blob: 99d91199b3a841361df6d3121b19ec80dc1427e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package project
import (
var (
JiriProject = "release.go.jiri"
JiriName = "jiri"
JiriPackage = ""
ssoRe = regexp.MustCompile("^sso://(.*?)/")
var (
// time in minutes
DefaultHookTimeout = uint(5)
// CL represents a changelist.
type CL struct {
// Author identifies the author of the changelist.
Author string
// Email identifies the author's email.
Email string
// Description holds the description of the changelist.
Description string
// Manifest represents a setting used for updating the universe.
type Manifest struct {
Imports []Import `xml:"imports>import"`
LocalImports []LocalImport `xml:"imports>localimport"`
Projects []Project `xml:"projects>project"`
Hooks []Hook `xml:"hooks>hook"`
XMLName struct{} `xml:"manifest"`
// ManifestFromBytes returns a manifest parsed from data, with defaults filled
// in.
func ManifestFromBytes(data []byte) (*Manifest, error) {
m := new(Manifest)
if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, m); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := m.fillDefaults(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return m, nil
func isFile(file string) (bool, error) {
fileInfo, err := os.Stat(file)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil
return false, fmtError(err)
return !fileInfo.IsDir(), nil
func fmtError(err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
return fmt.Errorf("%s:%d: %s", filepath.Base(file), line, err)
// ManifestFromFile returns a manifest parsed from the contents of filename,
// with defaults filled in.
// Note that unlike ProjectFromFile, ManifestFromFile does not convert project
// paths to absolute paths because it's possible to load a manifest with a
// specific root directory different from jirix.Root. The usual way to load a
// manifest is through LoadManifest, which does absolutize the paths, and uses
// the correct root directory.
func ManifestFromFile(jirix *jiri.X, filename string) (*Manifest, error) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmtError(err)
m, err := ManifestFromBytes(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid manifest %s: %v", filename, err)
return m, nil
var (
newlineBytes = []byte("\n")
emptyImportsBytes = []byte("\n <imports></imports>\n")
emptyProjectsBytes = []byte("\n <projects></projects>\n")
emptyHooksBytes = []byte("\n <hooks></hooks>\n")
endElemBytes = []byte("/>\n")
endImportBytes = []byte("></import>\n")
endLocalImportBytes = []byte("></localimport>\n")
endProjectBytes = []byte("></project>\n")
endHookBytes = []byte("></hook>\n")
endImportSoloBytes = []byte("></import>")
endProjectSoloBytes = []byte("></project>")
endElemSoloBytes = []byte("/>")
// deepCopy returns a deep copy of Manifest.
func (m *Manifest) deepCopy() *Manifest {
x := new(Manifest)
x.Imports = append([]Import(nil), m.Imports...)
x.LocalImports = append([]LocalImport(nil), m.LocalImports...)
x.Projects = append([]Project(nil), m.Projects...)
x.Hooks = append([]Hook(nil), m.Hooks...)
return x
// ToBytes returns m as serialized bytes, with defaults unfilled.
func (m *Manifest) ToBytes() ([]byte, error) {
m = m.deepCopy() // avoid changing manifest when unfilling defaults.
if err := m.unfillDefaults(); err != nil {
return nil, err
data, err := xml.MarshalIndent(m, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("manifest xml.Marshal failed: %v", err)
// It's hard (impossible?) to get xml.Marshal to elide some of the empty
// elements, or produce short empty elements, so we post-process the data.
data = bytes.Replace(data, emptyImportsBytes, newlineBytes, -1)
data = bytes.Replace(data, emptyProjectsBytes, newlineBytes, -1)
data = bytes.Replace(data, emptyHooksBytes, newlineBytes, -1)
data = bytes.Replace(data, endImportBytes, endElemBytes, -1)
data = bytes.Replace(data, endLocalImportBytes, endElemBytes, -1)
data = bytes.Replace(data, endProjectBytes, endElemBytes, -1)
data = bytes.Replace(data, endHookBytes, endElemBytes, -1)
if !bytes.HasSuffix(data, newlineBytes) {
data = append(data, '\n')
return data, nil
func safeWriteFile(jirix *jiri.X, filename string, data []byte) error {
tmp := filename + ".tmp"
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filename), 0755); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(tmp, data, 0644); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
return fmtError(osutil.Rename(tmp, filename))
type LocalConfig struct {
Ignore bool `xml:"ignore"`
NoUpdate bool `xml:"no-update"`
NoRebase bool `xml:"no-rebase"`
XMLName struct{} `xml:"config"`
// Reads localConfig from given reader. Returns incorrect bytes
func (lc *LocalConfig) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (int64, error) {
return 1, xml.NewDecoder(r).Decode(lc)
func LocalConfigFromFile(jirix *jiri.X, filename string) (LocalConfig, error) {
var lc LocalConfig
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return lc, nil
} else if err != nil {
return lc, fmtError(err)
_, err = lc.ReadFrom(f)
return lc, err
// Writes the localConfig to given writer. Returns incorrect bytes
func (lc *LocalConfig) WriteTo(writer io.Writer) (int64, error) {
encoder := xml.NewEncoder(writer)
encoder.Indent("", " ")
return 1, encoder.Encode(lc)
func (lc *LocalConfig) ToFile(jirix *jiri.X, filename string) error {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filename), 0755); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
writer, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
defer writer.Close()
_, err = lc.WriteTo(writer)
return err
func WriteLocalConfig(jirix *jiri.X, project Project, lc LocalConfig) error {
configFile := filepath.Join(project.Path, jiri.ProjectMetaDir, jiri.ProjectConfigFile)
return lc.ToFile(jirix, configFile)
// Hook represents a hook to run
type Hook struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Action string `xml:"action,attr"`
ProjectName string `xml:"project,attr"`
XMLName struct{} `xml:"hook"`
ActionPath string `xml:"-"`
// HookKey is a unique string for a project.
type HookKey string
type Hooks map[HookKey]Hook
// Key returns the unique HookKey for the hook.
func (h Hook) Key() HookKey {
return MakeHookKey(h.Name, h.ProjectName)
// MakeHookKey returns the hook key, given the hook and project name.
func MakeHookKey(name, projectName string) HookKey {
return HookKey(name + KeySeparator + projectName)
func (h *Hook) validate() error {
if strings.Contains(h.Name, KeySeparator) {
return fmt.Errorf("bad hook: name cannot contain %q: %+v", KeySeparator, *h)
if strings.Contains(h.ProjectName, KeySeparator) {
return fmt.Errorf("bad hook: project cannot contain %q: %+v", KeySeparator, *h)
return nil
// ProjectsByPath implements the Sort interface. It sorts Projects by
// the Path field.
type ProjectsByPath []Project
func (projects ProjectsByPath) Len() int {
return len(projects)
func (projects ProjectsByPath) Swap(i, j int) {
projects[i], projects[j] = projects[j], projects[i]
func (projects ProjectsByPath) Less(i, j int) bool {
return projects[i].Path+string(filepath.Separator) < projects[j].Path+string(filepath.Separator)
// HooksByName implements the Sort interface. It sorts Hooks by the Name
// and ProjectName field.
type HooksByName []Hook
func (hooks HooksByName) Len() int {
return len(hooks)
func (hooks HooksByName) Swap(i, j int) {
hooks[i], hooks[j] = hooks[j], hooks[i]
func (hooks HooksByName) Less(i, j int) bool {
if hooks[i].Name == hooks[j].Name {
return hooks[i].ProjectName < hooks[j].ProjectName
return hooks[i].Name < hooks[j].Name
// ToFile writes the manifest m to a file with the given filename, with
// defaults unfilled and all project paths relative to the jiri root.
func (m *Manifest) ToFile(jirix *jiri.X, filename string) error {
// Replace absolute paths with relative paths to make it possible to move
// the root directory locally.
projects := []Project{}
for _, project := range m.Projects {
if err := project.relativizePaths(jirix.Root); err != nil {
return err
projects = append(projects, project)
// Sort the projects and hooks to ensure that the output of "jiri
// snapshot" is deterministic. Sorting the hooks by name allows
// some control over the ordering of the hooks in case that is
// necessary.
m.Projects = projects
data, err := m.ToBytes()
if err != nil {
return err
return safeWriteFile(jirix, filename, data)
func (m *Manifest) fillDefaults() error {
for index := range m.Imports {
if err := m.Imports[index].fillDefaults(); err != nil {
return err
for index := range m.LocalImports {
if err := m.LocalImports[index].validate(); err != nil {
return err
for index := range m.Projects {
if err := m.Projects[index].fillDefaults(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Manifest) unfillDefaults() error {
for index := range m.Imports {
if err := m.Imports[index].unfillDefaults(); err != nil {
return err
for index := range m.LocalImports {
if err := m.LocalImports[index].validate(); err != nil {
return err
for index := range m.Projects {
if err := m.Projects[index].unfillDefaults(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type MultiError []error
func (m MultiError) Error() string {
s := []string{}
n := 0
for _, e := range m {
if e != nil {
s = append(s, e.Error())
switch n {
case 0:
return "(0 errors)"
case 1:
return s[0]
case 2:
return s[0] + " (and 1 other error not shown here)"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (and %d other errors not shown here)", s[0], n-1)
// Import represents a remote manifest import.
type Import struct {
// Manifest file to use from the remote manifest project.
Manifest string `xml:"manifest,attr,omitempty"`
// Name is the name of the remote manifest project, used to determine the
// project key.
Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
// Remote is the remote manifest project to import.
Remote string `xml:"remote,attr,omitempty"`
// Revision is the revison to checkout,
// this takes precedence over RemoteBranch
Revision string `xml:"revision,attr,omitempty"`
// RemoteBranch is the name of the remote branch to track.
RemoteBranch string `xml:"remotebranch,attr,omitempty"`
// Root path, prepended to all project paths specified in the manifest file.
Root string `xml:"root,attr,omitempty"`
XMLName struct{} `xml:"import"`
func (i *Import) fillDefaults() error {
if i.RemoteBranch == "" {
i.RemoteBranch = "master"
if i.Revision == "" {
i.Revision = "HEAD"
return i.validate()
func (i *Import) unfillDefaults() error {
if i.RemoteBranch == "master" {
i.RemoteBranch = ""
if i.Revision == "HEAD" {
i.Revision = ""
return i.validate()
func (i *Import) validate() error {
if i.Manifest == "" || i.Remote == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("bad import: both manifest and remote must be specified")
return nil
func (i *Import) toProject(path string) (Project, error) {
p := Project{
Name: i.Name,
Path: path,
Remote: i.Remote,
Revision: i.Revision,
RemoteBranch: i.RemoteBranch,
err := p.fillDefaults()
return p, err
// ProjectKey returns the unique ProjectKey for the imported project.
func (i *Import) ProjectKey() ProjectKey {
return MakeProjectKey(i.Name, i.Remote)
// projectKeyFileName returns a file name based on the ProjectKey.
func (i *Import) projectKeyFileName() string {
// TODO(toddw): Disallow weird characters from project names.
hash := fnv.New64a()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%x", i.Name, hash.Sum64())
// cycleKey returns a key based on the remote and manifest, used for
// cycle-detection. It's only valid for new-style remote imports; it's empty
// for the old-style local imports.
func (i *Import) cycleKey() string {
if i.Remote == "" {
return ""
// We don't join the remote and manifest with a slash or any other url-safe
// character, since that might not be unique. E.g.
