blob: 25dfece4478c8ee2be9b68d58d960251a608d7c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package subcommands
import (
// TODO( delete when finished migrating to
// subcommands library.
var (
patchFlags patchCmd
cmdPatch = commandFromSubcommand(&patchFlags)
// TODO( delete when finished migrating to
// subcommands library.
func init() {
type patchCmd struct {
rebase bool
rebaseRevision string
rebaseBranch string
topic bool
branch string
delete bool
host string
force bool
cherryPick bool
detachedHead bool
project string
rebaseFailures uint32
// Use special address codes for errors that are addressable by the user. The
// recipes will use this to detect when the failure should be considered an
// infrastructure failure vs a failure that is addressable by the user.
const noSuchProjectErr = cmdline.ErrExitCode(23)
const rebaseFailedErr = cmdline.ErrExitCode(24)
func (c *patchCmd) Name() string { return "patch" }
func (c *patchCmd) Synopsis() string { return "Patch in the existing change" }
func (c *patchCmd) Usage() string {
return `
Command "patch" applies the existing changelist to the current project. The
change can be identified either using change ID, in which case the latest
patchset will be used, or the the full reference. By default patch will be
checked-out on a new branch.
A new branch will be created to apply the patch to. The default name of this
branch is "change/<changeset>/<patchset>", but this can be overridden using
the -branch flag. The command will fail if the branch already exists. The
-delete flag will delete the branch if already exists. Use the -force flag to
force deleting the branch even if it contains unmerged changes).
if -topic flag is true jiri will fetch whole topic and will try to apply to
individual projects. Patch will assume topic is of form {USER}-{BRANCH} and
will try to create branch name out of it. If this fails default branch name
will be same as topic. Currently patch does not support the scenario when
change "B" is created on top of "A" and both have same topic.
jiri patch [flags] <change or topic>
<change or topic> is a change ID, full reference or topic when -topic is true.
func (c *patchCmd) SetFlags(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&c.branch, "branch", "", "Name of the branch the patch will be applied to")
f.BoolVar(&c.delete, "delete", false, "Delete the existing branch if already exists")
f.BoolVar(&c.force, "force", false, "Use force when deleting the existing branch")
f.BoolVar(&c.rebase, "rebase", false, "Rebase the change after downloading")
f.StringVar(&c.rebaseRevision, "rebase-revision", "", "Rebase the change to a specific revision after downloading")
f.StringVar(&c.rebaseBranch, "rebase-branch", "", "The branch to rebase the change onto")
f.StringVar(&, "host", "", `Gerrit host to use. Defaults to gerrit host specified in manifest.`)
f.StringVar(&c.project, "project", "", `Project to apply patch to. This cannot be passed with topic flag.`)
f.BoolVar(&c.topic, "topic", false, `Patch whole topic.`)
f.BoolVar(&c.cherryPick, "cherry-pick", false, `Cherry-pick patches instead of checking out.`)
f.BoolVar(&c.detachedHead, "no-branch", false, `Don't create the branch for the patch.`)
func (c *patchCmd) Execute(ctx context.Context, _ *flag.FlagSet, args ...any) subcommands.ExitStatus {
return executeWrapper(ctx,, args)
func (c *patchCmd) run(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) error {
if expected, got := 1, len(args); expected != got {
return jirix.UsageErrorf("unexpected number of arguments: expected %v, got %v", expected, got)
arg := args[0]
if c.project != "" && c.topic {
return jirix.UsageErrorf("-topic and -project flags cannot be used together")
if c.rebaseRevision != "" && (!c.rebase || c.project == "") {
return jirix.UsageErrorf("-rebase-revision should only be used with -rebase and -project flag")
var cl int
var ps int
var err error
changeRef := ""
remoteBranch := ""
if !c.topic {
cl, ps, err = gerrit.ParseRefString(arg)
if err != nil {
if c.project != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Please pass change ref with -project flag (refs/changes/<ps>/<cl>/<patch-set>)")
cl, err = strconv.Atoi(arg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument: %v", arg)
} else {
changeRef = arg
var p *project.Project
host :=
if c.project != "" {
projects, err := project.LocalProjects(jirix, project.FastScan)
if err != nil {
return err
var hostUrl *url.URL
if host != "" {
hostUrl, err = url.Parse(host)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid Gerrit host %q: %s", host, err)
