blob: 87f56dda97ed643ee2a2c6a3daccbdf04cde4e74 [file] [log] [blame]
package fuchsia.developer.plugin.fidl;
import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode;
import com.intellij.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import com.intellij.lang.annotation.AnnotationHolder;
import com.intellij.lang.annotation.Annotator;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.TextAttributesKey;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet;
import fuchsia.developer.plugin.fidl.psi.Types;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
public class ContextAwareHighlighter implements Annotator {
private static final TextAttributesKey KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTE;
private static final TextAttributesKey IDENTIFIER_ATTRIBUTE;
private static final SyntaxHighlighter SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER;
private static final TokenSet INTEGRAL_TYPES =
private static final TokenSet UNSIGNED_INTEGRAL_TYPES =
TokenSet.create(Types.UINT8, Types.UINT16, Types.UINT32, Types.UINT64);
static {
SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER = new SyntaxHighlighter();
TextAttributesKey[] key = SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER.getKeywordHighlights();
key = SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER.getTokenHighlights(Types.IDENTIFIER);
private static class NumberAndRadix {
String representation;
int radix;
private static NumberAndRadix numberAndRadix(ASTNode literalNode) {
NumberAndRadix out = new NumberAndRadix();
// Assume decimal
out.representation = literalNode.getText();
out.radix = 10;
if (literalNode.findChildByType(Types.BINARY_INTEGRAL_LITERAL) != null) {
String[] pieces = out.representation.split("0[bB]");
out.representation = pieces[0] + pieces[1];
out.radix = 2;
} else if (literalNode.findChildByType(Types.HEX_INTEGRAL_LITERAL) != null) {
String[] pieces = out.representation.split("0[xX]");
out.representation = pieces[0] + pieces[1];
out.radix = 16;
return out;
private static Long signedLong(ASTNode literalNode) {
NumberAndRadix val = numberAndRadix(literalNode);
Long lval;
try {
lval = Long.parseLong(val.representation, val.radix);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// This may happen if you say something like "0B1234"
return null;
return lval;
private static Long unsignedLong(ASTNode literalNode) {
NumberAndRadix val = numberAndRadix(literalNode);
Long lval;
try {
lval = Long.parseUnsignedLong(val.representation, val.radix);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// This may happen if you say something like "0B1234"
return null;
return lval;
* @param literalNode An ASTNode of type NUMERIC_LITERAL.
* @return null if the value associated with the node isn't supported or is an unsigned power of
* two, an error message otherwise.
private static String unsignedLongPowerOfTwoOrError(ASTNode literalNode) {
Long lval = unsignedLong(literalNode);
if (lval == null || Long.compareUnsigned(lval, 0) < 0 || Long.bitCount(lval) != 1) {
return "Bit value must be non-negative power of two, is " + literalNode.getText();
return null;
* Checks the literal is of the (currently numeric) type given in typeConstructor.
* @param typeConstructor ASTNode containing the type the element is supposed to be.
* @param literal ASTNode containing the element to check
* @return A string describing the error, or null if there was no error
private static String correctTypeOrError(@Nullable ASTNode typeConstructor, ASTNode literal) {
String type;
if (typeConstructor == null) {
// Only happens with enums; this is default value for enum.
type = "uint32";
} else {
type = typeConstructor.getText();
boolean error = false;
Long val;
switch (type) {
case "int8":
val = signedLong(literal);
error = val == null || (val != val.byteValue());
case "int16":
val = signedLong(literal);
error = val == null || (val != val.shortValue());
case "int32":
val = signedLong(literal);
error = val == null || (val != val.intValue());
case "int64":
val = signedLong(literal);
error = val == null;
case "uint8":
val = unsignedLong(literal);
error = val == null || (val & ~0xFFL) != 0;
case "uint16":
val = unsignedLong(literal);
error = val == null || (val & ~0xFFFFL) != 0;
case "uint32":
val = unsignedLong(literal);
error = val == null || (val & ~0xFFFFFFFFL) != 0;
case "uint64":
val = unsignedLong(literal);
error = val == null;
String result = null;
if (error) {
result = "Expected value of type " + typeConstructor.getText() + ", got " + literal.getText();
return result;
* Determines whether a sequence of characters is a legal escape sequence. The offset passed is
* the character *after* the \.
* @return the length of the escape if true, -1 if unknown escape sequence, -2 if malformed.
private static int isEscape(char[] chars, int offset) {
// Is it a single-character escape sequence?
if ("abfnrtv\\\"".indexOf(chars[offset]) >= 0) return 1;
// Is it a hex or unicode escape sequence?
int numHexDigits = 0;
if (chars[offset] == 'x') {
numHexDigits = 2;
} else if (chars[offset] == 'u') {
numHexDigits = 4;
} else if (chars[offset] == 'U') {
numHexDigits = 8;
if (numHexDigits != 0) {
if (offset + numHexDigits > chars.length - 1) return -2;
for (int i = offset + 1; i <= offset + numHexDigits; i++) {
if (Character.digit(chars[i], 16) == -1) {
return -2;
return numHexDigits + 1;
// Is it an octal escape sequence? (This is placed last because octals are very rare.)
if (offset + 2 < chars.length) {
String octals = "01234567";
if (octals.indexOf(chars[offset]) >= 0
&& octals.indexOf(chars[offset + 1]) >= 0
&& octals.indexOf(chars[offset + 2]) >= 0) return 3;
// Unknown escape sequence
return -1;
* Checks if the node in question, and returns its type, or null if its not a layout.
