[readme] Fixing build description in README.md

Currently, gitiles used in googlesource.com does not include
<meta name="go-import" /> tag which is essential for 'go get'
command. This patch modified the build description to avoid
using 'go get' command since it is broken on all projects
hosted on googlesource.com

Change-Id: Ia0c0783b9dd4837123a1e070c7edc16e5d249458
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f535c8f..6aabdbf 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@
 We have [prebuilts](#Bootstrapping) for linux and darwin `x86_64` systems. In
 order to fetch latest jiri source code and build jiri manually, latest version
 of [Go](https://golang.org) should be installed. After setting up environment
-variable GOPATH, you can build jiri from its latest source code using command:
+variable GOPATH, you can fetch the latest jiri source code by using the
-go get fuchsia.googlesource.com/jiri/cmd/jiri
+git clone https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/jiri $GOPATH/src/fuchsia.googlesource.com/jiri
 The source of jiri will be cloned into
-directory. If you make any modification to your local source and would like to
-rebuild jiri, you can use following command:
+directory. To build or rebuild jiri, simply type the following command:
 go install fuchsia.googlesource.com/jiri/cmd/jiri