p = c.findProject(jirix, c.project, projects, host, hostUrl, changeRef)
if p == nil {
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Cannot find project for %q", c.project)
return noSuchProjectErr
// TODO: TO-592 - remove this hardcode
if c.rebaseBranch == "" && p.RemoteBranch != "" {
remoteBranch = p.RemoteBranch
} else if c.rebaseBranch != "" {
remoteBranch = c.rebaseBranch
} else {
remoteBranch = "main"
} else if project, perr := currentProject(jirix); perr == nil {
p = &project
if host == "" {
if p.GerritHost == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("no Gerrit host; use the '--host' flag, or add a 'gerrithost' attribute for project %q", p.Name)
host = p.GerritHost
if !c.topic && p != nil {
if remoteBranch == "" || changeRef == "" {
hostUrl, err := url.Parse(host)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid Gerrit host %q: %s", host, err)
g := gerrit.New(jirix, hostUrl)
change, err := g.GetChange(cl)
if err != nil {
return err
remoteBranch = change.Branch
changeRef = change.Reference()
branch := c.branch
if ps != -1 {
if _, err = c.patchProject(jirix, *p, arg, branch, remoteBranch); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if _, err = c.patchProject(jirix, *p, changeRef, branch, remoteBranch); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if host == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("no Gerrit host; use the '--host' flag or run this from inside a project")
hostUrl, err := url.Parse(host)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid Gerrit host %q: %v", host, err)
g := gerrit.New(jirix, hostUrl)
var changes gerrit.CLList
branch := c.branch
if c.topic {
temp, err := g.ListOpenChangesByTopic(arg)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(temp) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("No changes found with topic %q", arg)
projectMap := make(map[string]map[string]gerrit.Change)
//Handle stacked changes
for _, change := range temp {
v, ok := projectMap[change.Project]
if !ok {
v = make(map[string]gerrit.Change)
projectMap[change.Project] = v
v[change.Change_id] = change
for p, topicChanges := range projectMap {
// only CL in the project
if len(topicChanges) == 1 {
for _, change := range topicChanges {
changes = append(changes, change)
// stacked CLs, get the top one
if c.cherryPick {
return fmt.Errorf("Multiple CLs for projects %q. We do not support this with cherry-pick flag", p)
var relatedChanges *gerrit.RelatedChanges
relatedChangesMap := make(map[string]struct{})
// get related changes and build map.
// loop will only run once as we just need one change to build the map.
for _, change := range topicChanges {
relatedChanges, err = g.GetRelatedChanges(change.Number, change.Current_revision)
if err != nil {
return err
changeAdded := false
// get the top one and also build a map
for _, relatedChange := range relatedChanges.Changes {
if !changeAdded {
if c, ok := topicChanges[relatedChange.Change_id]; ok {
changes = append(changes, c)
changeAdded = true
relatedChangesMap[relatedChange.Change_id] = struct{}{}
// check if all the CLs contained in topic are in related CL list
for changeId, change := range topicChanges {
if _, ok := relatedChangesMap[changeId]; !ok {
var cn []string
for _, c := range topicChanges {
cn = append(cn, strconv.Itoa(c.Number))
return fmt.Errorf("Not all of the changes (%s) for project %q and topic %q are related to each other", strings.Join(cn, ","), change.Project, arg)
ps = -1
if branch == "" {
userPrefix := os.Getenv("USER") + "-"
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, userPrefix) {
branch = strings.Replace(arg, userPrefix, "", 1)
} else {
branch = arg
} else {
change, err := g.GetChange(cl)
if err != nil {
return err
changes = append(changes, *change)
projects, err := project.LocalProjects(jirix, project.FastScan)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, change := range changes {
var ref string
if ps != -1 {
ref = arg
} else {
ref = change.Reference()
if projectToPatch := c.findProject(jirix, change.Project, projects, host, hostUrl, g.GetChangeURL(change.Number)); projectToPatch != nil {
if _, err := c.patchProject(jirix, *projectToPatch, ref, branch, change.Branch); err != nil {
return err
} else {
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Cannot find project to patch CL %s\n", g.GetChangeURL(change.Number))
// In the case where jiri is called programatically by a recipe,
// we want to make it clear to the recipe if all failures were rebase errors.