* @param element PsiElement of the node in question.
* @return The IElementType describing this layout (or null if this is not a layout).
private static IElementType getLayoutKind(PsiElement element) {
if (element != null) {
ASTNode layoutKindNode = element.getNode().findChildByType(Types.LAYOUT_KIND);
if (layoutKindNode != null) {
return layoutKindNode.getFirstChildNode().getElementType();
return null;
public void annotate(@NotNull PsiElement element, @NotNull AnnotationHolder holder) {
PsiElement parent = element.getParent();
if (parent == null || parent.getNode() == null) {
IElementType thisType = element.getNode().getElementType();
IElementType maybeThisLayoutKind = getLayoutKind(element);
IElementType parentType = parent.getNode().getElementType();
IElementType grandParentType = null;
IElementType maybeGrandParentLayoutKind = null;
IElementType maybeGreatGrandParentLayoutKind = null;
PsiElement grandParent = parent.getParent();
PsiElement greatGrandParent = null;
if (grandParent != null && grandParent.getNode() != null) {
grandParentType = grandParent.getNode().getElementType();
maybeGrandParentLayoutKind = getLayoutKind(grandParent);
greatGrandParent = grandParent.getParent();
if (greatGrandParent != null && greatGrandParent.getNode() != null) {
maybeGreatGrandParentLayoutKind = getLayoutKind(greatGrandParent);
// Context-sensitive keywords: if the token is used in the place of an identifier, and the
// SyntaxHighlighter might highlight it, then make sure it is colored as an identifier
if (parentType == Types.IDENTIFIER_TOKEN
&& SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER.getTokenHighlights(thisType).length != 0) {
Annotation annotation = holder.createInfoAnnotation(element, null);
// Context-sensitive keywords, part II: The Syntax Highlighter does not color types. If we
// think this identifier is a type, color it.
if (parentType == Types.COMPOUND_IDENTIFIER) {
if (grandParentType != null && grandParentType == Types.TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR) {
if (FidlLexer.ALL_KEYWORDS.contains(element.getText())) {
Annotation annotation = holder.createInfoAnnotation(element, null);
// The enum layout allows the more liberal type-constructor in the grammar, but the compiler
// limits this to signed or unsigned integer types. The bits layout is even more restrictive,
// and only allows unsigned integer types.
if (thisType == Types.TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR
&& (maybeGrandParentLayoutKind == Types.BITS || maybeGrandParentLayoutKind == Types.ENUM)) {
ASTNode layout = element.getNode().findChildByType(Types.LAYOUT);
if (layout != null) {
ASTNode compoundIdentifier = layout.findChildByType(Types.COMPOUND_IDENTIFIER);
if (compoundIdentifier != null) {
ASTNode identifierToken = compoundIdentifier.findChildByType(Types.IDENTIFIER_TOKEN);
if (maybeGrandParentLayoutKind == Types.BITS) {
// Only unsigned integers allowed for bits.
if (identifierToken != null
&& identifierToken.findChildByType(UNSIGNED_INTEGRAL_TYPES) == null) {
element, "Expected integral type, found " + identifierToken.getText());
} else {
// Only integers allowed for enums.
if (identifierToken != null
&& identifierToken.findChildByType(INTEGRAL_TYPES) == null) {
element, "Expected integral type, found " + identifierToken.getText());
// The rule from the grammar:
// -----
// The VALUE_LAYOUT_MEMBER allows the more liberal literal in the grammar, but the compiler
// limits this to:
// - A NUMERIC-LITERAL in the context of an enum;
// - A NUMERIC-LITERAL which must be a power of two, in the context of a bits.
// -----
// We take it a bit farther (as does the compiler): we ensure that the types match the size of
// the bits or enums (they are big enough to fit into uint8 and so on).
if (thisType == Types.VALUE_LAYOUT_MEMBER) {
if (maybeGreatGrandParentLayoutKind == Types.BITS
|| maybeGreatGrandParentLayoutKind == Types.ENUM) {
// literal -> numeric-literal -> integral-literal -> {decimal, hex, binary}-integral-literal
ASTNode literal = element.getNode().findChildByType(Types.LITERAL);
if (literal != null) {
ASTNode numericLiteral = literal.findChildByType(Types.NUMERIC_LITERAL);
if (numericLiteral == null) {
// Must be a numeric literal in either case:
element, "Expected integer value for member, found " + literal.getText());
} else {
ASTNode integralLiteral = numericLiteral.findChildByType(Types.INTEGRAL_LITERAL);
if (integralLiteral == null) {
// Must be an integral literal in either case:
element, "Expected integer value for member, found " + literal.getText());
} else {
ASTNode subtype = greatGrandParent.getNode().findChildByType(Types.LAYOUT_SUBTYPE);
if (subtype != null) {
String value =
subtype.findChildByType(Types.TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR), integralLiteral);
if (value != null) {
holder.createErrorAnnotation(element, value);
if (maybeGreatGrandParentLayoutKind == Types.BITS) {
String value = unsignedLongPowerOfTwoOrError(integralLiteral);
if (value != null) {
holder.createErrorAnnotation(element, value);
// Attributes cannot be placed on a reserved member.
