT_NE(*rd_fd, -1) << "Could not open " << filename
<< " for test read verfication access";
struct test_param {
int wr_fd_open_flag;
void* test_specifics;
class PwriteTests : public ::testing::TestWithParam<struct test_param> {
std::string test_file_name;
int wr_fd = -1, rd_fd = -1;
static int index;
const struct test_param* params;
void SetUp() override {
params = &GetParam();
test_file_name =
g_dirname + std::string("/absalom") + std::to_string(++index) + ".txt";
if (mkdir(g_dirname, 0600) != 0) {
if (errno != EEXIST) {
FAIL() << "Error while creating tmp dir: " << g_dirname
<< ", Error: " << errno;
InitializeFile(test_file_name, &wr_fd, &rd_fd, params->wr_fd_open_flag);
if (HasFatalFailure()) {
void TearDown() override {
if (wr_fd != -1) {
if (rd_fd != -1) {
if (unlink(test_file_name.c_str()) != 0) {
FAIL() << "Could not remove test file: " << test_file_name;
if (rmdir(g_dirname) != 0) {
FAIL() << "Could not destroy test directory: " << g_dirname;
int PwriteTests::index = 0;
static void VerifyContents(int rd_fd,
char const* expected_data,
size_t nbytes,
off_t offset) {
char buffer[4096];
size_t chunk_size;
ssize_t result;
while (nbytes > 0) {
chunk_size = nbytes;
if (chunk_size > sizeof buffer) {
chunk_size = sizeof buffer;
result = pread(rd_fd, buffer, chunk_size, offset);
auto err = errno;
ASSERT_EQ(result, (ssize_t)chunk_size) << "VerifyContents: pread failed"
<< ", errno " << err;
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(expected_data, buffer, chunk_size), 0)
<< "VerifyContents: unexpected data starting at offset " << offset <<
" Got: " << buffer << " Expected: " << expected_data;
expected_data += chunk_size;
nbytes -= chunk_size;
offset += chunk_size;
class PwriteObeysOffsetTests : public PwriteTests {};
TEST_P(PwriteObeysOffsetTests, PwriteObeysOffset) {
char buffer[4096];
ssize_t nbytes;
static_assert(sizeof buffer >= sizeof overwrite - 1,
"configuration error: buffer too small");
ASSERT_NE(lseek(wr_fd, 0, SEEK_END), (off_t)-1)
<< "seek to end before write failed";
ASSERT_EQ(write(wr_fd, "Z", 1), 1) << "write at end failed";
nbytes = pwrite(wr_fd, overwrite, sizeof overwrite - 1, (off_t)0);
ASSERT_EQ(nbytes, (ssize_t)(sizeof overwrite - 1))
<< "pwrite to beginning failed";
VerifyContents(rd_fd, overwrite, sizeof overwrite - 1, 0);
VerifyContents(rd_fd, quote + sizeof overwrite - 1,
sizeof quote - sizeof overwrite, sizeof overwrite - 1);
VerifyContents(rd_fd, "Z", 1, sizeof quote - 1);
struct test_param params1[] = {
class PwriteDoesNotAffectReadPosTests : public PwriteTests {};
TEST_P(PwriteDoesNotAffectReadPosTests, PwriteDoesNotAffectReadPos) {
size_t const overwrite_overlap = 100;
size_t read_count;
char buffer[4096];
ssize_t nbytes;
read_count = ((sizeof overwrite - 1) - overwrite_overlap);
nbytes = read(wr_fd, buffer, read_count);
auto err = errno;
ASSERT_EQ((size_t)nbytes, read_count) << "Pinitial read to set file pos"
" failed "
<< " errno " << err;
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(buffer, quote, read_count), 0)
<< "Pinitial read result unexpected";
nbytes = pwrite(wr_fd, overwrite, sizeof overwrite - 1, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(nbytes, (ssize_t)(sizeof overwrite - 1)) << "Ppwrite failed";
read_count = sizeof quote - 1 - read_count;
nbytes = read(wr_fd, buffer, read_count);
err = errno;
ASSERT_EQ(nbytes, (ssize_t)read_count) << "Pread after pwrite failed,"
<< " errno " << err;
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(overwrite + sizeof overwrite - 1 - overwrite_overlap, buffer,
<< "Poverwritten data did not show up.";
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(buffer + overwrite_overlap, quote + sizeof overwrite - 1,
read_count - overwrite_overlap),
<< "Pdata beyond overwritten changed.";
VerifyContents(rd_fd, overwrite, sizeof overwrite - 1, 0);
VerifyContents(rd_fd, quote + sizeof overwrite - 1,
sizeof quote - sizeof overwrite, sizeof overwrite - 1);
struct test_param params2[] = {
class PwriteDoesNotAffectWritePosTests : public PwriteTests {};
TEST_P(PwriteDoesNotAffectWritePosTests, PwriteDoesNotAffectWritePos) {
* Write first_seq_write to file, overwriting initial contents.
