blob: b495af0bdef650554f8885911b39d657430c9031 [file] [log] [blame]
url="">The Fuchsia Authors
<a href="">FIDL</a> Plugin for IntelliJ.<br>
<h2> Features </h2>
<li> Syntax and Semantic Highlighting </li>
<li> Error highlighting </li>
<li>Enabled configurable style/formatting.</li>
<li>Fixed bug where syntax highlighting was applied incorrectly.</li>
<li>New checks for string literal correctness.</li>
<li>Use updated Fuchsia icon.</li>
<li>Fix crash in version 0.16.</li>
<li>Updated to support the new (RFC-0050) FIDL syntax.</li>
<li>Add resource_definition keyword.</li>
<li>Add alias keyword.</li>
<li>Add flexible keyword, allow strict on more declarations </li>
<li>Support union ordinals and remove xunion.</li>
<li>Support service declarations.</li>
<li>Improve compatibility with IJ 2019.3, and shrink JAR size</li>
<li>Support clock handle type.</li>
<li>Add exception handle subtype and strict keyword for xunion</li>
<li>Produce error when attributes are added to restricted table fields</li>
<li>Support strict mode for bits/enums/tables</li>
<li>Add new subtypes for handles: iommu, pcidevice, pmt, suspendtoken, vcpu</li>
<li>Add spell checker for doc comments</li>
<li>Add support for doc comments on type alias declarations</li>
<li>Fix bug around spurious errors for negative numbers.</li>
<li>Pull several errors out of grammar into syntax highlighter (also, make grammar more accurate)</li>
<li>Allow type aliases anywhere a top level declaration is allowed.</li>
<li>Add structure view.</li>
<li>Add generalized type aliasing</li>
<li>Add support for bytes keyword.</li>
<li>Amended bits and enum members to require values.</li>
<li>Add support for bits syntax and binary numeric literals.</li>
<li>Remove support for interface syntax.</li>
<li>Add protocol support, deprecate interface support</li>
<li>Remove explicit ordinal support</li>
<li>Add doc comment support to interfaces</li>
<li>Add temporary support for extensible unions.</li>
<li>Add support for error syntax.</li>
<li>Add support for attributes / doc comments in a few more places.</li>
<li>Fix for exception in syntax highlighter init</li>
<li>Expanded support for context-sensitive keywords</li>
<li>Deprecated ordinals.</li>
<li>Add support for context-sensitive keywords</li>
<li>Bug fix for ambiguous grammar</li>
<li><b>0.2</b> Add table support</li>
<li><b>0.1</b> Initial support for parsing and syntax highlighting</li>
<!-- please see for description -->
<idea-version since-build="173.0"/>
<!-- please see
on how to target different products -->
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<fileTypeFactory implementation="fuchsia.developer.plugin.fidl.DeprecatedFidlFileTypeFactory"/>
<fileType name="FIDL file" implementationClass="fuchsia.developer.plugin.fidl.FileType"
fieldName="INSTANCE" language="FIDL" extensions="fidl"/>
<lang.parserDefinition language="FIDL"
<lang.syntaxHighlighterFactory language="FIDL"
<annotator language="FIDL" implementationClass="fuchsia.developer.plugin.fidl.ContextAwareHighlighter"/>
<lang.psiStructureViewFactory language="FIDL"
< language="FIDL" implementationClass="fuchsia.developer.plugin.fidl.FidlSpellcheckingStrategy"/>
<codeStyleSettingsProvider implementation="fuchsia.developer.plugin.fidl.FidlCodeStyleSettingsProvider"/>
<!-- Add your actions here -->