if c.rebaseFailures != 0 && c.rebaseFailures == jirix.Failures() {
return rebaseFailedErr
} else if jirix.Failures() != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Patch failed")
return nil
// patchProject checks out the given change.
func (c *patchCmd) patchProject(jirix *jiri.X, local project.Project, ref, branch, remote string) (bool, error) {
scm := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(local.Path))
if !c.detachedHead {
if branch == "" {
cl, ps, err := gerrit.ParseRefString(ref)
if err != nil {
return false, err
branch = fmt.Sprintf("change/%v/%v", cl, ps)
jirix.Logger.Infof("Patching project %s(%s) on branch %q to ref %q\n", local.Name, local.Path, branch, ref)
branchExists, err := scm.BranchExists(branch)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if branchExists {
if c.delete {
_, currentBranch, err := scm.GetBranches()
if err != nil {
return false, err
if currentBranch == branch {
if err := scm.CheckoutBranch("remotes/origin/"+remote, gitutil.RecurseSubmodulesOpt(local.GitSubmodules && jirix.EnableSubmodules), gitutil.DetachOpt(true)); err != nil {
return false, err
if err := scm.DeleteBranch(branch, gitutil.ForceOpt(c.force)); err != nil {
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Cannot delete branch %q: %s", branch, err)
return false, nil
} else {
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Branch %q already exists in project %q", branch, local.Name)
return false, nil
} else {
jirix.Logger.Infof("Patching project %s(%s) to ref %q\n", local.Name, local.Path, ref)
if err := scm.FetchRefspec("origin", ref, gitutil.RecurseSubmodulesOpt(jirix.EnableSubmodules)); err != nil {
return false, err
branchBase := "FETCH_HEAD"
lastRef := ""
if c.cherryPick {
if state, err := project.GetProjectState(jirix, local, false); err != nil {
return false, err
} else {
lastRef = state.CurrentBranch.Name
if lastRef == "" {
lastRef = state.CurrentBranch.Revision
branchBase = "HEAD"
if !c.detachedHead {
if err := scm.CreateBranchFromRef(branch, branchBase); err != nil {
return false, err
// Fetch the remote branch before trying to set it as upstream, in case
// it hasn't yet been fetched.
if err := scm.FetchRefspec("origin", remote); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch 'origin/%s': %s", remote, err)
if err := scm.SetUpstream(branch, "origin/"+remote); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("setting upstream to 'origin/%s': %s", remote, err)
branchBase = branch
// Perform rebases prior to checking out the new branch to avoid unnecessary
// file writes.
if c.rebase {
if c.rebaseRevision != "" {
if err := c.rebaseProjectWRevision(jirix, local, branchBase, c.rebaseRevision); err != nil {
return false, err
} else {
if err := c.rebaseProject(jirix, local, branchBase, remote); err != nil {
return false, err
// The cherry pick stanza below relies on the ref being present at
// FETCH_HEAD. This will not be true after a rebase, as the rebase
// functions perform fetches of their own.
if c.cherryPick {
if err := scm.FetchRefspec("origin", ref, gitutil.RecurseSubmodulesOpt(jirix.EnableSubmodules)); err != nil {
return false, err
if err := scm.CheckoutBranch(branchBase, gitutil.RecurseSubmodulesOpt(local.GitSubmodules && jirix.EnableSubmodules)); err != nil {
return false, err
if c.cherryPick {
if err := scm.CherryPick("FETCH_HEAD"); err != nil {
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Error: %s\n", err)
jirix.Logger.Infof("Aborting and checking out last ref: %s\n", lastRef)
// abort cherry-pick
if err := scm.CherryPickAbort(); err != nil {
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Cherry-pick abort failed. Error:%s\nPlease do it manually:'%s'\n\n", err,
jirix.Color.Yellow("git -C %q cherry-pick --abort && git -C %q checkout %s", local.Path, local.Path, lastRef))
return false, nil
// checkout last ref
if err := scm.CheckoutBranch(lastRef, gitutil.RecurseSubmodulesOpt(local.GitSubmodules && jirix.EnableSubmodules)); err != nil {
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Not able to checkout last ref. Error:%s\nPlease do it manually:'%s'\n\n", err,
jirix.Color.Yellow("git -C %q checkout %s", local.Path, lastRef))
return false, nil
scm.DeleteBranch(branch, gitutil.ForceOpt(true))
return false, nil
jirix.Logger.Infof("Project patched\n")
return true, nil
// rebaseProject rebases one branch of a project on top of a remote branch.