* Next, pwrite to some a non-overlapping location (end of file).
* Write second_seq_write to file, expecting that it would follow
* the contents of first_seq_write. Read file to verify.
ssize_t result;
size_t seq_bytes;
int expect_append = (int)(intptr_t)params->test_specifics;
result = write(wr_fd, first_seq_write, sizeof first_seq_write - 1);
auto err = errno;
ASSERT_EQ(result, (ssize_t)(sizeof first_seq_write - 1))
<< "writing first_seq_write failed: "
<< " errno " << err;
result = pwrite(wr_fd, overwrite, sizeof overwrite - 1, sizeof quote - 1);
err = errno;
ASSERT_EQ(result, (ssize_t)(sizeof overwrite - 1))
<< "pwriting overwrite failed:"
<< " errno " << err;
result = write(wr_fd, second_seq_write, sizeof second_seq_write - 1);
err = errno;
ASSERT_EQ(result, (ssize_t)(sizeof second_seq_write - 1))
<< "writing second_seq_write failed:"
<< " errno " << err;
if (expect_append) {
VerifyContents(rd_fd, quote, sizeof quote - 1, 0);
VerifyContents(rd_fd, overwrite, sizeof overwrite - 1, sizeof quote - 1);
VerifyContents(rd_fd, second_seq_write, sizeof second_seq_write - 1,
sizeof quote - 1 + sizeof overwrite - 1);
} else {
VerifyContents(rd_fd, first_seq_write, sizeof first_seq_write - 1, 0);
VerifyContents(rd_fd, second_seq_write, sizeof second_seq_write - 1,
sizeof first_seq_write - 1);
seq_bytes = sizeof first_seq_write - 1 + sizeof second_seq_write - 1;
VerifyContents(rd_fd, quote + seq_bytes, sizeof quote - 1 - seq_bytes,
VerifyContents(rd_fd, overwrite, sizeof overwrite - 1, sizeof quote - 1);
struct test_param params3[] = {
{O_RDWR | O_APPEND, (void*)1},
{O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, (void*)1},
class PreadObeysOffsetAndDoesNotAffectReadPtrTests : public PwriteTests {};
PreadObeysOffsetAndDoesNotAffectReadPtr) {
ssize_t io_rv;
static size_t const kFirstReadBytes = 128;
static off_t const kPreadOffset = 256;
static size_t const kPreadBytes = 128;
char buffer[4096];
static_assert(kFirstReadBytes <= sizeof buffer, "");
static_assert(kFirstReadBytes <= sizeof quote - 1, "");
io_rv = read(wr_fd, buffer, kFirstReadBytes);
ASSERT_EQ(io_rv, (ssize_t)kFirstReadBytes) << "first read failed";
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(buffer, quote, kFirstReadBytes), 0)
<< "first read contents bad";
static_assert(kPreadBytes <= sizeof buffer, "");
io_rv = pread(wr_fd, buffer, kPreadBytes, kPreadOffset);
auto err = errno;
ASSERT_EQ(io_rv, (ssize_t)kPreadBytes) << "errno " << err;
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(buffer, quote + kPreadOffset, kPreadBytes), 0)
<< "pread content bad";
static_assert(sizeof quote - 1 - kFirstReadBytes <= sizeof buffer, "");
io_rv = read(wr_fd, buffer, sizeof buffer);
ASSERT_EQ(io_rv, (ssize_t)(sizeof quote - 1 - kFirstReadBytes))
<< " bad byte count on 2nd read";
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(buffer, quote + kFirstReadBytes,
sizeof quote - 1 - kFirstReadBytes),
<< "2nd read contents bad";
struct test_param params4[] = {