blob: 4f8190572c931657c8cb23a23f5cc182029e3ea5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Check for Googlers not configuring their email address.
# There are many examples of this in the git logs.
AUTHORINFO="$(git var GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT)" || exit 1
EMAIL="$(printf %s "${AUTHORINFO}" | sed -n 's/^.* <\(.*\)> .*$/\1/p')"
case "${EMAIL}" in
echo "Git is inferring your email to be ${EMAIL}. Please run:"
echo " git config --global ${USER}"
exit 1
# Run a custom pre-commit hook if one exists.
# To perform additional pre-commit checks, create an executable file
# '' in the .git/hooks directory in your Fuchsia source checkout
# and implement the checks there.
if [ -f ".git/hooks/" ]; then
exec .git/hooks/