if (thisType == Types.RESERVED) {
if (parent.getNode().getElementType() == Types.ORDINAL_LAYOUT_MEMBER) {
ASTNode maybeAttributeList = parent.getNode().findChildByType(Types.ATTRIBUTE_BLOCK);
if (maybeAttributeList != null && !maybeAttributeList.getText().equals("")) {
maybeAttributeList, "Attributes are not allowed on reserved table members");
// The grammar allows `( declaration-modifiers )*` on all declarations, but the
// compiler limits this as follows:
// * A modifier cannot occur twice on the same declaration.
// * The `flexible` and `strict` modifiers cannot be used together.
// * The `flexible` and `strict` modifiers can only be used on `bits`, `enum`, and `union`.
// * The `resource` modifier can only be used on `struct`, `table`, and `union`.
if (element.getNode().findChildByType(Types.DECLARATION_MODIFIERS) != null) {
ASTNode flexible = null;
ASTNode strict = null;
ASTNode resource = null;
for (PsiElement sibling : element.getChildren()) {
ASTNode siblingNode = sibling.getNode();
if (siblingNode.getElementType() == Types.DECLARATION_MODIFIERS) {
ASTNode found;
found = siblingNode.findChildByType(Types.FLEXIBLE);
if (found != null) {
if (flexible == null) {
flexible = found;
} else {
found, "The `flexible` modifier cannot be used twice in the same declaration");
found = siblingNode.findChildByType(Types.STRICT);
if (found != null) {
if (strict == null) {
strict = found;
} else {
found, "The `strict` modifier cannot be used twice in the same declaration");
found = siblingNode.findChildByType(Types.RESOURCE);
if (found != null) {
if (resource == null) {
resource = found;
} else {
found, "The `resource` modifier cannot be used twice in the same declaration");
if (flexible != null || strict != null) {
if (maybeThisLayoutKind != Types.BITS
&& maybeThisLayoutKind != Types.ENUM
&& maybeThisLayoutKind != Types.UNION) {
ASTNode theNode = flexible != null ? flexible : strict;
"The `flexible` and `strict` modifiers can only be used on bits, enum, and union.");
if (flexible != null && strict != null) {
flexible, "The flexible and strict modifiers cannot be used together");
if (resource != null) {
if (maybeThisLayoutKind != Types.STRUCT
&& maybeThisLayoutKind != Types.TABLE
&& maybeThisLayoutKind != Types.UNION) {
resource, "The `resource` modifier can only be used on struct, table, and union.");
// The grammar for `STRING-LITERAL` is as follows:
// ```
// STRING-LITERAL = "\"" ( unicode-value | byte-value )* "\"" ;
// unicode-value = limited-unicode-char | little-u-value |
// big-u-value | escaped-char ;
// limited-unicode-char = any unicode character except CR, LF, "\" or "\"" ;
// byte-value = octal-byte-value | hex-byte-value ;
// octal-byte-value = "\" octal-digit octal-digit octal-digit ;
// hex-byte-value = "\x" hex-digit hex-digit ;
// little-u-value = "\\u" hex-digit hex-digit hex-digit hex-digit ;
// big-u-value = "\U" hex-digit hex-digit hex-digit hex-digit
// hex-digit hex-digit hex-digit hex-digit ;
// escaped-char = "\" ( "a" | "b" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t" | "v" | "\" | "\"" ) ;
if (thisType == Types.STRING_LITERAL) {
String literal = element.getText();
char[] chars = new char[literal.length()];
literal.getChars(0, literal.length(), chars, 0);
for (int i = 1; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (chars[i] == '\n' || chars[i] == '\r') {
holder.createErrorAnnotation(element, "CR and LF not allowed in string literal");
if (chars[i] == '\\') {
if (i < chars.length - 2) {
int jump = isEscape(chars, i + 1);
int startOffset = element.getTextOffset() + i;
if (jump == -1) {
new TextRange(startOffset, startOffset + 2),
"Unknown escape sequence \\" + chars[i + 1]);
} else if (jump == -2) {
new TextRange(startOffset, startOffset + 2),
"Malformed \\" + chars[i + 1] + " escape sequence");
} else {
i += jump;
} else {
holder.createErrorAnnotation(element, "Illegal string termination");
// TODO: A service-member allows the more liberal type-constructor in the grammar, but the
// compiler limits this to protocols. This requires us to track legal protocol names.