// remote: remote:
// manifest: c manifest: b/c
// In both cases, the key would be
return i.Remote + " + " + i.Manifest
// LocalImport represents a local manifest import.
type LocalImport struct {
// Manifest file to import from.
File string `xml:"file,attr,omitempty"`
XMLName struct{} `xml:"localimport"`
func (i *LocalImport) validate() error {
if i.File == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("bad localimport: must specify file: %+v", *i)
return nil
// ProjectKey is a unique string for a project.
type ProjectKey string
// MakeProjectKey returns the project key, given the project name and remote.
func MakeProjectKey(name, remote string) ProjectKey {
return ProjectKey(name + KeySeparator + remote)
// KeySeparator is a reserved string used in ProjectKeys and HookKeys.
// It cannot occur in Project or Hook names.
const KeySeparator = "="
// ProjectKeys is a slice of ProjectKeys implementing the Sort interface.
type ProjectKeys []ProjectKey
func (pks ProjectKeys) Len() int { return len(pks) }
func (pks ProjectKeys) Less(i, j int) bool { return string(pks[i]) < string(pks[j]) }
func (pks ProjectKeys) Swap(i, j int) { pks[i], pks[j] = pks[j], pks[i] }
// Project represents a jiri project.
type Project struct {
// Name is the project name.
Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
// Path is the path used to store the project locally. Project
// manifest uses paths that are relative to the root directory.
// When a manifest is parsed (e.g. in RemoteProjects), the program
// logic converts the relative paths to an absolute paths, using
// the current root as a prefix.
Path string `xml:"path,attr,omitempty"`
// Remote is the project remote.
Remote string `xml:"remote,attr,omitempty"`
// RemoteBranch is the name of the remote branch to track.
RemoteBranch string `xml:"remotebranch,attr,omitempty"`
// Revision is the revision the project should be advanced to during "jiri
// update". If Revision is set, RemoteBranch will be ignored. If Revision
// is not set, "HEAD" is used as the default.
Revision string `xml:"revision,attr,omitempty"`
// HistoryDepth is the depth flag passed to git clone and git fetch
// commands. It is used to limit downloading large histories for large
// projects.
HistoryDepth int `xml:"historydepth,attr,omitempty"`
// GerritHost is the gerrit host where project CLs will be sent.
GerritHost string `xml:"gerrithost,attr,omitempty"`
// GitHooks is a directory containing git hooks that will be installed for
// this project.
GitHooks string `xml:"githooks,attr,omitempty"`
XMLName struct{} `xml:"project"`
// This is used to store computed key. This is useful when remote and
// local projects are same but have different name or remote
ComputedKey ProjectKey `xml:"-"`
// This stores the local configuration file for the project
LocalConfig LocalConfig `xml:"-"`
// ProjectFromFile returns a project parsed from the contents of filename,
// with defaults filled in and all paths absolute.
func ProjectFromFile(jirix *jiri.X, filename string) (*Project, error) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmtError(err)
p := new(Project)
if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, p); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := p.fillDefaults(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, nil
// ToFile writes the project p to a file with the given filename, with defaults
// unfilled and all paths relative to the jiri root.
func (p Project) ToFile(jirix *jiri.X, filename string) error {
if err := p.unfillDefaults(); err != nil {
return err
// Replace absolute paths with relative paths to make it possible to move
// the root directory locally.
if err := p.relativizePaths(jirix.Root); err != nil {
return err
data, err := xml.Marshal(p)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("project xml.Marshal failed: %v", err)
// Same logic as Manifest.ToBytes, to make the output more compact.
data = bytes.Replace(data, endProjectSoloBytes, endElemSoloBytes, -1)
if !bytes.HasSuffix(data, newlineBytes) {
data = append(data, '\n')
return safeWriteFile(jirix, filename, data)
// absolutizePaths makes all relative paths absolute by prepending basepath.
func (p *Project) absolutizePaths(basepath string) {
if p.Path != "" && !filepath.IsAbs(p.Path) {
p.Path = filepath.Join(basepath, p.Path)
if p.GitHooks != "" && !filepath.IsAbs(p.GitHooks) {
p.GitHooks = filepath.Join(basepath, p.GitHooks)
// relativizePaths makes all absolute paths relative to basepath.
func (p *Project) relativizePaths(basepath string) error {
if filepath.IsAbs(p.Path) {
relPath, err := filepath.Rel(basepath, p.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
p.Path = relPath
if filepath.IsAbs(p.GitHooks) {
relGitHooks, err := filepath.Rel(basepath, p.GitHooks)
if err != nil {
return err
p.GitHooks = relGitHooks
return nil
// Key returns the unique ProjectKey for the project.
func (p Project) Key() ProjectKey {
if p.ComputedKey == "" {
p.ComputedKey = MakeProjectKey(p.Name, p.Remote)
return p.ComputedKey
func (p *Project) fillDefaults() error {
if p.RemoteBranch == "" {
p.RemoteBranch = "master"
if p.Revision == "" {
p.Revision = "HEAD"
return p.validate()
func (p *Project) unfillDefaults() error {
if p.RemoteBranch == "master" {
p.RemoteBranch = ""
if p.Revision == "HEAD" {
p.Revision = ""
return p.validate()
func (p *Project) validate() error {
if strings.Contains(p.Name, KeySeparator) {
return fmt.Errorf("bad project: name cannot contain %q: %+v", KeySeparator, *p)
return nil
func cacheDirPathFromRemote(cacheRoot, remote string) (string, error) {
if cacheRoot != "" {
url, err := url.Parse(remote)
if err != nil {
return "", err
dirname := url.Host + strings.Replace(strings.Replace(url.Path, "-", "--", -1), "/", "-", -1)
referenceDir := filepath.Join(cacheRoot, dirname)
return referenceDir, nil
return "", nil
// CacheDirPath returns a generated path to a directory that can be used as a reference repo
// for the given project.
func (p *Project) CacheDirPath(jirix *jiri.X) (string, error) {
return cacheDirPathFromRemote(jirix.Cache, p.Remote)
func (p *Project) writeJiriRevisionFiles(jirix *jiri.X) error {
g := git.NewGit(p.Path)
file := filepath.Join(p.Path, ".git", "JIRI_HEAD")
head := "refs/remotes/origin/master"
var err error
if p.Revision != "" && p.Revision != "HEAD" {
head = p.Revision
} else if p.RemoteBranch != "" {
head = "refs/remotes/origin/" + p.RemoteBranch
head, err = g.CurrentRevisionForRef(head)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot find revision for ref %q for project %s(%s): %s", head, p.Name, p.Path, err)
if err := safeWriteFile(jirix, file, []byte(head)); err != nil {
return err
file = filepath.Join(p.Path, ".git", "JIRI_LAST_BASE")
if rev, err := g.CurrentRevision(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot find current revision for for project %s(%s): %s", p.Name, p.Path, err)
} else {
return safeWriteFile(jirix, file, []byte(rev))
func (p *Project) IsOnJiriHead() (bool, error) {
g := git.NewGit(p.Path)
jiriHead := "refs/remotes/origin/master"
var err error
if p.Revision != "" && p.Revision != "HEAD" {
jiriHead = p.Revision
} else if p.RemoteBranch != "" {
jiriHead = "refs/remotes/origin/" + p.RemoteBranch
jiriHead, err = g.CurrentRevisionForRef(jiriHead)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Cannot find revision for ref %q for project %s(%s): %s", jiriHead, p.Name, p.Path, err)
head, err := g.CurrentRevision()
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Cannot find current revision for project %s(%s): %s", p.Name, p.Path, err)
return head == jiriHead, nil
func isPathDir(dir string) bool {
if dir != "" {
if fi, err := os.Stat(dir); err == nil {
return fi.IsDir()
return false
// Projects maps ProjectKeys to Projects.
type Projects map[ProjectKey]Project
// toSlice returns a slice of Projects in the Projects map.
func (ps Projects) toSlice() []Project {
var pSlice []Project
for _, p := range ps {
pSlice = append(pSlice, p)
return pSlice
// Find returns all projects in Projects with the given key or name.
func (ps Projects) Find(keyOrName string) Projects {
projects := Projects{}
if p, ok := ps[ProjectKey(keyOrName)]; ok {
projects[ProjectKey(keyOrName)] = p
} else {
for key, p := range ps {
if keyOrName == p.Name {
projects[key] = p
return projects
// FindUnique returns the project in Projects with the given key or name, and
// returns an error if none or multiple matching projects are found.
func (ps Projects) FindUnique(keyOrName string) (Project, error) {
var p Project
projects := ps.Find(keyOrName)
if len(projects) == 0 {
return p, fmt.Errorf("no projects found with key or name %q", keyOrName)
if len(projects) > 1 {
return p, fmt.Errorf("multiple projects found with name %q", keyOrName)
// Return the only project in projects.
for _, project := range projects {
p = project
return p, nil
// ScanMode determines whether LocalProjects should scan the local filesystem
// for projects (FullScan), or optimistically assume that the local projects
// will match those in the manifest (FastScan).
type ScanMode bool
const (
FastScan = ScanMode(false)
FullScan = ScanMode(true)
func (sm ScanMode) String() string {
if sm == FastScan {
return "FastScan"
} else {
return "FullScan"
// Update represents an update of projects as a map from
// project names to a collections of commits.
type Update map[string][]CL
// clone is a wrapper that reattempts a git clone operation on failure.
func clone(jirix *jiri.X, repo, path string, opts ...gitutil.CloneOpt) error {
return retry.Function(jirix, func() error {
return gitutil.New(jirix).Clone(repo, path, opts...)
}, fmt.Sprintf("Cloning %s", repo), retry.AttemptsOpt(jirix.Attempts))
// fetch is a wrapper that reattempts a git fetch operation on failure.
func fetch(jirix *jiri.X, path, remote string, opts ...gitutil.FetchOpt) error {
return retry.Function(jirix, func() error {
return gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(path)).Fetch(remote, opts...)
