blob: 2cff4c3e4d912b92ce60c518743a3e9b3440f29f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
var (
uploadCcsFlag string
uploadPresubmitFlag string
uploadReviewersFlag string
uploadTopicFlag string
uploadVerifyFlag bool
uploadRebaseFlag bool
uploadSetTopicFlag bool
uploadMultipartFlag bool
uploadBranchFlag string
uploadRemoteBranchFlag string
uploadLabelsFlag string
uploadGitOptions string
type uploadError string
func (e uploadError) Error() string {
result := "sending code review failed\n\n"
result += string(e)
return result
var cmdUpload = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runUpload),
Name: "upload",
Short: "Upload a changelist for review",
Long: `Command "upload" uploads commits of a local branch to Gerrit.`,
ArgsName: "<ref>",
ArgsLong: `
<ref> is the valid git ref to upload. It is optional and HEAD is used by
default. This cannot be used with -multipart flag.
func init() {
cmdUpload.Flags.StringVar(&uploadCcsFlag, "cc", "", `Comma-separated list of emails or LDAPs to cc.`)
cmdUpload.Flags.StringVar(&uploadPresubmitFlag, "presubmit", string(gerrit.PresubmitTestTypeAll),
fmt.Sprintf("The type of presubmit tests to run. Valid values: %s.", strings.Join(gerrit.PresubmitTestTypes(), ",")))
cmdUpload.Flags.StringVar(&uploadReviewersFlag, "r", "", `Comma-separated list of emails or LDAPs to request review.`)
cmdUpload.Flags.StringVar(&uploadLabelsFlag, "l", "", `Comma-separated list of review labels.`)
cmdUpload.Flags.StringVar(&uploadTopicFlag, "topic", "", `CL topic. Default is <username>-<branchname>. If this flag is set, upload will ignore -set-topic and will set a topic.`)
cmdUpload.Flags.BoolVar(&uploadSetTopicFlag, "set-topic", false, `Set topic. This flag would be ignored if -topic passed.`)
cmdUpload.Flags.BoolVar(&uploadVerifyFlag, "verify", true, `Run pre-push git hooks.`)
cmdUpload.Flags.BoolVar(&uploadRebaseFlag, "rebase", false, `Run rebase before pushing.`)
cmdUpload.Flags.BoolVar(&uploadMultipartFlag, "multipart", false, `Send multipart CL. Use -set-topic or -topic flag if you want to set a topic.`)
cmdUpload.Flags.StringVar(&uploadBranchFlag, "branch", "", `Used when multipart flag is true and this command is executed from root folder`)
cmdUpload.Flags.StringVar(&uploadRemoteBranchFlag, "remoteBranch", "", `Remote branch to upload change to. If this is not specified and branch is untracked,
change would be uploaded to branch in project manifest`)
cmdUpload.Flags.StringVar(&uploadGitOptions, "git-options", "", `Passthrough git options`)
// runUpload is a wrapper that pushes the changes to gerrit for review.
func runUpload(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) error {
refToUpload := "HEAD"
if len(args) == 1 {
refToUpload = args[0]
} else if len(args) > 1 {
return jirix.UsageErrorf("wrong number of arguments")
if uploadMultipartFlag && refToUpload != "HEAD" {
return jirix.UsageErrorf("can only use HEAD as <ref> when using -multipart flag.")
dir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("os.Getwd() failed: %s", err)
var p *project.Project
// Walk up the path until we find a project at that path, or hit the jirix.Root parent.
// Note that we can't just compare path prefixes because of soft links.
for dir != filepath.Dir(jirix.Root) && dir != string(filepath.Separator) {
if isLocal, err := project.IsLocalProject(jirix, dir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error while checking for local project at path %q: %s", dir, err)
} else if !isLocal {
dir = filepath.Dir(dir)
project, err := project.ProjectAtPath(jirix, dir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error while getting project at path %q: %s", dir, err)
p = &project
setTopic := uploadSetTopicFlag
// Always set topic when either topic is passed.
if uploadTopicFlag != "" {
setTopic = true
currentBranch := ""
if p == nil {
if !uploadMultipartFlag {
return fmt.Errorf("directory %q is not contained in a project", dir)
} else if uploadBranchFlag == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Please run with -branch flag")
} else {
currentBranch = uploadBranchFlag
} else {
scm := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(p.Path))
if !scm.IsOnBranch() {
if uploadMultipartFlag {
return fmt.Errorf("Current project is not on any branch. Multipart uploads require project to be on a branch.")
if uploadTopicFlag == "" && setTopic {
return fmt.Errorf("Current project is not on any branch. Either provide a topic or set flag \"-set-topic\" to false.")
