blob: e4f548e908b465b6cc89eea8ec005a62f0268b23 [file] [log] [blame]
// A test file used to try and hit all of the syntax highlighting edge cases.
// This file doesn't necessarily compile/represent valid FIDL syntax.
library highlighting.test;
const foo uint8 = 5;
const hi string = "hiӨǽ‡\n";
const ascii string = "this is ascii";
const string single_char_escape = "escaping \t";
const string octal = "\017 octal";
const string hex = "\x12";
const string unicode_32 = "\u12a4 unicode code point";
const string unicode_64 = "unicode code point \U12abcd34";
alias Foo =;
alias OptionalChannel = zx.handle:<CHANNEL, zx.rights.DUPLICATE, optional>;
// hi
type Foo = struct {};
type Foo2 = resource struct {};
type Bar = resource flexible union {};
type Foo = flexible enum : uint32 {}; //
type MyBits = bits : uint8 {
FOO = 0x01;
type MyEnum = enum : int16 {
FOO = 1;
type Foo = struct {
f1 Bar;
f2 flexible union {
// hi
/// hello
1: u1 Bar; // hi
2: u2 vector<Foo>:<MY_SIZE, optional>;
/// hello
3: u3 struct {};
4: reserved;
f3 vector<struct {
// hi
f33 Bar;
}>:<10, optional>; // hi
// hi
f4 array<enum : uint32 { // hi
// hi
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
}, 5>;
f5 bits {
FOO = 0x01;
BAR = 0x02;
protocol Foo {
Foo(struct {});
Foo() -> ();
Foo(struct {
f1 uint8;
}) -> (struct {
f2 uint8;
Foo() -> (union {
1: f1 uint8;
2: f2 struct {
foo Bar;
}) error uint32;
// hi
@baz(foo="hi", bar="bye")
Foo(struct {
f1 uint8;
}) -> (struct {
f2 uint8;
Foo(struct {
f1 Bar;
f2 uint8;
f3 vector<Bar>:10;
-> Foo();
-> Foo(struct {
// hi
f1 Bar; //hi
f2 uint8;
// Should not be any highlighting here:
properties uint8;
resource_definition SomeResource : uint32 {
properties {
f1 uint8;
service Qux {
foo Foo:client_end;
bar Foo:<client_end>;