}, fmt.Sprintf("Fetching for %s", path), retry.AttemptsOpt(jirix.Attempts))
// CreateSnapshot creates a manifest that encodes the current state of
// HEAD of all projects and writes this snapshot out to the given file.
func CreateSnapshot(jirix *jiri.X, file string, localManifest bool) error {
jirix.TimerPush("create snapshot")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
manifest := Manifest{}
// Add all local projects to manifest.
localProjects, err := LocalProjects(jirix, FullScan)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, project := range localProjects {
manifest.Projects = append(manifest.Projects, project)
_, hooks, err := LoadManifestFile(jirix, jirix.JiriManifestFile(), localProjects, localManifest)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, hook := range hooks {
manifest.Hooks = append(manifest.Hooks, hook)
return manifest.ToFile(jirix, file)
// CheckoutSnapshot updates project state to the state specified in the given
// snapshot file. Note that the snapshot file must not contain remote imports.
func CheckoutSnapshot(jirix *jiri.X, snapshot string, gc, runHooks bool, runHookTimeout uint) error {
// Find all local projects.
scanMode := FastScan
if gc {
scanMode = FullScan
localProjects, err := LocalProjects(jirix, scanMode)
if err != nil {
return err
remoteProjects, hooks, err := LoadSnapshotFile(jirix, snapshot)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := updateProjects(jirix, localProjects, remoteProjects, hooks, gc, runHookTimeout, false /*rebaseTracked*/, false /*rebaseUntracked*/, false /*rebaseAll*/, true /*snapshot*/, runHooks); err != nil {
return err
return WriteUpdateHistorySnapshot(jirix, snapshot, false)
// LoadSnapshotFile loads the specified snapshot manifest. If the snapshot
// manifest contains a remote import, an error will be returned.
func LoadSnapshotFile(jirix *jiri.X, snapshot string) (Projects, Hooks, error) {
if _, err := os.Stat(snapshot); err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, nil, fmtError(err)
u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(snapshot)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%q is neither a URL nor a valid file path", snapshot)
jirix.Logger.Infof("Getting snapshot from URL %q", u)
resp, err := http.Get(u.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting snapshot from URL %q: %v", u, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
tmpFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "snapshot")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating tmp file: %v", err)
snapshot = tmpFile.Name()
defer os.Remove(snapshot)
if _, err = io.Copy(tmpFile, resp.Body); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Error writing to tmp file: %v", err)
return LoadManifestFile(jirix, snapshot, nil, false)
// CurrentProject gets the current project from the current directory by
// reading the jiri project metadata located in a directory at the root of the
// current repository.
func CurrentProject(jirix *jiri.X) (*Project, error) {
topLevel, err := gitutil.New(jirix).TopLevel()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
metadataDir := filepath.Join(topLevel, jiri.ProjectMetaDir)
if _, err := os.Stat(metadataDir); err == nil {
project, err := ProjectFromFile(jirix, filepath.Join(metadataDir, jiri.ProjectMetaFile))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return project, nil
return nil, nil
// setProjectRevisions sets the current project revision for
// each project as found on the filesystem
func setProjectRevisions(jirix *jiri.X, projects Projects) (Projects, error) {
jirix.TimerPush("set revisions")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
for name, project := range projects {
g := git.NewGit(project.Path)
revision, err := g.CurrentRevision()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't get revision for project %q: %v", project.Name, err)
project.Revision = revision
projects[name] = project
return projects, nil
func rewriteRemote(jirix *jiri.X, remote string) string {
if !jirix.RewriteSsoToHttps {
return remote
if strings.HasPrefix(remote, "sso://") {
return ssoRe.ReplaceAllString(remote, "https://$")
return remote
// LocalProjects returns projects on the local filesystem. If all projects in
// the manifest exist locally and scanMode is set to FastScan, then only the
// projects in the manifest that exist locally will be returned. Otherwise, a
// full scan of the filesystem will take place, and all found projects will be
// returned.
func LocalProjects(jirix *jiri.X, scanMode ScanMode) (Projects, error) {
jirix.TimerPush("local projects")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
latestSnapshot := jirix.UpdateHistoryLatestLink()
latestSnapshotExists, err := isFile(latestSnapshot)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if scanMode == FastScan && latestSnapshotExists {
// Fast path: Full scan was not requested, and we have a snapshot containing
// the latest update. Check that the projects listed in the snapshot exist
// locally. If not, then fall back on the slow path.
// An error will be returned if the snapshot contains remote imports, since
// that would cause an infinite loop; we'd need local projects, in order to
// load the snapshot, in order to determine the local projects.
snapshotProjects, _, err := LoadSnapshotFile(jirix, latestSnapshot)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
projectsExist, err := projectsExistLocally(jirix, snapshotProjects)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if projectsExist {
for key, p := range snapshotProjects {
localConfigFile := filepath.Join(p.Path, jiri.ProjectMetaDir, jiri.ProjectConfigFile)
if p.LocalConfig, err = LocalConfigFromFile(jirix, localConfigFile); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error while reading config for project %s(%s): %s", p.Name, p.Path, err)
snapshotProjects[key] = p
return setProjectRevisions(jirix, snapshotProjects)
// Slow path: Either full scan was requested, or projects exist in manifest
// that were not found locally. Do a recursive scan of all projects under
// the root.
projects := Projects{}
jirix.TimerPush("scan fs")
multiErr := findLocalProjects(jirix, jirix.Root, projects)
if multiErr != nil {
return nil, multiErr
return setProjectRevisions(jirix, projects)
// projectsExistLocally returns true iff all the given projects exist on the
// local filesystem.
// Note that this may return true even if there are projects on the local
// filesystem not included in the provided projects argument.
func projectsExistLocally(jirix *jiri.X, projects Projects) (bool, error) {
jirix.TimerPush("match manifest")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
for _, p := range projects {
isLocal, err := IsLocalProject(jirix, p.Path)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !isLocal {
return false, nil
return true, nil
// LoadManifest loads the manifest, starting with the .jiri_manifest file,
// resolving remote and local imports. Returns the projects specified by
// the manifest.
// WARNING: LoadManifest cannot be run multiple times in parallel! It invokes
// git operations which require a lock on the filesystem. If you see errors
// about ".git/index.lock exists", you are likely calling LoadManifest in
// parallel.
func LoadManifest(jirix *jiri.X) (Projects, Hooks, error) {
jirix.TimerPush("load manifest")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
file := jirix.JiriManifestFile()
localProjects, err := LocalProjects(jirix, FastScan)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return LoadManifestFile(jirix, file, localProjects, false)
// LoadManifestFile loads the manifest starting with the given file, resolving
// remote and local imports. Local projects are used to resolve remote imports;
// if nil, encountering any remote import will result in an error.
// WARNING: LoadManifestFile cannot be run multiple times in parallel! It
// invokes git operations which require a lock on the filesystem. If you see
// errors about ".git/index.lock exists", you are likely calling
// LoadManifestFile in parallel.
func LoadManifestFile(jirix *jiri.X, file string, localProjects Projects, localManifest bool) (Projects, Hooks, error) {
ld := newManifestLoader(localProjects, false)
if err := ld.Load(jirix, "", "", file, "", "", localManifest); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return ld.Projects, ld.Hooks, nil
func LoadUpdatedManifest(jirix *jiri.X, localProjects Projects, localManifest bool) (Projects, Hooks, string, error) {
jirix.TimerPush("load updated manifest")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
ld := newManifestLoader(localProjects, true)
if err := ld.Load(jirix, "", "", jirix.JiriManifestFile(), "", "", localManifest); err != nil {
return nil, nil, ld.TmpDir, err
return ld.Projects, ld.Hooks, ld.TmpDir, nil
func MatchLocalWithRemote(localProjects, remoteProjects Projects) {
localKeysNotInRemote := make(map[ProjectKey]bool)
for key, _ := range localProjects {
if _, ok := remoteProjects[key]; !ok {
localKeysNotInRemote[key] = true
// no stray local projects
if len(localKeysNotInRemote) == 0 {
for remoteKey, remoteProject := range remoteProjects {
if _, ok := localProjects[remoteKey]; !ok {
for localKey, _ := range localKeysNotInRemote {
localProject := localProjects[localKey]
// Also do matching for name when we support remote rename
if localProject.Remote == remoteProject.Remote && localProject.Path == remoteProject.Path {
delete(localProjects, localKey)
delete(localKeysNotInRemote, localKey)
// Change local project key
localProject.ComputedKey = remoteKey
localProjects[remoteKey] = localProject
// no more stray local projects
if len(localKeysNotInRemote) == 0 {
// UpdateUniverse updates all local projects and tools to match the remote
// counterparts identified in the manifest. Optionally, the 'gc' flag can be
// used to indicate that local projects that no longer exist remotely should be
// removed.
func UpdateUniverse(jirix *jiri.X, gc bool, localManifest bool, rebaseTracked bool, rebaseUntracked bool, rebaseAll bool, runHooks bool, runHookTimeout uint) (e error) {
jirix.Logger.Infof("Updating all projects")
updateFn := func(scanMode ScanMode) error {
jirix.TimerPush(fmt.Sprintf("update universe: %s", scanMode))
defer jirix.TimerPop()
// Find all local projects.
localProjects, err := LocalProjects(jirix, scanMode)
if err != nil {
return err
// Determine the set of remote projects and match them up with the locals.
remoteProjects, hooks, tmpLoadDir, err := LoadUpdatedManifest(jirix, localProjects, localManifest)
MatchLocalWithRemote(localProjects, remoteProjects)
// Make sure we clean up the tmp dir used to load remote manifest projects.
if tmpLoadDir != "" {
defer collect.Error(func() error { return fmtError(os.RemoveAll(tmpLoadDir)) }, &e)
if err != nil {
return err
// Actually update the projects.
return updateProjects(jirix, localProjects, remoteProjects, hooks, gc, runHookTimeout, rebaseTracked, rebaseUntracked, rebaseAll, false /*snapshot*/, runHooks)
// Specifying gc should always force a full filesystem scan.
if gc {
return updateFn(FullScan)
// Attempt a fast update, which uses the latest snapshot to avoid doing
// a filesystem scan. Sometimes the latest snapshot can have problems, so if
// any errors come up, fallback to the slow path.
err := updateFn(FastScan)
if err != nil {
if err2 := updateFn(FullScan); err2 != nil {
if err.Error() == err2.Error() {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("%v, %v", err, err2)
return nil
// WriteUpdateHistorySnapshot creates a snapshot of the current state of all
// projects and writes it to the update history directory.
func WriteUpdateHistorySnapshot(jirix *jiri.X, snapshotPath string, localManifest bool) error {
snapshotFile := filepath.Join(jirix.UpdateHistoryDir(), time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))
if err := CreateSnapshot(jirix, snapshotFile, localManifest); err != nil {
return err
latestLink, secondLatestLink := jirix.UpdateHistoryLatestLink(), jirix.UpdateHistorySecondLatestLink()
// If the "latest" symlink exists, point the "second-latest" symlink to its value.
latestLinkExists, err := isFile(latestLink)
if err != nil {
return err
if latestLinkExists {
latestFile, err := os.Readlink(latestLink)
if err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
if err := os.RemoveAll(secondLatestLink); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
if err := os.Symlink(latestFile, secondLatestLink); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
// Point the "latest" update history symlink to the new snapshot file. Try
// to keep the symlink relative, to make it easy to move or copy the entire
// update_history directory.
if rel, err := filepath.Rel(filepath.Dir(latestLink), snapshotFile); err == nil {
snapshotFile = rel
if err := os.RemoveAll(latestLink); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
return fmtError(os.Symlink(snapshotFile, latestLink))
// CleanupProjects restores the given jiri projects back to their detached
// heads, resets to the specified revision if there is one, and gets rid of
// all the local changes. If "cleanupBranches" is true, it will also delete all
// the non-master branches.