} else {
currentBranch, err = scm.CurrentBranchName()
if err != nil {
return err
var projectsToProcess []project.Project
topic := ""
if setTopic {
if topic = uploadTopicFlag; topic == "" {
topic = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", os.Getenv("USER"), currentBranch) // use <username>-<branchname> as the default
localProjects, err := project.LocalProjects(jirix, project.FastScan)
if err != nil {
return err
if uploadMultipartFlag {
for _, project := range localProjects {
scm := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(project.Path))
if scm.IsOnBranch() {
branch, err := scm.CurrentBranchName()
if err != nil {
return err
if currentBranch == branch {
projectsToProcess = append(projectsToProcess, project)
} else {
projectsToProcess = append(projectsToProcess, *p)
if len(projectsToProcess) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Did not find any project to push for branch %q", currentBranch)
type GerritPushOption struct {
Project project.Project
CLOpts gerrit.CLOpts
relativePath string
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return err
var gerritPushOptions []GerritPushOption
remoteProjects, _, _, err := project.LoadManifestFile(jirix, jirix.JiriManifestFile(), localProjects, false /*localManifest*/)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, project := range projectsToProcess {
scm := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(project.Path))
relativePath, err := filepath.Rel(cwd, project.Path)
if err != nil {
// Just use the full path if an error occurred.
relativePath = project.Path
if uploadRebaseFlag {
if changes, err := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(project.Path)).HasUncommittedChanges(); err != nil {
return err
} else if changes {
return fmt.Errorf("Project %s(%s) has uncommited changes, please commit them or stash them. Cannot rebase before pushing.", project.Name, relativePath)
remoteBranch := uploadRemoteBranchFlag
if remoteBranch == "" && currentBranch != "" {
remoteBranch, err = scm.RemoteBranchName()
if err != nil {
return err
if remoteBranch == "" { // Un-tracked branch
remoteBranch = "master"
if r, ok := remoteProjects[project.Key()]; ok {
remoteBranch = r.RemoteBranch
} else {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("Project %s(%s) not found in manifest, will upload change to %q", project.Name, relativePath, remoteBranch)
opts := gerrit.CLOpts{
Ccs: parseEmails(uploadCcsFlag),
GitOptions: uploadGitOptions,
Presubmit: gerrit.PresubmitTestType(uploadPresubmitFlag),
RemoteBranch: remoteBranch,
Remote: "origin",
Reviewers: parseEmails(uploadReviewersFlag),
Labels: parseLabels(uploadLabelsFlag),
Verify: uploadVerifyFlag,
Topic: topic,
RefToUpload: refToUpload,
if opts.Presubmit == gerrit.PresubmitTestType("") {
opts.Presubmit = gerrit.PresubmitTestTypeAll
gerritPushOptions = append(gerritPushOptions, GerritPushOption{project, opts, relativePath})
// Rebase all projects before pushing
if uploadRebaseFlag {
for _, gerritPushOption := range gerritPushOptions {
scm := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(gerritPushOption.Project.Path))
if err := scm.Fetch("origin"); err != nil {
return err
remoteBranch := "remotes/origin/" + gerritPushOption.CLOpts.RemoteBranch
if err = scm.Rebase(remoteBranch); err != nil {
if err2 := scm.RebaseAbort(); err2 != nil {
return err2
return fmt.Errorf("For project %s(%s), not able to rebase the branch to %s, please rebase manually: %s", gerritPushOption.Project.Name, gerritPushOption.relativePath, remoteBranch, err)
for _, gerritPushOption := range gerritPushOptions {
fmt.Printf("Pushing project %s(%s)\n", gerritPushOption.Project.Name, gerritPushOption.relativePath)
if err := gerrit.Push(jirix, gerritPushOption.Project.Path, gerritPushOption.CLOpts); err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "(no new changes)") {
if gitErr, ok := err.(gerrit.PushError); ok {
fmt.Printf("%s", gitErr.Output)
fmt.Printf("%s", gitErr.ErrorOutput)
} else {
return uploadError(err.Error())
} else {
return uploadError(err.Error())
return nil
// parseEmails input a list of comma separated tokens and outputs a
// list of email addresses. The tokens can either be email addresses
// or Google LDAPs in which case the suffix is appended to
// them to turn them into email addresses.
func parseEmails(value string) []string {
var emails []string
tokens := strings.Split(value, ",")
for _, token := range tokens {
if token == "" {
if !strings.Contains(token, "@") {
token += ""
emails = append(emails, token)
return emails
// parseLabels input a list of comma separated tokens and outputs a
// list of tokens without whitespaces
func parseLabels(value string) []string {
var ret []string
tokens := strings.Split(value, ",")
for _, token := range tokens {
token = strings.TrimSpace(token)
if token == "" {
ret = append(ret, token)
return ret