func (c *patchCmd) rebaseProject(jirix *jiri.X, project project.Project, branch, remoteBranch string) error {
jirix.Logger.Infof("Rebasing branch %s in project %s(%s)\n", branch, project.Name, project.Path)
scm := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(project.Path))
name, email, err := scm.UserInfoForCommit("HEAD")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Rebase: cannot get user info for HEAD: %s", err)
// TODO: provide a way to set username and email
scm = gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.UserNameOpt(name), gitutil.UserEmailOpt(email), gitutil.RootDirOpt(project.Path))
if err := scm.FetchRefspec("origin", remoteBranch, gitutil.RecurseSubmodulesOpt(jirix.EnableSubmodules)); err != nil {
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Not able to fetch branch %q: %s", remoteBranch, err)
return nil
if err := scm.RebaseBranch(branch, "remotes/origin/"+remoteBranch, gitutil.RebaseMerges(true)); err != nil {
if err2 := scm.RebaseAbort(); err2 != nil {
return err2
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Cannot rebase the change: %s", err)
atomic.AddUint32(&c.rebaseFailures, 1)
return nil
jirix.Logger.Infof("Project rebased\n")
return nil
// rebaseProjectWRevision rebases one branch of a project on top of a revision.
func (c *patchCmd) rebaseProjectWRevision(jirix *jiri.X, project project.Project, branch, revision string) error {
jirix.Logger.Infof("Rebasing branch %s in project %s(%s)\n", branch, project.Name, project.Path)
scm := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(project.Path))
name, email, err := scm.UserInfoForCommit("HEAD")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Rebase: cannot get user info for HEAD: %s", err)
scm = gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.UserNameOpt(name), gitutil.UserEmailOpt(email), gitutil.RootDirOpt(project.Path))
if err := scm.Fetch("origin", gitutil.RecurseSubmodulesOpt(jirix.EnableSubmodules), gitutil.PruneOpt(true)); err != nil {
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Not able to fetch origin: %v", err)
return nil
if err := scm.FetchRefspec("origin", revision, gitutil.RecurseSubmodulesOpt(jirix.EnableSubmodules)); err != nil {
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Not able to fetch revision %q: %s", revision, err)
return nil
if err := scm.RebaseBranch(branch, revision, gitutil.RebaseMerges(true)); err != nil {
if err2 := scm.RebaseAbort(); err2 != nil {
return err2
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Cannot rebase the change: %s", err)
atomic.AddUint32(&c.rebaseFailures, 1)
return nil
jirix.Logger.Infof("Project rebased\n")
return nil
func (c *patchCmd) findProject(jirix *jiri.X, projectName string, projects project.Projects, host string, hostUrl *url.URL, ref string) *project.Project {
var projectToPatch *project.Project
var projectToPatchNoGerritHost *project.Project
for _, p := range projects {
if p.Name == projectName {
if host != "" && p.GerritHost != host {
if p.GerritHost == "" {
cp := p
projectToPatchNoGerritHost = &cp
//skip for now
} else {
u, err := url.Parse(p.GerritHost)
if err != nil {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("invalid Gerrit host %q for project %s: %s", p.GerritHost, p.Name, err)
if u.Host != hostUrl.Host {
jirix.Logger.Debugf("skipping project %s(%s) for CL %s\n\n", p.Name, p.Path, ref)
projectToPatch = &p
if projectToPatch == nil && projectToPatchNoGerritHost != nil {
// Try to patch the project with no gerrit host
projectToPatch = projectToPatchNoGerritHost
return projectToPatch