func CleanupProjects(jirix *jiri.X, localProjects Projects, cleanupBranches bool) (e error) {
remoteProjects, _, err := LoadManifest(jirix)
if err != nil {
return err
cleanLimit := make(chan struct{}, jirix.Jobs)
errs := make(chan error, len(localProjects))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, local := range localProjects {
cleanLimit <- struct{}{}
go func(local Project) {
defer func() { <-cleanLimit }()
defer wg.Done()
if local.LocalConfig.Ignore || local.LocalConfig.NoUpdate {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("Project %s(%s) won't be updated due to it's local-config\n\n", local.Name, local.Path)
remote, ok := remoteProjects[local.Key()]
if !ok {
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Not cleaning project %q(%v). It was not found in manifest\n\n", local.Name, local.Path)
if err := resetLocalProject(jirix, local, remote, cleanupBranches); err != nil {
errs <- fmt.Errorf("Erorr cleaning project %q: %v", local.Name, err)
multiErr := make(MultiError, 0)
for err := range errs {
multiErr = append(multiErr, err)
if len(multiErr) != 0 {
return multiErr
return nil
// resetLocalProject checks out the detached_head, cleans up untracked files
// and uncommitted changes, and optionally deletes all the branches except master.
func resetLocalProject(jirix *jiri.X, local, remote Project, cleanupBranches bool) error {
scm := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(local.Path))
g := git.NewGit(local.Path)
headRev, err := GetHeadRevision(jirix, remote)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
if headRev, err = g.CurrentRevisionForRef(headRev); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot find revision for ref %q for project %q: %v", headRev, local.Name, err)
if local.Revision != headRev {
if err := scm.CheckoutBranch(headRev, gitutil.DetachOpt(true), gitutil.ForceOpt(true)); err != nil {
return err
// Cleanup changes.
if err := scm.RemoveUntrackedFiles(); err != nil {
return err
if !cleanupBranches {
return nil
// Delete all the other branches.
branches, _, err := g.GetBranches()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot get branches for project %q: %v", local.Name, err)
for _, branch := range branches {
if err := scm.DeleteBranch(branch, gitutil.ForceOpt(true)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// IsLocalProject returns true if there is a project at the given path.
func IsLocalProject(jirix *jiri.X, path string) (bool, error) {
// Existence of a metadata directory is how we know we've found a
// Jiri-maintained project.
metadataDir := filepath.Join(path, jiri.ProjectMetaDir)
if _, err := os.Stat(metadataDir); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Check for old meta directory
oldMetadataDir := filepath.Join(path, jiri.OldProjectMetaDir)
if _, err := os.Stat(oldMetadataDir); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil
return false, fmtError(err)
// Old metadir found, move it
if err := os.Rename(oldMetadataDir, metadataDir); err != nil {
return false, fmtError(err)
return true, nil
return false, fmtError(err)
return true, nil
// ProjectAtPath returns a Project struct corresponding to the project at the
// path in the filesystem.
func ProjectAtPath(jirix *jiri.X, path string) (Project, error) {
metadataFile := filepath.Join(path, jiri.ProjectMetaDir, jiri.ProjectMetaFile)
project, err := ProjectFromFile(jirix, metadataFile)
if err != nil {
return Project{}, err
localConfigFile := filepath.Join(path, jiri.ProjectMetaDir, jiri.ProjectConfigFile)
if project.LocalConfig, err = LocalConfigFromFile(jirix, localConfigFile); err != nil {
return *project, fmt.Errorf("Error while reading config for project %s(%s): %s", project.Name, path, err)
return *project, nil
// findLocalProjects scans the filesystem for all projects. Note that project
// directories can be nested recursively.
func findLocalProjects(jirix *jiri.X, path string, projects Projects) MultiError {
log := make(chan string, jirix.Jobs)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for str := range log {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("%s", str)
errs := make(chan error, jirix.Jobs)
var multiErr MultiError
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for err := range errs {
multiErr = append(multiErr, err)
var pwg sync.WaitGroup
workq := make(chan string, jirix.Jobs)
projectsMutex := &sync.Mutex{}
processPath := func(path string) {
defer pwg.Done()
isLocal, err := IsLocalProject(jirix, path)
if err != nil {
errs <- fmt.Errorf("Error while processing path %q: %v", path, err)
if isLocal {
project, err := ProjectAtPath(jirix, path)
if err != nil {
errs <- fmt.Errorf("Error while processing path %q: %v", path, err)
if path != project.Path {
logs := []string{fmt.Sprintf("Project %q has path %s, but was found in %s.", project.Name, project.Path, path),
fmt.Sprintf("jiri will treat it as a stale project. To remove this warning please delete this or move it out of your root folder\n\n")}
log <- strings.Join(logs, "\n")
if p, ok := projects[project.Key()]; ok {
errs <- fmt.Errorf("name conflict: both %s and %s contain project with key %v", p.Path, project.Path, project.Key())
projects[project.Key()] = project
// Recurse into all the sub directories.
fileInfos, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
if err != nil {
errs <- fmt.Errorf("cannot read dir %q: %v", path, err)
go func(fileInfos []os.FileInfo) {
defer pwg.Done()
for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
if fileInfo.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(fileInfo.Name(), ".") {
workq <- filepath.Join(path, fileInfo.Name())
workq <- path
for i := uint(0); i < jirix.Jobs; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for path := range workq {
return multiErr
func fetchAll(jirix *jiri.X, project Project) error {
if project.Remote == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("project %q does not have a remote", project.Name)
g := git.NewGit(project.Path)
remote := rewriteRemote(jirix, project.Remote)
if err := g.SetRemoteUrl("origin", remote); err != nil {
return err
if project.HistoryDepth > 0 {
return fetch(jirix, project.Path, "origin", gitutil.PruneOpt(true),
gitutil.DepthOpt(project.HistoryDepth), gitutil.UpdateShallowOpt(true))
} else {
return fetch(jirix, project.Path, "origin", gitutil.PruneOpt(true))
func GetHeadRevision(jirix *jiri.X, project Project) (string, error) {
if err := project.fillDefaults(); err != nil {
return "", err
// Having a specific revision trumps everything else.
if project.Revision != "HEAD" {
return project.Revision, nil
return "origin/" + project.RemoteBranch, nil
func checkoutHeadRevision(jirix *jiri.X, project Project, forceCheckout bool) error {
revision, err := GetHeadRevision(jirix, project)
if err != nil {
return err
git := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(project.Path))
return git.CheckoutBranch(revision, gitutil.DetachOpt(true), gitutil.ForceOpt(forceCheckout))
func tryRebase(jirix *jiri.X, project Project, branch string) (bool, error) {
scm := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(project.Path))
if err := scm.Rebase(branch); err != nil {
err := scm.RebaseAbort()
return false, err
return true, nil
// syncProjectMaster checks out latest detached head if project is on one
// else it rebases current branch onto its tracking branch
func syncProjectMaster(jirix *jiri.X, project Project, state ProjectState, rebaseTracked, rebaseUntracked, rebaseAll, snapshot bool) error {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
relativePath, err := filepath.Rel(cwd, project.Path)
if err != nil {
// Just use the full path if an error occurred.
relativePath = project.Path
if project.LocalConfig.Ignore || project.LocalConfig.NoUpdate {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("Project %s(%s) won't be updated due to it's local-config\n\n", project.Name, relativePath)
return nil
scm := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(project.Path))
g := git.NewGit(project.Path)
if uncommitted, err := g.HasUncommittedChanges(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot get uncommited changes for project %q: %s", project.Name, err)
} else if uncommitted {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Project %s(%s) contains uncommited changes.", project.Name, relativePath)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("\nCommit or discard the changes and try again.\n\n")
return nil
if state.CurrentBranch.Name == "" || snapshot { // detached head
if err := checkoutHeadRevision(jirix, project, false); err != nil {
revision, err2 := GetHeadRevision(jirix, project)
if err2 != nil {
return err2
gitCommand := jirix.Color.Yellow("git -C %q checkout --detach %s", relativePath, revision)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("For project %q, not able to checkout latest, error: %s", project.Name, err)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("\nPlease checkout manually use: '%s'\n\n", gitCommand)
if snapshot || !rebaseAll {
return nil
// This should run after program exit so that detached head can be restored
defer func() {
if err := checkoutHeadRevision(jirix, project, false); err != nil {
// This should not happen, panic
panic(fmt.Sprintf("for project %s(%s), not able to checkout head revision: %s", project.Name, relativePath, err))
} else if rebaseAll {
// This should run after program exit so that original branch can be restored
defer func() {
if err := scm.CheckoutBranch(state.CurrentBranch.Name); err != nil {
// This should not happen, panic
panic(fmt.Sprintf("for project %s(%s), not able to checkout branch %q: %s", project.Name, relativePath, state.CurrentBranch.Name, err))
// if rebase flag is false, merge fast forward current branch
if !rebaseTracked && !rebaseAll && state.CurrentBranch.Tracking != nil {
tracking := state.CurrentBranch.Tracking
if tracking.Revision == state.CurrentBranch.Revision {
return nil
if project.LocalConfig.NoRebase {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("For project %s(%s), not merging your local branches due to it's local-config\n\n", project.Name, relativePath)
return nil
if err := scm.Merge(tracking.Name, gitutil.FfOnlyOpt(true)); err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("For project %s(%s), not able to fast forward your local branch %q to %q\n\n", project.Name, relativePath, state.CurrentBranch.Name, tracking.Name)
return nil
branches := state.Branches
if !rebaseAll {
branches = []BranchState{state.CurrentBranch}
branchMap := make(map[string]BranchState)
for _, branch := range branches {
branchMap[branch.Name] = branch
rebaseUntrackedMessage := false
headRevision, err := GetHeadRevision(jirix, project)
if err != nil {
return err
branchesContainingHead, err := scm.ListBranchesContainingRef(headRevision)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, branch := range branches {
tracking := branch.Tracking
circularDependencyMap := make(map[string]bool)
circularDependencyMap[branch.Name] = true
rebase := true
if tracking != nil {
circularDependencyMap[tracking.Name] = true
_, ok := branchMap[tracking.Name]
for ok {
t := branchMap[tracking.Name].Tracking
if t == nil {
if circularDependencyMap[t.Name] {
rebase = false
msg := fmt.Sprintf("For project %s(%s), branch %q has circular dependency, not rebasing it.\n\n", project.Name, relativePath, branch.Name)
circularDependencyMap[t.Name] = true
tracking = t
_, ok = branchMap[tracking.Name]
if !rebase {
if tracking != nil { // tracked branch
if branch.Revision == tracking.Revision {
if project.LocalConfig.NoRebase {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("For project %s(%s), not rebasing your local branches due to it's local-config\n\n", project.Name, relativePath)
if err := scm.CheckoutBranch(branch.Name); err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("For project %s(%s), not able to rebase your local branch %q onto %q", project.Name, relativePath, branch.Name, tracking.Name)
msg += "\nPlease do it manually\n\n"
rebaseSuccess, err := tryRebase(jirix, project, tracking.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
if rebaseSuccess {
jirix.Logger.Debugf("For project %q, rebased your local branch %q on %q", project.Name, branch.Name, tracking.Name)
} else {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("For project %s(%s), not able to rebase your local branch %q onto %q", project.Name, relativePath, branch.Name, tracking.Name)
msg += "\nPlease do it manually\n\n"
} else {
if branchesContainingHead[branch.Name] {
if rebaseUntracked {
if project.LocalConfig.NoRebase {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("For project %s(%s), not rebasing your local branches due to it's local-config\n\n", project.Name, relativePath)
if err := scm.CheckoutBranch(branch.Name); err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("For project %s(%s), not able to rebase your untracked branch %q onto JIRI_HEAD.", project.Name, relativePath, branch.Name)
msg += "\nPlease do it manually\n\n"
rebaseSuccess, err := tryRebase(jirix, project, headRevision)
if err != nil {
return err
if rebaseSuccess {
jirix.Logger.Debugf("For project %q, rebased your untracked branch %q on %q", project.Name, branch.Name, headRevision)
} else {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("For project %s(%s), not able to rebase your untracked branch %q onto JIRI_HEAD.", project.Name, relativePath, branch.Name)
msg += "\nPlease do it manually\n\n"
} else if !rebaseUntrackedMessage {
// Post this message only once
rebaseUntrackedMessage = true
gitCommand := jirix.Color.Yellow("git -C %q checkout %s && git -C %q rebase %s", relativePath, branch.Name, relativePath, headRevision)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("For Project %q, branch %q does not track any remote branch.", project.Name, branch.Name)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("\nTo rebase it update with -rebase-untracked flag, or to rebase it manually run")
msg += fmt.Sprintf("\n%s\n\n", gitCommand)
return nil
// newManifestLoader returns a new manifest loader. The localProjects are used
// to resolve remote imports; if nil, encountering any remote import will result
// in an error. If update is true, remote manifest import projects that don't
// exist locally are cloned under TmpDir, and inserted into localProjects.
