blob: 9b646703c8f3fef8e9bec92167312495bc66071c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
var (
gcFlag bool
localManifestFlag bool
attemptsFlag uint
autoupdateFlag bool
forceAutoupdateFlag bool
rebaseUntrackedFlag bool
hookTimeoutFlag uint
fetchPkgsTimeoutFlag uint
rebaseAllFlag bool
rebaseCurrentFlag bool
rebaseTrackedFlag bool
runHooksFlag bool
fetchPkgsFlag bool
overrideOptionalFlag bool
packagesToSkipFlag arrayFlag
const (
MIN_EXECUTION_TIMING_THRESHOLD time.Duration = time.Duration(30) * time.Minute // 30 min
MAX_EXECUTION_TIMING_THRESHOLD time.Duration = time.Duration(2) * time.Hour * 24 * 14 // 2 weeks
func init() {
cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&gcFlag, "gc", false, "Garbage collect obsolete repositories.")
cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&localManifestFlag, "local-manifest", false, "Use local manifest")
cmdUpdate.Flags.UintVar(&attemptsFlag, "attempts", 3, "Number of attempts before failing.")
cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&autoupdateFlag, "autoupdate", true, "Automatically update to the new version.")
cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&forceAutoupdateFlag, "force-autoupdate", false, "Always update to the current version.")
cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&rebaseUntrackedFlag, "rebase-untracked", false, "Rebase untracked branches onto HEAD.")
cmdUpdate.Flags.UintVar(&hookTimeoutFlag, "hook-timeout", project.DefaultHookTimeout, "Timeout in minutes for running the hooks operation.")
cmdUpdate.Flags.UintVar(&fetchPkgsTimeoutFlag, "fetch-packages-timeout", project.DefaultPackageTimeout, "Timeout in minutes for fetching prebuilt packages using cipd.")
cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&rebaseAllFlag, "rebase-all", false, "Rebase all tracked branches. Also rebase all untracked branches if -rebase-untracked is passed")
cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&rebaseCurrentFlag, "rebase-current", false, "Deprecated. Implies -rebase-tracked. Would be removed in future.")
cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&rebaseTrackedFlag, "rebase-tracked", false, "Rebase current tracked branches instead of fast-forwarding them.")
cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&runHooksFlag, "run-hooks", true, "Run hooks after updating sources.")
cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&fetchPkgsFlag, "fetch-packages", true, "Use cipd to fetch packages.")
cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&overrideOptionalFlag, "override-optional", false, "Override existing optional attributes in the snapshot file with current jiri settings")
cmdUpdate.Flags.Var(&packagesToSkipFlag, "package-to-skip", "Skip fetching this package. Repeatable.")
// cmdUpdate represents the "jiri update" command.
var cmdUpdate = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runUpdate),
Name: "update",
Short: "Update all jiri projects",
Long: `
Updates all projects. The sequence in which the individual updates happen
guarantees that we end up with a consistent workspace. The set of projects
to update is described in the manifest.
Run "jiri help manifest" for details on manifests.
ArgsName: "<file or url>",
ArgsLong: "<file or url> points to snapshot to checkout.",
func runUpdate(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) error {
if len(args) > 1 {
return jirix.UsageErrorf("unexpected number of arguments")
if attemptsFlag < 1 {
return jirix.UsageErrorf("Number of attempts should be >= 1")
jirix.Attempts = attemptsFlag
if autoupdateFlag {
// Try to update Jiri itself.
if err := retry.Function(jirix, func() error {
return jiri.UpdateAndExecute(forceAutoupdateFlag)
}, fmt.Sprintf("download jiri binary"), retry.AttemptsOpt(jirix.Attempts)); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("warning: automatic update failed: %v\n", err)
if rebaseCurrentFlag {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("Flag -rebase-current has been deprecated, please use -rebase-tracked.\n\n")
rebaseTrackedFlag = true
if len(args) > 0 {
jirix.OverrideOptional = overrideOptionalFlag
if err := project.CheckoutSnapshot(jirix, args[0], gcFlag, runHooksFlag, fetchPkgsFlag, hookTimeoutFlag, fetchPkgsTimeoutFlag, packagesToSkipFlag); err != nil {
return err
} else {
lastSnapshot := jirix.UpdateHistoryLatestLink()
duration := time.Duration(0)
if info, err := os.Stat(lastSnapshot); err == nil {
duration = time.Since(info.ModTime())
duration = time.Duration(0)
err := project.UpdateUniverse(jirix, gcFlag, localManifestFlag,
rebaseTrackedFlag, rebaseUntrackedFlag, rebaseAllFlag, runHooksFlag, fetchPkgsFlag, hookTimeoutFlag, fetchPkgsTimeoutFlag, packagesToSkipFlag)
if err2 := project.WriteUpdateHistorySnapshot(jirix, nil, nil, localManifestFlag); err2 != nil {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("while updating: %s, while writing history: %s", err, err2)
return fmt.Errorf("while writing history: %s", err2)
if err != nil {
return err
// Only track on successful update
if duration.Nanoseconds() > 0 {
jirix.AnalyticsSession.AddCommandExecutionTiming("update", duration)
if jirix.Failures() != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Project update completed with non-fatal errors")
if err := project.WriteUpdateHistoryLog(jirix); err != nil {
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Failed to save jiri logs: %v", err)
return nil