// If update is true, remote changes to manifest projects will be fetched, and
// manifest projects that don't exist locally will be created in temporary
// directories, and added to localProjects.
func newManifestLoader(localProjects Projects, update bool) *loader {
return &loader{
Projects: make(Projects),
Hooks: make(Hooks),
localProjects: localProjects,
importProjects: make(Projects),
update: update,
importCacheMap: make(map[string]importCache),
manifests: make(map[string]bool),
type importCache struct {
localManifest bool
ref string
type loader struct {
Projects Projects
Hooks Hooks
TmpDir string
localProjects Projects
importProjects Projects
importCacheMap map[string]importCache
update bool
cycleStack []cycleInfo
manifests map[string]bool
type cycleInfo struct {
file, key string
// loadNoCycles checks for cycles in imports. There are two types of cycles:
// file - Cycle in the paths of manifest files in the local filesystem.
// key - Cycle in the remote manifests specified by remote imports.
// Example of file cycles. File A imports file B, and vice versa.
// file=manifest/A file=manifest/B
// <manifest> <manifest>
// <localimport file="B"/> <localimport file="A"/>
// </manifest> </manifest>
// Example of key cycles. The key consists of "remote/manifest", e.g.
// In the example, key x/A imports y/B, and vice versa.
// key=x/A key=y/B
// <manifest> <manifest>
// <import remote="y" manifest="B"/> <import remote="x" manifest="A"/>
// </manifest> </manifest>
// The above examples are simple, but the general strategy is demonstrated. We
// keep a single stack for both files and keys, and push onto each stack before
// running the recursive read or update function, and pop the stack when the
// function is done. If we see a duplicate on the stack at any point, we know
// there's a cycle. Note that we know the file for both local and remote
// imports, but we only know the key for remote imports; the key for local
// imports is empty.
// A more complex case would involve a combination of local and remote imports,
// using the "root" attribute to change paths on the local filesystem. In this
// case the key will eventually expose the cycle.
func (ld *loader) loadNoCycles(jirix *jiri.X, root, repoPath, file, ref, cycleKey string, localManifest bool) error {
f := file
if repoPath != "" {
f = filepath.Join(repoPath, file)
info := cycleInfo{f, cycleKey}
for _, c := range ld.cycleStack {
switch {
case f == c.file:
return fmt.Errorf("import cycle detected in local manifest files: %q", append(ld.cycleStack, info))
case cycleKey == c.key && cycleKey != "":
return fmt.Errorf("import cycle detected in remote manifest imports: %q", append(ld.cycleStack, info))
ld.cycleStack = append(ld.cycleStack, info)
if err := ld.load(jirix, root, repoPath, file, ref, localManifest); err != nil {
return err
ld.cycleStack = ld.cycleStack[:len(ld.cycleStack)-1]
return nil
// shortFileName returns the relative path if file is relative to root,
// otherwise returns the file name unchanged.
func shortFileName(root, repoPath, file, ref string) string {
if repoPath != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s:%s", shortFileName(root, "", repoPath, ""), ref, file)
if p := root + string(filepath.Separator); strings.HasPrefix(file, p) {
return file[len(p):]
return file
func (ld *loader) Load(jirix *jiri.X, root, repoPath, file, ref, cycleKey string, localManifest bool) error {
jirix.TimerPush("load " + shortFileName(jirix.Root, repoPath, file, ref))
defer jirix.TimerPop()
return ld.loadNoCycles(jirix, root, repoPath, file, ref, cycleKey, localManifest)
func (ld *loader) cloneManifestRepo(jirix *jiri.X, remote *Import, cacheDirPath string, localManifest bool) error {
if !ld.update || localManifest {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("import %q not found locally, getting from server.\n\n", remote.Name)
// The remote manifest project doesn't exist locally. Clone it into a
// temp directory, and add it to ld.localProjects.
if ld.TmpDir == "" {
var err error
if ld.TmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "jiri-load"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("TempDir() failed: %v", err)
path := filepath.Join(ld.TmpDir, remote.projectKeyFileName())
p, err := remote.toProject(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(path, 0755); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
remoteUrl := rewriteRemote(jirix, p.Remote)
task := jirix.Logger.AddTaskMsg("Creating manifest: %s", remote.Name)
defer task.Done()
if cacheDirPath != "" {
if err := updateOrCreateCache(jirix, cacheDirPath, remoteUrl, remote.RemoteBranch, 0); err != nil {
return err
if jirix.Shared {
if err := clone(jirix, cacheDirPath, path, gitutil.SharedOpt(true),
gitutil.NoCheckoutOpt(true)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := clone(jirix, remoteUrl, path, gitutil.ReferenceOpt(cacheDirPath),
gitutil.NoCheckoutOpt(true)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := clone(jirix, remoteUrl, path, gitutil.NoCheckoutOpt(true)); err != nil {
return err
p.Revision = remote.Revision
p.RemoteBranch = remote.RemoteBranch
if err := checkoutHeadRevision(jirix, p, false); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Not able to checkout head for %s(%s): %v", p.Name, p.Path, err)
ld.localProjects[remote.ProjectKey()] = p
return nil
func (ld *loader) load(jirix *jiri.X, root, repoPath, file, ref string, localManifest bool) error {
f := file
if repoPath != "" {
f = filepath.Join(repoPath, file)
if ld.manifests[f] {
return nil
ld.manifests[f] = true
var m *Manifest
var err error
if repoPath == "" {
m, err = ManifestFromFile(jirix, file)
} else {
if s, err2 := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(repoPath)).Show(ref, file); err2 != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to get manifest file for %s %s:%s, %s", repoPath, ref, file, err2)
} else {
m, err = ManifestFromBytes([]byte(s))
if err != nil {
return err
// Process remote imports.
for _, remote := range m.Imports {
nextRoot := filepath.Join(root, remote.Root)
remote.Name = filepath.Join(nextRoot, remote.Name)
key := remote.ProjectKey()
p, ok := ld.localProjects[key]
cacheDirPath, err := cacheDirPathFromRemote(jirix.Cache, remote.Remote)
if err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
if err := ld.cloneManifestRepo(jirix, &remote, cacheDirPath, localManifest); err != nil {
return err
p = ld.localProjects[key]
// Reset the project to its specified branch and load the next file. Note
// that we call load() recursively, so multiple files may be loaded by
// loadImport.
p.Revision = remote.Revision
p.RemoteBranch = remote.RemoteBranch
ld.importProjects[key] = p
if err := ld.loadImport(jirix, nextRoot, remote.Manifest, remote.cycleKey(), cacheDirPath, p, localManifest); err != nil {
return err
// Process local imports.
for _, local := range m.LocalImports {
nextFile := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(file), local.File)
if err := ld.Load(jirix, root, repoPath, nextFile, ref, "", localManifest); err != nil {
return err
hookMap := make(map[string][]*Hook)
for idx, _ := range m.Hooks {
hook := &m.Hooks[idx]
if err := hook.validate(); err != nil {
return err
hookMap[hook.ProjectName] = append(hookMap[hook.ProjectName], hook)
// Collect projects.
for _, project := range m.Projects {
// Make paths absolute by prepending <root>.
project.absolutizePaths(filepath.Join(jirix.Root, root))
if hooks, ok := hookMap[project.Name]; ok {
for _, hook := range hooks {
hook.ActionPath = project.Path
// Prepend the root to the project name. This will be a noop if the import is not rooted.
project.Name = filepath.Join(root, project.Name)
key := project.Key()
if r, ok := ld.importProjects[key]; ok {
// update revision for this project
if r.Revision != "" && r.Revision != "HEAD" {
if project.Revision == "" || project.Revision == "HEAD" {
project.Revision = r.Revision
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("project %q found in %q defines different revision than its corresponding import tag.", key, shortFileName(jirix.Root, repoPath, file, ref))
if dup, ok := ld.Projects[key]; ok && dup != project {
// TODO(toddw): Tell the user the other conflicting file.
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate project %q found in %q", key, shortFileName(jirix.Root, repoPath, file, ref))
ld.Projects[key] = project
for _, hook := range m.Hooks {
if hook.ActionPath == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid hook \"%v\" for project \"%v\"", hook.Name, hook.ProjectName)
key := hook.Key()
ld.Hooks[key] = hook
return nil
func (ld *loader) loadImport(jirix *jiri.X, root, file, cycleKey, cacheDirPath string, project Project, localManifest bool) (e error) {
lm := localManifest
ref := ""
if v, ok := ld.importCacheMap[strings.Trim(project.Remote, "/")]; ok {
// local manifest in cache takes precedence as this might be manifest mentioned in .jiri_manifest
lm = v.localManifest
ref = v.ref
// check conflicting imports
if !lm && ref != "JIRI_HEAD" {
if tref, err := GetHeadRevision(jirix, project); err != nil {
return err
} else if tref != ref {
return fmt.Errorf("Conflicting ref for import %s - %q and %q", project.Remote, tref, ref)
} else {
// We don't need to fetch or find ref for local manifest changes
if !lm {
// We only fetch on updates.
if ld.update {
if cacheDirPath != "" {
remoteUrl := rewriteRemote(jirix, project.Remote)
if err := updateOrCreateCache(jirix, cacheDirPath, remoteUrl, project.RemoteBranch, 0); err != nil {
return err
if err := fetchAll(jirix, project); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Fetch failed for project(%s), %s", project.Path, err)
} else {
// If not updating then try to get file from JIRI_HEAD
if _, err := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(project.Path)).Show("JIRI_HEAD", ""); err == nil {
// JIRI_HEAD available, set ref
ref = "JIRI_HEAD"
if ref == "" {
var err error
if ref, err = GetHeadRevision(jirix, project); err != nil {
return err
ld.importCacheMap[strings.Trim(project.Remote, "/")] = importCache{
localManifest: lm,
ref: ref,
if lm {
// load from local checked out file
return ld.Load(jirix, root, "", filepath.Join(project.Path, file), "", cycleKey, false)
return ld.Load(jirix, root, project.Path, file, ref, cycleKey, false)
// setRemoteHeadRevisions set the repo statuses from remote for
// projects at HEAD so we can detect when a local project is already
// up-to-date.
func setRemoteHeadRevisions(jirix *jiri.X, remoteProjects Projects, localProjects Projects) MultiError {
jirix.TimerPush("Set Remote Revisions")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
keys := make(chan ProjectKey, len(remoteProjects))
updatedRemotes := make(chan Project, len(remoteProjects))
errs := make(chan error, len(remoteProjects))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := uint(0); i < jirix.Jobs; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for key := range keys {
local := localProjects[key]
remote := remoteProjects[key]
g := git.NewGit(local.Path)
b := "master"
if remote.RemoteBranch != "" {
b = remote.RemoteBranch
rev, err := g.CurrentRevisionForRef("remotes/origin/" + b)
if err != nil {
errs <- err
remote.Revision = rev
updatedRemotes <- remote
for key, _ := range localProjects {
remote, ok := remoteProjects[key]
if !ok || remote.Revision != "HEAD" {
keys <- key
for remote := range updatedRemotes {
remoteProjects[remote.Key()] = remote
var multiErr MultiError
for err := range errs {
multiErr = append(multiErr, err)
return multiErr
func updateOrCreateCache(jirix *jiri.X, dir, remote, branch string, depth int) error {
if isPathDir(dir) {
if err := git.NewGit(dir).SetRemoteUrl("origin", remote); err != nil {
return err
// Cache already present, update it
// TODO : update this after implementing FetchAll using g
task := jirix.Logger.AddTaskMsg("Updating cache: %q", dir)
defer task.Done()
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, "shallow")); err == nil {
// Shallow cache, fetch only manifest tracked remote branch
refspec := fmt.Sprintf("+refs/heads/%s:refs/heads/%s", branch, branch)
if err := retry.Function(jirix, func() error {
return gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(dir)).FetchRefspec("origin", refspec, gitutil.PruneOpt(true))
}, fmt.Sprintf("Fetching for %s:%s", dir, refspec),
retry.AttemptsOpt(jirix.Attempts)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := fetch(jirix, dir, "origin", gitutil.PruneOpt(true)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Create cache
// TODO : If we in future need to support two projects with same remote url,
// one with shallow checkout and one with full, we should create two caches
task := jirix.Logger.AddTaskMsg("Creating cache: %q", dir)
defer task.Done()
if err := gitutil.New(jirix).CloneMirror(remote, dir, depth); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// updateCache creates the cache or updates it if already present.
func updateCache(jirix *jiri.X, remoteProjects Projects) error {
jirix.TimerPush("update cache")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
if jirix.Cache == "" {
return nil
errs := make(chan error, len(remoteProjects))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
processingPath := make(map[string]bool)
fetchLimit := make(chan struct{}, jirix.Jobs)
for _, project := range remoteProjects {
if cacheDirPath, err := project.CacheDirPath(jirix); err == nil {
if processingPath[cacheDirPath] {
processingPath[cacheDirPath] = true
fetchLimit <- struct{}{}
if err := project.fillDefaults(); err != nil {
errs <- err
go func(dir, remote string, depth int, branch string) {
defer func() { <-fetchLimit }()
defer wg.Done()
remote = rewriteRemote(jirix, remote)
if err := updateOrCreateCache(jirix, dir, remote, branch, depth); err != nil {
errs <- err
}(cacheDirPath, project.Remote, project.HistoryDepth, project.RemoteBranch)
} else {
errs <- err
multiErr := make(MultiError, 0)
for err := range errs {
multiErr = append(multiErr, err)
if len(multiErr) != 0 {
return multiErr
return nil
func fetchLocalProjects(jirix *jiri.X, localProjects, remoteProjects Projects) error {
jirix.TimerPush("fetch local projects")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
fetchLimit := make(chan struct{}, jirix.Jobs)
errs := make(chan error, len(localProjects))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for key, project := range localProjects {
if r, ok := remoteProjects[key]; ok {
if project.LocalConfig.Ignore || project.LocalConfig.NoUpdate {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("Not updating remotes for project %s(%s) due to its local-config\n\n", project.Name, project.Path)
fetchLimit <- struct{}{}
project.HistoryDepth = r.HistoryDepth
go func(project Project) {
defer func() { <-fetchLimit }()
defer wg.Done()
task := jirix.Logger.AddTaskMsg("Fetching remotes for project %q", project.Name)
defer task.Done()
if err := fetchAll(jirix, project); err != nil {
errs <- fmt.Errorf("fetch failed for %v: %v", project.Name, err)
multiErr := make(MultiError, 0)
for err := range errs {
multiErr = append(multiErr, err)
if len(multiErr) != 0 {
return multiErr
return nil
// This function creates worktree and runs create operation in parallel
func runCreateOperations(jirix *jiri.X, ops []createOperation) MultiError {
count := len(ops)
if count == 0 {
return nil
type workTree struct {
// dir is the top level directory in which operations will be performed
dir string
// op is an ordered list of operations that must be performed serially,
// affecting dir
ops []operation
// after contains a tree of work that must be performed after ops
after map[string]*workTree
head := &workTree{
dir: "",
ops: []operation{},
after: make(map[string]*workTree),
for _, op := range ops {
node := head
parts := strings.Split(op.Project().Path, string(filepath.Separator))
// walk down the file path tree, creating any work tree nodes as required
for _, part := range parts {
if part == "" {
next, ok := node.after[part]
if !ok {
next = &workTree{
dir: part,
ops: []operation{},
after: make(map[string]*workTree),
node.after[part] = next
node = next
node.ops = append(node.ops, op)
workQueue := make(chan *workTree, count)
errs := make(chan error, count)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
processTree := func(tree *workTree) {
defer wg.Done()
for _, op := range tree.ops {
task := jirix.Logger.AddTaskMsg("Creating project %q", op.Project().Name)
jirix.Logger.Debugf("%v", op)
if err := op.Run(jirix); err != nil {
errs <- fmt.Errorf("Creating project %q: %v", op.Project().Name, err)
for _, v := range tree.after {
workQueue <- v
workQueue <- head
for i := uint(0); i < jirix.Jobs; i++ {
go func() {
for tree := range workQueue {
var multiErr MultiError
for err := range errs {
multiErr = append(multiErr, err)
return multiErr
type PathTrie struct {
current string
children map[string]*PathTrie
func NewPathTrie() *PathTrie {
return &PathTrie{
current: "",
children: make(map[string]*PathTrie),
func (p *PathTrie) Contains(path string) bool {
parts := strings.Split(path, string(filepath.Separator))
node := p
for _, part := range parts {
if part == "" {
child, ok := node.children[part]
if !ok {
return false
node = child
return true
func (p *PathTrie) Insert(path string) {
parts := strings.Split(path, string(filepath.Separator))
node := p
for _, part := range parts {
if part == "" {
child, ok := node.children[part]
if !ok {
child = &PathTrie{
current: part,
children: make(map[string]*PathTrie),
node.children[part] = child
node = child
func runDeleteOperations(jirix *jiri.X, ops []deleteOperation) error {
notDeleted := NewPathTrie()
for _, op := range ops {
if !op.gc {
jirix.Logger.Debugf("%s", op)
if err := op.Run(jirix); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Deleting project %q: %s", op.Project().Name, err)
if notDeleted.Contains(op.Project().Path) {
// not deleting project, add it to trie
rmCommand := jirix.Color.Yellow("rm -rf %q", op.source)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Project %q won't be deleted because of its sub project(s)", op.project.Name)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("\nIf you no longer need it, invoke '%s'\n\n", rmCommand)
task := jirix.Logger.AddTaskMsg("Trying to delete project %q", op.Project().Name)
jirix.Logger.Debugf("%s", op)
if err := op.Run(jirix); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Deleting project %q: %s", op.Project().Name, err)
if _, err := os.Stat(op.source); err == nil {
// project not deleted, add it to trie
} else if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("Checking if %q exists", op.source)
return nil
func runMoveOperations(jirix *jiri.X, ops []moveOperation) error {
parentSrcPath := ""
parentDestPath := ""
for _, op := range ops {
if parentSrcPath != "" && strings.HasPrefix(op.source, parentSrcPath) {
op.source = filepath.Join(parentDestPath, strings.Replace(op.source, parentSrcPath, "", 1))
} else {
parentSrcPath = op.source
parentDestPath = op.destination
task := jirix.Logger.AddTaskMsg("Moving project %q", op.Project().Name)
jirix.Logger.Debugf("%s", op)
if err := op.Run(jirix); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Moving and updating project %q: %s", op.Project().Name, err)
return nil
func runCommonOperations(jirix *jiri.X, ops operations) error {
for _, op := range ops {
task := jirix.Logger.AddTaskMsg("Updating project %q", op.Project().Name)
jirix.Logger.Debugf("%s", op)
if err := op.Run(jirix); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Updating project %q: %s", op.Project().Name, err)
return nil
func updateProjects(jirix *jiri.X, localProjects, remoteProjects Projects, hooks Hooks, gc bool, runHookTimeout uint, rebaseTracked, rebaseUntracked, rebaseAll, snapshot, shouldRunHooks bool) error {
jirix.TimerPush("update projects")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
if err := updateCache(jirix, remoteProjects); err != nil {
return err
if err := fetchLocalProjects(jirix, localProjects, remoteProjects); err != nil {
return err
states, err := GetProjectStates(jirix, localProjects, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := setRemoteHeadRevisions(jirix, remoteProjects, localProjects); err != nil {
return err
ops := computeOperations(localProjects, remoteProjects, states, gc, rebaseTracked, rebaseUntracked, rebaseAll, snapshot)
moveOperations := []moveOperation{}
deleteOperations := []deleteOperation{}
updateOperations := operations{}
createOperations := []createOperation{}
nullOperations := operations{}
updates := newFsUpdates()
for _, op := range ops {
if err := op.Test(jirix, updates); err != nil {
return err
switch o := op.(type) {
case deleteOperation:
deleteOperations = append(deleteOperations, o)
case moveOperation:
moveOperations = append(moveOperations, o)
case updateOperation:
updateOperations = append(updateOperations, o)
case createOperation:
createOperations = append(createOperations, o)
case nullOperation:
nullOperations = append(nullOperations, o)
if err := runDeleteOperations(jirix, deleteOperations); err != nil {
return err
if err := runMoveOperations(jirix, moveOperations); err != nil {
return err
if err := runCommonOperations(jirix, updateOperations); err != nil {
return err
if err := runCreateOperations(jirix, createOperations); err != nil {
return err
if err := runCommonOperations(jirix, nullOperations); err != nil {
return err
jirix.TimerPush("jiri revision files")
for _, project := range remoteProjects {
if !(project.LocalConfig.Ignore || project.LocalConfig.NoUpdate) {
if projectStatuses, err := getProjectStatus(jirix, remoteProjects); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error getting project status: %s", err)
} else if len(projectStatuses) != 0 {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
msg := "Projects with local changes and/or not on JIRI_HEAD:"
for _, p := range projectStatuses {
relativePath, err := filepath.Rel(cwd, p.Project.Path)
if err != nil {
// Just use the full path if an error occurred.
relativePath = p.Project.Path
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s (%s):", msg, p.Project.Name, relativePath)
if p.HasChanges {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", msg, jirix.Color.Yellow("Has changes"))
if !p.IsOnJiriHead {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", msg, jirix.Color.Yellow("Not on JIRI_HEAD"))
jirix.Logger.Warningf("%s\n\n", msg)
if shouldRunHooks {
if err := RunHooks(jirix, hooks, runHookTimeout); err != nil {
return err
return applyGitHooks(jirix, ops)
type ProjectStatus struct {
Project Project
HasChanges bool
IsOnJiriHead bool
func getProjectStatus(jirix *jiri.X, ps Projects) ([]ProjectStatus, MultiError) {
jirix.TimerPush("jiri status")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
workQueue := make(chan Project, len(ps))
projectStatuses := make(chan ProjectStatus, len(ps))
errs := make(chan error, len(ps))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, project := range ps {
workQueue <- project
for i := uint(0); i < jirix.Jobs; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for project := range workQueue {
if project.LocalConfig.Ignore || project.LocalConfig.NoUpdate {
g := git.NewGit(project.Path)
uncommitted, err := g.HasUncommittedChanges()
if err != nil {
errs <- fmt.Errorf("Cannot get uncommited changes for project %q: %s", project.Name, err)
isOnJiriHead, err := project.IsOnJiriHead()
if err != nil {
errs <- err
if uncommitted || !isOnJiriHead {
projectStatuses <- ProjectStatus{project, uncommitted, isOnJiriHead}
var multiErr MultiError
for err := range errs {
multiErr = append(multiErr, err)
var psa []ProjectStatus
for projectStatus := range projectStatuses {
psa = append(psa, projectStatus)
return psa, multiErr
// RunHooks runs all given hooks.
func RunHooks(jirix *jiri.X, hooks Hooks, runHookTimeout uint) error {
jirix.TimerPush("run hooks")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
type result struct {
outFile *os.File
errFile *os.File
err error
ch := make(chan result)
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "run-hooks")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("not able to create tmp dir: %v", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
for _, hook := range hooks {
jirix.Logger.Infof("running hook(%s) for project %q", hook.Name, hook.ProjectName)
go func(hook Hook) {
outFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(tmpDir, hook.Name+"-out")
if err != nil {
ch <- result{nil, nil, fmtError(err)}
errFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(tmpDir, hook.Name+"-err")
if err != nil {
ch <- result{nil, nil, fmtError(err)}
fmt.Fprintf(outFile, "output for hook(%v) for project %q\n", hook.Name, hook.ProjectName)
fmt.Fprintf(errFile, "Error for hook(%v) for project %q\n", hook.Name, hook.ProjectName)
cmdLine := filepath.Join(hook.ActionPath, hook.Action)
err = retry.Function(jirix, func() error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(runHookTimeout)*time.Minute)
defer cancel()
command := exec.CommandContext(ctx, cmdLine)
command.Dir = hook.ActionPath
command.Stdin = os.Stdin
command.Stdout = outFile
command.Stderr = errFile
env := jirix.Env()
command.Env = envvar.MapToSlice(env)
jirix.Logger.Tracef("Run: %q", cmdLine)
err = command.Run()
if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
err = ctx.Err()
return err
}, fmt.Sprintf("running hook(%s) for project %s", hook.Name, hook.ProjectName),
ch <- result{outFile, errFile, err}
err = nil
timeout := false
for range hooks {
out := <-ch
defer func() {
if out.outFile != nil {
if out.errFile != nil {
if out.err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
timeout = true
out.outFile.Seek(0, 0)
var buf bytes.Buffer
io.Copy(&buf, out.outFile)
jirix.Logger.Errorf("Timeout while executing hook\n%s\n\n", buf.String())
err = fmt.Errorf("Hooks execution failed.")
var outBuf bytes.Buffer
if out.outFile != nil {
out.outFile.Seek(0, 0)
io.Copy(&outBuf, out.outFile)
if out.err != nil {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if out.errFile != nil {
out.errFile.Seek(0, 0)
io.Copy(&buf, out.errFile)
jirix.Logger.Errorf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", out.err, buf.String(), outBuf.String())
err = fmt.Errorf("Hooks execution failed.")
} else {
if outBuf.String() != "" {
jirix.Logger.Debugf("%s\n", outBuf.String())
if timeout {
err = fmt.Errorf("%s Use %s flag to set timeout.", err, jirix.Color.Yellow("-hook-timeout"))
return err
func applyGitHooks(jirix *jiri.X, ops []operation) error {
jirix.TimerPush("apply githooks")
defer jirix.TimerPop()
commitHookMap := make(map[string][]byte)
for _, op := range ops {
if op.Kind() != "delete" && !op.Project().LocalConfig.Ignore && !op.Project().LocalConfig.NoUpdate {
if op.Project().GerritHost != "" {
hookPath := filepath.Join(op.Project().Path, ".git", "hooks", "commit-msg")
commitHook, err := os.Create(hookPath)
if err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
bytes, ok := commitHookMap[op.Project().GerritHost]
if !ok {
downloadPath := op.Project().GerritHost + "/tools/hooks/commit-msg"
response, err := http.Get(downloadPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error while downloading %q: %v", downloadPath, err)
if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return fmt.Errorf("Error while downloading %q, status code: %d", downloadPath, response.StatusCode)
defer response.Body.Close()
if b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error while downloading %q: %v", downloadPath, err)
} else {
bytes = b
commitHookMap[op.Project().GerritHost] = b
if _, err := commitHook.Write(bytes); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Chmod(hookPath, 0750); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
hookPath := filepath.Join(op.Project().Path, ".git", "hooks", "post-commit")
commitHook, err := os.Create(hookPath)
if err != nil {
return err
bytes := []byte(`#!/bin/sh
if ! git symbolic-ref HEAD &> /dev/null; then
echo -e "WARNING: You are in a detached head state! You might loose this commit.\nUse 'git checkout -b <branch> to put it on a branch.\n"
if _, err := commitHook.Write(bytes); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Chmod(hookPath, 0750); err != nil {
return err
if op.Project().GitHooks == "" {
// Don't want to run hooks when repo is deleted
if op.Kind() == "delete" {
// Apply git hooks, overwriting any existing hooks. Jiri is in control of
// writing all hooks.
gitHooksDstDir := filepath.Join(op.Project().Path, ".git", "hooks")
// Copy the specified GitHooks directory into the project's git
// hook directory. We walk the file system, creating directories
// and copying files as we encounter them.
copyFn := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
relPath, err := filepath.Rel(op.Project().GitHooks, path)
if err != nil {
return err
dst := filepath.Join(gitHooksDstDir, relPath)
if info.IsDir() {
return fmtError(os.MkdirAll(dst, 0755))
src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
// The file *must* be executable to be picked up by git.
return fmtError(ioutil.WriteFile(dst, src, 0755))
if err := filepath.Walk(op.Project().GitHooks, copyFn); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// writeMetadata stores the given project metadata in the directory
// identified by the given path.
func writeMetadata(jirix *jiri.X, project Project, dir string) (e error) {
metadataDir := filepath.Join(dir, jiri.ProjectMetaDir)
if err := os.MkdirAll(metadataDir, os.FileMode(0755)); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
metadataFile := filepath.Join(metadataDir, jiri.ProjectMetaFile)
return project.ToFile(jirix, metadataFile)
// fsUpdates is used to track filesystem updates made by operations.
// TODO(nlacasse): Currently we only use fsUpdates to track deletions so that
// jiri can delete and create a project in the same directory in one update.
// There are lots of other cases that should be covered though, like detecting
// when two projects would be created in the same directory.
type fsUpdates struct {
deletedDirs map[string]bool
func newFsUpdates() *fsUpdates {
return &fsUpdates{
deletedDirs: map[string]bool{},
func (u *fsUpdates) deleteDir(dir string) {
dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
u.deletedDirs[dir] = true
func (u *fsUpdates) isDeleted(dir string) bool {
_, ok := u.deletedDirs[filepath.Clean(dir)]
return ok
type operation interface {
// Project identifies the project this operation pertains to.
Project() Project
// Kind returns the kind of operation.
Kind() string
// Run executes the operation.
Run(jirix *jiri.X) error
// String returns a string representation of the operation.
String() string
// Test checks whether the operation would fail.
Test(jirix *jiri.X, updates *fsUpdates) error
// commonOperation represents a project operation.
type commonOperation struct {
// project holds information about the project such as its
// name, local path, and the protocol it uses for version
// control.
project Project
// destination is the new project path.
destination string
// source is the current project path.
source string
// state is the state of the local project
state ProjectState
func (op commonOperation) Project() Project {
return op.project
// createOperation represents the creation of a project.
type createOperation struct {
func (op createOperation) Kind() string {
return "create"
func (op createOperation) Run(jirix *jiri.X) (e error) {
path, perm := filepath.Dir(op.destination), os.FileMode(0755)
tmpDirPrefix := strings.Replace(op.Project().Name, "/", ".", -1) + "-"
// Check the local file system.
if _, err := os.Stat(op.destination); err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmtError(err)
} else {
if isEmpty, err := isEmpty(op.destination); err != nil {
return err
} else if !isEmpty {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot create %q as it already exists and is not empty", op.destination)
} else {
if err := os.RemoveAll(op.destination); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Not able to delete %q", op.destination)
// Create a temporary directory for the initial setup of the
// project to prevent an untimely termination from leaving the
// root directory in an inconsistent state.
if err := os.MkdirAll(path, perm); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(path, tmpDirPrefix)
if err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
defer collect.Error(func() error { return fmtError(os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)) }, &e)
cache, err := op.project.CacheDirPath(jirix)
if err != nil {
return err
if !isPathDir(cache) {
cache = ""
if jirix.Shared && cache != "" {
if err := clone(jirix, cache, tmpDir, gitutil.SharedOpt(true),
gitutil.NoCheckoutOpt(true), gitutil.DepthOpt(op.project.HistoryDepth)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
ref := cache
if op.project.HistoryDepth > 0 {
ref = ""
remote := rewriteRemote(jirix, op.project.Remote)
if err := clone(jirix, remote, tmpDir, gitutil.ReferenceOpt(ref),
gitutil.NoCheckoutOpt(true), gitutil.DepthOpt(op.project.HistoryDepth)); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Chmod(tmpDir, os.FileMode(0755)); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
if err := osutil.Rename(tmpDir, op.destination); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
if err := checkoutHeadRevision(jirix, op.project, false); err != nil {
return err
if err := writeMetadata(jirix, op.project, op.project.Path); err != nil {
return err
// Delete inital branch(es)
if branches, _, err := git.NewGit(op.project.Path).GetBranches(); err != nil {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("not able to get branches for newly created project %s(%s)\n\n", op.project.Name, op.project.Path)
} else {
scm := gitutil.New(jirix, gitutil.RootDirOpt(op.project.Path))
for _, b := range branches {
if err := scm.DeleteBranch(b); err != nil {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("not able to delete branch %s for project %s(%s)\n\n", b, op.project.Name, op.project.Path)
return nil
func (op createOperation) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("create project %q in %q and advance it to %q", op.project.Name, op.destination, fmtRevision(op.project.Revision))
func isEmpty(path string) (bool, error) {
dir, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return false, fmtError(err)
defer dir.Close()
if _, err = dir.Readdirnames(1); err != nil && err == io.EOF {
return true, nil
} else {
return false, fmtError(err)
func (op createOperation) Test(jirix *jiri.X, updates *fsUpdates) error {
return nil
// deleteOperation represents the deletion of a project.
type deleteOperation struct {
// gc determines whether the operation should be executed or
// whether it should only print a notification.
gc bool
func (op deleteOperation) Kind() string {
return "delete"
func (op deleteOperation) Run(jirix *jiri.X) error {
if op.project.LocalConfig.Ignore {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("Project %s(%s) won't be deleted due to it's local-config\n\n", op.project.Name, op.source)
return nil
if op.gc {
// Never delete projects with non-master branches, uncommitted
// work, or untracked content.
g := git.NewGit(op.project.Path)
branches, _, err := g.GetBranches()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot get branches for project %q: %v", op.Project().Name, err)
uncommitted, err := g.HasUncommittedChanges()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot get uncommited changes for project %q", op.Project().Name, err)
untracked, err := g.HasUntrackedFiles()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot get untracked changes for project %q: %v", op.Project().Name, err)
extraBranches := false
for _, branch := range branches {
if !strings.Contains(branch, "HEAD detached") && branch != "master" {
extraBranches = true
if extraBranches || uncommitted || untracked {
rmCommand := jirix.Color.Yellow("rm -rf %q", op.source)
unManageCommand := jirix.Color.Yellow("rm -rf %q", filepath.Join(op.source, jiri.ProjectMetaDir))
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Project %q won't be deleted as it might contain changes", op.project.Name)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("\nIf you no longer need it, invoke '%s'", rmCommand)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("\nIf you no longer want jiri to manage it, invoke '%s'\n\n", unManageCommand)
return nil
return fmtError(os.RemoveAll(op.source))
rmCommand := jirix.Color.Yellow("rm -rf %q", op.source)
gcCommand := jirix.Color.Yellow("jiri update -gc")
unManageCommand := jirix.Color.Yellow("rm -rf %q", filepath.Join(op.source, jiri.ProjectMetaDir))
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Project %q was not deleted", op.project.Name)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("\nIf you no longer need it, invoke '%s' or invoke '%s' to remove all such local projects", rmCommand, gcCommand)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("\nIf you no longer want jiri to manage it, invoke '%s'\n\n", unManageCommand)
return nil
func (op deleteOperation) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("delete project %q from %q", op.project.Name, op.source)
func (op deleteOperation) Test(jirix *jiri.X, updates *fsUpdates) error {
if _, err := os.Stat(op.source); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot delete %q as it does not exist", op.source)
return fmtError(err)
return nil
// moveOperation represents the relocation of a project.
type moveOperation struct {
rebaseTracked bool
rebaseUntracked bool
rebaseAll bool
snapshot bool
func (op moveOperation) Kind() string {
return "move"
func (op moveOperation) Run(jirix *jiri.X) error {
if op.project.LocalConfig.Ignore {
jirix.Logger.Warningf("Project %s(%s) won't be moved or updated due to it's local-config\n\n", op.project.Name, op.source)
return nil
// If it was nested project it might have been moved with its parent project
if op.source != op.destination {
path, perm := filepath.Dir(op.destination), os.FileMode(0755)
if err := os.MkdirAll(path, perm); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
if err := osutil.Rename(op.source, op.destination); err != nil {
return fmtError(err)
if err := syncProjectMaster(jirix, op.project, op.state, op.rebaseTracked, op.rebaseUntracked, op.rebaseAll, op.snapshot); err != nil {
return err
return writeMetadata(jirix, op.project, op.project.Path)
func (op moveOperation) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("move project %q located in %q to %q and advance it to %q", op.project.Name, op.source, op.destination, fmtRevision(op.project.Revision))
func (op moveOperation) Test(jirix *jiri.X, updates *fsUpdates) error {
if _, err := os.Stat(op.source); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot move %q to %q as the source does not exist", op.source, op.destination)
return fmtError(err)
if _, err := os.Stat(op.destination); err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmtError(err)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot move %q to %q as the destination already exists", op.source, op.destination)
return nil
// updateOperation represents the update of a project.
type updateOperation struct {
rebaseTracked bool
rebaseUntracked bool
rebaseAll bool
snapshot bool
func (op updateOperation) Kind() string {
return "update"
func (op updateOperation) Run(jirix *jiri.X) error {
if err := syncProjectMaster(jirix, op.project, op.state, op.rebaseTracked, op.rebaseUntracked, op.rebaseAll, op.snapshot); err != nil {
return err
return writeMetadata(jirix, op.project, op.project.Path)
func (op updateOperation) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("advance/rebase project %q located in %q to %q", op.project.Name, op.source, fmtRevision(op.project.Revision))
func (op updateOperation) Test(jirix *jiri.X, _ *fsUpdates) error {
return nil
// nullOperation represents a noop. It is used for logging and adding project
// information to the current manifest.
type nullOperation struct {
func (op nullOperation) Kind() string {
return "null"
func (op nullOperation) Run(jirix *jiri.X) error {
return writeMetadata(jirix, op.project, op.project.Path)
func (op nullOperation) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("project %q located in %q at revision %q is up-to-date", op.project.Name, op.source, fmtRevision(op.project.Revision))
func (op nullOperation) Test(jirix *jiri.X, _ *fsUpdates) error {
return nil
// operations is a sortable collection of operations
type operations []operation
// Len returns the length of the collection.
func (ops operations) Len() int {
return len(ops)
// Less defines the order of operations. Operations are ordered first
// by their type and then by their project path.
// The order in which operation types are defined determines the order
// in which operations are performed. For correctness and also to
// minimize the chance of a conflict, the delete operations should
// happen before move operations, which should happen before create
// operations. If two create operations make nested directories, the
// outermost should be created first.
func (ops operations) Less(i, j int) bool {
vals := make([]int, 2)
for idx, op := range []operation{ops[i], ops[j]} {
switch op.Kind() {
case "delete":
vals[idx] = 0
case "move":
vals[idx] = 1
case "update":
vals[idx] = 2
case "create":
vals[idx] = 3
case "null":
vals[idx] = 4
if vals[0] != vals[1] {
return vals[0] < vals[1]
if vals[0] == 0 {
// delete sub folder first
return ops[i].Project().Path+string(filepath.Separator) > ops[j].Project().Path+string(filepath.Separator)
} else {
return ops[i].Project().Path+string(filepath.Separator) < ops[j].Project().Path+string(filepath.Separator)
// Swap swaps two elements of the collection.
func (ops operations) Swap(i, j int) {
ops[i], ops[j] = ops[j], ops[i]
// computeOperations inputs a set of projects to update and the set of
// current and new projects (as defined by contents of the local file
// system and manifest file respectively) and outputs a collection of
// operations that describe the actions needed to update the target
// projects.
func computeOperations(localProjects, remoteProjects Projects, states map[ProjectKey]*ProjectState, gc, rebaseTracked, rebaseUntracked, rebaseAll, snapshot bool) operations {
result := operations{}
allProjects := map[ProjectKey]bool{}
for _, p := range localProjects {
allProjects[p.Key()] = true
for _, p := range remoteProjects {
allProjects[p.Key()] = true
for key, _ := range allProjects {
var local, remote *Project
var state *ProjectState
if project, ok := localProjects[key]; ok {
local = &project
if project, ok := remoteProjects[key]; ok {
// update remote local config
if local != nil {
project.LocalConfig = local.LocalConfig
remoteProjects[key] = project
remote = &project
if s, ok := states[key]; ok {
state = s
result = append(result, computeOp(local, remote, state, gc, rebaseTracked, rebaseUntracked, rebaseAll, snapshot))
return result
func computeOp(local, remote *Project, state *ProjectState, gc, rebaseTracked, rebaseUntracked, rebaseAll, snapshot bool) operation {
switch {
case local == nil && remote != nil:
return createOperation{commonOperation{
destination: remote.Path,
project: *remote,
source: "",
case local != nil && remote == nil:
return deleteOperation{commonOperation{
destination: "",
project: *local,
source: local.Path,
}, gc}
case local != nil && remote != nil:
localBranchesNeedUpdating := false
if !snapshot {
cb := state.CurrentBranch
if rebaseAll {
for _, branch := range state.Branches {
if branch.Tracking != nil {
if branch.Revision != branch.Tracking.Revision {
localBranchesNeedUpdating = true
} else if rebaseUntracked && rebaseAll {
// We put checks for untracked-branch updation in syncProjectMaster funtion
localBranchesNeedUpdating = true
} else if cb.Name != "" && cb.Tracking != nil && cb.Revision != cb.Tracking.Revision {
localBranchesNeedUpdating = true
switch {
case local.Path != remote.Path:
// moveOperation also does an update, so we don't need to check the
// revision here.
return moveOperation{commonOperation{
destination: remote.Path,
project: *remote,
source: local.Path,
state: *state,
}, rebaseTracked, rebaseUntracked, rebaseAll, snapshot}
case snapshot && local.Revision != remote.Revision:
return updateOperation{commonOperation{
destination: remote.Path,
project: *remote,
source: local.Path,
state: *state,
}, rebaseTracked, rebaseUntracked, rebaseAll, snapshot}
case localBranchesNeedUpdating || (state.CurrentBranch.Name == "" && local.Revision != remote.Revision):
return updateOperation{commonOperation{
destination: remote.Path,
project: *remote,
source: local.Path,
state: *state,
}, rebaseTracked, rebaseUntracked, rebaseAll, snapshot}
case state.CurrentBranch.Tracking == nil && local.Revision != remote.Revision:
return updateOperation{commonOperation{
destination: remote.Path,
project: *remote,
source: local.Path,
state: *state,
}, rebaseTracked, rebaseUntracked, rebaseAll, snapshot}
return nullOperation{commonOperation{
destination: remote.Path,
project: *remote,
source: local.Path,
state: *state,
panic("jiri: computeOp called with nil local and remote")
// fmtRevision returns the first 8 chars of a revision hash.
func fmtRevision(r string) string {
l := 8
if len(r) < l {
return r
return r[:l]